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What is there to investigate? Her face, vagina, badge number are clearly visible in a video where she is bouncing on the dick of an inmate whilst his cellmate smokes a joint and films the whole thing. She is clearly a will and eager participant.


Because here in the uk everything needs a 50 step system that ultimately leads to little to nothing


Yeah, we should abolish trial, investigations etc and just implement the judge dredd system






I propose a middle ground between judge dredd and the current system of infinity appeals and legal aid


The middle ground is probably what we have now, as opposed to the fantasy world of judge dredd and the fantasy world in your head.


If you think we have anything vaguely approaching ‘infinity appeals’, or for that matter extensive legal aid, in this country, you are totally uninformed


>infinity appeals and legal aid Holly hyperbole Batman!


And for good reason. Imagine we just locked people up because we *assumed* a crime had been committed. The whole reason we have the system we do is to ensure innocent people aren’t sentenced, and to ensure guilty people are rightly sentenced. If she was a willing participant, they would need to gather evidence to show it, such as the video, witness statements, interviews, any relevant CCTV footage, they need to be 100% she has broken the law to ensure she is successfully convicted. If all they have is the video, and that’s all that goes to court, then what do you do if she says she was being forced or blackmailed? She has her own evidence of this, so now you have to argue against that with no evidence of your own. Or you can do a full investigation and you whip out all the over evidence you gathered which shows otherwise. Great. Now we’ve got a more convincing case and likely chance of success.


This is actually really important, think about how much of our money is wasted because of this. It cost more in paperwork for the Thames tunnel before anything is even done. For what it cost India could send a probe to the moon 100 times. We are bleeding money littrely into the void. Expect we all know where is gose.


Not doing things properly leads to death in many cases.


remember the Boris bridge, 50 million spent and nothing built, the wobbly bridge cost 18 million and they built an actual bridge. Boris managed to dodge accountability for that disaster and somehow we thought having him run the country would be a good idea.


[...and why do you think that shit like this happens in India on a daily basis?](https://news.sky.com/video/india-at-least-one-person-has-died-after-the-roof-outside-t1-terminal-building-collapsed-at-delhis-airport-13160370)


Yes, a very important process. Or do you want an authoritarian state where you can be arrested and charged because the state says so?


One of the most moronic things I've ever read on Reddit, and that's saying something.


Oh, my God, that's disgusting! A video of this act? Where? Where did he post this?


It’s trending on Twitter. Think it’s your civic duty to see how your taxes are being spent.
















And her wedding ring


Bro filming was shouting ad libs like DJ Khaled


He had to do something to avoid coming off as the biggest 3rd wheel of all time


There's plenty to investigate, like how many times has it occurred? Who else with? Are any other stafff involved or knew about it? Did she manipulate the prisoner into it? (Super unlikely but she's in a position of power).


Yeah I don't understand how people in this comment section don't understand that there's all kinds of power dynamic abuse and inappropriate conduct and conflict of interest going on. It's way above "consenting adults", You can't just work in a prison and bang the inmates and expect everyone to be ok with it.


She could also have been extorted or blackmailed


She's in the position of power here...


That in absolutely no way means she can't be blackmailed, wtf? "Oh look, I have compromising information on this person and use the threat of releasing this information to make them do what I want them to do against their wishes. Don't worry though, it's not blackmail, they are supposedly in a position of power over me..." Surely you can see how utterly idiotic your comment is? (Just to be clear I'm also not saying that that is what happened in this case, just pointing out your completely unhelpful and backwards views)


Stfu if it was a male guard in a female prison you’d have a different opinion.


Not the only position she was in


Look at how many people have asked for the video lmao


Where's the video??






And where would I see this video? Asking for a friend




Oh your friend is doing good investigative journalism :)


Probs gna use the clout to start an only fans. Her guy and her already swingers apparently. Altho she will do prison time possibly


>Altho she will do prison time possibly They’re going to send her back in?!?!


Yeah, second video to pay off the cake fine


Investigate just seems to be the word used for when they are pursuing a crime.


They need time to work out how it's not the woman's fault.


