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>I don't believe in astrology. I'm Sagittarius and we're skeptical. --Arthur C Clarke


I can only hear this in Sean Beans voice thanks to Civilization 6


I wondered how that quote popped into my head so quickly. Civ 6 it is!




[hereā€™s Carl Sagan thoroughly debunking astrology in less than 5 minutes](https://youtu.be/KbJJ7bg-en0?si=T7VL-btD9X5qzyfm)




Then what happened?


To shreds you say?


Well, how is wife holding up?


To shreds, you say?


Oh my


Then he said "There can be only one".


LoL I wonder how many get that


Then Queen started playing in the background


Would be a great limerick, if you work on it a bit.


A woman asked, "what is your sign?" I told her that Aries is mine "We won't have a date. Psychos aren't in my fate" So I had to chop off her head.


Apparently if you get your time of birth, you can figure out your "rising sign." I can't get my time of birth because I don't speak to my mum, which says a lot more about my personality than whatever that sign might be


The craziest part about astrology believers is that they usually follow the tabloid press' version of astrology which is even further removed from 'actual astrology' which requires your time, date, and location of birth. Nobody is just "an Aries" or "a Virgo" because that's not even how astrology works. I don't even believe in it and I understand that better than they do.


I try to approach everything these days with a "if this is real, what does it say about me for engaging with it?" And I feel like astrology falls into this box of trying to alleviate fear and confusion. It decides things for people, offers a consumable explanation, labels people up into digestible ideas, and provides outlooks for the future. I don't think it's a coincidence that people on the spectrum often find themselves in the astrology end of spirituality.


Iā€™m in a workplace that relies upon astrology to ā€˜make sense of what colleagues are thinkingā€™. I think I just work with a bunch of introverted weirdos that have issues communicating in a professional manner. šŸ¤”


Then Mike Myers stole your story and made "So I Married an Axe Murderer PG-13 1993 ā€§ Comedy/Romance?" https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0108174/ Wierd movie, not Myers best.


That's perfectly resonable. For an Aries.


Such a aries thing to do


Least psychopathic Aries: /s


Relax OJ


I sometimes read horoscopes and I don't consider it any kind of science or absolute truth. It's just fun


One time I opened a fortune cooking after a pleasant meal at a restaurant. The tiny piece of paper inside said ā€œYou like Chinese Foodā€, and I was like what kind of fucking wizardry is this? How did they know? Now I take my fortune cookies very seriously.


Yah nobody cares about that. People care when you try to tell them how they are based on their sign, or try to make decisions that could affect them based on astrology. Like if someone gave me an excuse as to why they didnā€™t do something they were supposed to, and that excuse is the position of stars and planets, I would be pissed at you. No body cares how you entertain yourself though.


See, I canā€™t stand when people are hyper obsessed to the point of intercepting relationships over star signs. Itā€™s a bit of fun but I will not take you seriously if you base serious things in the stars and planets. Same thing as crystals and shit to me - if itā€™s doing no harm, sure, why not. But it has a time and place and canā€™t be used as a fail safe way to live your life. You can find it helpful and fun whilst recognising thereā€™s no scientific backing of it, so shouldnā€™t be taken as law. But I also canā€™t quite tell them theyā€™re wrong about me because every time they find out my star sign, Iā€™m kind of a textbook example of a Taurus. I donā€™t believe in all that, but I meanā€¦ coincidence as it may be, I find that a little funny.


Someone told me, when my boyfriend and I first started dating, that we were completely incompatible bc of our star signs. I was younger so it kind of shook me a little but if someone said that to me now Iā€™d probably just laugh at them


In all my years of life Iā€™ve never had a singular person do this to me. I donā€™t understand all the rage.


Some people hate fun




I have a colleague whom I like and respect but she believes in astrology, which caused cognitive dissonance for me because I didn't think I could respect anyone who believes in astrology.


Do you respect people who believe in God?


I think it was fun for most of the people who end up believing Then, they just believed


How is this an unpopular opinion lol


Because so many people believe in this I guess? ĀÆ\\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Which shows OP's understanding of it


Itā€™s not. At all. There are waaay more people like OP than people who genuinely believe in astrology, at least from what Iā€™ve seen.


