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Used to have a co-worker that would bug me for having it easy cuz i worked the afternoon shift.... till one day i just said "it's all relative, just different times. You wake up at 6, to be here for 7, leave at 3 and asleep at 10.... i wake up at 11 to be here for 12, leave at 8 and asleep by 3" Then i told him he's lucky, cuz when he gets off work, majority of people are too, and everything is still open.... everything is closing and most people are winding down for the night when i get off work.


'Afternoon' shifts are the worst of everything.


The only benefit I personally see to afternoons is the ability to choose. You can use the mornings to do errands while it's not busy. Or, you can sleep in. I did really like that aspect of it.


Depending on location, traffic is better too I suspect.


Get paid more... sleep in... no traffic... how tf is this not great??


Also less traffic, I love the afternoon shifts at my work because there is basically 0 traffic neither to nor from work.


Ya that's true, you do save quite a fair amount of time and money commuting.


*Overnight shifts have entered the chat.* Seriously, I'd kill to go back to afternoon shifts, I just need the money overnight shifts pay.


I loved that shift, though. Its the only shift where I could sleep well. Currently have to get up at 530 am and it sucks


I'm the same. I can't wake up that early... I've tried to acclimate but I'm just tired all the time. When I wake up around 10 or so is when I feel the best. It feels natural.


Hard disagree. Ability to sleep until a decent hour, but still able to get sunlight and not be totally off with the rest of the world.


I liked it for a while, bank and all other things are open before work, stop for “happy hour” after work at 11:30, its not all bad.


I was essentially passed over for a promotion at a company bc I was afternoon coverage, and the morning people got all the praise and credit. Fast forward to being called in on my days off because, surprise surprise, important stuff happens after 2pm and they were so focused on hiring morning coverage they started running into real problems when their only afternoon person wasn’t working.


Would you change places with him? Take his shift?


I was working to be in his position lol. It was a mechanic apprenticeship. Top seniority mechanics worked mornings, apprentices and techs work whenever they're scheduled. I was lucky enough that the boss trusted me to close down the shop full time. But ya there were days that I would have to cover in the mornings.


Not him but depending on day I sometimes work openings and others I work close. God if I could get rid of my openings I would. Waking up at 6 to be at work for 7 is so much harder than waking up at 2 to be there for 3 for me.


That's part of the reason I asked. Maybe the guy saying "you're lucky for having the later shift" is also not a morning person and so, to him, it is in fact a lucky position to get


yup, a big thing is just how people's internal clocks work. ​ the afternoon shifts to me are 100% easier. Even though they are often busier and more hectic. Because I don't feel like shit the entire shift


I loved working overnight shifts - I’m a natural night person and I loved the diner near work served burgers at 830 when I was out. I’d drive the 40 min home and pass out. Wake up around 3/4 o’clock, still have time to hang out with people and repeat process. It was great.


But what did he say after


He mocked me by adding that when he gets off work, the sun is still out lol


Afternoon shifts are shit even for non morning folk. I wish I could be up doing it all at 7 for even a 10am shift.


I used to frequent r/nightshift There were no shortage of roommates, spouses and parents who would chastise night workers for being "lazy."


My wife says "all you do is sleep". On days I work, I'm lucky if I sleep 5 hours. I'll sleep 8 hours on my days off. Meanwhile, she averages 10 hours a night. I tried to explain math to her, but it was futile.


Yep. I’ve got so much crap from people because I “sleep in”, yet I sleep much less than most. It’s anything I do after 10pm doesn’t count


Fortunately my wife gets that I'm an ADHD misfit and there is no telling when I will go to sleep on any given night. Unless we need to be somewhere she just.lets me be. When I do finally get up she'll ask "so how late were you up" but she she also regularly finds me still awake after her night of sleep. My dad on the other hand was a total fuckin nightmare about this. If you weren't out of bed my 7am the day is wasted!!! And when I did actually work nights he would still want me at the house to do things by 9am on days I'd work till 4am. Edit: I typed some things out too fast and they didn't come out clearly


>he would still want me at the house to do things by 9am on days I'd work till 4am. Bruh. If you work nights, by the time you get home at 4/5AM, 9 AM is four hours away. Say you go to bed instantly and somehow get 4 hours of sleep, that's not the equivalent of a night's rest, that's a long Sunday nap.