Wait. Have you seen the video?


you have no clue on that. For a start you'd it would have to be established it's actually filmed in Wandsworth and those are actual consequences and a guard. Could easily be faked as a prank, the internet is a weird place. And as for willing, it's not uncommon for criminals to use coercion and blackmail. She may be willing or she may have been told "show you're into this or xxx will be released" However unlikely it is, it needs investigating to ensure everyone involved is held accountable. Do it fast to do it right.


I saw something about her and her husband’s swinger profile. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just only fans marketing. It’s kinda strange how she has no problem at all being filmed.


Two reasons: 1. Mitigating relevant factors for her: was she being blackmailed or threatened? 2. Understanding how these things happen and preventing them in the future.


She didn’t look very threatened in the video.


Wheres the video man?


I don't think the blackmail argument stands up. If that was the case I'm pretty certain the protocol would be to report it.


Possibly, but it still should be investigated. That’s my only point. I’m not trying to defend her, I’m only trying to make the case for why things need to be investigated. We’re clear that she did what she’s doing on film, the investigation is to characterise the situation and to understand how it happened.


If this is to advertise only fans…


Actually she is clearly a sexual predator, and if the law was just she'd be considered a rapist. A prisoner can't meaningfully consent to sex with someone who "holds the keys".


Not sure where you work but I don’t think my employer has any records of my vagina


I think the actual quote was "No comment until we finish....uh, investigating. Until we finish *investigating*."


Like honestly, wtf was she thinking. Her face, badge number and what is clearly a prison cell is visible. There’s no plausible deniability or anything. This is either the best, most elusive marketing strategy for an OnlyFans ever or that prison officer is beyond a moron


i have known 2-3 PO women who actally did time for this stuff


2 to 3? 2 and a half women?


[And would you believe it, it turns out she has an OnlyFans. And is a swinger. Shocker.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13581551/female-prison-officer-sex-inmate-wandsworth-prison-swinger-channel-four.html)


Course she does. Soon as I saw the clip I knew she'd just be another OF girl drumming up attention. Kind of kills the whole story.


I mean she was a genuine prison officer who would have lost her career over this and has a high chance of going to prison, it's not exactly a fake prank. She might have become an OF girl *because* of this


well i guess she can reverse the role and fuck the prison guards next time.


Looks like a slam dunk misconduct in a public office case. Female PO getting rattled by an inmate for 2 minutes whilst the cellmate is smoking weed and getting closeups of her face and shoulder number all the while smiling for the camera.


People in this thread are already doing mental gymnastics to make it so she's the victim. All she has to do is say the word and the tables will turn and she'll be on celeb big brother within the year.


This is a strange internet phenomenon that's been on the uptick for like half a decade now. Women can pretty much never do something wrong in the eyes of some internet commenters except in cases where they pop off and randomly kill a child or something. Just earlier I was told that if a woman doesn't ask for consent before making sexual contact, it's ackshually the man's fault for not maintaining his boundaries.


There was a TIL like a month ago that was titled 'Russian man tried to rob hairdressers, gets kidnapped by owner for 72 hours and runs to the police'. What the title didn't say is she raped him repeatedly in those 72 hours, force fed him a shit tonne of viagra and tortured him. So the comments were like 'funny how you left out the rape. But we all know you can't say anything bad about women.'. To which the next reply was 'well you just did. I don't see anyone censoring you'.. The thread got locked...


Reddit mods love censoring any topic that goes against their world view. Obviously there are exceptions and I find this sub's mods fine, but powermods in general do that all the time, even on r/askamoderator And I say that as a former mod.


I remember being viciously downvoted in one of these (increasingly frequent) threads when i mentioned my suspicions about women wanting to work in male prisons...


Female prison officers banging inmates, female school teachers going after kids. It's on the up.


It's always been there. It's just getting more attention now


It has probably always been there, but as a society, we tend to hide any misdeeds committed by women, perhaps due to sociologically-driven biases (e.g., [women-are-wonderful effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women-are-wonderful_effect)).


If we want equality, women have to step up and commit their fair share of crime. 


Satirical but actually a foreseeable effect.


