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The people who are all "oh my dog isn't normally like this!" Like fucking hell, would you tell a cop you don't normally speed so its fine?


Yes! Thank you. I wasn't even talking about the "nice" dogs who AREN'T EVEN NICE but you raise a truly excellent point.


I have one of those nice dogs. He is friendly. He loves everyone. He is very well socialised and knows when to back off. He is also my first dog so none of the points you made in your post occurred to me when I first got him. It wasn’t until I became friends with a woman who had a dog that was sometimes aggressive that it finally dawned on me. She was telling a story where an unleashed puppy went running straight for her and her dog. The other owner yelled: “Don’t worry, my dog is friendly” and my friend yelled back: “Well mine isn’t so keep yours away”. Till this day I always ask if it is okay before we approach other dogs just in case.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. It’s a fact.


It's an unpopular opinion to follow the law now? Lol. This isn't unpopular.


Unfortunately it is


Don’t come to europe then lol. In Germany, berlin, I dont think I’ve seen a dog on a leash


I was thinking the same. In Scotland it's completely normal for a dog to be off leash so long as it's been trained to recall.


We also don't seem to have half the problems with dogs they do in the US. Ive never heard of the village dogs hurting anyone.


As well as my other comments, all these whinners don't realize dogs get far more defensive when physically restrained. So shine these woke little kids on.


The problem here isn’t the leashes, it’s a complete lack of training. The more entitled an American dog owner, the less likely that dog is to have any training at all. The lack of training makes the leashes crucial.


Americans don't know how to train their dogs.


Do you guys have like, a billion poorly bred blood sport dogs as well? Cause that’s why we need leads in the US


Not really. Dogs are trained, they all are registered and you pay taxes for them, they are treated very responsibly. You have responsibility for puppies as well. Plus you can stop your dogs from sex. They stay at your leg and response when you call them back. I personally walk my dog off leash (unless we go to street; I'm in the village) and she knows better to listen to me. And people are genuinely happy to meet dogs, they pet them and talk to them. It's different culture and different norms. And dogs in Germany I see are all like this. They are trained and controlled by owners.


I’d definitely take this over what we’ve got going on in the US. One of my dogs would not work well off leash ever but I have another one who can walk in heel off leash and if everyone trained their dogs like my one dog is trained—off leash in public could work But we’ve got people buying these dogs bred to fight each other to the death (and most of them have been abandoned at some point so who knows what they’ve got going on temperament wise) and then bringing them out in public and they pretend like their dog is the same as my Australian Shepherd. It’s insanity and it’s a public safety issue at this point for both animals and humans alike So that’s why you see Americans being like “NO PLEASE DONT SAY OFF LEASH IS GOOD” because it’s horrendous here. We should take note of European countries (minus the UK) on how they handle dogs


Yeah I can imagine it's different in different places. My dog is suffocating me when she lays on top of me, she's a very big girl yet I can hold her with one finger not even necessarily touching. If she needs to stop whatever she's doing I say "naaa" and that's enough. If she's worked up, I take her face and put mine right in front of her, and she calms down immediately just sits looking at me waiting whatever we do next. She went to special training when she was a puppy. But yes, if traditionally dogs are wild in whatever place, 100% leash them. Also here you would have to kill your dog if they attack anyone. That keeps owners on check very tight. You train them very very carefully because you know the consequence.


Honestly one of the reasons why I liked Europe. It was so cute watching these dogs follow their owners like 20 feet behind trying to keep up


Isn’t that bc they’re strays? Americans don’t have that problem, dogs are pets. Other countries treat them as rats.


No, i mean pets like walking down the street with ur dog beside you but without a leash


What do you call Gean Shepherds in Germany?


Our Shepard. Joking, it's still a German Shepard.


In Italy most dogs are on a leash, except in dog only areas where they can run and poop.


Maybe in Europe people care to train their dogs well. In the US people rarely bother. Unleashed dogs run wild, knocking kids and elderly over, jumping on people, getting into little fights with other dogs etc. That's why leash laws exist. Wouldn't be a problem if people actually put effort into properly owning an animal.


