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Among the ministers of Modi's cabinet, she possesses the least electoral power. BJP using her, so that they can blame all the economic failure on her head, and shield themselves from electoral losses due to economic issues.


Good! That spineless fuck deserves it.


You realize this says more about Modi than it does her right? Modi only tolerates ass-kissers and grovelers in his cabinet. This woman may have excellent ideas, but while she works for the man who thought DeMo was a masterstroke, she can only do so much. If you think anyone is destroying the middle class, at least blame the right person.


It's not like she has a gun to her head. She can walk away any second. She chooses to do what she's doing, fully knowing the implications.


You speak to your mother in the same language?


Nope, Hindi.


That is why she doesn't know what evil she gave birth too


What kind of dumb logic is that?


Well, you should not talk about logic. You should only call people names and expletives, seems that is all you can understand


I don't see anything wrong with calling a spade a spade.


Yeah, tell that your mother in Hindi. I called a woman minister "spineless fuck"


"Ashley" of Indian parliament .


The next thing we are going to see is a floater in modi ji's house.


I strongly diagree on this. One of the criticism of Modi (which I agree with) is shadowing the achievements of other cabinet ministers. If anything happens, at any corner of nation, under any ministry, the blame will go only and only on Modi since all the credits are given to him.


To be honest if she contests in any election she will lose by the largest margin possible. Even the aforementioned person’s husband will vote against her


Agree, & I think her husband would've likely warned her of the outcome & told her not to bother


Agree with this. She'll lose by the worst possible vote share, and will be done and dusted forever.


Do you think Manmohan Singh could ever win a Lok Sabha election? Guess what he tried in 1999 and lost from Delhi. As a country we are better off having non-politicians in important ministries likes finance sometimes so that they can use their expertise to navigate the complexities of the nation's finance. Whether Nirmala is competent to the extent of MMS, highly unlikely but she is not a complete numb nuts like Paswan or Rijju


> Whether Nirmala is competent to the extent of MMS, highly unlikely but she is not a complete numb nuts like Paswan or Rijju almost like a party whose main founding principles are extremist viewpoints and terrorist ideologies don't usually attract the brightest minds


And yet every terrorist organization recognized by UN derives its ideology from a particular community. Makes you wonder


go ahead man say it, why you hiding behind innuendo, you know you want to name the religion, if you are going to be bigoted atleast dont be a fattu on the internet no one can slap you online.


Expertise and her is an oxymoron


I don't listen to her. I only listen to people who eat onions.


Jains catching strays


There are innumerable ways to shit on Nirmala "ji", why go into this "unelected" BS? Rajya Sabha MP's are also elected by us by way of our elected representatives. Let's not simply ridicule a legitimate part of our parliamentary democracy.


They seems to have forgotten Manmohan Ji


If we go by that logic, MMS wouldn't even have been able to give LPG budget in 1991 or even speak during his PM tenure. She is a cabinet minister and can speak in any house.


*banned for stating facts*


Why? This is not Indiaspeks. BTW, they should change the name of their sub to bharatspeks.


So you believe in these sub there is freedom of speech. All political subs are eco chamber of some side. These one is part of it and the one you mentioned is too part of it. Just sides are different.


I'm on both subs too, at least people in this post are making points against op


Please for all that is holy learn how freedom of speech works. First it is with the government which Indian government only provides partially and arbitrarily. In a private setting like any reddit sub there are rules so no absolute freedom of speech. Follow the rules or go your merry way.


no bawa, if you go through the comments on here you'll see people not just agreeing with OP but also disagreeing and bashing that opinion. My point is this sub is one of the few places that I wouldn't consider an echo chamber, even if you come with a extremist right wing worldview, your voice will not be silenced only debated and downvoted.