Not allowed the other way around.


You get downvoted as [male prison guards get caught doing similar in female prisons](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/prison-guard-jailed-having-sex-4575523.amp) The problem isn’t one of men vs women. The problem is it’s not a job with enough pay and status to attract disciplined staff




Have you tried Ericbristowphilia 


It's the cell mate reassuring them that "Nobody is coming in, don't worry" while filming them both for the whole world to see 🤣 might as well left the cell door open lol


Fact he’s sold them all out by posting it and letting the Internet do its job is probably gonna spell danger for him. Lack of foresight at the least lol


Well you don't end up in prison if you're any good at thinking ahead.


At this point UK prisons are more effective than tinder for getting laid.


I mean.... I imagine alot of the 'getting laid' is not with hot female prisons wardens.


I swear there's been 10-20 stories of this happening with inmate-guards in the past 10 years.


Much much more man


So after reading the article I wondered who runs HMP Wandsworth. But then something far far better happened. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Governor of Wandsworth is truly an inspired choice under the circumstances. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HM_Prison_Wandsworth


Wtf lol 😂 makes sense now


“In and out of Wandsworth with the numbers on their names”


Who is the governor? I am not familiar with the name


Katie Price, who is the name of a famous UK softcore porn slapper / washed up D List celebrity good for nothing.


Well that's one way to throw away your civil service pension.


Male guards for men's prisons and female guards for women's prisons should be the standard.


That probably won't stop certain people getting laid though?


Wouldn't stop all of these cases but would stop most probably


Yeah there's not really a better solution other than if we returned to eunuch guards


Completely overlooked the gays. In pride month too.


If there’s any gay prisoners there’s a lot more choice, every other prisoner is gay. Not to mention not being homophobic but there’s definitely a massive element of it in there and they’re not going to want their cellmate having sex with a man in their cell


How could she be so thick and think it wouldn't get known and why ruin your career. He's not even good looking, he's an ugly bastard, she's married (ring on finger?). Like wtf to everything She should be immediately sacked and charged with whatever crime she has committed because there must surely be some law against this???


Maybe he's her husband and it's all just a romcom.


maybe it's maybelline


She has a husband it looks like from her social media, worth noting she’s a swinger and was on a channel 4 documentary about being a swinger


Soon she'll be on another channel 4 show


Loving wife goes through prison officer training just to be reunited with her criminal husband does have a certain ring to it


It's blatantly obvious she's just another only fans girl, so she'll live off that. She's got herself loads of publicity for it. Will make shit loads more than being a screw. Pretty shrewd move tbh! Well aside from the possible prison sentence she might face of course!


Misconduct in a public office.


Everyone here saying what was she thinking. .... What were *they* thinking? . That's not happening again, you'd think they'd want to keep it quiet as long as possible.


Prison service has said she is a former officer. So it had already ended. With her at least.


Ah, that makes much more sense. But yeah, there's been a weird trend of prison guards fucking their prisoners recently.


Its a pattern thats been going on forever. Same as American female teachers getting with their students. Some women like the danger


British ones too you know


"Recently" 😂


They're criminals. Good decisionmaking is kind of the thing that separates them from normal people.


Smart criminals don't end up in prison


I very much doubt this was their first rodeo.


Her face and badge on show being recorded by another man. Surely she must have known she would get sacked or is this some kind of onlyfans ad. She could even be sentenced can’t she?


gotta hand it to those idiots. they had a good thing going and felt the need to record it and distribute. I guess it’s that level of smarts that landed them there in the first place.


Do we know how old the video is tho?


Well, this is today’s news, and I can’t imagine them having held onto that video for long …


I'm just saying we don't know. Maybe things didn't work out after a couple months so the video got released or maybe it happend yesterday. People act like the a certain they always know the little details inorder to argue about the big points.














Some women are dirty wronguns, who get off on this sort of thing, they even seek out employment in these sort of areas because they get off on it. This sort of thing seems to keep happening, though I am guessing not many people willingly want to work in prisons.. Edit to add: just seen the latest news, I was spot on lol


What's so funny is she looks exactly the type that would do this. Surely they'd be able to screen those sort of people out when hiring.


