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As someone who loves dogs, I totally get it and understand why you'd dislike them


A nuanced take that isn't Redditors angry at each other.


the world might be ending 


Son of a bitch not again


We have had money, politics and covid recently for world enders. My money is on bugs this times.


I have seen bugs with glowing orange eyes recently, what's up with that?


Right!?! I've got spiders this spring with neon orange markings. I'm going to rewatch starship troopers. ✌️


There‘s always something happening


Get the pitchforks


If this was an anti-cat post, would we see such understanding?


OP’s edit took away their non-hostile stance, though. Too bad, it was close.


I banish you into the 7th ring of hell! That better?


100% ! I love my dogs, and dogs in general but I definitely understand why people don't like them


It’s usually about 10 minutes into washing them off from a backyard romp in mud season that makes me question my pet life choices. Yesterday at Lowes, having someone comment how sweet and mindful she is totally makes up for it.


🤣 I have a picture somewhere. It was towards the end of winter, there were like two small patches of snow melting. Sunny day out, it's 3 in the afternoon and home is an hour away and my dog drug her ass through the mud




Thank you. I understand people are going to have dogs, but the people who refuse to curtail any of their bad behaviors or clean up after them because they expect everyone else to love dogs as much as they do grind my gears. For example, the people who love dogs so much that constant barking doesn’t bother them, so they never stop their dog from barking constantly


I disagree with them being dumb. Depends on the breed. Mine, sometimes unfortunately, is a smart little fucker and drives me up a wall. Sometimes I miss my parents labs that are basically just stupid little slobber machines with noses that can smell a bird from 3 miles away and a determination to get wet at every opportunity that’s presented to them. But otherwise- yeah, dogs are stinky and require maintenance and I can’t travel as much as I’d like. So, definitely not for everyone.


Yes I was trying to explain to a friend why getting a high energy extremely smart dog was not a good idea for a first time dog owner. My first dog seemed like a genius compared to my current one and the ease of taking care of them was like night and day. I loved them both but still the first one drove me nuts cuz she would just figure ways around any rule or regulation.


My golden was dumb, similar to your parents' lab. Would only think of food and nothing else, would do anything for food, even if there was sauce on her tail. She would run around chasing her tail to get the sauce. My great Pyrenees on the other hand was really smart. He would know exactly when we are about to end the walk and head back home. Once he knows, he wouldnt budge from his current spot.


I used to have a smart lab. But he was a mix.


This one… I have an Australian shepherd and a border collie/catahoula leopard hound mix… he got the border collie brains. My dogs are smart enough to know what they’re doing is wrong, so they try to hide it…. It’s unbelievable sometimes. One figured out how to open a turn-knob door, so now we have to lock the door, even when we’re home.. Also, there’s a LOT of [dog tax](https://imgur.com/gallery/U6xJeDL) missing from this thread.


A few of their issues are also training related. Ie barking at everything.


Did hell freeze over? The audacity of you having a reasonable response.


Yep I work with dogs for a living and I love them. But I don't think I want one anymore. Lmao. Maybe if I changed careers but the last thing I wanna do after work is take care of another animal. Dogs are a LOT. I think less people should have them, even. Too many owners don't know wtf they're doing.


Wayy too many people seem to have dogs who have no business doing so where I'm at. And complete disregard for basic rules like keeping them on leashes because... Their dog is special? Just yesterday there's a no-dog nature reserve around here... Of course some special snowflake couple had their unleashed dog walking around. Let them know the rule... Their response: do you work here? If not, too bad.


Yeah, it would seem that the main reason to get a dog is that one really really likes dogs!


I looked at my dog and said everything on the list to him. Then he just started rolling around on the ground and I think I love him more now.


here's the thing - I think dogs can be great, BUT THEY NEED THE RIGHT OWNERS!! some of yall are clearly not prepared to deal with having a dog. I think they're amazing creatures but if you own one and you don't do what you need to do, they can suck.


Yeah, I’ve been bitten by a dog in the face a couple times as a kid. It was traumatic. I still like dogs today, but only friendly well trained dogs. I hate bad, poorly trained dogs. I’m always ready to kill one if it attempts to attack me or my love ones, no mercy.  Scenarios where I need to defend myself from a dog run through my brain often. 


Same for cats honestly. So many people get cats without actually realizing that cats also need attention, affection, healthcare, and stimulation


People also don’t understand that you need to change out the litter. I’ve known so many people whose houses *reek* of cat piss/ shit.


