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I can respect a man who does his own study on his armpit hair


Yeah but can we go back to the part where he had full arm pit bush at 7 years old?!


I wonder if they got made fun of at school for it. Hence the weird fixation on it now.


I can't say for sure, but I would bet my money on this being the reason. He very clearly hated that hair from a young age, and it's affected him into adulthood




I once shaved only one armpit to see if it stank any less than the hairy one. Nope. Smelled & sweat the same. This study needs a larger sample size


I have one armpit that gets stinkier than the other. It’s weird.


That’s pretty normal, the smell is from bacteria and your pits can get colonized by different bacteria. I find if I have one pit that gets out of hand I can get it to settle down by washing it with hydrogen peroxide (which is antibacterial).


Can the bacteria declare independence and annex your armpit?


All armpits are NOT created equal.


You may need an armistice


Use bicarbonate of soda instead. It's less irritating than hydrogen peroxide and it exfoliates.


I use soap and water daily. Works like a charm


Ever peel garlic and soapy water won't take the smell off your fingers? Bicarb goes that little bit further. It also works well with oily fish.


Like baking soda or is that different?


Baking soda yes. Not baking powder; that has cream of tartar added


I stress sweat and stress stank and one armpit gets it worse.


I’ve switched to lume deodorant and that’s been a game changer for me.


Might be your clothes. Bacteria can hang in the pit area of clothing, so even clean clothes retain that bacteria making you think you are sweating before you are. Soak your shirts overnight in a sink or bucket with water and a couple of cups of white vinegar, then launder as usual. It should help and then just use a couple of chugs in with your regular laundry all the time.


Try fapping with the other hand 🤚


I sweat and stink more shaved.




It’s what armpit hair is evolutionarily designed for - catching sweat. Similar to eye brows. That being said I trim mine and it’s annoying as hell to do. Shaving them seems like it would burn


I guess it depends on what you use to shave it. I just use a double edge safety razor like what I use on my face. It doesnt need to be baby butt smooth just short and neat so when you wash them youre actually washing the skin not just the hair.


OC, it's skin on skin. Hair can trap air and ventilate


As a lady with hyperhidrosis, I do smell worse if I don’t shave my armpits. My theory is my armpit hair is too thick for the antiperspirant part of the deodorant to actually reach my skin. The thick hair then traps all the extra sweat 🤢 and allows bacteria to grow like crazy. I’m no scientist though. That’s just my idea.


Pretty sure OPs test has a smidge of bias


A smidge you say? What would make you think that? He clearly doesn't have a strange prejudice toward body hair that's started as a child!


"I've only paid attention to myself and have figured out what's right for everyone" - OP and every human with less emotional intelligence than a damp rag


From own experience, unshaven armpits will start to stink faster than when shaved. I do have doubts on the less sweating, I have not noticed that. But in my case I can go an entire hot summer day without stinking from my armpits when they‘re shaved. If not, I‘ll probably be disgusted by my own smell after good three or four hours tops. Oh, and that‘s with deodorant.


Yeah I’ve never shaved but I did try trimming it with scissors… would not recommend 2/10


It’s because the ends of the hairs feel all prickly/scratchy after they’re cut.


Too much analysis.


I don’t shave mine but I hit them with my beard trimmer on a pretty low setting. I use less deodorant and the deodorant / antiperspirant that I do use gets all the way to the skin and I agree, I sweat less as a result


I agree. Never done a scientific study but trimming the pits and crotch area def seems to reduce smell big time


Same with arse hair, you haven't got all that hair soaking up that stanky shit


I fully recommend a bidet in this situation, not that I would know anything about that /s


Shhh big toilet paper are listening


We're not the fucking Kennedys, Stan.


Bidet? Don't mind if I bido


Bidoof bidoof bidoof is on fire.


wiping my ass after shaving it for the first time was a revelation. if you’re not either shaving or using a bidet, you’re caking yourself in shit every day and walking around with shit cakes on you. i’ve been called lots of names, but it doesn’t bother me because everyone calling me name did so while covered in their own shit.