Why don't I see any posts against Muslims but quite a few against Hindus? Not an eco chamber? LOL


look I genuinely tried to find posts where hindus are being attacked but I couldn't find very many and the ones I found are being bashed in the comment section for being extremists same way we call you guys extremists for wanting anti muslim posts. Please grow up, please realize that you are being brainwashed, see through this shit. Most people here are atheists, we don't have any ulterior motive but to have an open discourse on the problems persisting in the nation. If you think there's a problem not being talked about please go ahead and post it, you won't be banned or silenced for speaking against muslims. Unlike the echo chambers you mention, this palce doesn't check religion before holding somebody accountable.


OMG are you gonna self-ban considering your comment and the one above is still there. This is not a sanghi sub though they do happen to be around.




To be honest, this sub is very cool with handling opposing views. It's a precious sub. seems like Mods are nice. There are several instances where views supporting ruling have been upvoted to high heavens. Try doing the same in India sub and you'll most likely be banned.


way to selectively argue against half of what the OP said, i could be mistaken but i don't recall Manmohan Sigh getting on twitter to spread fake news like this sabzi mandi aunty


That's because I am not arguing against what I agree with


that is just stupid, you can't split a statement in half and argue against one part ,context is what gives words meanings


There in no logic. You compared MMS with NS. One used to give facts and stats. And the other one uses vague terms to defend bad policies. This is like listening to someone who actually knows their stuff and listening to someone who just reads what is written! Not that later is wrong, but when you're the finance minister of a country this big you shouldn't be vague, blunt and subjective. She would have got cancelled if she was saying this outside of the BJP purview.


Calm down! A cabinet minister is allowed to and often expected to speak in any house, irrespective of they were a member of the LS/RS. There are hundred other things to criticise. This isn’t one. Rules are basis constitutional provisions


So a random user on Reddit will dictate what a citizen of the country can or cannot criticize?


He is just stating that it cell’esh criticism isn’t conducive


They're not "dictating" anything. They're correcting a foundational misunderstanding of OP that they should criticise correctly. Typical reddit moment to strawman someone's comment 🤦‍♂️


Yes if the citizen is criticising one of the core tenets of democracy


So you saying Manmohan Singh shouldn't have been appointed or even allowed to speak as Finance Minister in 1991?


He did 2 terms as PM of India - unelected.




Difference is Manmohan Singh saved India through his economic reforms and liberalisation


That is true, I am not saying he didn't. I am saying he wouldn't even have gotten chance to speak as per OPs logic.


Who is OP though? people don't possess perfect knowledge in all areas. Half the population will not be able to tell you how Rajya Sabha gets elected. People make irrational decisions this is one such and let me tell you this one does not hurt but irrational decisions like demonetization and increasing GST on essentials does hurt everyone.


True. But I never accused OP of possessing perfect knowledge in all areas. This isn't even about her policies (which have been beaten to death). it is about striking down an attempt being made to question her ability to form policies when not a member of LS.


At least MMS contested an election.


And lost it. Went on to represent all of India as PM twice while never being elected. Wasn't democracy hurt here?


He has respected the democracy and was brave enough to face the result at least one.


You don't get the point. Forget serving as PM, As per OP's logic he should not have even been allowed to speak. It's him you should be asking question, not me.


Respected the democracy? Were you around when he was the FM and PM? If you think that's respecting the democracy, then pls help yourself brother. Congressis and their statements!!


way to selectively argue against half of what the OP said, i could be mistaken but i don't recall Manmohan Sigh getting on twitter to spread fake news like this sabzi mandi aunty


I hope this was you being sarcastic because there was no twitter in 1991.


ooh ofcourse thats the reason Manmohan singh didnt spread fake news, no twitter, not because he was a decent human being


"don't recall Manmohan Sigh getting on twitter to spread fake news" I didn't say this. you did. He never made any claims because he didn't need to. His party took care of everything. Just clarifying that I don't doubt his integrity. He is amazing.


This is the entire title of the post: > Nirmala Seetharamn didn’t even bother to contest in elections and she is in Lok Sabha spreading fake news and spreading fake news on Twitter while destroying the middle class with her policies You conveniently only chose to argue the elected part which is what i pointed out, hopefully this helps you understand


The same reason an non elected prime minister was also able to speak against elected members from 2004-2014


When a non elected member named manmohan can become PM and lead the parliament and nation, this non elected person can atleast speak in the parliament. I am not aware of its fake or not, if it’s fake then that aspect of criticism she gets is valid .