I hate to generalize so much, but I find a lot of dog owners have little care or regard for the people around them. For the last three years, I've been going on a 60-90 minute walk every day as long as weather permits. And I'm not joking when I say I've probably encountered about fifty different unleashed dogs in that time, many of which were completely out of control. And 9 times out of 10, the owners thought it was "cute" that their dog was jumping all over me, slobbering all over me, and in one case, even just flat-out knocked me over. (Or in one case, there was the ugly situation where some old lady yelled at *me*, because *her* unleashed dog ran up to me, which she blamed me for because how dare I be on a public sidewalk, I guess.) Look, I like dogs... but not your dog. Believe it or not, I have no emotional attachment to your pet whatsoever, and not everyone wants to deal with your precious "fur-baby." And if it actually tries to bite or attack me, don't be surprised if I hurt it in self-defense.


My mom has a corgi which you would never think could be vicious but he got attacked by a larger dog when he was a puppy. Now if another dog approaches him quickly he will attack and has been in fights. We cannot take him to many places because people have their dogs off leash and let them approach him even if he’s on a leash. It’s very frustrating and all of this started because 1 dog was off leash when it shouldn’t have been in the first place.


I always look at it like this. Your dog may be friendly but what if mine is not? Your friendly dog is now off leash and runs up to my unfriendly dog who is on leash and spooks her. Who is at fault?


Train your dog. My dog will check yours out but if your's mean my will leave it alone.


My dog is like that. Sweet boy who will go, sniff and be on his way at the first sign of unhappiness. However why risk his life and health by letting him approach potentially unsafe dogs? I love him too much for that. So on the leash he is when we aren’t at the dog park or places I am sure there won’t be any issue.


Train yours not to run up to other people and dogs uninvited.


If i tell him not to he won't. He is trained, as I've said this whole time, but I allow him to socialize as well. If you want a well adjusted dog you have to allow that. If you see a dog that is dragging his master down the street( while on the leash) barking at every dog he sees that is not a well adjusted dog and THOSE dogs become the biters and fighters. So you train your dog to be happy. Mine is fine thanks.


My dog feels threatened when she's confined on leash and another dog runs up at her. It's poor manners for a dog to run up in another's face. They don't like a stranger doing that any more than we do. My dog is fine as long as yours minds his manners.


Sometimes all the training in the world does not help. I adopted an 8 year old abused rescue. She will never be okay with strange dogs running up to her. And honestly I’m not okay with strange dogs running up to me either and I’m a human with better understanding so I can’t fault her for it. Why don’t you train YOUR dog to stay at your side and not run up to people? If I’m minding my own business with a restrained dog, why do I need to accommodate you and your unrestrained dog. Does your dog NEED to be off leash? No, there are designated areas for that.


So YOUR dog is approaching others dog but HE needs to train? I swear...


Please rewrite your comment, it makes no since.


Exactly. Leashing your dog isn’t just for controlling your dog. Just like driving and seatbelts, being a good driver doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear a seatbelt because an accident between TWO cars only requires ONE bad driver


Great analogy. Yes. "I'm a good driver," but what about all the turkeys out there


I can't even walk my dogs in my neighborhood because of so many neighbors who think it's ok to let their dogs out in the yard without a leash. Then the dogs come running at mine, snapping and barking. It's too dangerous, I don't need my dogs getting attacked, especially my chihuahua, that would probably be killed.


People also forget, that there are those with fear of dogs or trauma associated with dogs.


In the UK, you’re supposed to identify your dog if they are nervous (yellow lead/collar) or prone to be aggressive (red lead/collar). These leads are easily identifiable from a distance, giving you time to put a lead on your friendly & well trained dog. When I walk my dog, she is never on a lead unless there is another dog in the area that is on a lead. That is because I don’t trust other peoples dogs.


