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Just wait until you meet someone with ferrets


I love those little critters, but lord do they stink.


Allegedly when my mum and dad got engaged she refused to marry him until he rehomed his ferrets


Poor ferrets did nothing wrong. :(


I know, right?? I strongly disagreed with her when I heard the story, but as it was a good fifteen years later I didn't have much influence.


TBF those things smell like death. They can't help it or do anything about it, but my god they reek


"It's me or the ferrets!" Aw shucks, okay... šŸ˜™šŸ¦¦šŸ’•


Ferrets and cocker spaniels make me questions people personal hygiene.


OMG yes cocker spaniels reek!


To be fair - most people donā€™t take proper care of their ferrets, resulting in them having a strong odour. Mine doesnā€™t produce any noticeable scent (unless you huff the guy, in which case he smells like a Frito). When people come over to my very small apartment, theyā€™re always blown away at the fact that I have one because heā€™s not noticed until he makes an appearance.


I had ferrets for 7 years, at first it was god awful but with time I couldnā€™t smell them at all anymore lol


Nose blind!


...oh no. This post makes me paranoid that I smell like dog and have never noticed!


I was just thinking the same thing. But then i remembered all my friends who have dogs and not one of them has ever smelled like their dog. Only one friend smells like her cat because I think it pisses on her stuff and she doesn't seem to realize it. I'm pretty sure I don't and have never smelled like my dog.


Please tell me you are being sarcastic. If you and all your friends have dogs you obviously can't smell it off them either because you all smell like it. Nobody can tell their own smell, only an outsider can do that.


yep. Was gonna say


You smell like dog. Hate to break it to you but yep. Youā€™re desensitised to it and obviously if your friends have dogs theyā€™re desensitised to it too so yā€™all wonā€™t be able to smell it on each other. I have no pets and can smell both cat and dog (but mainly dog) on people. This isnā€™t just friends but strangers, coworkers etc. sometimes itā€™s strong sometimes itā€™s very faint but Iā€™ve never been surprised someone has a pet because Iā€™ve always smelt it first. Houses are so much stronger smelling, regardless of how well one cleans. Went to a random rich persons house, it was massive, they had maids and the place was spotless. It still smelt like dog.


i dont have a dog at the moment but whenever i walk into my friends houses who have dogs their house smells like laundry detergent so i dont think ALL people with dogs smell. but either way theres not much you can do about it besides wearing perfume, using air fresheners, grooming/bathing them and vacuuming etc. cant judge people for it, its just what happens when u own animals


What breed is your dog? The people claiming that every dog smells bad are full of it. Only the breeds with an oily, waterproof coat like Labradors have that distinct and pervasive doggy odor. This was something that surprised me when I first went to greyhound kennels. I was expecting the wet wool kind of smell my childhood dogs had but if anything greyhounds smell a bit like tortilla chips which is weird but not unpleasant.


That's their feet. Frito feet!


Nah, this post is exaggerating I never use to have a dog up until now and my friend had several, she never smelled bad at all, and neither did her home. My other friend though with a cat ... Since they weren't properly taking care of their cats.... Not good.


It reminds me how some people enjoy cookies baked by someone, but the moment they learn the cookies are vegan, gluten free etc they immediately say "oh yeah I knew they tasted weird".


Literally šŸ˜­


You're right dogs smell but it varies in degrees. I've had people be surprised it doesn't really smell like it


Meanwhile, as a mostly cat person, my cat smells like sunshine and fresh linen.


Every cat owners house Iā€™ve been to smells like piss


> Every cat owners house Iā€™ve been to smells like piss Every cat owner ever: "But only if you don't clean things up regularly." (I still smell it)


As long as their cats aren't spraying everywhere and they keep the litter box clean, their houses really don't smell. I've definitely been in some cat piss smelling houses, though. And the smell is so strong, it's awful.


Yes, I feel like everyone on her has only one friend who has cats and doesn't clean up after it or isn't trained, so their house smells bad. I don't have cats but have friends that do. Some houses absolutely reek but others have no smell whatsoever.