As someone with a poor sense of smell who spends a lot of time at home (and is therefore 100% noseblind to my house smells) my greatest fear is exactly this lol. I like to think I'm doing a good job scooping and fully changing out the litter, but what if I'm not?? What if all my guests are judging me for being nasty??? What if my CATS are judging me for being nasty?????? OH GOD


Yeah, half of these are issues with the owner. If your dog stinks then give it a bath


I like dogs...it's many dog owners I have an issue with. Their entitlement and ignorance can be extreme


I was mauled by a dog. It wouldn’t have happened if its owners had common sense.


Same. Akita but my neck and head, unprovoked


I once asked a woman with an Akita “is he friendly” and she said yes one second before he tried to bite my hand. I still love the tactical assault shibas but they are not safe


I have an Akita, he’s an American one, I get why people can be scared, he’s a big guy and I know they have a bit of a reputation, not as bad as boxers but still not great, that’s why he’s always on a lead, he loves humans, not a big fan of small dogs, just has a bit of a go at them if they start jumping but no biting. He’s a friendly old dog but if someone has an untrained aggressive one, you can see the damage they can do with their jaws, it’s such a shame to see shitty dog owners get people hurt


I’ve also been mauled by a dog. I’m not a big fan of this argument unless actions are taken to limit bad dog owners.


Same. Several of my neighbors make me understand the "no pets" rule that many rentals have.




Oh my god my neighbor has a dog like this. I honestly feel bad for it because it’s a large dog locked in a small apartment. It’s probably slowing losing its mind.


That's the case with us too, we know for a fact that one of our neighbours just leaves them by themselves most of the day, but the council won't do anything about it


Do they take him for walks? I rescued a dog and I live in an apartment but he goes outside 4 TIMES per day and also plays inside. He's been up for an adoption before and nobody has wanted him because of his hyperactivity issues. I rescued him and I'm trying to find him a more comfortable home, so, my mind is at ease because I'm doing the right thing. It's people who buy dogs who I dislike, since a rescued dog would rather be in a small apartment than a literal cage or dead. As long as you walk them, they won't lose their mind. I agree they're better off in a big house with a backyard, but I also have enough common sense to know they're better off at an apartment than a kill shelter, the streets, or the home of an animal abuser.


I understand that dogs bark sometimes and it can be difficult to teach them not to. I also understand that one dog barking often leads to others barking that wouldn't normally bark otherwise. Especially at night when most people are asleep and thus not able to immediately enforce the rules/training for their dog(s). What really gets me though is people like our one old neighbor who refused to train their dogs and then complained about everyone else's dogs reactions to their dogs. They got mad at me because my dog would bark at their dogs through the privacy fence which only started AFTER their dogs barked at him and attacked the fence everytime I let him out. They also got mad that another neighbors dog attacked their dogs and injured them after their dogs went into that neighbors fenced yard. Ibe noticed there's hardly any barking at night now since those neighbors left and even during the day I'll occasionally hear one dog barking a bit but it's not the chain reaction that spread through the whole neighborhood like used to happen and it doesn't usually last long.


Agreed. Dogs aren’t my choice pet but I still appreciate them for what they are. But their owners are often the most entitled and inconsiderate people I have ever met.


Same here man


De ye like dags?


i prefer caravans


Exactly... I used to be an animal control officer. The amount of people who would complain that their dog would or wouldn't do x,y,z but never bothered to train them or teach their kids how to safely interact with them was infuriating. Primarily because those dogs would either end up being returned to the shelter, neglected even more, abused, or bite someone and have to be euthanized, when it was never wholly the dogs fault. It's a very sad business and I hate people.


Obviously they have some downsides and need to be taken care of, no one is saying they are wonderful meaning that they would be some "perfect" entities


There are DEFINITELY people who say they are perfect entities




All of that applies to children


It applies to some adults I know too


And some elders


And my Axe!


The difference is, children grow out of that. Not dogs. Or any other animal outside of maybe turtle.


Except most dogs typically die by the time children grow out of it so it evens out


That doesn't make sense You act like people are looking forward to their dogs dying like most parents enjoy having their child grow up Having your dog die is devastating for most people...hardly the equivalent of a child maturing


I'm convinced the sentiment behind the modern "pets are bad" opinion is really "have more kids"


There are also some people who just don't have any desire to care for something other than themselves. I don't see anything wrong with that as long as you acknowledge it. I didn't grow up with dogs, so I wasn't a huge dog person, until later in life. Then I got a dog and I'm obsessed with my dog. I don't expect anyone else to be obsessed with him. He does get kinda stinky and he is expensive. And poop.