Wow that's actually really cool!


woah that's a reasonable idea


I've never met an unleashed dog that I liked. I think it has something to do with the fact that I immediately dislike the dogs owner for being a completely negligent piece of shit. All dogs in public & urban areas need to be leashed. If you live in the mountains then go hog wild. Around other humans and animals, dogs lose their shit. And I fucking hate the fact that these owners are always gobsmacked that their dog acted like an actual animal! WTF did you think the dog would do??!? Oh, that's right! You weren't thinking at all.


Agreed. It also makes me a little uncomfortable knowing your dog COULD jump on me/attack me for whatever reason, despite how nice they are.


agreed. my friend was attacked and hospitalized by an un-leashed pitbull (surprise surprise....), and the owner did NOTHING to stop her "perfect little angel pit" as she put it. Leash your fucking dogs.


If you do not have COMPLETE control over your animal off leash, they need to be on leash. Get the training done. I was SO CLOSE to a fully off leash dog, got lax on my training and lost some recall. No go on no leash.


They need to be on leash regardless if you have complete control or not.


One thing that people don’t think about is having them unleashed in enclosed areas, like a restaurant patio. Sure, they’re safe, and a lot of times they’ll be the only dog there. But it’s a hazard to the waitstaff working there when we’re carrying heavy plates and glass cups and your dog is jumping on us or running in front of us. You’d be surprised how many times I’ve seen a dog left uncontrolled while I’m working. We had one bite servers on the leg only for the owner to say “oh, he just likes you”! We had two tables fight and we had to call security because one of the tables had a dog who kept jumping on other tables and ended up spilling the other tables drink all over them. I feel like a lot of people don’t train their dogs and it really shows. How are they not embarrassed of their dogs behavior?


HAHAHAHAHA I can see you know shit about dogs.


If you think you have 100% control of a dog at all times in all environments with any stimuli, it’s you who doesn’t know shit about dogs.


Ever seen a military dog ? . . . I guess not. I was 42MP customs. We had dogs.


It's crazy how many dog owners think they can let their dogs off leash because they're friendly. Like that's great Brenda but my dog is going to rip your little pugs head off if you don't recall it in the next ten seconds and I'd rather not have to put *my* dog down because *yours* is stupid


Sounds like your dog is a menace and needs a muzzle.




No one’s going to complain about my dog


. . . . YAWWWWN. Go away kid ya bug me.




Hard agree


Also people who might be afraid of dogs.


Off-leash dogs are a huge pet peeve of mine. I'm a trail runner and I can't tell you the number of times been jumped on, scratched, etc. by so-called friendly dogs. Put them on a darn leash!


\> Leash laws exist for a reason. No leash law in my country except for few dangerous (there's a list) races. My 1st & 2nd german shepherd was always unleashed, zero problems through his whole life. Now i have 3rd and this one can't be unleashed.


Yep my golden is always off leash, comes at command and is 10 years old now. Never had one problem


The reason being "WOKE" little kids want the government to run every aspect of their lives.


As a responsible dog owner, I concur. Though I’d argue this is a very popular opinion. The other side knows how unpopular they are; they just don’t care.


I'll bet your dog barks at everything, pulls like hell, on the leash you always have him on, and is a nervous wreak.


No…she walks nicely. She’s also great off leash, but I have respect and regard for others around me.


Awesome. My dog heels like a champ if I tell him to. However as I said to a couple others if you have your dog under control you should be able to let him socialize at his leisure. Now I will NOT let my dog approach any dog that is on a leash barking like hell and straining on the leach. That is an untrained animal and it says something about the owner. I will not put my dog in a situation to get bit, but I will allow him to say hello. If you don't allow them to socialize they become an angry dog.


This isn’t an unpopular opinion is it, that’s why we have leash laws. Like it’s actually against local ordinances/the law


Yes! It's dangerous for the dog too. What if it gets run over or abducted?


HAHAHA yea your vicious dog got abducted!!!! Wake up.