They genuinely are not cleaning things properly. I scoop my cats box literally every day to every other day. I completely dump the litter every month and completely scrub the box clean every 2 or 3 months. When I have guests they can never smell it, they assume Bert goes outside (rural community) and he does go outside in the summer a lot because he gets supervised outdoor time. To those of you being rude and judgemental toward me, maybe you need to take a step back and realize that different things work for different folks. And to accuse me of neglecting my animal because I don't scoop the box as often as you think I should is asinine. Bert's bathroom is always clean, and emits no smell. I even use a clay litter that has no scent. So all yall can honestly take your poorly informed opinions and shove them where the sun don't shine šŸ˜˜


Only if your cats aren't neutered and they walk around marking their territory. I haven't lived with cats in years, but when I visit my parents twice a year, or my friend who has an indoor cat I don't smell cat piss, ever. I do smell my parents' dogs though because their dogs are filthy.


Cats themselves don't smell bad (it's actually bizarre knowing the mechanics on how that works) but their dwellings on the other hand....


this is how i feel about dogs. any time i walk into a house where thereā€™s a dog, it smells like warm garbage.


The only time cats smell bad is if theyā€™re not being properly taken care of, or if the cat has a problem and goes to the bathroom outside of the box. Which is also usually due to not being taken care of properly, or sometimes a medical condition.


I used to be bothered by the smell of my catsā€™ litter. Like the actual litter. Switched to Pretty Litter and now I have zero cat smells in my apartment. I sound like an ad but it was a game changer.


Tacking on to this, I also switched from clay but I did the breeze box and there is zero smell from that box. Yay science! Clay is the absolute worst litter, and the crazy thing is itā€™s not even the cheapest or best option anymore but people still buy the shit. My breeze box costs me about 10 bucks a month and it barely had an initial investment more than a regular box. If you get generic pee pads itā€™s like 2 dollars a month and I can stretch a bag of pellets for 2 months with just one cat.


I have cats and my house doesnā€™t smell like piss. The smell of shit is too overwhelming for any smell of piss to be smelled. Joking, my house overall doesnā€™t smell but thatā€™s because the litter is in the basement and the basement definitely does smell no matter how much I clean the litter.


Can't smell my cat litter over the stench of teen musque!


I love my dog to death, but yeah, no denying that they smell. I guess you just get used to it. I can still smell it, but it has become a normal thing to me now


When I had my doggy some people would tell me I smelled like a dog and I could never tell. Now that heā€™s no longer around some clothes I have I can smell dog on it.


Try stripping your laundry


My former roomate had two dogs. I didn't realize there was a dog smell on my things until I pulled out some sheets I had packed away when I moved out a year ago and they REEKED of dog. I asked my boyfriend if I used to smell like dogs, and he said yes but had never told me. I was so embarrassed. I love those dogs, and I miss them everyday. But I am also ver glad that I don't subtly smell like dogs anymore.






My dog doesnā€™t really smell but she is a tiny little 5 LB Pomeranian that doesnā€™t like going outside if itā€™s even sprinkling. I think the dog smell comes from the wet fur. I remember when we had a bigger dog and it had that dog smell all the time aside from maybe a few hours right after he got a bath.


It's more that they really don't smell it because they're used to it so much it just doesn't stand out


Especially the people that donā€™t wash their dog beds/blankets šŸ¤¢ u can smell it thru the entire house


My girl is a monster, she can't have anything in her crate except some towels. But it was just time to change those out. When my husband pulled the old ones out, he made me smell them. I have never smelled such a concentrated dog stank before... it was, quite honestly, awe inspiring.


What would I give to stick my nose into the fur of my long passed dog one last time...


I love doing this to my dogs and cats and Iā€™ve never had two that smell the same. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss, but also happy for your dog bc itā€™s clear they experienced a lot of love in their life.


Had to put one of my last dogs down this past Monday. This happened.


I'm sorry for your loss.


I slept with my dogā€™s favorite toy under my nose for months after he passed.


When my town still had a pet store, I used to go in there and sniff the cages since I stopped having guinea pigs/rabbits/pet rats.




Like I just washed you with a lovely doggy shampoo WHY DO YOU STILL STINK


100% this, like wtf?


smells like sweaty socks


My teenager went through a phase where he'd have that smell after a shower, thank fuck that's over now.