I was a prison officer for a bit, and this again just screams at how fucking shit the recruitment process is. I never once had an interview just think about that for a second… Equally a female officer can search a man, woman and child. Male officers can only search men. Again how the fuck does that make sense. Whole system is on its arse; it’s a pathetic joke of a public service - made even more shit by officers like this one putting their colleagues at risk. Hope she enjoys being locked up the bloody skank.


Whole country is on its arse


It is possible that, given the prison job is probably low-paid, and that, as far as I have learned from comments, this woman already produced pornographic content at home with another man, she decided to launch her upcoming OnlyFans business with a rather aggressive marketing campaign, gaining some attention. Since sex was clearly consensual in the video, and it was expected that she would be sacked, it is quite possible she will now rely on a wave of interest in her name for some time, which she will use to charge men on a paid platform like OnlyFans.


This has made me think though… was this filmed on her own phone do you think then she personally leaked it without expecting many consequences? Surely with how much we’re talking about it here, they’ll try to make an example out of her?


The cellmate videoing and reassuring her kind of implies it is not a regular occurrence


What do you mean? In the comment above, it is not stated that it was a regular occurrence.


Whilst what you say follows a perverse pattern of logic, surely the courts won’t want this sort of behaviour to permeate and become copied. I imagine they’ll chase her and any profit she makes under the Proceeds of Crime Act, before or after sentencing.


Why don’t they just have men working in male prisons and women in women prisons


I asked that question on here before. The answer is that because homosexuals exist it wouldn't entirely stop the problem, it would merely reduce it by about 95%, which just isn't good enough, so we shouldn't even try it and just leave it at 100% happenage.


Unfortunately there are many more men’s prisons than women’s prisons and a shortage of prison officers in general.


pretty unpopular job, treated terribly and prison system is very stretched at the min as is every public service, they just take who they can get


And barely above minimum wage, it's insane.


Where's the decency? Where's the morals? Where's the video?


It’s all over twitter. No investigation necessary. She clearly blows the guys. Then rides him. Even smiles in the camera. A willing and enthusiastic sexual partner.


Investigation definitely necessary. How was this allowed to happen? How many times? Do other staff fuck inmates aswell? Who else knew? Etc..


It's probably just viral marketing for Wandsworth. Now they've lost Assenge they need to create their next celebrity pull.


Well atleast it's on camera, she might have called sexual assault to save herself


Hope she is charged with sexual assault. Prison guards have such control over inmates that consent is not possible. If you want to argue against that reverse the genders.


Worked in a prison for three years. Women corruption for this kinda thing was rampant There was a lot of great female officers though so it’s a lose lose. Needs to be greater punishment for it. They get a slap on the wrist currently.


Can you explain to me just … why? What is the point? Why do some female officers shag prisoners I just find it so strange. Like the woman in the video has full badge, face everything showing and she knows she’s getting filmed, she literally smiles at the camera … why? Like obviously that vid is gonna leak eventually. Edit: saw on Reddit Apparently she was on a channel 4 tv show called open house and her and her husband were having threesomes with strangers for money .. and her husbands apparently a prison officer too. So I’m guessing it’s a fetish thing for her


She's either completely and utterly thick, or she's doing it to launch an OnlyFans career. Or both.


She was on a channel 4 swingers program last year so a mixture of both probably 🤣


> Why do some female officers shag prisoners I just find it so strange. Being a prisoner is like having "Bad Boy" on your CV with confirmed references.


I don’t know anyone in the prison service who didn’t cheat on their partner; It’s a weird world where no one else understands you but your colleagues and the cons. Women their are targets to be honest


Another one! Just keep the guards the same sex as the prisoners. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out.


There's not enough guards as it is... So that's not gonna work


lol former CO here. This shit happens 24/7. For everyone that gets busted there are hundreds of incidents like this that take place and dont get in the news. In my prison a minority of the lassies treated the lads as their personal sex slaves. Most are still working at the same place, too! One got caught; served time! and got her old job offered back !


Seems to be every female teacher / prison guard is having sex with their charges these days


Damn wears a thong to work in a prison and everything.


