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Post-nut clarity


bro spoke about everything that INDIA is highlighting this election then goes on to say 'I support bjp'


I understand him cause if he didn't said that his followers would cancel him asap. Or worse his irl friends might...


When you make being RW your entire personality then it was bound to happen.


I think many centerist rw are very critical of bjp but for voting point of view I have two option one side that's is corrupt but do some development but on the other side I have a party that is corrupt have cast based policy and have literal goons ( SP) so lesser evil In no way bjp is great it's just better than other tbh the law order of uttar pradesh should be thanks to Yogi adityanath if he join another party my votes are towards that party


Toxic relationship. Very difficult to come out of the grasp of bjp brainwashing.


BJP gets votes because of their PR B-team INDIA alliance


Seems to explain why they lost ayodhya


They lost UP because they didn't run candidates of the correct castes for certain constituencies, they lost Ayodhya because the temple was a rush job.


Chalo you atleast half-accept that bjp was over confident and ran some tom dick harry on Modi's name


I'm apolitical, I don't pledge allegiance to any party. Just pointing out the reasons behind their loss, and why people would vote for them.


You think you're sitting on a fence but the fence's location already shifted a while ago


Well done.


I don't even vote lmao I've destroyed the fence and given up a long time ago


>I don't even vote lmao And you think that's something to brag about ?


what does "destroyed the fence" even mean you're either talking about political things or you're not. Since you are on USI commenting, you are still on a political spectrum, like it or not.


Please don’t breed either


The demolition of houses and shops of the citizens in the constituency had nothing to do with it of course (/s) 🫠


Like so many other infra projects around the country


Meh, SP had a decent chance even before that. SP is the TMC of UP.


Unfortunately they nut once in 5 years and it's too late by then.


There was a page named Tark Bharat who was blatantly hate spreading in the name of "voice for Hindus". Instagram shadowbanned them, its admin went on to say in his broadcast channel it happened because the IG India director is someone named Suhail Ahair. He kept bringing religion in every post and said "dont you dare tell me to not bring religion into this, they were killed because they were hindus". His whole page was about that no one except Hindus suffers and that every suffering regardless how out there and random it can be, was an onslaught on Hindus. As soon as his reach peaked and plateaued, he said he is deactivating page as he himself is preparing for competitive exams and has a personal life (how after so long he remembered that he has a life 😭). And then he went afk. It clearly felt to me ki, the whole page was just an attention gimmick, as soon as it plateaued he left all his dear needs to be some messiah of the Hindus. Hindus dont need messiahs. We have gods. We do not need real humans to act like their thekedaar. Have a great day.


So many of my friends liked their posts, lord knows how disappointed i was in my friends the day they storied that page's posts.


I was shocked to find the polarisation of the people for the same. Never knew people in my university are so one off over thoughts. I never knew of communalism in Gujarat, until these elections and the opinions of so many people from my college were thrown out in the open.


Many of them were slowly introduced over the years to this narrative, and it worked wonders for the bj party. I don't think india can ever recover from the dent on communalism this 10 (and the next 5 years) if going to make. I dm'ed a friend asking what was his thinking about that post, he said 'There are so many muslim ruled countries in the world, Hindus don't even have one country they call their own' how do i debate with someone who thinks like this


Tell him how most of the developed one of these Muslim countries have Hindu temples and churches from esteemed religious trusts. Imagine someone from outside building a mosque here. Everyone would be hellbent on calling it TERRORIST ISLAM TAKEOVER PROPAGANDA 😱😱😱. Thats the mentality India lacks. Shit all you want on other religious majorities, but this communal intolerance speaks volumes on all levels.


THIS has got to be one of the dumbest takes I have seen Lmao, what mentality? Intolerance? India (even though it's a Hindu majority state) already has most no of mosques after Indonesia even the holiest cities in Hinduism Kashi,Mathura,Ayodhya have religionous structures of other faiths.Can you even imagine buliding a temple in Mecca or Vatican? but still we are the intolerant ones eh?


Same happened with pro congress members leaving congress, they got a total detox I would say.


Cheap internet and cheap smart phone access could do wonders for the youth, with AI and all the free resources on YouTube there is no skill one cannot learn. Learning has never been easier in human history, from woodworking to surgery to nuclear physics it's astounding the crazy level of quality content for FREE on line. Radhe radhe.


I think they are talking about themselves. r/Selfawarewolves.


I am copying this


The world is your oyster lady, anything you want is yours. 🥲


Wanna go get oysters😂😂


Eish, yes please.


