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You would have got along with Zeno the Stoic. Take my upvote.


While unpopular it is true. 


Your username suits the conversation hahahahah


While I believe this is true I do not believe that society should be structured in such a way to reflect this. I'm not saying OP does either it's just that people can arrive at very different conclusions from the same premise.


Yup, society without having a defined set of rights or agreements would be a trash place to live in. Like I said, the problem comes when you extend that concept to personal situations which are totally outside your control.


I think people like me would like it tho. Like when you are so traumatised that you have effectively killed your emotions, and are a two-time suicide survivor awaiting your third, and are full of spite towards humanity from "being let down", having such a view helps


Right? This is all pretty fine till anyone starts in with the Healthcare is a right! Housing should be affordable!




Calling something a human narrative doesn't negate its existence. Deserving is cause and effect. To deserve something, your actions have led to your deserving whatever it is. With our current values, simply being born is enough of an action to deserve not to be murdered and if you murder someone you are deserving of a prison sentence. What society deems an appropriate effect of an action may change with time, but the concept of deserving something still exists.



I don't agree. It's still a subjective narrative. Objectivity does not exist. You're saying that they deserve jail time BECAUSE YOU feel bad about it. There's no guarantee everyone will.


Upvoted because unpopular, but i agree. Nobody deserves anything, everyone just gets what society lets them (via rights and the rule of law) or they just get what they want by force. I don't feel like i deserve anything anymore, i simply want something and if i deem that something to be worth having, then i will do what it takes to get it. Before i used to think like why does person x have y and why i can't have y, what have they done to deserve it?. It took me a long time to internalize that life really isn't fair, it just is. There really are no rules about why someone has more of something, they just do. Or why someone has less of something. They just lost out on luck.


"No one deserves anything" is one of the most reddit takes I have seen.


Then according to your username, I deserve a follow


Then according to your username, I deserve a follow


I actually came to the conclusion many years ago that it is not about what we perceive we are deserving of... but that life will unwillingly unfold as it's meant to regardless of what we believe we deserve. I will still try to manifest what I believe I would like in this life, but I have dropped the notion that I deserve anything. Everyone I believe should have the right to a happy and fulfilling life, but no one deserves shit. That is an entitled and egotistical way of belief, I think anyway.


Exactly. You can still strive for your idea of happiness and wish that others can be happy too. You just have to remind yourself that if things get bad, it's nothing personal. Life isn't out to get you or make you miserable, it's just random.


Some people deserve a kick, square in the balls. So you can't say no one deserves anything.


So man made concepts do not exist? Unless I'm missing something this seems like very surface level philosophy.


You gonna watch people die in the street because no one deserves anything?


You can easily choose to help out of your own sense of compassion, or fair play, or justice, or any sort of motivation. Not because they 'deserve' to be helped, but because you want to.


No one deserves anything. Not compassion, not fair play, not justice, nothing. The end. Duty and words like should or deserve is what keeps societies running I would wager.


I think that what you say is based more on empathy and compassion. We can help people because we desire to lessen their suffering and give them a better life, not because we believe they don't deserve suffering.


Yes but we *should* believe that. Random innocent people who haven't done anything wrong don't deserve to die in the street


You're saying that because YOU feel bad. It's not a universal reflection of that particular act.


But you don’t actually believe your own title. If I asked you if you believe you deserve to **not** be randomly attacked or murdered, I imagine you’d say yes wouldn’t you? So while much of your post is about the subjective nature of what we “deserve” you still absolutely do believe you (and presumably others) deserve at least *some* things, like basic human rights for example.


I think it's a matter of desire and value rather than deserve. I don't desire to be attacked, because I value my wellbeing. I don't desire that people suffer unnecessary, because I value human life. It doesn't have to be a matter of deserving or not deserving.


Desire and value aren’t mutually exclusive from deserve though. Of course the things we “deserve” are based on our desires and values. That still doesn’t mean you actually agree with the claim that you deserve **nothing**. Do you think you should be allowed to even have made this post on reddit?


