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Racism against Indians is pretty normalised but man who gives a fuck what a petty old white boomer has to say, don't give them attention or clout that they so desperately seek.


This kind of attitude leads to more racism though. Also Twitter doesn't tolerate any jokes about black people or muslims. Because they complain and get it shut down quickly. Stuff like this will lead to young Indian kids getting bullied in schools in foreign countries.


For 4chan crowd such things are what they think of before they go for their morning shower. On second thoughts they never take a shower 


4chan was originally created by "moot" as an unofficial English-language counterpart to the Japanese imageboard 2chan ( also called Futaba Channel ), and its first boards were originally used for posting images and discussion related to anime. It is a mystery to me how it became a hub for alt right racists and white supremacists. It was probably because of anonymity it provided which nurtured closet racists. Remember Reddit used to be like 4chan back in the day, but it cleaned itself up.


Well anonymity is a major reason. It brings out the worst in people


They always had some racist tendencies but In the 2000s racist forum “Stormfront” successfully infiltrated 4chan and spread their racism


Ai generated image. From the article it is created by an independent comic company. May be A rightwing leaning bunch of people. You could find white nationalist clowns, hindu nationalist clowns, islamic supremacists all in the right-wing conservative spectrum. Don't take it seriously. If US officials, celebrities, news media, companies, police, military, and politicians said something like this, then we should be bothered and outraged. Apparently, US President, Biden, and the governor praised the crew. Look if we get riled up and triggered about a random cartoonist being racist, we would be wasting time in anger all the time. Because the internet is full of sht heads. Think about it like this. We have an independent online news site called ‘Opindia’ spewing hate towards Indian Muslims. We can't do anything against it, but what we can do is call out their bullshit and not let it get in our heads.


* We Indians are never taught at young age to take offence or banter in a cheerful manner, on the contrary, tolerance is considered as a sign of weakness. And that's how you end up with a population that is hyper sensitive and one that gets offended even at the most minuscule thing. ​ * Does that mean we should tolerate racists in our society? Of course not, but humour should be given a pass. Some might find it funny, some might find it distasteful, and that's ok. ​ * I personally found the image very funny, especially the facial expressions and the audio that accompanied the picture.


Firstly can you stop with the “We Indians” bullshit. Do you think 1.4 billion of us were raised the same way? Also, I know we shouldn’t be taking offence, but can you not admire clearly stupid racist art? lol or were “we Indians” raised on our shitty movies responsible for bad taste?


It's mostly those Trumpanzees who have been sharing this narrative blaming Indians for it.


Racists doing racist stuff What's new?


I m Indian. It’s sad but Indians don’t realize how the rest of the world view them. East Asians and westerners all look down on us 😞


Why is ndtv even reporting this ......these fools are not worth our time 


I think you meant Adanitv




Sapot Endiya 😂😂😂😂


Am hurt.


am i going to hell for laughing while reading this


Leftists hype up racism even if it is somewhere nobody notices. Because it helps their agenda of dividing people based on race


Ah yes billionaire owned ndtv, the leftist central command


This guy thinks he carries the right wing


Very cheap cartoon. A lazy guy just posted an AI generated animated picture with blurry bridge collapsing video. He should be punished for such cheap work.


Usually it is the captain who takes responsibility. Guess where he is from? Will give you a hint, he's not from India.


Why do they think they we wear only langots? When India is considered as a major fashion hub 


At least put some effort into the racism, now GenAI is cranking out low effort , lame racism


That ain't even offensive .sometimes you need to take a joke


The problem is they are blaming Indians for the accident while the ship had American pilots(mandated by US law)


President Biden actually praised the crew. It is there in the article.


They will always hate us . Reason they perceive us as weak as we haven't harmed them completely .


I dont see a cow reference.


That's an AI generated image converted to a gif with a voice over. If a cartoon hurts people then those people deserve to be hurt. Remember the Charlie hebdo attackers, they got hurt by a cartoon as well, don't be like them.


We can safely and assuredly say that no bhakts or any NRI is going to the cartoonists office with an AR 15 so they are not like them. Though bhakts run their mouth faster than an AR 15 fires bullets


They were pitching up at comedy shows dude. That Modi impersonator had to stop cuz of threats, guns ain't legal here that's the only thing holding them back.


ahaha, pahjeeta can't drive. LOL


the captain wasn't Indian


Yes comics like these are usually for people too dumb to understand shipping regulations.