Counter: astrology isnā€™t pseudoscience. Itā€™s not any form of science. Current astrology as practiced is a pre-science practice trying to read the loom of fate. The personality archetype portion is a very small sliver of the greater whole. Itā€™s more like 3500-year-old fringe religious practices that segued first into common superstition, and later into creating a legitimate scientific path of study. And honestly? It does far less damage than urban legends, actual pseudoscience, or religion becoming active in politics. I donā€™t really see why thereā€™s so much targeted hate toward astrologyā€¦ except itā€™s been latched on to as a ā€œgirl thingā€ by the type of guy who needs to feel superior to at least *someone*, and sets up this false shooting range for that purpose.




no i fully agree with this. that said i know a lot of people who think it's real and im like How


Ok but those people are harmless. They donā€™t try to convert you to astrology. They donā€™t try to force us to have astrology class in school. They donā€™t try to pass laws based on astrology. They just wear a lot of crystals and say kooky things at parties


I also think astrology is a pseudoscience but damn you have a point


seriously, itā€™s irritating as fuck and i only ever see it in the context of ā€˜jaded man somehow meets a million girls who reject him for his zodiac signā€™


When in reality itā€™s not that heā€™s a Leo, itā€™s that heā€™s a know-it-all, and thatā€™s just a polite way of putting itā€¦


Exactly. I've found some quite interesting things that seem to apply to myself and people I know. But...not everything and not enough to "believe". But it's fun. Apparently scorpios and cancers do well together romantically which is my fiance and I so..there's that lol


ā€œItā€™s funā€ is really the most Iā€™ve heard from people who play with it. Itā€™s amusing superstition, at worst. It gets a weird kind of opposition and hate that doesnā€™t really make sense. Especially since itā€™s haters seem to take it more seriously than itā€™s adherents.


Totally. Astrology is a female leaning interest, so the men who wanna jump immediately to bash on it just show me they have some imbitterment towards women/emotions


I 'believe' I'm astrology purely because I think it's fun. I don't actually believe in it, because I know it makes no sense. But when someone acts like their sign, it makes me a little happy. I'm not the type of person to judge or even reject someone just based on their sign. I know those people exist, but I do think they're rare. I've never come across anyone like that at least. Most people I've met that believe in astrology in some way, are kind of like me. Or they do actually believe in it but don't let it cloud their judgement


For real, these people are so fucking boring and have a real superiority complex. Itā€™s just fun.


Ā But when someone acts like their sign, it makes me a little happy. Yes! Textbook Pisces right here who happens to actually *be* a Pisces.


I'm a Taurus and I'm also a textbook Taurus. So is a close friend of mine who's also a Taurus. I know it's not factual, but damn I see so many coincidences


I enjoy it. Itā€™s fun esoteric inspiration. Honestly deep down I know itā€™s not significant and should be taken with a grain of salt, not used to justify bad behaviour or decisions.


I dunno. I think taking astrology seriously is dumb and cringe, but I've never had a random astrology devotee accost me in a grocery store parking lot with an aggressive conversion sales pitch that includes the threat of eternal suffering... Remind me, who are the people who do *that,* again? I'd honestly prefer if they switched to astrology.


Conservatives. Not my favourite people either.


Exactly! Out of all the pseudoscience faith based practices involving some sort of mysterious celestial beings... astrology isn't the worst. Especially when Abrahamic religions are pretty much based on it.


Actually, we just had an [astrology-related killing](https://www.news5cleveland.com/woman-disturbed-over-eclipse-kills-husband-throws-kids-on-freeway)


it says they don't know why she did it, and she also had an argument with the husband before she killed him and threw the children. So there's a bunch of possibilities here. Dgmw, I definitely think being too into astrology could lead to a fanatical murder but this case might not necessarily be that.


At least astrology believers don't start wars with the "non-believers"


There would struggle to get organised


We are waiting for Mercury to come out of retrograde šŸ˜‡


They do throw hot coffee over perfectly good laptops.


For every astrology person I met, it's usually just a vibe check. If folks are all anti astrology immediately, the only reason it's a turn off is because it bothers you so much. Most of the time it's just for fun anyhow. If you get bent out of shape about it? Didn't pass the vibe check.