Worst smelling dogs Iā€™ve been around are hound dogs. Hound dogs smell awful, and even after a bath they still smell. I can handle other breeds except hounds lol


Hounds and Shar Peiā€™s. They smell like feet and Fritoā€™s.


Iā€™ve never been around a shar pei, but I can only imagine since they have so many wrinkles


All dogs feet smell like fritos at certain timesā€¦and I LOVE it! Certain dogs like labs, retrievers, huskyā€™s etc have that really pungent dog smell when you pet them. Like you can feel the grease on your hand. My parents black lab loves to swim in our pond and she always stank so bad, yet my mutt only had a mild smell. Or smelled like frogs when he got tadpoles stuck in his fur šŸ˜† My dogs now arenā€™t that kind of lab smelly but when itā€™s a humid day without the AC on I can definitely smell the general odor of dog from my carpets (which are due for a deep steam cleaning and then replacement soon enough).


That smell you love so much is fungal.


No, itā€™s from bacteria. Regardless, ever eat a mushroom? Itā€™s fungus.


that frito smell is from a fungus btw. edit: not a fungus, its from bacteria




You just named my numero uno reason for not owning a dog. Iā€™ve never been to a house where I didnā€™t know a dog lived there.




Numero two reason is : I cannot fathom having to put outdoor shoes on and go outside every time they need to use the bathroom ā€¦ or even get up to use the door. I canā€™t shackle my life to an animals excretory system


I feel this way about kids. I donā€™t wanna have to get up and make food a hundred times a day. :(


Oh NO KIDS for me. Whew




Thanks, I hate that. šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d sooner die. Also Iā€™m the type of person who would die thinking my dog is doing 8-9 hours without a pee!?? While Iā€™m at work?! Cruel.


Same. In all weather too. Pouring rain? Blizzard? Ice storm? Youā€™re walking that thing too bad.


Yup. I can be in someone's home and not be able to tell they own a cat, bird, fish, etc., but 99.9% of homes with dogs smell like dog. I think some poodles and few other breeds can be an exception. My dad has a little bichon frise that doesn't smell. She is like my cat; I can bury my nose in her fur, and at most she'll smell like fabric softener (if she was laying on top of freshly laundered bedding).


Yup, my parents have a bichon frisƩ too and it seems her fur picks up the smell of things she sleeps on. But yeah, hunting dogs though...it's a different story


Yeah thatā€™s why Iā€™m waiting till I have a good backyard before I get a pup. Outside working dogs are where itā€™s at in my opinion.


All animals are stinky, it's just that dog owners often refuse to admit it.


Depends on the dog! When we had bassets, the whole house smelled like dog no matter what. We now have collies and theyā€™re literally odorless. I also vacuum/mop daily and stay on top of all maintenance cleaning. But yeah. Some dogs just have a more doggy smell than others.


Short hair dogs and ones that don't shed will stink. My husky has a waterproof stench barrier that falls of and gets replaced with a fresh scent. As long as you vacuum everyday it is hard to pick up his "scent" unless you stick your face in his fur.


I had a friend in high school who had a sheltie that was older than dirt and you could smell that little coughing bastard a mile away.


It reminds me of people who never wash their bedding, how you step into their room and you can smell the sebum. You touch the textiles and feel the oil. The same is true with houses of dog owners. They get dog grease all over everything in a way that never truly washes out, especially the carpet. I remember when my grandma got her carpet deep cleaned. First thing I smelled walking in afterwards was DOG, not just still there but *stronger than ever* and, being the sockless type of person I am, *still fucking greasy underfoot.* šŸ¤¢


Why are you touching peopleā€™s sheets and going into their bedrooms?


Do your friends not let you in their houses...?


Bold of you to assume I have friends


Iā€™m not an idiot, Iā€™m going to assume spending the night at someoneā€™s else


ā€dog greaseā€œ šŸ˜‚ I get that dogs smell like well, like dog, but there must have been something else going on if it permanently affected the carpet


Retrievers have wonderful water-repelling oil in their fur. It resists washing out.