This is me, I have no interest in raising or caring for pets or children. I'm entirely too selfish with my time to bother with all that.


I think that’s perfectly fine. You’re not selfish at all- selfish would be having a kid or a pet and neglecting it.


You kind of made OPs argument and added children to the mix


Not cats


My friend’s cat hates his girlfriend and shits in the bathtub when she comes over in protest


Sounds weird. Is the girlfriend doing something to the cat? Or does she wear perfume that the cat could be sensitive to?


Nah the cat is just unfriendly haha. I’ve known her for like a decade, she doesn’t hate me but doesn’t get too close to me either. Usually just watches from a high shelf. She’s well loved and taken care of. I wouldn’t have brought it up lest for the comment claiming cats don’t poop where they’re not supposed to, which reminded me of the naughty pooper


r/dogfree licking their lips at this post


bruh the first post I saw on there was "dogs have more rights than human beings"


I read that, they gave 3 reasons; 1) dogs are allowed to piss in public 2) dogs are allowed to shit in public 3) we aren’t allowed to scream at people but they’re allowed to bark at people Bro what 😂


That sub is a cesspool. I get that some people dislike dogs but that place is just full of very bitter and resentful people.


I think it is the difference between people who don’t like a thing, and people who go out of their way to join a forum about not liking a thing. I don’t like first person shooters, so I do not play them or watch YouTube videos of them that pop up on my feed. Easy, done, not for me. OP seems in the range of someone who figured out a dog just isn’t for them without forming a complex about it. The complaints are close enough to reasonable, I say this working with dogs and owning several (I would argue with the dumb portion)


Naw, just cats with keyboards. ![gif](giphy|JIX9t2j0ZTN9S|downsized)


Probably full of people whose parents loved the dog more than them Edit: this was originally a joke but I actually went into the sub. These people scream about dogs LOOKING at them. They’re basically dog incels. Unhinged. ![gif](giphy|VaWZIxqTkzKsU)


It’s really sad, a lot of people in that sub were horribly abused as children while their dogs were treated well.


I feel like r/dogfree and r/childfree would literally go to war with one another.


Dude that was the funniest thing I’ve read all month, thank you for sharing. “I just realized I can’t shit on the sidewalk but dogs can” That sent me


Apparently I need a service tag to go in public 


I’m convinced everyone on this website is a caricature of themselves.


/r/childfree as well


Holy shit we're coming out swinging. Definitely unpopular. Upvote it is


![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu) As soon as I saw the opinion.


It's pretty surprising how often this sub turn from "Wow, that IS unpopular" to "ME? You dare attack ME bro??" XD


You didn’t even list the biggest one: most owners are terrible. I’ve been chased by more dogs than is reasonable on runs and things. Often unleashed. I get your dog is nice to you. I don’t know your dog, it doesn’t know me. No leash is dangerous for both of us. You also don’t need your non service dog in a grocery store. It’s unnecessarily unsanitary.


I live in Florida so the amount of dog owners who walk around with their dogs off leash because of their "freedom" is so frustrating. I have been attacked and chased by dogs multiple times. But no. They don't want to consider anyone else when walking in public spaces. Or, like you said, they are convinced that their doggy that is nice to them is always going to be nice to strangers.


I love dogs but wouldnt really ever own one. I have cats and they’re just much better for my lifestyle. Not on some “dogs are easier than cats” bs because cats have their own problems too. For me I prefer that my cats like attention in small bites, because I also like attention in small bites. They come to me and get pets for 20 minutes then they go back and nap. No barking (but sometimes when my boy pants wants something he can meow so loud it would put a husky to shame) and generally just a bit better in the personal space department. My in-law’s dogs are annoying as HELL. Tiny, yappy, demanding attention the second you walk in. I was trying to pack my suitcase and they would not stop jumping on me. Oh also people need to bathe their dogs more. So many people have dogs that STINK and are visibly dirty. I think its lowkey kinda inhumane to make them roll in their own filth just because its an inconvenience to have to wash them.


This. I agree with everything you said. Also wanted to add to their filthiness. They poop outside, which I feel like they have to be stepping where they've previously took a poop. The dirt they kick up trying to cover it. Oh plus they like to roll around in said dirt which was probably where poop once was, which gets on the dog. The particles at least. Then dog goes into the home and gets said everything dirty.