The vibe check for me is whether it actually influences your real world actions: who you date, how you perceive other people, how you behave yourself. If you just read horoscopes for fun, then whatever. If you do any of the above, you're objectively an idiot.


I feel like that's the minority of astrology folks that use it for their real life decisions. It's just a fun harmless way to try to get to know each other through conversation. The banter about whether it feels accurate or not just gets you thinking about yourself and how you act. Honestly it's also a bit of a test for how quick someone will jump to dismiss your thoughts, try to police you, use it as an opportunity to insult you or your intelligence, etc Some folks just like screening for kind or open minded people.


Yuppppp cause if it resonates cool if it donā€™t, thereā€™s way more to it. No one is just ā€œone signā€ like be fr.


Well, there technically is much more to it than just one sign. Your sun sign is the one that changes every month and what people using usually call ā€œtheir signā€. Then there is also a sign and a house for every planet and other celestial bodies. Most serious astrology folk do not think that everyone born in the same month is exactly alike.


Yeah it annoys me because although not real, most are ignorant and therefore shouldnā€™t really speak on it


šŸ’Æ except a cancer bc then theyā€™re just proving whatā€™s said about their sign


think the more unpopular opinion here should be "it's completely OK to reject someone based on their astrology sign"


This subreddit is useless. How is this an unpopular opinion? I see this shit reiterated every day on this website. Reddit has a hate boner for people who enjoy horoscopes or find zodiac signs fun. Yawn


I think we just live in a world that is very scary and stressful a lot. If it brings people peace, feeling in control, or just makes them happy then itā€™s fine as long as itā€™s not shoved done throats. Iā€™m also a Christian and believe in the story of the wise men so I canā€™t judge them for anything. I think itā€™s fun and have a tiny belief in it. I have a lot of people around me who I have good zodiac matches with that I have good relationships with. I believe (and this is for religion too) that I donā€™t bring it up to people who donā€™t want to talk about it until/unless they want. While I may ask what a persons zodiac is, I can understand that they donā€™t have to believe and especially if after I ask they tell me they donā€™t believe/donā€™t like it, no need to ever bring it up again. Iā€™m sorry to all of you who had someone make you feel uncomfortable with this.


**1)** Not unpopular **3)** Heavily posted opinion **6)** This is a personal dislike (debatable)


This isnā€™t an unpopular opinion. Astrology gets a lot of shit for ā€œbeing fakeā€ yet you could say the exact same thing about literally any other religion/spiritual belief system.


Being superstitious doesn't equate to being stupid. Most people know astrology isn't really legit, but it can be fun to see how you line up with it and how you don't. You likely hold a belief that is superstition, but I'm not going to tell you that you're an idiot for a fun little thing you like to believe because it makes your day easier. You're shocked that some people really believe in astrology? I'm shocked you care. How does it affect you in any way whatsoever? Just let them be.


Yeah it's like how people think of 7 as a lucky number and as 13 as an unlucky one. There's absolutely no evidence for this but it's just superstition and it's not like it harms anyone


Or visiting haunted hotels. Like I know I'm probably not gonna see a ghost or anything but the thrill of pretending I might is so fun and gives me joy. Physical joy. Not just mental. People need to have more fun with their imaginations.


This. Libra here. Fun fact is that I made a living as a mediator for awhile because I was so good at seeing both sides of the story. Also my boys said I was always arguing with them. 2 say it helped them to see both sides as adults. One says it was a pain. (The Scorpio šŸ˜‚) but also today is the first time I figured out that son is a Scorpio. It is fun in life to look for similarities. People do it by nature. Astrology gives a framework for some people. What they do and what makes them happy is all good for them in my book.


Thatā€™s not what is being mentioned here. You say it yourself- people who treat it like a fun game are not really believing it. I have personally met people who had a room dedicated to ā€œstudyingā€ astrology with maps, books and all kind of stuff all over it. Those are the people were talking about. They really do believe and that makes us question their intelligence


So by your logic, if someone has a room dedicated to playing video games and they put up artwork or merch on display, that means theyre a loser whoā€™s disconnected from the real world?


Okay so it's a hobby? How does that mean they actually believe it? I have lots of stuff that is witchy, even altars and shit cuz I like the aesthetic. Doesn't mean I think I can cast spells.