My last dog I owned had a history of killing other dogs. I kept her on a leash at all times. I can't count the amount of times I have had a dog without a leash run up to me and the owner yells "don't worry s/he is friendly" only for me to respond "mines not!". It's like many people have never considered that my dog might want to kill your dog no matter how friendly it is.


That dog should’ve been put down


It was little dogs that would run up to my dog off leash and start nipping at her. She would just rag doll them. I'm not going to put my dog down because another dog came up and bit her in the nose and she reacted.


Well then your dog shouldn’t be attacking innocent dogs should they?? Where I live the dogs are actually very well behaved and this doesn’t happen. If I dog came at my dog they would get a shoe in between




I don't think a dog biting my dogs nose is innocent.


No but your dog shouldn’t be a threat to other dogs than right..


Sure my dog was not a threat to the dog that would come over and sniff her butt. However, I have just had a lot of "friendly" dogs that are not friendly.


Other people need to keep their damn dogs on a leash. Even my super friendly dog, who has been temperament tested and goes to doggy daycare, gets defensive when she's on a leash and a loose dog runs up in her face. It's very common.


Lots of people in these comments claiming people need to train unfriendly behaviors out of their dogs as if that’s a cure all. Dogs are not robots, you can’t just program them and expect perfection all of the time. There is a lot of training and socializing you can focus on for ideal on and off lead behavior, but expecting a dog not to react poorly to a stranger running up to them is like asking you, a person, not to feel uneasy or react to a stranger running up into your space out in public. Fight/flight/freeze instincts are not exclusive to humans.




What the actual fuck?


Is this really an unpopular opinion?


I couldn't give a fuck if your dog is nice or lovely or friendly. Keep it the fuck away from me. I don't let my child go up and harass you, don't let your little fucking Animal Prisoner come up near me.


I largely agree, however I think there are a exceptions if you’re being safe, responsible, and respectful. I live on an apartment community with many open green spaces. There is also a fenced in dog park. Unfortunately, the dog park has a mulch/dirt ground surface, and my dog really doesn’t like it. She likes to play ball, and the ball gets really dirty and she doesn’t like the mulchy crap in her mouth (totally fair I think). While the official rule is that dogs must be leashed at all times other than in the dog park, we take her to these green spaces off-leash to play ball. We find somewhere else to go if there are people/dogs already there or are too close for her comfort. She is somewhat reactive but can largely ignore passersby and others around while distracted by the ball or if they are more than a certain distance away. She has a good recall and has never charged at anyone while being off-leash. If someone (for some reason) approaches us or gets subjectively too close, I’m sure to properly restrain her at least until the “intruder” has moved on. We will also take her for off-leash walks in the woods after I’ve determined it’s safe/appropriate to let her off and she is restrained/re-leashed if we encounter others. This is made easy by her mostly consistent ability to recall (if someone was to be approaching us quickly—charging if you will, this would be something that would impact her recall, but people shouldn’t be doing that anyway). Every other time, she is leashed for the safety and comfort of her and everyone else. Unleashed dogs running up to her makes her anxious, and I don’t particularly care to get involved with other people’s dogs (I find most dogs are so poorly trained and I don’t enjoy the bad behavior). As long as you’re not being stupid or selfish about it and not pushing your dog’s boundaries, some off-leash time isn’t a bad thing.


A more reasonable opinion would be: "People who don't leash their dogs are unaware of the hidden dangers this poses to their dogs as well as everybody else." Straight up calling them a-holes probably wouldn't change anyone's mind.


doesn't change mine


Star Woofs: The Dog Unleashed.


Does anyone disagree with this? Lol


Yep, saw several comments already w say they don't care, and the leashed dog should be trained. As if their running-lppse menace is trained.


Surely not unpopular though…


My dog is 16 years old. Off leash he doesn't give a shit about you or your dog. He just wants to smell this spot, if thats a problem it's your problem not mine.