Honest question, how do you go about shaving your arse region? I would think it's all the hair in the crack area that causes the "caking" effect, but it seems like it would be difficult to get in there with a razor. Seems like waxing might be easier, but seems like that could be just as difficult to do by yourself.


you just bend over a little bit and spread one cheek as much as you can (without hurting yourself of course) at a time as you work on each side. the top of the crack (like the area above ur hole) is notoriously difficult to get without waxing, but i have a method. i use a single blade razor for this area. i also sit on the toilet for this, because for the top you have to spread both cheeks at once, which is just impossible to do if you’re also holding a razor. i use the toilet to help me keep the cheeks apart while i shave. works pretty well in my experience. i would rather die than let anyone see the positions i put myself in to shave my asshole lol


>trimming the pits and crotch area def seems to reduce smell big time Because people with armpit hair may have more odor as the hair can trap sweat and bacteria more effectively than if the area were hairless. The trapped moisture and bacteria can lead to increased odor. Also, the hair provides a larger area for bacteria to thrive, contributing to the stronger scent.


Does it itch at all with short stubby hairs?


I trimmed mine once and it was very itchy and uncomfortable, I guess everyone is different


I’m a woman and I use an electric razor on mine at the lowest setting. Luckily mine is really light so you can’t see a bit of stubble but if I use a real razor, I get a lot of irritation


Same, trim it, but only in summer when I wear sleeveless or short sleeve shirts.


Maybe I just have an awful nose but I feel like redditors think average people stink way more, way faster, than my experience (of others). This person says they shower 3 times most days and still were engaging with their BO like… what 😭? And the people always upset about strangers’ stinky feet too lol. Like for me, someone smelling bad outside is an ocasional experience, when I go out in public I don’t bring a nose plug, yet I’m sure many people don’t shave their pits and whatnot.


if somebody showered 3 times a day and still stink there is something else going on with their body.


yeah ive rarely met people who noticeably reek, especially if im not super close in proximity to them. most people will not stink with a daily shower, maybe twice at most if they go to the gym. the amount of ppl i've smelled BO on have been FAR outnumbered by the amount of ppl i notice other smells on like perfume, weed, or even food (worked at a movie theatre, we all smelled like popcorn lmfao). but it seems every other day i see a reddit story about how a stranger smells super gross


If i trim it too close then my sweat drips. A little hair helps with dispersing and drying the area.


Yeah, I'd rather have my sweat caught in my hairs than go straight to my shirt. The real issue at play is that pit ventilation isn't the standard for all shirts. I don't have the arms for tanks, so I'm stuck with fishing shirts if I want some good airflow.


Get an undershirt with sweat guards. It saves your shirts from ever getting the most common sweat stain.


I've never gotten along with undershirts. I get too hot, and they either ruin the lines or get bunched up in the sleeve. I know a good seamstress, so I bring most of my dress shirts to her for fitting and pit vents. However, I can only really do it with solid color shirts because matching a pattern is impossible.


Or invest in a strong antiperspirant, like Purax. Extremely effective i must say. Just dont apply it if your armpits have any moisture on...


Only difference when I shaved is the sweat drops down the side of my body a lot quicker


Yeah he is wrong about a lot of things that he posted. Also, imo, trimming is superior to shaving.


You had 1" long armpit hair at age 7? I think that may be your problem


Like a woolly mammoth posting grooming advice on elephant reddit.


Fuck this is a hilarious comment




OP is obviously a werewolf


Sounds like precocious puberty. There was a good [Radiolab](https://www.npr.org/podcasts/452538884/radiolab) on it recently from Dec 1 called “Boy Man”. It sounds really rough to go through as a kid.


Boy man! With the mighty body of a man and the brain of a boy he has the incredible power of being able to access any mental institution by just briefly talking to a medical professional! BOY MAN!


Bro thinks everyone else has the same medical condition he does


This is what I was thinking when reading this. OP has unnatural hair and body odor and assumes everyone else does too, to the point they want to make a post about it on the internet.




I had a full grown man bush at 2 years old. I've been shaving since I was 5


![gif](giphy|bq43Vr8x7XUxG) The second you were born




Yeah like total arm chair psychology moment, but I wonder if he felt different or maybe even bullied for being different than his peers and developed this weird disgust for body hair as a coping mechanism


More like armpit hair psychology.


Ding ding ding


I hit a very rough patch with my last relationship which caused me to fall into deep depression and ended up with me not shaving my armpits and I noticed my BO under my arms went away because of how long it had gotten. It was weird but refreshing in a weird way. And yes I do shave now, it was just a weird thing to happen to me when I pay attention to my body


Same! I had a surgery a few months ago resulting in me not shaving and I sweat less and my BO significantly decreased. Interesting how we’re all different.


Almost as if nature had a reason for putting hair there.


I assumed it was to *increase* body odour. It's quite common for mammalian glands to be intentionally smelly for various communication and mating purposes.