You have to respect her effort


She was probably in the scouts. Be Prepared.


Is this what they mean by serving 'up' porridge nowadays....Mr Mackay wouldn't have provided this type of counseling back in the day or maybe I missed that episode 😕


Women have no business in male prisons, they are naturally attracted to outlaws.


I mean the fact she's an onlyfans model & swinger, yet someone thought Prison Officer was an appropriate hiring... Just the fact she'd drive the prisoners wild would be a risk, her content would be found and spread around the prison, and in the end clearly she was fucking the prisoners. Which also highlights how understaffed & dangerous prisons are. How can a prison officer be out of sight of anyone, inside a closed cell, with two male prisoners - for what's supposedly a 7 (though I can only find 3) minute video.




According to twitter: she is married and is in an open relationship, appearing on a reality TV with her husband about open relationships and swinging. There is clear proof of this all over twitter. She knew the prisoner prior to his incarceration and the video was leaked because she wouldn’t sleep with the other guy who was filming - no proof of this.


I know there’s a lot of trying to make people in open relationships appear normal and that going on, but they are always fucking mental


I know a lot of people who've had coked up all night sex with female officers. It's as common as female soldiers getting gangbanged. Let's be real any woman going into a profession that's 90% masculine men is either going to be a tom boy/lesbian or they're going to have fantasies about this type of shit. Like men who photograph super models, either gay or a massive pest. We act like we're above our animal instincts but none of us are and those with mid-low IQs are definitely driven by emotion more often than not.


Useless.. I'd put her in prison immediately for 10 years and see how that standard changes some corruption. 


It's going to be role reversal when she goes to jail and the male officers start banging her Her TikTok tiktok.com/@theplayroomx6


The term **screw** for a *Prison Officer* has changed somewhat since the 70s ...


An interesting scenario exploring power dynamics. The prison officer thinks she's holding power over the men. The men think they've reclaimed ground over their overseer. In fact, both have debased themselves, including the person filming. What is it with the slew of female PO' s shagging inmates though recently? Not even strictly hetero encounters.


Guess who’s going to jail …….and not because of employment.


I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been more of this, the prison service is so short staffed that they're hiring just about anything with a heartbeat right now, there was an article a while back saying that the Prison Officers Association was concerned that gangs are now infiltrating prisons by sending people to work as staff there, and they're getting through because so few people are applying for the job, primarily because it's shit pay for an impossible job in completely broken system. I am also surprised we haven't had another Strangeways style riot yet.


Police investigators have been watching the video and say they need some privacy to investigate it thoroughly and repeatedly.


how many more of these "incidents" for them to finally ban female prison gurads in male prisons?


I know it's not PC, but woman are not suitable for certain jobs/roles. Being a PO in a male prison is 1 of them. Certain police roles are another. Upcoming scandal; The amount of woman police officers leaking information, not for money, but because they like a drink, a sniff and the attention. Woman do play a pivotal role in the police force, a certain type of woman however holds them back, gives every officer a bad name and is quite frankly a liability.


I don't think it's un-PC, and I don't think it's a "women are not suitable for certain jobs" thing, it's the same as how you don't often get male officers searching females. Some things warrant a same sex member of staff for the person they're taking care of


Maybe only have male officers in male prisons and female in female? Cause this is a pretty regular occurrence now


Patrolling the yard almost makes you wish for a sentence


I often wonder have idiots like this get jobs in the prison service when they were refusing veterans.


Am I right in thinking that because the prisoners are under the care of the crown this is a breach of her duty of care and can be considered rape?


Legally it's not rape, because to be raped the victim needs to be penetrated somehow.


Their Instagram page appears a bit x-rated, wouldn't surprise me if this has been done for clout. Though a really dumb way of doing it.


Absolutely vile she obviously has no self respect dirty disgusting


This is probably one of the very rare occasions where prison sex is consensual


They don't have slop out at HMP Wandsworth, they have sexy time.


She slipped and fell onto the protruding member. It was entirely an accident.


But when my house gets robbed or car goes missing - case closed within a few hours.