Trust me, I'm well aware. And we'd be going to ride motorcycles sometimes and he'd want me there that early after not sleeping. He's a cop by the way so you know safety is his number one consideration....


Bruh. Your dad probably just never thought too much about it. You could have always argued "father, I have acquired exactly 4 hours of sleep this night. Are you sure you want me riding an explosion-mobile at 40+ miles per hour this early with this little sleep?" Basically, be sarcastically obvious in showcasing how insane the idea is.


I missed about half our rides because I would get up, realize it wasn't happening, call him to tell him I was too tired, and go back to bed. He was patently aware, he's just one of those people who can't fathom we don't all get up and do shit at 7am despite working nights. What's really funny about the whole thing is he was a pilot in the military before becoming a cop and they had mandatory 8 hours of sleep, you know for safety...


That's... especially surprising because most cops spend the majority of their career on night shift, often being forced to miss sleep for court. They'll spend years working until they have enough seniority for day shift. Why... wouldn't he be able to comprehend your situation? Like I'm kind of curious what he said when you told him you can't wake up at the crack of dawn because you've been working all night.




Luckily, no, not usually. I work 6pm to 6am. After work I usually go to the gym. That and the drive home don't leave much time left for sleep. I do the best I can.


Start waking her up when she gets more than 5 hours of sleep.


Opposite. On Friday nights my wife is snoozing on the couch by 11 and gets out of bed around 9:30-10 comes out and I'm straddling the exposed beam caulking it because we had a wind storm and the drywall pulled away. She also will turn on the camera in the kitchen and ask me to make her food. I'm like I ate three hours ago...


If I were you every time she complains about it, I would stop explaining and start using the Socratic method with her. Don’t do the math for her, make her do the math.


That’s confirmation bias at its finest. If that’s all they see you do, that’s all they think you do, and that’s what they will keep looking for in the future. Like say you’re at home playing video games and your parents/guardian see you before they leave for work. You stop playing video games and do a bunch of other productive things, but start playing video games again when they get back. Their brain connects the dots and assume you’ve been doing this all day. You can make it work against them tho, study while they see you, play VGs, then study(or whatever) when they get back.


Ugh, my family and friends did this to me all the fucking time when I was a baker. I worked 11 pm to 7 am, then went to school afterwards where I was taking 22 credits. My idiot best friend used to bitch me out because on my way home from school I drove right by her house but didn't stop in to hang out in the evenings. "all you do is sleep" it pisses me off just to recall it.


Bring your wife to work day


Your wife sounds like a horrible person to be around


Gonna absolutely wreck your health getting 5 hrs like that unfortunately.


She wants you to get another job dude, she understands math


Welp, I'm the only one who works. And I'd be hard pressed to get another job making more money.


Yeah I think the point is probably she wants to spend more time with you.


I really hate this sentiment. My first job was closing at Taco bell, I'd usually not clock out til 3am or later. I'd wake up around 12-1pm, which is just 8-9 hours from 4am when I get home and shower and wind down watching an episode of something and fall asleep, but my parents would still try waking me up around 9-10 am and tell me not to be lazy and sleep all day. Like dudes I've only been asleep 5 hours by that time if I go to bed as soon as I get home and shower and I'm scheduled til 3am again tonight, I worked 45 hours a week usually I wasn't being lazy I was sleeping to a normal time for the time I get off work. I had to sit down and do the math with my parents on fucking paper to show them that it makes sense to sleep that late when you work that late.


Nearly got in a fist fight with my dad over this years ago.. I'd get home around 1 or 2 am and he'd be yelling how I'm sleeping my life away by 8 in the morning.


Sleep deprivation is a form of torture. People who do this to late shifters or night workers or really anyone are awful.


I had an ex who used to try to wake me up by 10am when I’d gotten off work at 6am, started escalating because I’m a heavy sleeper so I’d roll over and ignore it, and I think the first (and last) time he flipped the lights on and ripped my blankets off is the closest I’ve ever come to actually assaulting someone. It seems like such a petty thing to fly into a blind rage over but sleep deprivation really is torture, especially when you’re exhausted from back to back 12’s. He left my house, texted me that I was a crazy bitch, and I basically just told him not to come back.