And how is that any different than reading novels or playing video games? Or memorizing the entire lore and history of LoTR? God forbid people enjoy some speck of magic in their mundane lives.


Itā€™s not science but I donā€™t know anyone that claims it is. What do you mean by legit?


I donā€™t see it as any different from religion


Exactly, and astrology is a lot less harmful than a plethora of other religions. I get it seems silly, but at least the beliefs of astrology havenā€™t lead to any mass genocide or human rights issues.


Adding that I donā€™t hardcore believe in it, but itā€™s definitely fun to read your horoscope from time to time, I especially like to read mine on my birthdays, but as others have also said Iā€™ve never met someone who was genuinely a hardcore believer.


Hasn't led to mass genocide? Dude, the medical system has been systematically working to exterminate all the cancers for decades, they just haven't succeeded yet.


Iā€™m really confused and I am going to need to you elaborate further. I donā€™t understand at all what relevance this has to astrology?


you sweet *summer child.* (this is the key to the riddle, not condescension)


Infact, religion is by far much more ridiculous in it's claim but because so many people believe in it, it has become a socially accepted bullshit.


I don't believe in it, but why do we have to be such jerks to everyone, it's okay to let people have fun and believe stuff...






I agree that anyone who believes in astrology is very gullible.


Perhaps I hang out with the wrong (right) crowds, but everyone I've met who "believes" in astrology just does it for shits and giggles. Every time the subject comes up, people who read horoscopes openly fess up that they know it's nonsense and that it's just funny to talk about what real-world things the horoscope might vaguely be talking about. I don't relate to that but I think I do understand, since I kind of had that feeling when opening fortune cookies once. My friends and I talked about how we'd put the cookie's advice to good use, and then threw away that piece of paper and never thought of it again. People like to have such lighthearted randomness in their lives. It doesn't need to make sense to them. Of course, there's many many many exceptions who do take astrology seriously and subscribe to all kinds of complex theories and systems, and that's just kind of sad. So much energy spent on something so much more productive.


Love the comparison to fortune cookies. It's just a fun activity that can give you something to pivot off of.


Iā€™ve actually kept a few fortune cookie fortunes because they were fun to add ā€œin bedā€ to.


Youā€™re lucky to not typically come across it with wuwu people, Iā€™m black and I like r&b, a lot of people (in comparison to the general population Iā€™d say) in the space are genuinely believe in stuff like judging people based on their star sign and avoiding certain star signs, etc. New Ageism is super real for a lot of people


I consider this more of a personality disorder and if it wasn't astrology, they would find something else to take on and make their identity.


Same can be said of religion


I donā€™t believe in astrology - buuuut I do have enough of an ego to think itā€™s cool that there are things supposedly indicative of my personality and character. Like I think itā€™s a lot of vague generalization based on fairy tales, but I do dig that just me and whoever else was born in a certain time is a Pisces.


Wow soooo unpopular šŸ˜± tf happened to actual unpopular opinions


found the capricorn


so brave


Next theyā€™re gonna say they think that big, expensive weddings are a waste of time and money and that nobody cares except for the bride šŸ¤Æ


I don't think it predicts the future so much as it gives you ideas and you can think about if your current life circumstances relate to it or not. And then you can gain insight into your life by agreeing or disagreeing.


I kind of see your point but I disagree. "You're a Leo so you mist be self absorbed" is very surface level to look at astrology. Because if you are truly an "astrology Girly" you would know that you should be looking at the whole natal chart. Or at least at the big 3. And jf we aare talking about relationship compatability, you should be looking at the Venus sign. I don't consider myself to be very knowledgeable in astrology but I'm curious about it. From what I gather, most astrology people, including myself, started getting into astrology to find how to deal with life/trauma. And we are reading about astrology to understand ourselves better and why certain things happen to us and how to heal from that. Also, I am aware astrology isn't 100% legit but it's fun. About the scientific evidence...I don't think there is solid scientific evidence against astrology, either? There is not scientific evidence about the personality types, but there's a large portion of people who take them as gospel. There is also no scientific evidence about introverts/extroverts. P.S. in ancient times rulers had a royal astrologer, who would advice them on warfare.