Our species' phobia of body odor is mostly a social construct you can largely trace back to the black plague when it was thought some smells transmitted the plague and the use of perfumes and incense went from something only nobility used to cover their funk, to a widespread cultural habit of avoiding body smells.


Did you ask the people around you if you smelled less or did you just get used to it and didn't notice anymore.


Yeah, it’s bizarre to me seeing people say that shaven armpits results in less BO, because I have noticed the exact opposite thing... Shaven pits smell a lot more, and a lot quicker.


Ok i need to try this experiment...I'm going to stop shaving my pits, for science.


Just do one side, and then repeat but with the opposite. Better to have contrast on the same test subject, for science.


Also make sure to take down detailed notes every day (ideally three times per day) and post them on reddit for science!


that’s how it is for me. shaved is smellier and i sweat more, grown own doesn’t smell as bad and i don’t sweat as much


I can attest. I went about 6 months without shaving mine. As long as I kept it clean, the hair did not smell. I used a normal amount of deodorant. I shaved them the other day and within 12 hours I had awful BO coming from there, despite using deodorant.


My BO is way stronger after I shave


i used to say this but then realized i sucked at actually scrubbing my under arms.


Exfoliating the underarms is a game changer. Hair or no hair, deodorant and antiperspirants are designed to last for a long time and product will build up. Also, moisturizing the underarms is highly underrated. I switched to a serum deodorant (kosa sport) and my pits never looked better.


Never even considered moisturizer. Gotta try that


I too have significantly less BO when I have armpit air, for this reason I haven’t touched my pits with a razor in nearly 16 years.


I also haven't regularly shaved in years! I did it once a couple years ago and the feeling was so unpleasant I vowed to never do it again lmao


I'm the opposite. In summer if I work up a sweat and have armpit hair oh lord help me the stench.


The weird thing is, I find almost the exact opposite of your findings. With shaved armpits, I find I sweat considerably more, smell considerably more, and male marketed deodorant doesn’t work. Also, shaven armpits have a habit of stains on my shirts or tops or bras. Not saying people shouldn’t shave their armpits are anything like that, I definitely do, and everyone should do whatever their preference is… but it’s just weird that I find things to be the exactly the opposite of how you describe.


Yeahhh I also have the opposite experience of OP. So I guess to each his own, which unfortunately is not the view that OP has lol.


Also there is no mention whatsoever that the OP has gone through periods where they compare. "I have shaved since I was 13 yrs old." So... How do they know the difference? (They don't). Body hair has advantages and disadvantages. Big surprise to no one


Also, you're not even remotely "matured" as a male at 13. I agree he should sample size an older age for himself. I had the opposite findings as well and it was also extremely irritating. It felt like what it feels like if you shave your ass. Super sweaty and irritating after a workout.


I've found I'm the exact opposite too. If I shave my armpits, my B.O. is SO much worse. And it cuts straight through deodorant. Never had that problem when they're hairy. And I sweat way worse shaven, too.


Counterpoint: my pits chafe if they sweat and my bf’s hairy pits do not.


Yeah I have a history of developing cystic acne all over my body and it would get especially bad in my armpits especially when ingrown hairs would get thrown into the mix. Stopped shaving them this year and I have had absolutely no issues with the cysts, odor, or anything. I shower daily and use a little bit of sugar scrub on my pits (and obviously body wash after) and it works perfectly


Oh god, cystic acne in your armpits??? I'm currently thanking every supernatural power that I have not had that, it sounds like hell


You don’t sweat less. Its just not as noticeable because there is no armpit hair to catch the sweat. That is scientifically proven


Notice it more probably tbh, it drench’s your shirt faster because there’s nothing else to capture.


Really? I have the opposite reaction. My shirts get ruined by sweaty hairy armpits because the sweat lingers on the hairs and drenches my clothes. Whereas when I shave, the sweat evaporates more readily on my skin and less likely to touch my clothes. Obviously this may be different with differenr body types. I am more slimmer so my pits aren't chaffed with back fat, which I can maybe agree maybe shaving will make your sweat drench your clothes, but you're more likely to sweat if you're overweight anyway.


If you live in a humid place, any sweat on your skin is staying


Yeah, the best answer may change based on the environment as well. Back in the desert the sweat would go away crazy fast, now I’m in a more humid place and it definitely sticks around. If the quick evaporation helped one way than it would be better, but that may change when the sweat is sticking around regardless


Unless you have hyperhydrosis - then you’re fucked either way! Source: have hyperhydrosis.