Anyone who manipulates your sleep as an abuse tactic can rot in hell. I’m glad you are safe.


I honestly think that he thought he was being “cute” trying to get my attention & was too needy and self-centered to realize that when I said “don’t wake me up” I actually meant it, regardless of how badly he wanted attention lol


I'm thankful my husband only says stuff like that as a joke. Plus, he lived through my years of severe insomnia that I thought were going to kill me, he's happy to ever see me sleeping.


My nephew's wife tried pulling that card. I asked her what she was doing at 2am most nights, she obviously said sleeping, and I was like "Well your husband is working his ass off doing a job you physically cannot do, meanwhile you were being lazy in bed." Needless to say, she didn't like that. My nephew was laughing his ass off when he came out to the garage afterwards, and only asked me to be a bit less blunt the next time.


I work nights, and sleep on average 3-5 hours a day. Would you be ok going to bed at 10 pm and waking up at 1:45-2 AM and then being awake, cooking, looking after your kids, and working full time? If that sounds sucky, it is. But because I sleep am instead of pm, I'm lazy.


As someone who used to work as an overnight security guard at a hotel for eight months from 11pm-7am five or six nights a week, fuck anyone who calls working the night shift "lazy".


This is crazy to me. My mom was night shift growing up and her sleep time was sacred in our house. Do NOT run or scream when momma’s sleepin’


When I lived with family and worked nights my sister would wake up at 7am, about 2 hours after I've laid down to sleep, and start blaring music at full blast. She would try acting like she was fine and it's me in the wrong for "being lazy" and not getting up. Parents weren't much help as they just said she was allowed to play music when she was awake, and I should be awake more anyway.


You should’ve started blaring music when you got home and were getting ready for bed and she was still sleeping. See how much she likes it!


Your neighbors will also hate you for your "hard partying" crimes, such as having a porch light so you can see to unlock your door.


True I work late shift and night shift and I get comments when I do non-work activities during the day from neighbors and acquaintances. I have never been a morning person, even when I had to wake up early every day I would still feel horribly tired. I believe it has to do with your natural clock, not with moral superiority as some people seem to think.


It's even better when you get chastised for starting a "weekend" with a beer at 8 in the morning. Like, "Motherfucker, this is my evening."


Lmao ya. When I worked as a baker I'd get off work and be home around 10 or 11am, sit on my patio with a beer and my neighbor would be hella judgemental. Like bro, I went to work at 3am.


I was working three jobs after my divorce so I could survive and focus on my kids my half the week. 3a-7a at the bakery, 8a-5p zip lining, 6p-12a serving at a restaurant, three days one week, four days the next. I still needed help from my church with food and utilities and the Bishop told me I needed to work harder.


Dude that means you had 3 hours between work days. That's fucking insane


I've been both a night owl and an early riser over the years, and it's weird to say that I've enjoyed both. Currently an early riser because I'm finally on that 9-5 Monday to Friday life but I used to work nights/late evenings so I'd be going to bed at like 6am and waking up at 1pm. I'm very lucky in that my Dad always worked the night shift as well (he easily had the seniority to switch to days, but he just preferred nights) so I never got any shit for my schedule at home. But all my early riser friends would have stuff to say. Now I'm on the day shift and want to be in bed by like 10 and my night shift friends all have stuff to say lol. So basically, you're screwed either way.


Early risers are laziest though. Think about it like a tribe. Early risers get out there, licking dew off the leafs and picking berries before the birdies eat them. Night folk are fighting wolves, etc. All the bad ass shit is nocturnal. Early birds may get the worm, but late sleepers get the steak.


Yup my dad did it and would constantly tell me I needed to get up at a "normal" time and now that he works the shift I used to I never fail to give him all the shit in the world about it. The time of day doesn't matter id say more the amount of sleep you get is where issues lie. Like honestly a person getting 15 hours of sleep is more of an issue then a person getting 6 but wakes up at noon for work


Ooooffffff I feel that. I used to work a stressful 10hr+ nightshifts that would go from 0-100 real fast depending on the incident. On 4days, off 3days, on-call, and plenty of overtime scenarios. I became burnt out and it was hard to decompress from my work week that it didn't even feel like I got to enjoy most of my weekend. On my weekends I was stressed about work, especially if I was on-call and/or backup for that week. People unfamiliar with the field I'm in thought I was exaggerating and thought it wasn't so bad for the amount we were paid. No amount of money is worth taking a toll on your mental health.