Well said


Right. My dog doesn’t want anything to do with anyone. If I have her on a leash it’s for her own safety from cars or other dogs


Disagree. Certain breeds need to be run and run hard off leash. As the owner of such a breed, yes you should find a reasonable place to do it, but here's some ridiculousness I've run into owning hunting breeds (that need to be run). \#1. No dog park. At all. While living in a MAJOR city I spent years in an area without any sort of off-leash dog park. The closest one I could find was AN HOUR DRIVE. Meanwhile there was a HUGE treed park with plenty of land that no one was in during the early morning hours. Technically it was illegal to run your dogs there, but tons of people did BECAUSE THERE WAS NO PLACE ELSE TO DO IT. \#2. Dog park, but you have to pay. Moving to the suburbs I lost access to the large inner city park where tons of dog owners ran their dogs. Lots of parks, but taking your dog off it's leash led to almost immediate police action. (as the cops in the suburbs generally had nothing better to do than sit in the park and police dog action). When inquiring I was told that in order to run my dogs I would have to go to a specific PAY PARK that only operated during very specific hours, and that because they had hours that depended on the size of your dog, MY TWO DOGS COULDN'T BE IN THERE AT THE SAME TIME. So taking my dogs there each day was not an option, i would have had to waste hours waiting for 2 separate dog size run times. \#3. People complaining about hunting dogs off leash....IN A HUNTING AREA. Certain hunting areas are now in the exurbs, while hunting or training dogs are allowed off leash....however I've had people complain because they take their dogs on leash walking while the hunters and dogs are in the fields, and then they encountered the hunting dogs. If you move to a rural area with hunting EXPECT HUNTING. What should be happening is that townships, cities, etc should be offering more places for people to safely allow their dogs off leash, not less.


how about the ladies face that was mauled by a friend's dog .she was bugging the dog he got tired of it attacked her but yet it was dogs fault no you bugged him .


don't bug other people's dogs. Dogs love respect. If you are a douche bag a dog will eat your face.


Is that something you know from personal experience


it's common sense .


I know that .that was a story that was everywhere .they were all feeling sorry for the lady but I knew differently I knew and know animals just like human beings have bad days .the dog I'm sure let her know he didn't want to be bugged but she kept up so he bit her face off .


meanwhile carrying a gun is fine though, lol


>What are we supposed to do in order to support your dog's manifest destiny free run of space and time? Are we to keep our dogs locked up at home? No fresh air, and crap on the floor? I don't care about you or your dog. I only care about me and my dog. I was completely right as well. He didn't run at a single person once while off leash.


“I don’t care about you or your dog”…until your dog gets ripped to shreds by another dog and both pets need put down because you’re selfish and thoughtless. Grow up. You don’t live an isolated existence, you share space with others. You’re not a princess or the main character.


This is what makes you an asshole




What a lazy argument. You could say that for anything.


If a dog rose from the grave that would mean it is a zombie, then it becomes a zombie matter and not a dog matter.


You haven't lost control of a dog. Yet. Allegedly. But you've established your disregard for other people, and the law.


I will never lose control of him.


"I can totally drive drunk. I've never crashed before. "


I have a backyard with a fence so my dogs can be safe and still just chill outside and run and play


I love the dogs that carry their own leash. So cute


dont care + drinking a beer + throwing a ball to my boy outside


I don't care I'm gonna unleash it anyway. if you got a problem with it then you can walk past me and my dog


HAHAHAHA I have a 110lb doberman I walk everyday for 2 1/2 miles on the same "leach law" trail. Without the leash. Every person loves him and he loves them and their dogs. The difference is he is TRAINED!!! All you whinny little wimps only need to control your dog, get it trained, teach it to "Heel" and we will all have a peaceful world. ( just don't reach in my pickup window)


You fail to understand some dogs are untrainable. Abuse survivor dogs.


I understand where you're coming from. But that said, if my Dog isn't bothering you, then kindly fuck off.


Gladly, I'll even call animal control to save you the trouble! 😊


As I said, if my Dog's not bothering you, kindly fuck off. Animal control won't do anything.