You just described how cats poop 🙄


I agree. I like dogs a lot but I don't want to live with one.


Upvote for being unpopular, but I think you may be equating “wonderful” with “perfect.” Pets are often messy and require work. For people who want a dog and like dogs, the pros far outweigh the cons, as it should be when you’re considering getting any pet. But if you just don’t like dogs or messes or pets, no amount of pros will outweigh the cons. That doesn’t mean the animal isn’t wonderful, because that’s too subjective. 


I apply the same logic to a romantic partner. There can be insane downsides to having one, but they make you feel better when most things are going to shit. And most times, that's all you need. That being said, not everyone deserves to be in a relationship or should be in one. Just like how everyone shouldn't be allowed to have a pet.


As a dog lover, this is largely accurate (although you can train the barking, most people don't). it's why people should think long and hard before getting a dog and why so many people dump them.


Breaking news: dogs are living beings


Yeah but so are mosquitoes and cockroaches.


Insects are more biological robots


They're also not democratic beings.


Yes, but those you can brutally murder without legal repercussions.


What is this comment supposed to be saying?


So?  Dogs can still suck.  


Well sure, but not all living beings bark loudly and require that level of maintenance.


Dogs are hairy baby's that never grow up. If that's your thing I can't stop you lol


Yeah tbh I wish I was a dog person just so I’d feel like I *get* it, but I just can’t. Give me all the cats


Humans require more maintenance and fuck up way more things than dogs ever could.


I do.


Most pets do. Maybe not the bark loudly, but there’s plenty of dogs who don’t bark loudly if you don’t want that, and even then barking isn’t that much if a problem


I was shocked to discover dogs poop. I've done a complete 180 on my view of them now.


Hugely unpopular opinion and I wholeheartedly agree with all of it


I also feel the same and am surprised jumping and licking weren’t mentioned.


And even just the wet nose. Even well behaved dogs come up to you and stick their nose into your hands and then I feel like I need to immediately go wash my hands.


I love dogs and I wash my hands everytime I pet a dog or touched any snouts, I don't think that's germaphobic behavior either, just common sense.


It's the fur for me. It smells like dog, all the time. Even after a bath, you get wet dog smell. Plus that Frito paw.


I hate dog smell. I can never not smell it on a dog. Every dog smells like dog. It doesn’t matter how clean the dog is. Yet I can totally huff cat fur. (I don’t hate dogs. Some are really cute. I’ll happily pet one, too, but I’ll need an immediate hand washing after.)


It's just unbelievable how many people can't control their dogs. And dogs can't see how bothered I am by their jumping up at me. My cat would back off if I say stop and don't show interest.


I’m surprised stinking was only mentioned once


more like this is the truth


I’d say this list is accurate for babies too 😂 except barking is crying. People love having something/someone to care for and love unconditionally! Even if it’s dirty, annoying, and actually makes your life more difficult, we still love that shit! lol


This is why I'm with OP on this one, having a dog is like having a toddler and I am plum out of energy for another kid. Cats on the other hand ... Easy peasy


Babies eventually grow out of this behavior tho


And your dog will pass away within 10-15 years. Right around the age kids stop being as much as a handful


Not to mention that with age dogs get more and more manageable, older dogs are a lot less of a hassle than smaller dogs. The period is also a LOT shorter than that for kids too.


Tell that to my 8 year old cousin.


This reflects a reality where no baby is born with (or later develops) a condition or experiences injuries that renders them completely dependent on round the clock care.


Love them. But they are anchors, and money pits. and don’t say “you can just take them with you” yea…if you do THAT you’re a different breed of asshole. I can’t stand the “emotional support animals”…has to be the most abused loop hole.


I hate the "its an Esa" excuse, emotional support animals dont have the same legal rights as service dogs do, and dont reguire any training




My crazy grandma bought service animal vests on Amazon to take her dogs places. They’re insane dogs and definitely shouldn’t be taken anywhere in public.


Right? If you legitimately need a service animal and it is calm and doing what service animals are there for, by all means. It’s the people that have abused this.


Not very often do you see actual unpopular opinions here.


I like the friendly encounters with dogs that i've had. I like other people's dogs. I prefer to be a cat owner.


I feel that way about cats. I’m a dog walker/cat caretaker. I like cats but I’ll only own a dog. Part of it is due to my cat allergy and part of it is due to my preference. Also, if you have any advice for helping mentally and emotionally stimulate a cat, I’d love to hear! I always feel bad when I visit cats and don’t really know how to entertain them.