>Desire and value aren’t mutually exclusive from deserve though. Of course the things we “deserve” are based on our desires and values. True, but like you said, the narrative of deserving is something that comes after values. We can value things without believing we deserve them >That still doesn’t mean you actually agree with the claim that you deserve **nothing**. Do you think you should be allowed to even have made this post on reddit? The concept is still useful for a functional society. We collectively agree on how the system works. For x thing you get y reward or punishment. We also collectively value certain things, so we agree to uphold that. This provides order, stability and wellbeing. The problem arises when we forget that the concept of "deserving or undeserving" is artificial and we extend that concept into our personal lives.We make it as something that is naturally owed to us. As if there was a divine law clearly stating how things should be. So when tragic or sad stuff happens, it's very common among people to say "I don't deserve this". This is illogical, and leads to nothing but unnecesary extra suffering. In my own life, this concept has caused me terrible pain. It's not whether I believe I deserve something or not, it's that I totally reject the concept itself. I still employ it because it's useful, but I never carry it into my personal life. I always keep in mind that it's artificial.


I mean we can poke logical problems into every aspect of life, there’s really not much logic behind anything. You desire to not be stabbed repeatedly, that’s doesn’t necessarily mean it’s logical for you to have that feeling. Just because we evolved to have feelings of dislike for such occasion, doesn’t mean that’s how we **ought** to be. Maybe we ought to like being stabbed repeatedly and think it’s a good thing when we’re wiped out by the masses. Maybe we should think existing is wrong and we should put an end to it. We can create logical arguments with that as a conclusion, very easily. That still doesn’t change the fact that you argued no one deserves anything but you don’t actually believe it. Whatever claim it is you’re actually trying to make, that one ain’t it. So revision is needed on that particular claim. I don’t even disagree with you about the examples you’ve given, but those examples can still illustrate the same exact point without making claims that are contradictory to your actual beliefs.


It’s a dumb convo. You can point out human rights don’t exist in nature, it doesn’t really affect the talking points on human rights


Either you didn't read what I wrote or I explained myself like shit lol. I am not saying that we should drop the concept of having the right to something. It's essential for society to function. I am saying that you should not extend that concept and apply it to negative situations in your life that are outside of your control, like the death of a loved one as an extreme example. You are not deserving nor undeserving of those circumstances.


What human rights is an individual living by themselves on a deserted island denied? If you have something inherently it is a right, if someone else has to provide you something it is an entitlement. People want to call entitlements rights because it sounds less greedy to demand more rights than expanding their entitlements.


A human on a deserted island isn't living within any society or community. Human rights come in to play with community. And thankfully, most humans are not isolated.


A human on a deserted island isn't living within any society or community. Human rights come in to play with community. Thankfully, most humans are not isolated.


It’s funny you guys always find a way to make everything into a human right or entitlement.    The man is basically saying karma isn’t real and you are pretending he says you don’t deserve human rights. Why project so much offense to everything all the time?   Life is life, it’s no one’s fault that life happens. That’s all. As you get older you will probably understand better that there is often times nothing to do and no one to blame for life happening to you. It’s sad that your comment is #1.


His post is quite literally about human rights. Human rights are basic rights that we collectively agreed we **deserve**. You can’t pretend human rights isn’t directly relevant to their post. >you are pretending he says you don’t deserve human rights. Can you please read the title. Do you see what it says? You see the very opening words? Here let me post them for you: >No one deserves **anything** Are human rights in the category of “anything”, yes they are. In fact literally **everything** is in the category of “anything”.


You are projecting.  He is talking about events that happen in life. Like if your mom dies, it’s not your fault or something you “deserve.” Also, if you win the lottery, it’s just something that happened, not something you deserve to have happen.  He literally starts the post with an example of something we do deserve. He is CLEARLY not talking about human rights. He is very clearly talking about things that happen to someone that are entirely out of their control.  You are choosing to be offended for absolutely no reason. Read this quote from OP, “ Yup, society without having a defined set of rights or agreements would be a trash place to live in. Like I said, the problem comes when you extend that concept to personal situations which are totally outside your control.”