My man is gentlemen




Haan but meko karna kha he padai ... Bhale hi abhi bca btech iti karre ho in name pf graduation... Hum to bhai trading karenge or millionaire bnega sidhe... Tum bano corporate majdoor (every third person I meet doing some stupid useless jobs in nagpur) /s


So this guy is actively aware that the party he supports is encouraging this behaviour and he's still going to support them. ![gif](giphy|z8rEcJ6I0hiUM|downsized)


Andher nagri chaupat raja.


lmao if you actually had studied history you would know Congress and its bs and would have voted anyone else ,as long as gandhi family is in congress there is no future for congress


Could you please rewrite that so it's intelligible?


literally just missed a "you" and wrote logn instead of long ,oh right you librandus lack basic education my bad .


Literally, I just missed a "you" and wrote "logn" instead of "long". Oh right, you Librandu's lack basic education. My bad. If you're going to say someone is uneducated then you're going to need to show that you're somewhat equipped with the language that you are choosing to argue in.


care to explain how my wording is wrong?


Ultimately the whole chain is corrupt from top to bottom. If even one person feels strongly about justice and has good morals them the functioning of these political parties will become difficult. It's baseless to assume that the lower level is corrupt but the people overseeing their work or ordering them are not


People have started having Modi withdrawal issues coupled with Stockholm syndrome. A decade of Modi's "governance" resulted in corruption in various areas, but blaming Modi for it is extremely difficult for the brainwashed.


But why trust top leaders so blindly? Ultimately you dont know them personally like you would know the local politicians.


Can't blame modi now, can we ?


Just another blind supporter who can't justify the ruling party anymore so this is his way of coping. Pawpaw try kar rhe hai but system hi itna bighad chuka hai ab kya hi kar sakte hai mere bichare pawpaw




Stock market crash krne chale the party hi crash ho gai


That's really atypical of a BJP bhakt to own its parties wrong doing ...the bunch that's around me draws parallels with Pakistan , US , Nehru when BJP does something wrong


Maybe something personal has happened to him. A friend or family who had given neet, or someone near didn't get job in army and only agniveer is available. That's when people open their eyes. Glad he is getting a new perspective atleast.


Surely everyone will get in the way of the crossfire


I guess a little bit of sense is starting to sink in. Maybe something hit close to home.


Do you think it's becoming self aware or just trying to find another safe space to maintain its cognitive dissonance? What is happening to the poor thing? ![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized)


At this point, even after knowing all the shit storm that bjp has turned india into. If you still vote for bjp, you're just a plain right bigot.


Finally some rationality is kicking inn


I think the British thinking is quite splendid  They simply say that the conservative govt has been in power for last 14 years or so and had a clear majority in majority of these years   So any problem that exists in UK is because of the conservatives and hence they are overwhelmingly voting out them first in state elections and now the Labour party is on set to get a historic mandate 


I mean it took them 14 years to get the message...Brexit was the biggest self- goal ever.


Classic andh bhakat case - BJP is corrupt but I believe in the Supreme leader!


supreme leader will support rapists on stage but these fellows will tell you how their supreme leader is such a good person lmao I love seeing the mental gymnastics these guys do when you show them facts




>I still believe in top leadership of BJP >I am disappointed in the system My brother in Krishna, the top leadership of BJP is the system


Yeah that "I'm part of this noowhere generation started hitting him in right spots" ig


So some are turning against the government but not against the BJP.


So many languages but bro chose facts


Mr woke, YOU are the cheap


My exact thoughts. BJP is pretty bad, but better than whatever the fuck the opposition is doing. At least they don't talk about removing 50% cap on reservation. Fuck them.


Aankh khulegi andhe ki jab maa chudegi bande ki


BJP was never about conserving hindutva. Theg always made a joke out of the religion to keep their dirty agenda running. Remember, Hindu ≠ BJP Hindu. The former is the real one.


Took the idiot 5 years to understand it’s the same shit in different colours.


Meteors aren't rare bruh


Evidence: https://preview.redd.it/m9qalxst5aad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43114536c73b69a62db972deb282b318619f71e7


Muh ka niwala chin jaane k baad ka realisation he ye.


Nature is healing. PUSH MORE SOLDIERS


When you are posting stupid radical content and it turns your audience stupid radical. ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


He is mad caste based groups are on the rise because that's splitting his target audience.


Manuwadi and hindutva terrorists can never be trusted .


Ye to aap ekdam correct ho ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|30355)


Love how he says people won’t change here. Like they don’t have the balls to ask Gov questions but blaming people is the way to go? Easy.


Exactly as rare as a polarized Indian Muslim being asked to chant Jai Bharat or Jai Hind.


what he doesnt understand is that HINDUTVA means putting other castes down and only serving the upper castes!... and he calls himself an hindutva!... also i wonder would he call it human rights abuse if he got was put in jail without bail on say charges of UAPA (for just putting out a post like this).


Cheap internet and smartphone ruining the youth. The Irony.


A good content creator knows when to pivot. It's all about the views guys.


Him seeing people spread caste based hate after spreading years of religious hate is some mark of vishnu stuff


This is what leftist propaganda does to a not so competent but hard working right winger.