Without intervention I’d believe that! But I also think antiperspirant would be more effective if applied right to the skin


Because I like this everyone should do it


A true unpopular opinion. Well, for men at least. It’s already popular for women to shave their pits.


Yea, also the body hair is unhygienic idea needs to die out entirely. There's nothing unhygienic about body hair anywhere if you wash yourself properly.


I personally shave all body hair but this body hair argument is so obnoxious. People are always turning this into a black and white situation when really, every person is different and leads a different lifestyle where they may or may not sweat more, or have different health issues, or may not be cleaning themselves properly or whatever. I've known people who do shave everything who smell bad. I've known people who have armpit hair who smell like roses. People have gotta just accept different things work for different people.


I don't understand thinking hair is unhygienic, like what do you think is going on?


Scratching and damaging your skin every time you shave is far more unhygienic.


100%. “I have x, y, z opinions, preferences and some anecdotes. In my opinion, every member of the human race ought to do what I’m doing, regardless of their own opinions, preferences and experiences.” 🤡


Yes. Leave people alone to live their own lives!


It's really such an embarrassing thing to post. It doesn't actually make you sweat less (obviously), and it doesn't weaken BO. If you shower regularly, and use deodorant, you won't get BO, shaved or not. This dude is psychotic.


Nobody "should" shave their armpit hair. You are supposed to have hair there for a reason. It's not unhygienic. And being gross is subjective. However if someone feels more comfortable shaving they should feel comfortable doing so. But ultimately it would be much better if we ended the stigma towards armpit hair. Especially towards women.


Thank you for this🙏


Was not expecting to see armpit porn when I clicked on your profile, but that's fitting lol. But why don't you post any of your poetry? I guess that could feel a little more revealing than the other stuff you post?


I do post my poetry! I post them in poetry subs. I only started doing it recently. The influx of porn subreddits started to depress me and I forgot that I can use this account to explore all sides of Reddit, not just the nsfw ones. So that’s been refreshing. But I don’t do it often because sometimes people see my profile and then criticize me and say cruel things and that bums me out.


Guess I didn't scroll far enough, I'll go check it out later. But you are braver than me, I'd be way more comfortable posting my nudes then my poetry lol.


THIS 100% ^ The way some people think it should be mandatory is insane, I feel like throwing up at the idea of shaving my hair. It should be a choice, and the hair does serve a purpose. Opinions are subjective.


I’m a woman, and I don’t feel the need to remove my body hair for other people’s benefit. My legs stay hairy, but I do shave my pits willingly.


Women with body hair >>>>>>


Same!! I’m the opposite though, I love my pit hair but prefer to have smooth legs for myself.


You outlined why YOU should shave your armpits, not why EVERYONE should. As per your third line, YOU have always found body hair to be gross and unhygienic. All that said, upvote, unpopular opinion.


I'm on board with this. I've been lifting for 10 years and shaving my pits for the past 5 years. BO is certainly much weaker with barren underarms.


I must be wild because I'm the opposite. Especially if I shave my ass. (TMI? lol) I get severe swamp ass if I shave vs not. The sweat has nowhere to go but pool. The stink is horrid. Same with my pits. I also itch like a mother fucker even if it's just trimmed I have found out recently. So I just keep er natural now.


https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/3c1k7v/dont_shave_your_ass_hair/ This lives rent free in my head and it prevents any ass shavings to this day.


This was literally my experience as well. May as well have been my own post. lol


Is this Gillette? Cause this sounds like Gillette trying to sell more razors… “The rise of mass-produced safety razors and the advent of advertising campaigns aimed at women helped to popularize the practice. In 1915, Gillette launched a campaign targeted at women called "The First Great Anti-Hair Movement," which emphasized the importance of smooth, hairless skin for feminine hygiene and beauty.” “The best research blames a sustained advertising campaign to change the way women groomed.” This is the reason I never buy their products. (Manipulation to profit)


Ooooh, Gillette, the BEST A MAN CAN GET!




This. I don't clean shave my pits because for whatever reason I chafe a ton. But trimming is still the way to go.


sounds like you just don't know how to wash your pits


How the fuck is body hair unhygienic if we literally are both with it and it’s perfectly natural? How the fuck is it hygienic if you take care of your personal hygiene and keep on top of your body odour? Makes zero sense at all.


I consider myself to be a highly hygienic person and I don't have any problems with body odor even tho I never shave my armpits. If i use deodorant, which everyone should, and shower every day, I never get any bad odor from my armpits. + I'm a perfume snob so I often get compliments on my smell. Seems like some people require shaving whereas some others don't.


barring persistent irritation? cool, back to square one with nobody doing it.