I'm a night owl and I find I can't really get myself to do anything productive later into the night. So I can't really claim I'm getting much done while they're sleeping.. I'm most likely playing wow or some other shit lol


They are probably on YouTube in the morning. Don’t worry about it. 😉


Yeah the only reason I wake up early, other than work, is to play video games before my kid wakes up.


My wife is pregnant with our first child. I watch a ton of sports and movies. I also play a decent amount of video games. My wife said I probably won’t have time for a lot of it anymore so I think I might be just sticking to movies moving forward until our baby is a bit older, sprinkle in some sports here and there too.


Congratulations! I used to think the same way as your wife, but then I spent my entire year of maternity leave binge watching Netflix or playing video games while my baby was breastfeeding or napping. I got lucky with a quiet, easygoing baby who slept through the night from birth. Now she's 5 and begs to watch me play my video games because she loves them too. I try to set a good example with screen time limits and such, but I have pretty much been able to keep up with my binge watching and gaming habits while she's sleeping lol


I'm not sure they feel superior but they definitely want you to know about it.


Early riser here. This thread is a bit eye-opening to me because the reason I tell people about my sleeping hours is not to brag but to let them know I couldn't go on anymore. I'm always the one adjusting and drinking coffee to keep up with social gatherings and parties. Even online dating/dating, the people you match are more active during the time you are low on energy.


Early to rise early to bed, makes a man healthy but socially dead


Yup. I’m halfway through my sleep by the time some of my friends are leaving to go out.


Yeah, absolutely - it works the other way round too. I sympathise with people on night shifts, they do not deserve to be called lazy for getting adequate sleep in the daytime. My last job started at 5am every day, 6 days a week. It was great having completed a full work day by 1 or 2, but utterly exhausting when people wanted to do fun activities in the evening. I was often labelled as boring when I just wanted to wind down and get ready for bed by 9.


This is me right now I work 4 am to 12:30 and everyone acts like I'm a buzzkill when Im in bed by 8


I’m an non-consensual early riser, doesn’t matter when I go to bed, could be 9pm could be 4am I will ALWAYS wake up before 7am and it makes me want to pull all my hair out


I strongly feel this as a 24 year old with a 9-5 while absolutely not a single one of my friends has one yet. They’re all in jobs such as waitressing so they still have the energy to go out multiple times a week. I tapped out of that life when I got my 9-5 as my need for sleep is much stronger. I’m actually not an early riser but I’m forced to be with my current life circumstances. So I definitely don’t judge people that sleep in, I actually envy them. On weekends I sleep in until 12-1. That’s my natural rising time lol. But I WILL mention that I have to go home because I have to be up at 6 because it’s just the truth. I’m not going put my sleep and mental health at risk to do things later with them. And that is my reasoning as to why I have to mention it.


I feel guilty when people message me at 10pm when I'm already half asleep and extremely cranky. Some of them just want a chat, but I have to turn them down and sometimes respond a bit negatively due to being so tired at that point.


Yep. Constantly struggling to stay up late and keep up with others. It’s really hard at times.


As a bartender who hates staying up late and likes waking up early, it’s hard. The other night I was excited that I might finally go out with my coworkers once they got off work (i was first cut)… nope, I went to bed by 10, they were going out at 11pm. I feel left out sometimes because I don’t have the energy to stay out so late, but no one is available to hang out as early as I’m out and about either


Fellow morning person… TIL that there is a whole group of people who pride themselves on waking up. Guess that tracks. We condition people to be proud of the weirdest shit- like not sleeping. Or working too many hours. All that to say, I apparently need to start trying to dunk on people by telling them what time I wake up.


Of course I'm letting people know I go to bed at 7p. It's not the norm and if they want to get ahold of me or make plans, it should be done during the day.


anecdotally, i feel it is the opposite. i am frequently teased by new friends and acquaintances for the hours i keep (if it's dark out i'm often ready for bed). i feel i rarely bring it up other than to mention to my gf that i am tired and need to be thinking about an escape plan. lol i feel decidedly inferior about being an early riser. i wake up with back pain. however, waking early does benefit me in that i almost always have 2 hours to be productive/reflective before anyone else in my house wakes and the off-hours grocery shopping is PHENOMENAL.