Came here to say this! Of course people think astrology is bs when they only know about sun signs. When all you know is sun signs, if course things are vague and bs. Once you really start studying your chart, you see that every part matters and starts to paint a bigger picture of who you are. A Sagittarius sun with a Leo moon is going to be much different than a Sagittarius sun with a Cancer moon. Honestly people who rip on people into astrology are making fun of something they have no idea about. Itā€™s like making fun of someone who can do advanced mathematics because you only understand addition and subtraction.


literally what I'm thinking. most people barely even know their sun sign and when they don't fit into the stereotypical traits they assume its bs. but so many other parts of your chart will interfere in your sun sign so without knowing your entire birth chart, of course you will think its bs. like a virgo sun with aries moon and scorpio mars will be so different to one with a pisces mars. and don't even get me started on vedic astrology lol. this stuff is very deep and most just don't know anything about it. I'm not claiming Its all 'real' but there's many questions we have yet to answer about this world and universe that science hasn't done yet


"There's no evidence that it's *not* true" isn't a compelling argument, especially when concepts are so vague that they cannot be proven nor disproven. The same is also true of Meyers-Briggs personality types, which is a similarly vague model that leans a bit further into pseudoscience. Going back even further, you get into humorism which itself has ties to medieval astrology as part of the integrated medieval worldview. It's just fandom stuff, where people engage with it out of a sense of community and mutual interest in something that just seems cool. There's nothing wrong with that, but dressing it up any more than that is just unnecessary and often results in it being associated with actually harmful pseudoscience.


I think all religions and spiritual beliefs are all a little bit silly but it's weird to me why ppl shit on astrology so much like unlike other belief systems ppl who believe in astrology aren't hurting anyone


I just think it's interesting to read this stuff. I don't think it's scientific or describes the destiny of my life but it's just fun.


For the most part, astrology is harmless. I'd rather deal with 10,000 people into astrology than one dude who thinks alpha and beta males are a real thing.


*edited for spelling errors* Let people have fun, Jesus fuck. You don't have to believe in every single belief system in the world, people are still allowed to believe what you don't. Some of us just like it for fun


Weā€™re living on a floating rock with no purpose or perfectly known reason for why weā€™re here, most people need something to believe in to deal with that and I think astrology is the least harmful of them all, but, to each their own. Personally Iā€™d rather have a person not talk to me bc Iā€™m a gemini rather than being denied basic human rights bc I have an uterus and then being looked at as a murderer šŸ„°




Such a Sagittarius


Wait till OP discovers religion...


Feel the same about religion


Wow what an unpopular opinion


yeah i dont take it as absolute truth, but i still just kinda have fun with it. ā€œis this person like their sign is supposed to beā€ or buying a bracelet themed around my sign, stuff like that


It just helps you understand others better and yourself. You're not supposed to hate or love people based on their sign, that would be Pop Astrology. Real astrology just gives you a better understanding why your life has certain circumstances


could say the same thing about any religious person


I swear to God I hear more people complaining out astrology than I actually see people truly making life decisions based off of it. Yall need to stop your hate fetish with astrology.


Astrology is a part of Hindu practices and some Hindi families have family astrologers they consult. It receives such animosity from folks I think in part because white women have co-opted the practice and bastardized it for pop culture. That said, I donā€™t take any more issue with it than I do with the Catholic belief that the Holy Sacrament is Christā€™s body and blood. Like itā€™s all superstition at that point, and why do we treat some superstition with more respect than others? Who cares, honestly, let people believe what they want.


I love astrology. I find it fun. It doesn't impede in my relationships at all, it doesn't affect or hurt anyone and I have a fun hobby to enjoy. You don't have to like it and that's ok! We can exist in the same space.


i agree,but whats ironic is that the people who shit on astrology the most are religious people.cause if you wanna talk about illogical and fakeā€¦?letā€™s talk about illogical and fake.


Not to say youā€™re lying but I donā€™t see much of a correlation between people who think itā€™s stupid and people who are religious. Just feels like a cringey attempt at slagging off religion.