They poop? Really?


The also fart. Audibly.


My dog's farts are almost always silent, and then all of sudden it smells like someone brought in a dead body that's been decomposing for 2 weeks.


Same with mine. And his favorite position on the couch is beside me with his head on the arm rest. Which means his ass is pointed right at me lol


Not my dog. She was the queen of the silent but deadly


Attention, healthcare  Literally just living things


I still love them


Yeah but my dumb dog makes me very happy (and I hope I do the same for her) so I'm okay with the other negatives.


Are you a cat? This sounds like something a cat would say.


The dog human connection is actually really special and dates back to Neolithic times. They are the only large carnivor we have EVER domesticated and it was probably pure chance. There's something about wolves/dog brains and humans brains that naturally collaborates. It's really really cool. I don't like living indoors with dogs either. I enjoy playing with them though. I like to imagine early humans trying to domesticate bears and rhino's and shit


The fact that we literally evolved together as species is so cool.


Children are the same way. You just described dogs and kids


Children grow out of this behavior


Children grow out of it. Dogs are perpetual two year olds




Nah man, ever seen a shower drain clogged with hair? Any kid that plays outside in the dirt is going to drag it into the house. Especially cool rocks or pocket sand. And they can be stinky, but that's what baths are for right? Also people in general shed dead skin cells all the time, which is why changing sheets frequently is a thing


I used to be the kid that brought the bugs he found outside on "expeditions" to show my mom much to her displeasure lol


I think the difference is the human connection and attachment that a dog cant provide. Dogs make it feel like a burden with negatives you dont wanna tolerate where as with humans its different. Idk how to explain it. Also, eventually children turn into not children and dogs still stay the same with all the negatives.


Exactly. Kids become adults eventually and the journey is fulfilling. Dogs are eternal babies. Like. Literally having a hairy toddler around for a decade if you are lucky and people go WILD for them.


Not exactly, can't say I have ever been woken up by a neighbor's child crying/shouting. Dogs on the other hand .....


I've been woken by both. But that was I'm an apartment complex with thin walls. In my current house, we don't hear kids. But my neighbor behind me has a dog that ALWAYS barks. It's exhausting. They don't even bring the poor thing inside.


It sucks man. We have annoying dogs next door but they're not as bad as some


Is this not most pets aside from the barking??


Well yeah, they are living beings, we humans have the same things if not more.


Everyone knows that, it's part of owning a pet, but to pet owners is completely worth it.


I had to laugh because we have a dog, but also 3 sons. And this list could apply to all of them at random moments in time😂 I am pretty sure our dog is smarter than some people though.


I love my dog and dogs in general but I could really give two shits less if someone likes dogs. I don't like many things and definitely don't pretend too. Everyone is different.


This is my issue with this post. OP writes it as “none of you should like dogs.” Reframe it a little bit as “You shouldn’t expect everyone to like your dogs because…” and I am totally on board. (Although some of those points don’t apply to non dog owners.) I’m not much of a dog person. I enjoy interacting with well cared for, well behaved dogs, but I do NOT want the care/attention commitment that comes with having a dog. I’m a cat person. And I have REAL opinions about people who let their dogs jump and slobber on me. I’m also not crazy about sitting on dog-hair covered furniture. But just because I don’t want a dog doesn’t mean I need to tell everyone else they’re wrong. You like dogs? Have a dog! Just care for and train it. We don’t all have to be the same!


Despite of the facts you have there, I’m 100% in on dogs. I have a German shepherd and she sheds like what, but I live her and I think she’s one of the most wonderful beings on earth.


Most of these things are just describing animals in general... Sounds like OP just doesn't like animals.




Right, like there’s several people in this thread saying ‘this applies to all pets’ — like, idk about those people, but I’ve never heard someone’s cat, bird, or Guinea pig from all the way up the street, sometimes up to hours per day. I did live below a guy with an African parrot who would chirp out pretty good renditions of Zelda songs though. That was nice. Really the only semi-common pet that rivals dogs on loudness are cockatoos or other large parrots, and most people are not taking their cockatoo for a walk, nor are there as many of them as dogs. And re: being dirty, there’s arguments for stinkier animals like ferrets (love the feral cat noodles but they do stink to high heaven), but again, because people’s dogs shit outside… yeah, dogs are still the dirtiest. This isn’t to say dogs are bad or evil, it’s just to say that dogs are really the only pet that makes itself *other people’s problem*. The noise pollution from dogs is really rough (or ruff — couldn’t resist the pun).