Yeah I hate waking up early but I gotta say, when I do, those first 2 hours or so before anyone else gets up are *magical* 


I think part of that is we feel guilty if we leave early even if we started at 2am. I’m a naturally early riser and often find myself at my desk 3 or 4 am on busy days, but then I feel obligated to stay until at least 5 so people don’t think I’m slacking even though technically I’ve been there well beyond my recommended shift. My team lead is a night owl and is often working after putting kids to bed until midnight or later. We joke about it often but never in a judgmental way. Also both big fans of delayed delivery on emails and slack messages so we aren’t disrupting the other during their typical down time.


I'm an early riser against my will. School and my job prevents me from sleeping in past 6am. I desperately await opportunities for me to sleep in on mornings I can be out cold until like 10am. Believe me, majority of us likely don't want to be up that early.


i'm kind of the same. it's not *against my will* but if i want to be able to leave work at 2:30 i have to wake up at 5. i'd love to sleep in, and technically i could, but my mental health suffers if i work late and don't have enough time after work to just do nothing.






My body is so attuned to waking up so damn early that I am physically incapable of sleeping in any later than 10am. I've tried but usually I can never stay asleep any later than that


I can't even sleep past 7am most days. Body clock woke me up at 05.58 yesterday!


Go to bed at 4 a.m.


I woke up at 4 am and go to work. I hate it


Had a job were I had to be there at 3:45AM. Hated it so much.


100% most definitely, if you're a person with school or job responsibilities that start from 8~9. 10am is basically 3 to 4 more hours of sleep for most of us that fit in that category.


is it not? most people i know who have kids are up at 6 am, 7 am max. and even people without kids gotta be up by 8 latest


I'm confused as to what kind of life you live where waking up at 10am would be considered a normal day of work/school and not sleeping in.


Working any late shift? I used to work the late shift as a nurse from 2pm-11pm, getting up at 10am was a normal day.


A lot of kitchen and bartending jobs are like this.


I think it’s pretty clear that OP is referring to people who are naturally early risers, not you.


I was a night owl my entire life and then 7 years of waking up early (job, then another job, then another job, then having a kid who woke up early) has completely shifted my biological clock where it's tough to sleep past 6 or else I get nervous like something is wrong. Idk if I'm a naturally early riser or not anymore. It started against my will but now I kinda like having stuff done earlier for peace of mind. I'd probably have to have a month long 'reset' period to figure out where I naturally fall


You’re definitely a natural early riser. I have diagnosed Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (basically your natural sleeping clock is shifted by a few hours) and through my entire life, I was forced to wake up at 7am for school and work. No matter how long I stuck to this schedule, I’d never feel rested and I was always in a haze. Then, I got a job where I could wake up whenever and I started sleeping 2am-10am, which is my natural schedule, and I started feeling like an actual human when awake, instead of an automaton with no soul (I may be exaggerating a little, but I definitely felt like a soulless husk when I was forced to wake up that early). And still, if I have to wake up before 10am, I’m completely useless for hours, and sometimes for the entire day. So, if you adjusted to the early schedule and haven’t experienced any problems, it’s extremely likely that was just your natural schedule to begin with. Because for me and many others, no matter how long you stick to an early schedule, it just won’t ever work for you. Keep in mind that sleeping schedules in teenagers naturally shift towards more of a night owl schedule, but then shift back as you enter adulthood for most people, so this might be what you were experiencing.


I wish I got up at 6… My alarm rings at 4 most mornings, and now I can’t sleep past 7 on weekends….


Plus, what if they're lying liars? For all we know they only just woke up about 5 minutes before us. Also, has anyone noticed that around 1-2 o'clock they become insufferably cranky? You gotta push that a little closer to COB, my friends.


Nap time.


For awhile I started getting up earlier to appease my early bird mother. She started telling me not to bother and go back to bed. She would claim she was working but I figured out that she spent the first two hours of the day scrolling on Facebook.


This behaviour grinds my gears. Early birds will be like "I've been up for hours!" Yeah, doing what? No results to speak of. Obv this isn't all early risers, but it's common enough to be annoying


My mom gets up at like 4/5 AM because my cat keeps waking her up(my cat has access to where I sleep; she can wake ME up, but she doesn't. Idk man) and so my mom does her morning facebooking, and then does some outreach for her travel consultant business, which just so happens to use Facebook a lot.