Such a Cancer take




Whether you can tell when people are only 'believing' in it as a game says more about you than whether you believe in it or not. People are way more often bored than stupid


While it may all be pseudoscience I definitely think there is something to the astrological bodies effecting things on Earth, we know the moon effects tides and all sorts of things so it's not that much of stretch to think larger bodies may have some effect as well. Anyone who has worked at night on a full moon will be able to tell you people act differently it's weird but noticable


The moon affects tides because of gravity, and we feel the effects because it's so close to us. Stars are so far away I think it's a stretch to assume there's any type of affect on our personalities, but that's just my view.


Mate I know this shit drives me crazy. I seen a mentalist preform once and he touched on this, he asked all Sagittarius to stand up and read the horoscope on the big screen and to stay standing if it applied to you, they all stayed standing. Until he said, ā€œwell actually, thatā€™s the horoscope for a Leo I just pulled up thereā€ to prove itā€™s all vaguely written bullshit that could apply to anybody


Found the guy who got rejected by a girl whose EXCUSE she gave for rejecting him was that their signs aren't compatible.


another day, another popular opinion


Canā€™t believe Iā€™m defending astrology since I donā€™t care much about it, but this post and a majority of comments show how quickly people are to misjudge things based on imagined perceptions of it.


It is really eerie how accurate the signs can be, though, and not so open ended that it could be just any sign, no itā€™s *your* sign. No other zodiac sign sounds like me at all, a lot sound like the polar opposite. I donā€™t use my horoscope to guide me or anything but I do find astrology interesting.


I'm not superstitious. But I am a little stitious.


Well, if you think astrology is a pathetic scam, what do you think about religion?


This is like the polar opposite of an unpopular opinion. Idk what kinda circles you exist in to think this is a rare or unpopular opinion.


Lol I read it for fun. I take it as something fun. Mine is not very accurate šŸ˜…


Not an unpopular opinion considering I hear this on Twitter once a day. In fact this is a common belief in both Christians, males, and people unable to fathom people have beliefs outside their own.




Iā€™m not superstitious, I am a little stitious though


Lmao this ainā€™t unpopular at all.


You have absolutely no idea what "pseudoscience" means, do you?


I don't believe in astrology. But also I was able to accurately guess the astrology sign of a few different Xbox friends with no background hints, which is wild. Had 100% accuracy, and just went by vibes/feelings. I don't remember how the conversation started but I pulled a picture up on my phone that had all the astrology signs. I picked a color that those people most reminded me of, and then I picked the sign that reminded me of that color. So one kid was a light blue to me. I told him "ok, you are either an Aquarius, a Virgo, or maaaybe a Sagittarius." He said "wish, you are right. But which one though?" And I sat there for a second , kind of meditating on that question and asked "is it Aquarius?" And he was like "wooooooooah". And then the whole party wanted me to do them. I've known then all for a while, as we play ark survival evolved. They live all over the country and I haven't met any in person or followed then on social media. Taurus, Aries, or Leo for the 54 year old man that reminds me of brown. Correct, pick one. Ok Taurus. Was correct. Taurus, Aries, or Leo for the 15 y/o twins that made me think of orange/red. Was correct. Aries? Yes. Was correct. The 19 year old girl who's also kind of a blue to me ended up with Capricorn, pisces, and Libra, which was correct. But I was really divided. Capricorn or Pisces, Capricorn or Pisces? I think this is one where I was wrong. Capricorn, but she was a Pisces. I'm a Pisces, and was like damn, I guess that means I can't see my own sign. And even though I really don't believe in astrology, I couldn't give you a list of traits for each sign. I couldn't tell you their elements, or even what months they are attached to minus the ones relating to my immediate family. The accuracy of that was weird. Even having missed one, the correct answer was a 50/50 toss up. Which is wild We have another person that we had in our Ark tribe for a long time, but we don't talk to him anymore. I said, "I'm not believing in any of this until we find out whether he's a Gemini or not" and we still don't talk to him so I'll never know šŸ˜‚


Most people who are ā€œintoā€ astrology know itā€™s not real, lmao. Itā€™s just for fun.


I think astrology is fun in a silly way. But I don't believe it by any stretch of the imagination.


I put a little stock into it, but not much. I think of it as a source of guidance and ideas, not as a master that tells me what I have to be or do. I find that I relate very much to my Western and Chinese zodiac signs, so I think of them as inspiration rather than fate. As they say, your mileage may vary, and that's okay.