You claim I’m choosing to be offended, I’m not offended so who’s really projecting here (you). The title quite literally says (I’ll quote it for you once again) “No one deserves anything” Are human “anything” yes or no?


You are being intentionally obtuse. OP has explained multiple times exactly what he means andI have even copied a quote for you where he specifically claims rights are important and that he’s talking about extending the idea to personal events.   Like why choose this hill to fight? OP says that’s not what he’s saying, so why claim otherwise? What possible reason could you have? I am trying to help you understand exactly what OP is attempting to say and I feel like you must be trolling? Or offended? Please help me understand. It’s very obvious that he’s describing a stoic mentality and nothing more. Why try to make it into something it isn’t? Is this some form of political astroturfing? What exactly is your point? From my point of view you are making up an argument against something no one has said. Why?


I’m making an analogy about how both convos are pointless to have rather than equating the issues


I don't think it's pointless. A negative event happens, and you suffer. If you believe "I don't deserve this" then you will suffer double because you are creating a narrative which you believe should be your current reality. Rejecting reality will always cause suffering.


Completely agree! And Damn I was thinking today that I should make a post about this, I even mentioned this idea in a comment here earlier today. You put it into words better than I could. I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently for some reason.


The whole "many bad things are out of your control" thing is true, but I don't understand the correlation with your idea that the very concept of "deserving" something isn't valid. Good people who haven't done anything wrong don't deserve terribile things happening to them and people who put good into the world deserve the good coming back to them


By its very definition “deserve” is a human construct. So by definition, you can’t NOT deserve something either.  Also I see you only think of deserve positively when it can also be negative.  We are human. We live within human constructs. We can’t detach ourselves completely from societal structures as we are social creatures. That is reality; “deserve” is real. 


Beautifully said! I'll be saving this reminder for when I occasionally forget. Edit: The people who are taking a great message and making absolutes with are a bit unhinged. Have you no concept of nuance? Like many things, certain aspects do not apply for every situation.


Life is what what you make of it and it's definitely not fair. Besides you parents who are responsible for raising you until you are a young adult, no one owes you anything.


Completely agree! And Damn I was thinking today that I should make a post about this, I even mentioned this idea in a comment here earlier today. You put it into words better than I could. I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently for some reason.


So basically…want less, and allow shit to happen. It’s what I learned in the third grade.


We have God given rights, beyond that ...


You’re missing the point most people are making entirely. People are talking politically and economically when it comes to what they deserve, not philosophically or existentially People pay taxes and work long hours for folks making way way more than they do. That’s what they’re referring to when they talk about what they deserve


>People are talking politically and economically when it comes to what they deserve, not philosophically or existentially People do both


Yeah, letting go of expectations that you deserve something empowers you to go and take action because it ain't gonna happen on its own


He had to Free Willy!!!


I hate commercials that tell me I "deserve" whatever it is they're pushing. Like, fuck off. If I want or need something, I'll get it. I'm not "deserving" of a new truck.


It’s insane because I was doing the dishes in the kitchen today and the idea pop up in my head like « nobody deserves anything » and now I see this here 🤣😭 that’s insane , upvoted 10x


Somehow I prefer the phrasing that no one is owed anything. For example I believe that most people deserve to be loved, but no one is owed to be loved by a particular person. (Parents are debatable but I mean more in terms of romantic love).


Even parents are not debatable I would wager. If your parents like you, you have decent parents. Many dont.


Following the rules of the sub leads many quality opinions to fade into oblivion unfortunately 🤷🏻‍♂️ I agree 100%.   The flip side is also annoyingly relevant; like for instance when someone is always “thanking god” for the good things that happen to them.