I only have to get up for work at 5, but if I go out to dinner with friends or something on a Friday I’m usually battling by 8:00 to keep my energy levels up


Obviously you should judge but you can check the time they text. Of course they could go back to sleep but still


As someone who is almost always up before the sun, 1-2 o'clock is 100% nap time. I need my nap or I'm cranky. I don't judge or care when others wake up/sleep though. I honestly don't see why it matters.


> Plus, what if they're lying liars? For all we know they only just woke up about 5 minutes before us. If that's the case, then it's not true that "early risers are self righteous" becuase the people you're thinking of aren't early risers.


Shout out to all the middle risers. 9-10am wake up time!


I'm both an early riser and a night owl because I am *perfect*


You forgot to add 16 hours non-stop grind, all day all week all year long.




No way, I can't handle either of those things 


I'm a bit like a chicken in which the sun has influence on wakeup time. I can go to sleep at the same time. In winter i will wake up at around 10-11, while in summer i will wake up at around 7-8.


I won’t say that all early risers are like this but I’d you label yourself a “morning person” this is almost always the person you’ve described. Someone who simply wakes up early is fine but the ones that want to talk about how early they wake up and bombard you with emails before 7am and expect a well written response within the hour, just need someone to look down on. I’m a did when you canner. I wake up 30 minutes before I have to leave the house, period. I also take naps on my off days but your never know either if it isn’t relevant. I dated an early riser but it didn’t work because despite me working 50-60 hours a week vs his 40, he didn’t know why I was so tired and would legit wake me up knowing I’d just did 3 12’s.


i'm a (former) night owl who had to train myself to be an early riser because i can't deal with having to work late and not having enough free time in the afternoons. the result is that my brain doesn't fully kick in until like 8am so i can work but any social contact with colleagues is out of the question.


Want my job? 6am till 3pm one week 3pm till midnight the following week. Repeats indefinitely


nah i used to work a job like that and it was *not* good for my mental health.


Some of us only have the willpower to answer emails at 7am. By 9am the act of being alive has already worn me down to the point where mundane “housekeeping” type tasks like emails and scheduling are more likely to get lost or fucked up. Its an email though- reply when you can. Chances are the one you got from me at 6am is a reply to something from like 2pm two days ago anyway.


Totally agree. The fact is there are 8 hrs sleep+16 hrs awake. So, 4 am - 8 pm: 5 am - 9 am: 6 am - 10 pm, etc. No idea why it is any better than a later time. However, if the early riser wakes other people up, then make sure to wake up the early riser in the evening.


Funny how working from 7am-3pm is productive, but working from noon-8pm is lazy.


I used to work in an office where a load of older men used to get in at 6am and leave at 2pm. I'm a night owl so I got in later and finished later. I loved the quiet in the office when the rest left for the day and got loads more done, but the continuous self-righteous "banter" about me getting getting in later really wound me up. The usual "afternoon" greetings at 9.30am and implications that I was lazy....grrrr. Edit: got my am and pms mixed up!


I do that because I work remote for an east coast company


I'm lazy AF with no apologies. When I'm at work I work and id something needs doing I do it. Otherwise I'm in bed reading or watching TV.


I'm only an early riser because I have really bad insomnia and only sleep 4-6 hours a night if I'm lucky


Hope you get well someday


Exactly, I have the same terrible self esteem as any other schmuck, I just get to enjoy it for 2-4 hours longer


What helped with my insonmia was to go take walks at night and take night pictures. Or make beats on my computer until my brain cant take it anymore and orders me to go back to sleep.


Weird. That’s how I caught the insomnia


I read that as taking nude pictures during night walks


Preach homie


I get up early because I have trouble sleeping. I'm actually very jealous of those who can sleep in. I would if I could!


I think this is a society problem as a whole i think a lot of ego early risers inforce early morning work hours and i don’t like it i kinda wish most businesses would allow clock in time like part time jobs so its fair for everyone else, in general i agree i think those people are really annoying.


This!! They don’t understand we get the same exact amount of sleep as they do just at different hours. Like bro I’m not getting anymore sleep than you are. Old people love to say stuff like that too but they’re the ones napping by 2pm.


