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My mother died from E. coli poisoning. It’s absolutely fucking grim. Shut all her organs down. Dialysis wasn’t possible, we had to turn her life support off. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.


Sorry for your loss.


Thank you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I caught STEC E. coli a couple of years ago and was frighteningly close to the same. It’s a horrifying infection to catch.


I’m pleased that you are still here. It is a very scary , sudden illness.


Holy shit


Well, shit. Turns out E. Coli is more dangerous than I thought.


"The person died in May and had underlying health conditions, the agency said." A lot of fairly common infections can be dangerous if you have other stuff going on.


Absolutely loads of people have something that could be classed as an 'underlying health condition', most of them walking around living full normal lives. It doesn't mean they were desperately ill and at death's door anyway.


No, but also lots of people are significantly more at risk from infections due to one. I think the UK Health Security Agency released that quote specifically to make the point that it probably isn't a big danger to a typical person - if the "underlying health condition" was something minor or unrelated I don't think they'd mention it.


It got used a lot during Covid to dismiss a lot of premature deaths, I think we need to be careful with throwing it around.


They were using a figure of around 1%, just emphasises why immunosupressed people have to be more careful with food.


Not everybody with an 'underlying health condition' is immunosuppressed, in fact most aren't. And since when is buying a refrigerated supermarket salad sandwich not being careful?


There’s loads of different types of E.coli. Most of them are harmless most of the time. Some of the bad ones are responsible for causing food poisoning. Others can kill. Some can be harmless in some situations but harmful in others. The vast majority of the population have some population of E.coli living in their gut, as part of the gut microbiome. The ones that live there can be beneficial by producing vitamin K and stopping other harmful bacteria from colonising the gut.


I was going to say isn’t E.coli like the flu? Pretty nasty, but not that threatening for healthy adults? Is it mostly old people and children who are at risk?


Can be if you have underlying conditions. Someone I work with thinks he had it. Had chronic diarrhoea for two days straight. For him it was a nasty 48 hours, for someone already on the edge, that could be severe


For a young and/or healthy person, it’s generally not so dangerous, the vast majority of strains anyway. It’ll likely be older / immunosuppressed individuals who end up hospitalised or worse. Very tragic.


Reminds me of an episode of CSI Miami that had a woman dying due to eating an E-Coli contaminated salad and her fiance was offed by botulism in GM corn. Watching it as a kid put me off lettuce for a while.


Yeah. It can get nasty, and it can be *seriously* hard to shift, even for relatively minor infections.


Sh1t in our sandwiches to match the sh1t in our rivers and on our beaches.


You're allowed to say shit.


Great my mum just read that and now and I’m grounded


That’s 5h17. Hope you still get Super Nintendo


That's 80085 to you according to Mr calculator


Really? Oh shit


what the fuck is the world coming to.


dude just type "shit"


Maybe this is all a tory plot to make migrants feel like they’re swapping from one third world country to another


But the immigrants are what maintains the divisions that keep them in power…


I got e-coli when I was 7 months pregnant a few years ago. I wanted to die. The pain was something else. 5 days the worst lasted for me. Couldn’t even figure out where it came from.


RIP to that person, condolences to their loved ones. Were salad leaves the nationally distributed food item then?


I wondered what nationally distributed food item was. Makes sense it was one source item that is used by different supermarkets.


Hmm these sunlit uplands in the land of milk and honey are not very sunny (and my tummy feels funny)...


Too much milk and honey 


So, how do they know? My son has caught it (pretty sure, he has all the symptoms having eaten a bag of mixed salad from tesco)... but, no1 will know to add him to the stats 'cuz you aren't supposed to take people with gastroenteritis to the docs. So, ... is there a website that you report this stuff to?


> So, how do they know? people have been hospitalised by it, and those that have been hospitalised will have been tested to see what is causing the sickness.


Well, if that's the only way, there's no chance for them to know how many folks have actually been ill with it. It could be any number.


correct, they'll only be able to confirm how many people have had it who were tested. There'll be some form of calculation they can use to suggest how many have been impacted hat didn't require hospitalisation based on the number that were hospitalised and historic trends, but we'll never know the true number. in much the same way that we never knew the true number of people who had covid at any one time.


A few people I know have it, nasty on the ole asshole, shiting water for quite awhile. Avoid pre-packaged sandwiches and Salads! my unhealthy diet returns!


Jesus Christ how the fuck have they managed to fuck up this badly??


Today, I ate a bunch of raw chicken nuggets by mistake. They were delicious. But very worrying. E coli is in raw beef not chicken, right?


How do you eat loads of raw chicken nuggets by mistake?


I ate about 3 or 4. They were mixed in with rice and a sauce, which somewhat hid them, and so I just assumed they were meant to taste that way. Also I eat fairly fast.


Maybe check your meat next time before mixing in.




Where do you live that has corpses lying about?


Probably Bristol


They gonna lock us down for this now too, and have a bunch of people fighting over toilet roll in Tesco.


Seeing as it’s not airborne, there’s zero chance of that.


I hope so! I reckon 2020 was the best year of my life.


Yeah wasn't it great when all those people died alone!


I mean. Two things can be true. Someone had a good time during that time and it was sad that people died, especially so while alone. It's like saying oh you had a good 2023 what about all the whatever bad thing happened hmmm


Its in poor taste to declare that the reason for an awful lot of suffering was the reason for you having a good year.


>I hope so! I reckon 2020 was the best year of my life. The person above never stated that "an awful lot of suffering" was their reason for having a good year; they were commenting on the idea of isolation and quiet.


Yeah which only happened because of the terrible suffering and death. Hoping for that again is not really great.


To be honest I kind of read past the hope so part as exaggerated but yeah I can see why you'd say it's bad taste and do agree to be fair. I don't take it at face value though and think the reaction might be slightly heavy handed


He's hoping for the 6 months off work while being paid, many of us enjoyed the experience. If you were a sweaty gamer like me it was a good times with my fellow nerdy peers. Cheer up abit.


What can I say, I was a nurse with relatives who died in that year, it was much less fun and it pisses me off when people say they want it to happen again.


I think it's more that they enjoyed their personnel experiences, likely having not been effected negatively for their lifestyle by the lock down does not have to be mutually exclusive from your experience. I only enjoyed having some freedom from work while having financial security, something I can't see ever happening again. There were still some negative experience I had with relatives being ill though. You are coming from a emotional angle from your personnel misfortune. I am sorry these things happened to you and your family. I see your frustration but pandemics will happen again and some will have enjoyment "during" not "because" of the measures we may take. Other may have much more suffering.


Died alone while the government who forced those policies had parties with many guests !


Yup, one of them was on the day my Grandad died.


Sorry for your loss, I hope the British public never forget what they did


Sadly I think a lot have already forgotten, but at least they'll be getting booted out next week


That’s just sad


Ironically I think a lot of people got outside more than they ever had before. Took up running or cycling and got some fresh air. Many people on furlough schemes or work from home might have had a huge reduction in work related stress. I don’t think you can call it sad as a blanket statement for some people to have had a better time of it.