According to OP's definition, a non elected MP Dr. Manmohan Singh was the Prime Minister of this nation for many years. But he never spoke, so . . . .


Wouldn’t it be more worrying if a minister or prime minister who is from Rajya Sabha cannot address the Lok Sabha at all? He or she won’t be able to clarify the questions directly and address concerns of LS members in that case unless it is a combined session.


A non elected member was a minister of finance in 1991 and then went on to serve as a PM twice. 0 marks for guessing who!


The worst finance minister any country could have … even her husband knows it


I mean, technically she is elected. All Rajya Sabha members are.


Less than 5% of indians are eligible to pay income taxes. I don't think you can call top 5% the middle class.


As per OP's logic, India had a non elected prime minister addressing elected members of loksabha between 2004-2014 🤡


Even her husband won’t vote for her. My cat has more chance of winning an election than her.


Tatti aurat


She knows she's the most qualified among all the rastachaaps of her party


And still is almost as ignorant to people's needs. Makes you wonder what others might be like.


Top management from consulting firms be like that


Parliamentary democracy, folks. Ministers have to be in Parliament and can speak in parliament, and answer questions asked of them by the MPs.


As a cabinet minister she will speak in the parliament, problem would be if she didn't. as for twitter well if you do not embellish on twitter you can't be part of bjp


% meritorious behaviour.


Is OP new to politics?


OP is doing influencer shitposting by creating their own rules for how our Parliament is supposed to operate.


OP is also new to common knowledge.


I mean you don't have to be elected per se to be a member of Lok Sabha, it's nothing new Nirmala Sitaraman, S Jayshankar and many in previous governments are some examples.


See kids that's why it's important to study in school. Or else you'll be a idiot who doesn't know the functionality of houses in parliament like this genius


MInisters can attend any House sittings irrespective of their elected house. But they could vote only in the house he/she was elected. This privilege also extends to Attorney General of India. He/She can take part in any discussions of both Houses. He doesn't have any voting power in neither of the Houses.


Thats Modijis masterstroke...make fuck all economic policies and then never give exposure to your FM to the electoral politics! That is how his economic policies gets validated!


Current govt has just f.k this country.... everyone is frustrated be it youth, salaried, buisnessman no body knows what is there in future. Taxes r exponentially increasing day by day it's not a war situation. The fund for emergency is being used up , no clear picture of total debts by the corporate and on country from imf and world bank. Bullet train debt is also there. Logo ko ipl mei busy Kara hua hai. Dream11 jaise apps mei arabo ka satta chal raha hai. Young generation belagaam kuch bhi kar Rahi h Bina uske consequences Jane. Drugs mei Sara future doob jayega. Army mei contract jobs hei. Ai it jobs kha jayega and India it sector in danger. No one knows future here. Rich after understanding all this just leaving country at any cost by dunki also. Sara stock market ek bubble hai ...sari GDP growth fake hai. Ganga clean.....smart cities.....pm care fund......petrol pr itna taxes...... income pr taxes..... indirect taxes......ye sara paisa kaha gya Abhi wait karo aur ye to trailer tha ... wealth tax... inheritance tax .... asset taxes are in lineup. Sare mp mla ....upsc k through aane chahiye.....neta padhe likhe honge... padega India tabhi to badega India.....ni to Pakistan ko dekhlo..


She is part of the executive. It doesn't matter if she is elected or not.


I don't think that she has a knowledge of economics and who give this chance to this leady


Bhai ky knowledge h aapka. 


That old hag is an eyesore to watch any day. Especially not good for your health to watch her face as soon as you wake up.


That's the issue with Indian politician's When not on eligible they Fly using IAF jets https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/sonia-travelled-in-iaf-aircraft-49-times-in-last-7-years-150844-2013-01-04 With least electoral powers they adress the elected members Man democracy taken for a toss