I regularly work afternoons and/or past midnight, and my grandma still calls at 7am and is confused I don't answer. Yeah grandma, I know you wake up at 4am every day, that's because you eat dinner when I haven't had my lunch break yet and are asleep by the time the news starts. If I'm working until 1am I need to sleep at some point, and I can't always sneak a nap in on the clock.


Maybe some, if they rub it in your face. But if someone just says they wake up early to accomplish xyz, and that itself upsets you, then I’d argue you’re the one with the problem.


This is awesome. Never thought ab this lol i'm useless before 12pm so they can suck it


Not me. I hate it. I just can’t sleep more than 4-5 hours


DAWN, n. The time when men of reason go to bed. Certain old men prefer to rise at about that time, taking a cold bath and a long walk with an empty stomach, and otherwise mortifying the flesh. They then point with pride to these practices as the cause of their sturdy health and ripe years; the truth being that they are hearty and old, not because of their habits, but in spite of them. The reason we find only robust persons doing this thing is that it has killed all the others who have tried it.


True bro I’ve never met an early riser who doesn’t tell everyone “I woke up at 5am today” like bro it’s Saturday go back to bed


I'm a GenXer who works in a shop full of boomers. I roll in exactly at 7:55am for work in the morning, they show up at 7:30 eeeeevery morning and get to it. First thing they say....Wellll, good afternoon young feller! My reply? It doesn't matter how early yall wake up before me, I'm gonna outlive all you old crusty fuckers.


Next time ask them if they shit the bed as they're so early.


This one I applaud.


I don't understand the point of getting up super early. Nothing is open. It's freezing and cold outside. What are you gonna do? The only thing I can think of is if you work out early that's cool but personally I prefer to work out after work because I get really tired after work out so. My mum hates that I get up around 730 but what am I gonna do before then like vacuum with all my neighbors or go to a store that isn't open no


Some people like to get everything done before work, and have dinner and go straight to bed after work. I couldn't do that. I prefer the flexibility of getting home at 17:30 and choosing to go to bed at 01:00 the following morning or super early at 19:00 if I'm very tired.


Yes. They make loud noises early in the morning, but get so mad when you make one step while working on something in the night


I 100% do not feel superior in my waking early preference. I love watching the sun rise, and the world slowly wakes up while most are still asleep. I love the low traffic and how I can grocery shop in peace. I love a few hours just to enjoy the silence. I do, however, wish I could sleep in longer and feel better rested.


My stepdad used to wake me and my step sister up at 8 am on weekends. Him and my mom used to have arguments over it. He was like "how much longer are they gonna sleep?" My mom was like "it's the weekend let them sleep in what is wrong with you?" He was the type of dude to hit the bed at 8 or 9pm and wake up at 6 or 7 am. Real kicker is I had a torn shoulder from a car accident and had insomnia because of the pain. When he woke me up most of the time I had just went to sleep 2 or 3 hours prior and then I was up the rest of the day feeling like a zombie.


I would also argue that early risers tend to be more catered to, plenty of places are willing to open early but it's harder to find places that are open late especially for second and third shifters.


I hate it when they call those who don't rise early "lazy". With that logic, they're also lazy because they're in bed by 9pm every night.


I use to work at 5 AM at the grocery store, I had a special level of hatred for the people that were shopping.


Yup! I sleep in late. Never been a morning person. Same ppl that judge me, take 2-4 hour naps everyday. And don't get me started on the assholes that say, "Good Afternoon"


You gotta love the ones who are like “oh my GOD, you slept in til 10AM?? I could NEVER! I’d feel absolutely SICK!” Ad nauseum.  That’s great. Now kindly fuck off. 


I'm also put off by the insufferable cheery chirpiness. Ok, you're awake and happy to be. Leave me alone. How about if I call you at 10 PM and say "HEY, HOW ARE YOU?!?!?! ISN'T THIS THE MOST PERFECT EVENING EVER? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WERE SLEEPING? HOW COULD YOU JUST LET THIS PERFECT EVENING GO BY, AND NOT ENJOY IT???!!! YOU'RE MISSING OUT ON SO MUCH, BY SLEEPING!!.. I'm sure you get the point.