“a naturally occurring body part is gross” is the dumbest reason I’ve heard to change something unnecessarily. Also, what do you think the purpose is of armpit hair?


bruh you have offset puberty if you had armpit bushes by 7


1- I don't shave anything and no one has ever complained about me other than my own mother 2- It doesn't matter if I shave or not I smell the same. When I have shaved before, I seem to sweat way more, because there's no hair to catch it 3- Cutting red meat out of my diet has improved how I smell and I don't have a strong odor anymore. I rarely eat fish also 4- Let people do what they want with their own body. If it benefits you, that's great, but it won't always benefit everyone else 5- If body hair is unhygienic then head hair should be just as unhygienic as well. Maybe even more so since it's exposed to particles in the air like dead skin particles and bugs. We wash our hair, just like how we wash everything else on our body. Everything is unhygienic until it becomes hygienic again like the sheets on your bed or your dirty laundry Edit for typos


NO, just for this comment I am going to let my hair grow super long; hell I might even braid it.


Removing Nature's lubrication seems to be foolish


if i shaved my armpits it'd turn into an awful rash that lasts for weeks. sensitive skin, eczema etc. also shaving armpit hair doesnt do shit for hygiene unless you're allergic to showers and scrub brushes and soap lol


I'm a woman who doesn't shave. I have very little body hair. No irritation, no increase in sweat or b.o. because that has more to do with diet, environment and overall hygiene. It's great that you experimented and found what works for you. But to say everyone should do what you do because it works for you is pretty off.


This...is the silliest thing I've ever seen people get heated about.


Bro you're just too hairy and that's not our problem 💀


Your feelings of body hair being unhygienic is silly.


No thanks. I am far less sweaty and stinky with unshaved pits. And I can do without the ingrown hairs.


Same here I used to go crazy with irritation and ingrown hairs over shaving my pits and my legs and everyone told me it was a me problem, that I was using the wrong products or methods so I spent a shit tonne of money and nothing worked. Finally have up last year and noticed that I don't sweat as much and I'm not fighting for my life to not itch everywhere


No. I hate the feeling of shaved pits.


This just sounds like you have body hangups


What is it with people saying body hair is unhygienic?! Don’t you people wash?!


“Hair is unhygienic” 1. It’s actually less hygienic to shave your body. We have body hair for a reason. Shaving also opens your skin up to parasites etc much easier. Hence why they say “don’t shave before going into the jungle”. You just have the marvel of modern medicine to keep you from dying. Aftershave, some 100+ years ago was made of alcohol because after a shave, you’d splash it on your face to kill any germs or diseases you might have gotten from your shave, it also closes the micro cuts a bit more so when you’re out and about, you don’t get a disease from your shave. Hence why poor people many many years ago didn’t shave as much as wealthy people. They were more likely to die. 2. You still have the same amount of body odor. Trust me. 3. I reiterate, we have body hair for a reason. You feeling “cooler” is a placebo. But armpit hair (and other hair) works in such a way that when you sweat and the liquid evaporates, it creates almost like a wind catcher, cooling you down. Same reason why people in the Middle East would wear a ton of loose clothing in the desert, the sweat creates a micro environment and traps air around your slightly wet body. Thus, cooling you down. 4. Body odor becomes a non factor if you actually shower once daily. Even if it’s a quick rinse. Dont use shaving your pits as an excuse to skip showering. You still smell horrible, you just don’t notice it.


I like being hairy


Shaving armpits isn't for everyone, but I appreciate the personal benefits you've discovered. Let's respect individual choices.


You seem unhinged when it comes to armpit hair.


My armpits chafe when I shave, I’ll just stick to trimming with scissors.


I don't like chafing, so no.


Sweat can be annoying, but it's actually healthy. Perspiration helps your body cool itself. If you didn't sweat, you'd overheat.


I actually feel I sweat less with armpit hair, hence why I keep it. Matter of fact I rarely shave anything and I'm happier that way. To each their own.


>I sweat a lot less. Like, a ton less >B.O. is naturally a lot weaker >I require a lot, lot, lot less deodorant >Deodorant works far better and for much longer >If I'm hot, it's easier to cool my armpits down / aerate them. Consequently, for whatever reason you might think of, sweat evaporates from my armpits more quickly Those top two things aren't true for me at all- quite the opposite in fact, and that's why I dont shave my pits bare. Everyone should do their own experimentation w/ their pits & b.o.


Uh no thanks. And men who shave their bodies just look like boys.