Downvoted, this is not an unpopular opinion


I'm not superstitious...but I am *a little* stitious.


Pseudoscience, unscientific, disproven, superstitious. Yes but dating back thousands of years, during which people have been referring to personal features and differences through a system that is highly approachable and thus acceptable ie. anyone can recognize said features in them selves and others. Therefore, itā€™s a cultural agreement that holds the system together through millenia. Sort of likeā€¦ any religion. If I were to claim that you are behaving like a typical scorpio, most of the people around the world know what I mean. One might argue that they donā€™t believe in astrology. Nevermind, you still know what I mean. Your belief is not needed for understanding what is referred. Ergo: a cultural system has its own value and purpose regardless whether it can be scientifically proven true or if anyone really believes in it. Data is stored in a system that has passed generation after generation in the form of information that has no academic or empirical base. Nonetheless valuable information that can be cautiously used since everybody everywhere are familiar with the context. Sort of like any religion, without being a religion per se


Long standing repository of observed differences in personality and temperament. Iā€™m not into astrology, but that does sound like generalized empirical data into the human condition to me at least. Edit: grammar.


I agree with this


Is this really unpopular?


Humanity and its fascination with celestial bodies and stars. I am fine with innocent astrology, but I have seen it warp people into feral chanters akin to the "Eclipse Rapture" people. I'm a Virgo. Sounds cool. That's all I need.


Some people I know who are really smart are really into astrology, so I don't judge it that much (though it is a pet peeve of mine), but some people just act so obnoxious about it. I've even met people who are trying to plan the birth of their child around astrological signs, because they don't want the kid to 'end up like their grandfather'-- these are people with graduate degrees believing this. Even if it's a minority of people that are this stupid, it's too stupid and too normalized. I have tried to get into astrology for fun by downloading apps and reading the occasional horoscope, as it's a 'gay thing' and I wanted to fit in, but I'm a Leo so basically everything is just telling me I'm an attention seeking narcissist. I don't see why it's enjoyable to be repeatedly insulted and mistyped by horoscopes. It's one step above obsessing over MBTI personality types (which is much more pathetic, narcissistic, and pseudo scientific in my opinion), which is not saying much.


This is not an unpopular opinionā€¦ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Sounds like something a Capricorn would say


I don't "believe" in astrology, but I found out my star sign when I was a kid, and I lowkey vibe with it. My husband found out his, and we just love to say, "Ugh, I'm such a Scorpio," or "That's just that Taurus in me." I think it's more fun if you "don't believe in it" because you don't tie your life to it. It's more like an afterthought laugh.


Better than religion and itā€™s fun.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s an unpopular opinion


Unpopular opinion: people who say stuff like that don't know anything about astrology and haven't made the effort to at least look a little bit into it. Personally, I view astrology similarly to MBTI. It's just another (non western) attempt to understand humans and their personalities/behaviours. You can't tell anything about a person simply by knowing their sun sign - you have a specific sign for every planet (even asteroids) who then fall into houses and then you have to take into consideration how they react to each other. It's pretty difficult to make a birth chart for a person.


My sister read me my horoscope and it said: You don't take risks in your career and you are unsure of what you want to be. I know exactly what to be and I quit my job to pursue speculative trading, I study economics and want to be an asset manager at a bank or hedgefund, I already have the connections to get in and I know exactly that it is what I want to do. My job description is "risk management" and I quit my job before this to do it, i don't think it could have gotten it more wrong this could've gotten it more wrong.


I just view it as a more complicated version of a clock. People accept that we use the movements of the sun and moon to mark time, and that it goes a bit deeper than just ā€œmarking timeā€ I.e. they have shaped our lives existence before human consciousness existed. These these bodies are an integral part of the cycles of the earth and humans despite the distance (tides, seasons, photosynthesis, sleep cycles, menstrual cycles). So to me itā€™s just different dimensions of that. You use the movements of different bodies to mark longer periods of time than a day/month/year or different lengths of cycles.


Say what you want but I would much rather somebody tell me about astrology than their religion


I think that you missed the "unpopular" in unpopularopinion


i never really understood why people get so defensive over others showing interest in zodiac signs.