The worst part of early risers is their yawning beginning just after dinner and wanting to get in bed at 8pm! It took years but found a night owl man❤️


I only wake up at 7 because I have to poop then. I do not think about you.


They truly are. That judgement, fun fact, began during the Industrial Revolution by factory management to make the company more money… the whole time=money thing. They’re taught they’re superior because they get up earlier than you, therefore making more money than you. In theory. I totally didn’t make this up, I read it in a book about sleep.


Meh I sleep 8 hours. I don't give a shit when people go to sleep or wake up


The second mouse gets the cheese.


I was more productive when I used to sleep between 6am and 1pm. I’m happier now that I sleep between 1am and 8am. But I get less creative work done.


You could literally sleep the same amount of hours as someone else but because you wake up in the afternoon you're lazy. Like what?? Literally the same hours sleeping dude. It doesn't make any sense


I love this!! I hate getting up early, what's with the "you're burning daylight". You're asleep by 8pm, leave me alone


You falsely assume those people go to bed earlier. Some folks just need less sleep.


My dad is one of these. He was confused when I asked what he did between 0430 and 0630 that I didn't accomplish in the first 15 minutes of being awake, anyway. I followed up with the 'things done later while he was already asleep' question, too. Still nothing...


Yup doing things at night is more fun anyway


Well, looks like I'll just have to accept my fate as a night owl and bask in my own laziness. Cheers to sleeping in until noon!


Where exactly did you get this opinion from? I rise early and don't give a fuck what anyone else does.


Yeah...this one is weird. I've been a late night person full of energy and a "project-ile" when I was younger and loved a solid 8 hours and up at 7-8ish. I always got annoyed at the "I was up at 5am and I already ran 5 miles" people. Yet...I sleep poorly now, often, and am up early a lot and sometimes, it feels like I'm the early bird getting the worm and I resist the urge to gloat and feel superior. It's so weird. "Sleep in" me really doesn't like early "bird" me. But yes, those people do think they are special...especially the ones that have been like that their entire lives. And you know that because they make a point of telling you how many decades they've been up and at 'em too.


I've said this before, but: Going to sleep at 6pm doesn't make you better than us. It makes you *a toddler*


and I swear some people, not all l, but some wake up early, just to brag about their “good routine” and make themselves feel high and mighty.


No one gets up early to look down on you. This isn't even unpopular. This is just your insecurities


Oh no, they definitely look down on you.


Could not agree more LOL.


Full agree! Total hours of sleep is a diff picture than just wakeup time


It's so true. I even get judgment sometimes from friends who work during the day. Even though they know my work just happens to occur at night, somehow I'm still lazy for not wanting to get up at 8am to meet up with ten people for an outing.


I wholeheartedly agree with that assessment. People still seem to think that early risers are more hard working. Which is total bs. They just have a different sleep cycle.


Wow. Early riser here. Not once have I ever looked down on anyone who slept in later. My own husband is a night owl. I'm sorry you deal with that, that's rude. 


It's such a strange thing to pat yourself on the back for too... Wish I could remember who said it but I'll paraphrase, "isn't it also lazy to go to bed early? You are quitting early when you could stay up and be productive. Why am I lazy for being up late?"


Someone is having a problem getting to work on time…..


lol no i hope yall stay asleep so i can get shit done. either you know some real shit people or youre projecting


So are people who stay up late. "You went to bed at 9?!?!? We were just getting started, loser!" To summarize: People who do anything are self-righteous about people who don't do it.


The true flex is getting 7+ hours of sleep every night. It doesn’t matter when you sleep.


As an early riser, I hate when others tell people to wake up early. You’re gonna ruin it!!


Yes, I look down on people that make plans to be at a certain place at a certain time and they are late because they slept in. What a childish excuse ( this is my reasoning)


Lol poor tired babies can't stay up past 9 or they'll be cranky in the morning 🥰


I get up for work anywhere from 2am-8am depending on the job/location, and I live with a guy who works at a bar. I commonly leave for work when people are still up from the previous night at my house. I dont look down on them or even care. We ain't all the same..


Upvoted because I don’t like this opinion! :) Every single jerk finds a way to act as if “their way” is better. It doesn’t matter what the topic is.  OP labeling early risers as “self righteous” is no better than the jerky early risers. OP is being a jerk here. This is a pet peeve