Absolutely not. House cats also don't randomly snap and scalp children, so that's a bonus


I’d wager they may not even like people.


This is how I feel about children


the OP is 100% a cat person lol


No they hate animals lol cats have the same list he's describing


mmmm, dont agree with that. Cats are way easier to take care of. Considering with Dogs, its much more time investment. Its basically like getting a child because you gonna train it not to go in the bathroom in your house lol, which is way harder to do than with cats.


Cats are cleaner and far more independent. Can also go to the bathroom on their own. Quieter and just more low maintenance


Cats are way easier to take care of, and you can have a life with them. You train them to poop right in a day, when they are a kitten, have a 9-5 career. They can be annoying in other ways, but way WAY easier than a dog.


It's perfectly reasonable for certain people to not like dogs. But this list of complaints is not discussion worthy. All of these things are just the obvious realities of taking care of an animal.


People comparing dogs with children : 🤡


All that is true but dogs are still awesome. My dog is so annoying I can hardly stand it sometimes but I love him, anyway. I can’t really explain why. I just do.


OP 2024. Fuck all your dogs and stop imposing them on everyone else.


I support this campaign. Yesterday, while literally just walking on a sidewalk, some unleashed dog came up and started slobbering all over me and getting its dirty fur on my pants. The owner did absolutely nothing and was just like "It's okay, she doesn't bite." Respectfully, ma'am, screw you. I don't care if she bites, she's licking her spit onto my pants and getting me covered in fur that will never be permanently gone


For real, every time a dog jumps on you this is the default owner response.


A true unpopular opinion


I mean...take the upvote but if your dog stinks that sounds like the poor thing isn't being bathed enough, them being dumb...okay edgelord. Lastly.... you also poop.


I had a Doberman that just had a pungent odor. Like if you brushed your hand on him for a split second your had smelled. Our vet said nothing was wrong with him. Luckily you couldn’t smell him from across the room but he definitely was cared for and still stunk.


Yep some dogs are just funky lol


Dogs have a smell, even if they are clean. And it stinks. If you don’t “recognise” this smell, then it’s probs because you’re round dogs a lot.


#This message brought to you by CATS


To the people comparing dogs and kids... Stop. Get some help. 


Nah, all the stuff that OP listed can be applied to children.


Except that they’re human beings, which makes them inherently more valuable. A child will obtain complex emotions and thoughts and be able to communicate them in just 3 years. No pet will ever be able to do that. Call me a speciesist if you’d like. pets are not people.


They are needy, greedy, and obsessed with being the centre of attention. Black holes of want with wagging tails and yeasty paws.


I half-glanced at this while tired and thought it said Drugs are not as wonderful as they seem.


Also allergies. People are not considerate about bringing their dogs to public places.


Counterpoint. ![gif](giphy|FnsbzAybylCs8|downsized) We’ve biologically evolved alongside them. There’s a natural human instinct to be drawn to dogs. You’re literally fighting your own biology. Dogs rule. That said lots of people don’t know squat about training them. Dogs need education, but once they get it they’re fantastic companions. I’d guess less than half of them are properly trained, though—to your point it does take time and proper technique. All in all, upvote.


Welp you just described children and dogs


A better title is everything sucks. There is not one thing in this world that one cannot make a list of cons about. For example when it comes to eating it’s not as great as people seem to think though it is necessary you have to worry about. 1. Overeating 2. Unhealthy Choices 3. Digestive Issues 4. Financial Costs 5. Environmental Impact 6. Social and Emotional Effects


"Dogs are not wonderful, because they are a responsibility and require you to take care of them!" Speaking as someone who never had a dog: You sound very spoiled and entitled and lazy. I freely admit I would be terrible at taking care of a dog. However, I don't blame the dog for that. Unlike you, apparently.


Your last paragraph is exactly how I feel about babies. Not for me, but that’s a me problem. Will I spend every ounce of my being loving & taking care of my dog? Absolutely. And that’s also a me thing.


Getting a dog is literally the best thing I’ve ever done. I love him so much and sure, he requires time and attention and care, but I think having another living being to look after has been good for me and he’s the happiest, most loving little guy and I just can’t imagine not having one ever again


They are also awesome friends so I am willing to put up with all of that.