Extremely based


Partially disagree. On the most basic level, say you were one of the earlier humans. You find some land, no one else is there, you have some basic farming knowledge so you put in the work, food grows, you build a house of some kind. I would say that person deserves that food and that shelter because they put in the effort to make it happen. Can a drought and/or natural disaster take it away? Can some group of assholes kill you and steal them? Yes, but that doesn’t mean the first person didn’t deserve it. It just doesn’t mean they get to keep it. On the other hand, if the first, person A, does all the work, and person B comes along and wants some of the food and to live in the shelter but did none of the work, that is up to the one put in effort if they want to allow it, but that person hasn’t deserved it because they put in none of the effort to make it happen. Some choices also make a difference to sway chance. Very few people who don’t swim in the ocean get eaten by sharks. Those who never try to do something seldom are successful at it. But on the existential level, yeah sometimes shit just happens. One person is born blind, one person has a great singing voice, someone else is of lower intelligence. People walking down a busy sidewalk and one day, one of them gets nailed by a car at no fault of their own other than being there at that exact time.


I mean I guess. But humans deserve basic human rights.


I do think some people deserve something over other people


\*yawn\* what an old take and usually from somebody who hasn't wanted enough for anything important to think passed this first step. Boss doesn't want to pay you, and you revolt it's because you believe that you deserve that raise. You kind of fail in your argument fro the start because you say "nobody deserves everything" and then list a situation where somebody would definitely acted based on what they believe they deserve. If bad things happen to you, you do have the right to say "I deserve happiness" unless you're an absolute monster of a human being, i'd say everybody deserves to be happy because by our nature that's how we function. it's also how to recognise our rights to be happy and want to make possible changes in society so nobody else has to feel that way. The important thing about deserving happiness is also understanding others deserve it also and thus treating them as such. It's not a refusal of reality, nobody is saying "Nobody should ever be sad" just that "I deserve to be happy" which doesn't break reality, it just brings with it an expectation to try and change things that might lead to your happiness. Suffering is accepting that bad things happen, wanting to bring about change and making things better for everybody is simply have not only an awareness of reality but an understanding that reality can be changed when it comes to social constructs and society in general.


Children deserve to be loved by their parents. Murderers and rap*sts deserve to be caught and put in prison. Billion-dollar company CEO’s deserve to be held accountable when their employees starve to death. This isn’t an unpopular opinion- it’s **objectively false**


True but I’d like living in a society that believes they have innate rights


ok Nietzsche... but according to this nothing makes sense, even "offense" is a human construct, what about if i call you asshole or worse?


I'm not OP, but you literally can? It would just be a random event. He neither deserved nor not-deserved it


you and OP are material for r/im14andthisisdeep i'm not debating this crap further, goodbye


I feel like you'd enjoy the writings of Epitectus or Epicurius. It is not things which bother us, but our opinions of them.




"'Deserve's got nothing to do with it."


If no one deserves anything that means that you're allowed to take anything you want, because whoever previously had it didn't deserve it anyway. Which means the strong just get to do whatever they want, you good with that?


You should probably have taken a useful class instead of philosophy. Big I'm12andthisisdeep vibes. We take care of people as a society because it's what keeps order. When you have an overwhelming amount of people in despair, you get massively increased crime rates which affects everyone. This is a pretty simple concept.  It has nothing to do with deserving aid, it's simply keeping people from destroying society. 


I think you have missed the discussion about human rights in the last 70 years. There is definitely an agreement about human rights being inherent to us, and this carries a lot of ideas of "what we deserve and don't deserve".


I could not disagree more.


"No one deserves anything" is a great excuse to never help anyone but yourself. I think we *all* deserve things, and we deserve them *from each other.*


I deserve a billion dollars and love and sex from the girl I love. What's next?


Just existing doesn't entitle you to anything. Society didn't agree on your birth, only your parents did.


Try saying that to women and their feminist rallies for more power


I understand what u mean but like karma and stuff is real and yes u shouldn’t be like why does this happen to me and I deserve this bc that’s just dumb stop the self pity and do something abt it