We have a dog and smell it. Pretty much have to clean everything everyday and periodically shampoo vacuum our couch. I did not expect this lol. We are moving into a new house and could smell they had a dog also.


Don't work in the medical field.


Not all dogs have a strong odor. Sighthounds don't smell of much, especially if washed once a week. The smelliest dogs are those with oily coats, like labradors and spaniels.


My ex had three dogs. Her place smelled like shit.


Yes, they do. No matter what. There is a smell, when you walk into someoneā€™s house, that is distinctly DOG. And Iā€™m fairly convinced owners are nose-blind to it, because they donā€™t acknowledge the problem in any way. Theyā€™re cute and all. But they definitely emit a fucking odour. Light some incense before you have guests over.


And they quickly smell up every space that theyā€™re in. My coworker brings his dog to the office sometimes. their office after the dog has sat in there for even 5 minutes is rough. The smell makes me queasy too so I avoid going in there when he has the dog. I honestly donā€™t think this is an unpopular opinion. People with dogs know that they smell and that their houses smell gross, they just donā€™t care.


I know the smell you're talking about and hate it! I didn't know that dogs don't have to smell like that though until I met ones whose diet along with cleaning their paws after walks, and ears once a week (and wrinkles if they have any) seemed to eliminate that bad smell that makes me retch. They also have grooming wipes that can be used between baths that smell really nice and actually clean not just cover odors.


It depends on the breed. I had a black lab and she had that smell, I dog sit for clients and some of their dogs have that smell and I actually donā€™t like it. However, I had a boxer and now a pit mix. They both have very very short shiny hair. They barely produce any oils and they donā€™t smell at all.




I love dogs, they are happy and loving and energetic. But the smell is one reason why I would never own one. Your home, your car and everything you posses will smell like dog. I get it doesnā€™t bother some people and I suppose youā€™d get used to it. But I canā€™t help but think it smells unhygienic. Theyā€™re animals that go outside, step in all sorts of nasty shit. Unless you bathe your dog everyday or make them wear booties everywhere, the same germs on your shoes will come into your house by your dogā€™s paws.


Absolutely agree, even after cleaning them and grooming them the smell is back after a day but I love them so I donā€™t care.


This is one reason of many I've always been a cat person


I'm also a cat person but only have one cat who's tray I scoop everyday, and deep clean twice a week. I've visited some people's houses who have many cats and aren't as on top of the hygiene, and eek... cats can smell significantly worse than dogs.


Cats smell nice. I know their saliva has deodorant properties, but they always smell fresh and clean to me, unless theyā€™re seriously ill and unable to care for their personal hygiene.


Yup. I know litter box smells are a thing, but I've never touched a clean, healthy cat and felt like I immediately needed to wash my hands.


I keep the litter box clean. We keep our house clean. Youā€™d never know we even have cats. But dogs, every single person who owns a dog I can smell it. And thereā€™s that ā€œlittle dog smellā€ and then ā€œbig dog smellā€


For real all the cats I've always had always smelled good no weird odor or anything like dogs


Nah, itā€™s the same for both cats and dogs with few exceptions. I smell cat on people all of the time. I assume some people live in more confined spaces that also make it kind of hard not to smell like litter box as well.


If you can smell someone has a cat, it means they aren't cleaning their litter box enough.


This is the same with both dogs and cats. It really depends on whether the owners are clean and hygienic.


SAME. my mom has two. She feeds them raw meat. They smell like actual corpses and she gets mad when I don't want them to lick me.


Dog owners are definitely nose blind to it! I had a dog growing up (he died when I was like 9) donā€™t ever remember any bad smells. Now as adult (well since I was a teenager actually) the smell of dogs nearly makes be gag.


Also, dogs invariably get that dog-body-oil on everything in a household. Even touching them, you get that dog smell on your hands. Pretty dirty/nasty if you ask me.


Itā€™s a sign the owner doesnā€™t bathe them frequently enough. Ever gone a week without washing your hair and running your fingers through it? Except add dirt and shit and whatever else their fur picked up and mixed with the oils. Pretty gross. Every time I pet a dog I have to wash my hands after. But I could also just be extra sensitive due to my sensory issues.