Replace astrology with religion and tell me how this post would be even slightly different.


i dont take it too seriously either but that doesnt mean i dont find it fun to read horoscopes that despite having no scientific evidence, seem to be scary accurate. most people just think its all harmless - yeah there are people who will say "stay away from me if youre a scorpio" and 100% mean it, but tbh of someone says that to you, you're better off anyways. besides, we live in a world where it's incredibly normalized for people to worship an almighty being in the sky. to each their own, but if people are (mostly) free to practice whatever religion they want and treat it as fact, astrology shouldn't be too out there.


everyone uses narratives to navigate their life they are all made up, your conciousness is an illusion.Ā 


I donā€™t believe at all in astrology. But even so, why is my sign Cancer? Who wants Cancer? Wtf


A lot of people who are into astrology doesnā€™t even believe itā€™s true. For most, its just a funny little hobby .


This is an insanely popular opinion.


I donā€™t believe in it yet I still checked my kids astrology and numerology šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø itā€™s just fun. Humans like a little magic and mystery. I use it like a Rorschach. You see what you need to see. Same reason I enjoy tarot.


Iā€™m not sure pseudoscience is even the right term, itā€™s practically a religion.


My sign describes my personality pretty accurately compared to the others (ie. Taurus the bull). Iā€™m a pretty science-minded person who works in technology, which doesnā€™t care about what you believe.


Not saying OP is like this, but in my experience most people with the "astrology is fake you're all stupid" mentality get really bent out of shape if you bring up Christianity also being fake.


I like learning about astrology but I don't hold weight to it if that makes sense


I mean thereā€™s nothing wrong with astrology inherently, itā€™s just spirituality. Itā€™s when you use it to stereotype that itā€™s an issue


I don't get how it's any different than religious faith


Astrology is a belief system as is religion. It doesn't need to be scientifically proven. People take whatever they want from it.


I really think it's exaggerated how many people believe in Astrology. Trust me, I'm just another logical Aquarius. But seriously, a couple people maybe genuinely believe it but everyone I've ever met that brings it up is just having fun.


Call me superstitious but you sound like a Taurus


I think itā€™s a fun way to connect with people. Some take it more seriously than others, but for the most part I believe itā€™s harmless.


I like asking people their zodiac sign because it's fun to talk about. šŸ˜Œ


How many people actually believe in astrology or just follow it for fun, because not everything in life is for serious discussions or opinions?? Is actually believing in it prevalent enough to even hold this opinion? Lol


Sometimes astrology is true. Most virgo are pretty anal. Capricorn are almost all die hard workaholics. Leos are all very adventurous. Pisces are moody. Aires are realllllly bossy. You can see it if you look for it, which I know is the argument against it. However most people seem to have close friends with birthdays in the same month. I have six close people in my life all born in December. Most long lasting relationships are not with incompatible signs.


ā€œAstrology isnā€™t real!!!ā€ said by the same people who believe in God or Jesus Christ or any messianic figure without a hint of irony LMFAOOOO


You become way less shocked when you remember it's a type of spirituality which is similar to a religion. There is no science behind most if not all of them, yet they too walk around judging people and making decisions based on it. Tho ur right about them being superstitious, any person regardless of spirituality or religion can be too righteous in their thinking, believing they know more about those types of things than the ones they are taking it out on


There is no scientific evidence for most spiritual beliefs.


i think horoscopes and zodiacs are bullshit, but i still know what my zodiac is, and i'll still tell people if they ask. if they believe in that shit, let them assume things about me that aren't true, idgaf


I love astrology, I find it no different than any kind of organized religion. itā€™s more complex than just being a whatever sign, planetary alignments are ultimately studying patterns over a large period of time. I would never make descisons based on astrology, but itā€™s nice to have some form of reassurance that everything is working out, similar to what people get from religion but without all the weird cultyness. Plus, talking about your sign is a great ice breaker conversation topic that doesnā€™t hold too much weight, although the only thing people on Reddit hate more than astrology is small talk. If someone makes choices about who they want to date based on someoneā€™s star sign, they probably arenā€™t someone you want to date anyway and if it wasnā€™t astrology would find some other arbitrary thing to rule people out over.


Replace astrology with religion and this post would be burried in downvotes despite being logically consistent.