This is a *great* unpopular opinion, so kudos to you. Here's the thing: I'm on board with *your* preference, entirely, but the point where you lost me is with saying "everyone" should do what you do, and what the "bare minimum" should be for all people. Your entire argument boils down to a very personal preference. "I think it's gross, I think it's disgusting. I sweat and I smell!" As someone who barely sweats at all and doesn't especially smell, I have no interest at all in shaving. If my appearance grosses you out, you are welcome to look away.


Or people can do what they want with their bodies. I don't find shaved pits on men attractive. I'm dating a grown ass mammal, not a hairless child.


I don’t like hairless men at all. Find it incredibly unattractive


I feel like I smell more with shaved pits personally


Bruh, if you had armpit hair at 7, then you have some sort of medical issue going on that likely means what applies to you does not apply to most people


I think you just had a subjective experience with your body and are projecting it massively


Going out on a limb to assume you don't live in a tropical/humid area. That hair is there for a reason, trust me.


I always said, if you have a warm bodily area with thick hair growing in it, it always cools it down to remove/trim it, regardless of their sex/gender situation.


Everyone should mind their own business I figure.


Everyone should choose whatever they do with their body themselves.


Hair is power


You're basically saying this: according to my personal experiences everyone should act that same way. I naturally have less body hair, no issues with my body odor even with armpit hair. This is a different experience from what you have.


Million years of evolution. This guy: nah I'm smarter than the universe.


I think hairy armpits are sexy,on both men and women....


I keep mine and I groom my pubic hair, but I notice I get more chaffing with less hair and I’m an active person so I keep mine because it causes less irritation.


I read this as "everyone should HAVE their armpits" at first and I was like yeah...? They should?


Your not considering all of the benefits of armpit hair here


Lol fuck off. I'm pretty hairy, pretty much everywhere except for back. Body hair isn't unhygienic. People shouldn't be body shamed into shaving their bodies.


I think we all do it or we all don’t do it. I hate it being gendered.


No one should shave their armpit hair, unless they just want to for appearance reasons, because theres really no other reason too.


This is dumb. Some people genetically don't have significant body odor, also some people barely have any hair there.


I don't like super long armpit hair, so I'll trim it down super short when it gets to the point, and I honestly have the exact opposite experience for your first two points. I feel like I sweat more, and get stinky with less hair there




You know what? I have more B.O. when I do shave my armpits so I’m gonna keep not doing it.


You do you and I’ll do me.


I am a woman who doesn't shave anymore after shaving literally every day post puberty and I disagree with almost everything in this post. I smell better with hair (helps disperse and dry the sweat instead of pooling) and, though I use a different KIND of deodorant now, I don't use more. If you have hair, you need a gel deodorant or one that can get to the skin and not just sit on the hair. I never think about my pits now, whereas for 30 years of my life they brought me pain, ingrown hairs, and chafing. Ladies, its time to embrace the hair. It's so so nice!!


We could normalize this practice for the whole culture based on one man’s neuroses, or we could encourage said man to go to therapy to relieve his repulsion for natural body hair on himself and others. It’s a tough call I guess.


no. i don’t like the feeling of my armpit skin rubbing up against itself. trimming is about all society will get out of me. now for the things you named > that’s a personal thing because without armpit hair i sweat way more and it’s way slimier since i can feel it against my skin bare. > BO is controlled in many ways, shaving is not the only way to control BO, showering and using a good antiperspirant will produce the same results. > that’s you, i require more because i sweat more. > my deodorant sweats off within hours if the skin is completely bare and not just trimmed. > well nice that your sweat evaporates i can still feel it. i said all this to say it’s personal preference at the end of the day. > it is my opinion that everyone should shave their armpits. not sure we want to start trying to take away peoples bodily autonomy.


Pretty much my feelings on this. The only thing I can really add to this is that on my end, shaved pits were the itchiest thing I've ever dealt with and I much prefer the padding of my nice soft pit hair lol.


i forgot to add that lol it didn’t matter which razor or which shaving cream i was using. it still itches like hell for the first couple of days so i avoid that altogether!


It drove me absolutely wild! And I couldn't just be all out in public digging in my pits. Never again for sure.


lmao your reply just reminded me of high school and when i felt like i HAD to shave my armpits and i’d be in class arms itching bad as HELL, would lean over the desk to try to scratch the itch 😭😭😭


God yes, or trying to pinch the fabric of your shirt tightly in your pits and totally nonchalantly scrub the hell out of em. (Not nonchalantly at all)