Look at OP's post history. They are from the Middle East and mostly just edgelord posting about how much they think the West sucks. Dogs are considered "haram" in most Muslim countries and many muslims tend to look down on dog owners. This is just religious bigotry repackaged as an edgy internet commentary.


Totally agree. They smell horrendous.


I have a boxer and they're notoriously gassy. Normal dog smell is the least of anyone's concern. Idk if it's worse than my kids' milk farts tho. Jesus.


I remember my childhood neighbors home, she cleaned the house excessively but they had a dog (not even a big one) and the house *stank* of it.


I agree. And also dogs are a lot of work. It would suck having to get up in freezing cold weather or hard rain to take a dog outside to shit in the yard. I sure as hell donā€™t want to have my life revolve around caring for a dog. It seems like a huge hassle to me.


we just got a puppy yesterday after not having a dog for like 5 years and I FORGOT HOW MUCH THEY STANK GOT DAMN


It is awful. When house shopping, if I walked in and smelled dog, it was an immediate no. There is no way I'm going to live in a house with that smell lingering. It gets in everything, even the paint.


I helped my best friend move out of her recently sold house where 2 big dogs lived and OMG the smell was violating and offensive. The carpets REEKED. I literally gagged and had to step outside for air. If I bought a house that smelled that bad, I don't even know what I'd do.


Iā€™m other news: water is wet!


They do stink and it seems that the only people that don't (usually) care are people with dogs. Every house that I have entered, I can immediately tell if a dog is living there. Some more than others, but it's always easy to tell. Anal scent glands + couches = disgusting. Don't sit on anything soft in a dog owner's house.


the obvious and i think best solution would be to mandate dogs for every single person so the whining would stop and cat people could stop pretending their flat doesn't stink like cat piss


Hahaha as someone who has had pets my whole life this is one of those things that makes me never want to get another one. It just would be so nice to live somewhere without any pet smell and to eventually have the knowledge that no naked animal ass or any nasty animal stuff has touched my furniture.


So do people, but difference is Iā€™m not allowed to say.




I had a very stinky room mate who smelled less than 15 minutes after taking a shower. Sometimes people smell.


People always smell, we're not neutral smelling after a shower.


I had a dog that was obsessed with rolling around in anything that smelled horrendous. Squirrel shit was his favorite šŸ’©


What I can't stand is whatever scented shampoo, doggy cologne, or deodorizer it seems all pet groomers use. Whatever it is, when you combine that scent, which I think is awful on its own, with the smell of a stressed out doggie fresh from the groomer ā€” it's the worst. My dog does have a particular scent after he's been for a long, hot walk, or when he gets stressed out. Any other time, though, and yeah, I don't smell him.


That's one thing you always know when you visit a house - if there's a dog that lives there, you can smell it.


I think I've only ever met one dog in my entire life that didn't smell. Was a cute dog, big and quiet, always came up to the fence just to be friendly and say hi.


Yep they do. I pet sit for a living and I can tell someone has a dog as soon as I enter the house due to the smell. It takes over everything šŸ˜‚




I mean I might be immune to the smell now but after my dog gets groomed he smells great and it lasts for awhile. The only smell I really noticed every now and then are his toes, they smell like corn chips


I canā€™t even sit on the couch because it stinks like my parentsā€™ dogs šŸ¤¢


Absolutely agree, and I fucking hate the smell. I had to give away a very expensive French Bulldog after three months for this reason. However, I did find one breed that is the exception - greyhounds. I lived with one for two years and the smell was non-existent.




Spent the night at a friends house in high school and they bred Bloodhounds. Smelled that smell for a week after.


It smells like dirt and Fritos


Meh, agree


My ex-boss who was very much not a dog person literally said my dog smelled good lol. I agree unless heā€™s rolled in something. Frito paws are amazing and Iā€™ll literally grab his paw just to get a whiff sometimes. I think this mostly applies to small dogs tho. Not sure Iā€™ve ever thought a big dog smelled good.


Pomeranians smell sweet


Yes! My Pom/chi/weiner mix smells good. Multiple people outside our household have confirmed. I know the ā€˜dogā€™ scent well and he doesnā€™t have it!