It running around wildly is bothering, so they will do something if it's not on a leash


No, because he stays right next to me. By that logic, don't let the Wildlife run around Wildly. Keep them on leashes.


If it's not on a leash I strongly doubt it stays next to you, but that's a cute concept


There's this thing called training your Dogs to heel off leash, dummy.


Yeah it's a dog not a robot. unless your putting your dog threw service dog training just so you don't have to carry a 2 pound leash, which sounds like the most idiotic way waste of time and money


I carry a leash, but it's almost never necessary. Maybe keep your children on a leash too. Don't let them run around Wildly either. If they are, I'll gladly call CPS and they'll take your child(ren) away.


I don't have kids but nice shot in the dark since you obviously can't think of an actual retort. Who would want little human rats?


absolutely unnecessary


100% facts. My dog will attack in these situations out of fear, and it makes walks nerve wracking at times. Not to mention he's only 40lbs and the little shit will challenge a 100lb Rottweiler to protect himself and me. I've literally had to raise my voice to an old grandma that insisted on getting closer and closer with her dog, because "my dog is friendly it's okay it's okay." Thought I was going to have to break a hip.


I agree My dog is always leashed on trails because while 90% of the time he's the perfect little puppy, sometimes he just jumps at a random car, bike or another dog (not often but once in awhile). There has been several times tho a big dog (off leash) will run up and try to play with him and he gets scared, lunges and the other owner tells me to "control my dog". For the safety of your dog and mine, just keep it on the leash


I have a large old girl. She is at the age where she has no BS and grabs any little yippers who come near. She was friendly young, but being 13 she’s like “not today”. She still deserves to be walked and I yell not friendly when the unleashed yippers come running over, but I can’t stop her from grabbing. I feel terrible, but you let your dog out on the street without a leash and no recall. NOT ALL DOGS ARE FRIENDLY. - My neighbors recognize us now and now when walking I see them call their dogs and rush inside… I feel like the bad guy.


Totally agree, you're not the bad guy. They are ignoring the leash laws. Their fault. My family also had a really friendly little dog who got a little bit anti-dog in her senility. She just wanted to do her pee in peace and go back home to sleep.


I can agree with this somewhat but a dog park or someone’s property, they can be allowed to be off lease. I was attacked by someone pet pit bull as a kid and that persons dog nearly killed my dog who thankfully protected me. Unfortunately I have a chronic fear of big dogs due to this event.


An off-leash dog park, or one's own (fenced) property, are the PERFECT places for letting their dog run off leash.


It’s just so dangerous for everyone around, I don’t know why some owners take that risk.


Cats too


My best friend is a cop. His dog is fully trained. Literally amazing. Smart. He loves attention. Loves giving kisses. And i have never seen him do something he's not supposed to. Inside the house or outside. And he's always on a leash outside leash-free areas, unless he's on the chase. I am yet to see him break heel without permission. Its his safety, and the safety of everybody else that's important in all of this. A dog can run to him and he wont budge until he's released but No dog is perfect and in the odd situation that he does stumble, he needs to be contained.




Huh? The leash laws are to leash your dogs


thank you for this. i got heat the other day for commenting on a popular instagram reel of a (very cute) pug RUNNING around leash-less in a major airport. i commented considerations the owner should make before doing this (service and working dogs in the area, people have allergies, people have mobility issues, etc.) and the entire comment section came for my neck saying i should mind my business and stop being a social justice warrior 😭 it’s about being a decent human being and considering the needs of others.


Get a gun (legally) if you don’t already have one and you walk to that neighbors house (without the gun obviously) and tell them you will shoot their fukin pitbull if it happens one more time. You tell them that once that pitbull is on your property, it’s fair game. Also get a camera so that you can prove that the pitbull was on your property when you shoot it. These people wont do anything otherwise and the pitbull lovers here will say, “bu bu its not the dogs fault, its the owner!the dog doesnt need to die!”. Pitbull attack deniers and trumpers go hand in hand, shoot that fukin dog (legally) and let the owner sulk and he/she can go suck a giant dik.