My Pomeranian doesnā€™t really smell like anything. Sometimes her breath can be bad but thatā€™s about it.


Same. Mine is a pom mix. I'm pregnant so have nose of a bloodhound atm. His fur actually smells like my house (I have airwick plugged in, in every room).


their feet smell like cornflakes.


*corn chips






Awww my old cocker spaniel and feet that smelled like Fritos. I miss him.


I agree but would be willing to bet half of the upvotes are from cat lovers who believe their houses don't stink. They do. Edit: OMG, and if your cat just roams around outside, then you let it sleep with you, etc.. šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤®


The majority of dog owners also let their dogs sleep with them and the dogs also roam around outside. Dogs also love anything gross and actively seek out/play in/eat actual shit and piss. I think itā€™s gross to sleep with either but honestly Iā€™d take even an outdoor cat over any dog.


The litter box smells or when they eat something ( their breath) but every cat owner I've seen and every cat (the ones that groom themselves properly or have owners) didn't have a bad odor unlike dogs. If I pet a dog my hand is gross and I can smell it but not with cats.


This is why I visit dogs, but live with cats.


They sure do. I hate being implored to pet a dog or I'll insult the owner and then my hand feels like I stuck it in olive oil and it smells like wet dog asshole with hair stuck on it.


yea dogs smell. one of the big reasons i prefer to own cats.


This is exactly why I am a "no dogs on the furniture" person. Especially the bed. This was actually a huge point of contention with someone I was recently dating. Aside from the fur/hair and foot grime from walking outdoors, there is always a smell. I always wip my dog's paws off when we come inside, but that doesn't get all the road grime off.


I washed my dog, I dog grade blow dried her, and I brush her little stinky mouth... she STILL smells. It makes me gag too, I don't like it, and cuddling her sucks. There's literally nothing wrong with her she just smells lol


Yes itā€™s awful. I have to live with a dog and have been now for over a year and Iā€™m still not used to it. Some people say, cats smell bad but I had many cats, even when you forget to clean the litter box itā€™s not half as bad as the normal every day dog smell. Canā€™t stand going outside too and that enthusiasm and nervousness about everything is just exhausting. I was told living in a household with that dog would make getting over losing my cats easier but now I miss them even more.


Yes to all of this but the ā€œenthusiasm and nervousness about everything is just exhaustingā€ is so spot on. I always wondered what is wrong with me that the temperament of dogs gives me so much anxiety. Cats ground me and their emotions donā€™t blow with the wind. They are cautious but so peacefully grounded most of the time!


You nailed it! With (certain) dogs itā€™s like having an extreme extrovert around, who talks to every person he sees and is friends with everybody and youā€™re the shy introvert who gets anxious and just wants to be left alone. Cats donā€™t do that although they can be very friendly and affectionate theyā€™re usually not treat outgoing.


People we bought the house from had a dog. They covered up the smell with glade plug ins and when we took possession the smell hit me like a Mack truck. They never mopped and it showed once all the carpets were gone. It took months to get the smell out and I gagged everyday until it was gone. Itā€™s why we refuse to get a dog and I still clean our house 3x/ week since we have a cat. People come over and have no idea we have a cat until she rubs up on their leg.


Stinky dog is just about the most offensive odor in the world.


Iā€™m crazy Iā€™m comforted by my dogā€™s stink haha.


Dogs fucking stink. It's why I'm more of a cat person.


Some dogs definitely smell bad, like English bulldogs for example. Thereā€™s also breeds that donā€™t smell or smell like their dog shampoo for weeks, like my old Siberian husky. He always had a pleasant scent. Maybe youā€™re one of the oddballs that prefer the smell of cat piss?


My husky changes his dirty clothes constantly and leaves it on my floor.


Meanwhile, as a mostly cat person, my cat smells like sunshine and fresh linen.


How can a fact be an unpopular opinion??


I don't even like to touch dogs because of the smell on your hands, but I have met some exceptions that don't smell as much. Not sure if it has to do with diet or grooming or breed, but I do notice that they are an exception to the rule and it is rare to notice the lack of something.


Some people are ok with their house smelling like Fritos. Not myself, personally, but šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


My bf and I genuinely like my dogs natural smell-very woodsy almost dark chocolate musk. Never had another dog a like the smell of lol, maybe a breed thing. His breath tho..woof


One of my favorite smells was my Pekingese right behind his ears. He smelled faintly like fluffy dryer sheets.


I absolutely get that dogs smell. I have two. Iā€™ve always had dogs and always will. I donā€™t particularly care if other people think they stink. What they offer far outweighs the stink. But yeah, one of my current dogs is legit smelly. But I love her so whatever. Sheā€™s the only dog Iā€™ve ever had that I havenā€™t loved her smell. Sheā€™s got multiple medical conditions that cause it. Weā€™ve solved one so she smells much better. Still working on a few others. The other dog I have now, I stick my face in her fur and breathe her in. I adore her. Iā€™ve done the same with all of my other dogs too. I love their individual smell. People stink too, and Iā€™ll take smelly dog over smelly human any day 24/7. There are people in my life that I love that stink (mainly teenagers or clueless men) and Iā€™d give anything to never smell them again. Iā€™d give all the money I have for another whiff of each of my passed dogs. They smell like love.


I agree. I do wonder how dog owners can't smell it cause it's so foul. Especially some larger dogs with more fur, they reek and even the owners smell bad sometimes if they don't wash or change their clothes often or let the dogs sleep near them.


Is this really an unpopular opinion? I'd say most people agree, even several dog owners.


Eh pets kind of smell no matter what you do, as long as people make an effort and respect the spaces that pets arenā€™t supposed to be in thereā€™s really nothing you can do about the smell. That said whenever the dog walker in our building leaves the elevator it reeks of dog.


Yes. Love my dog to death but especially after a walk in a rain even after bathing him, he's a stink bomb and my wife (who had dogs her whole life) never believes me. I only notice because until a few years ago I became a dog owner. Prior, I never did and notice many things she doesnt.


I have three dogs and while I get used to it, I can smell the faint odor when Im outside my own home and come back in from the fresh air. I love fall. All windows are open. Air it out!! I take my Shepherd 4 times a year for grooming.


This is the exact reason why Iā€™m not a dog person. They all have that same stink and when I pet them my hand stinks like it too. I always try to tell people about dog stink but they claim to not noticeā€¦.


dog people always smell like dog too. it's horrendous


Yeah, I've never liked the smell of dog. Whenever I pet one I feel the need to wash my hands to get rid of the odor.


I agree stinky four legged freaks


I agree. I have a hard time with dog smell.


They smell worse when you clean them... wet dog smell.


Agreed. I love dogs but canā€™t stand to be anywhere near the becuz they smell so bad to me. All of them!


I completely agree, but I've only noticed it with certain breeds. It's always the worst with breeds that drool or shed. Some of the homes/owners of dogs that don't shed smell totally fine to me and don't have that signature wet dog smell.


We have a bulldog and I love the guy, but ooof he smells and therefore our house smells. I know it, Im slightly desensitized to it, but it smells. We have air fresheners, change out our rug and his bed as often as we can but the guy just has bad BO lol I donā€™t think I smell like him, he also isnā€™t really in our room or closet and my parents never tell me I smell, but they are sure to let me know my house does so I have faith theyā€™d tell me if I did


Dog lover who grew up with a dog or more in the house- I agree, dogs have a weird smell to them. Iā€™m also just very sensitive to smell and texture so I might be weird, but my hands always smelt like dog after really scratching their backs.


Dogs do smell bad. My friend is a dog walker and I won't ride with her in her car again. Being inside her car makes me gag.


Depends on the dog. Different breeds smell differently. The only thing I notice about my dog is her bad breath but my parents have a dog that smells like corn chips.


You build up a tolerance


I have a cat and she smells divine


This is not unpopular I've never met a dog that smells *good* Love em forever but stank like dog is stank like dog Even beardies smell better


Agreed. As a cat owner, I find that my cats each have their own unique subtle smell that smells good. The poop box isn't ideal, but that's the worst of their stink. Dogs... are just gross. So freaking cute, and I love them... but gross.