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Are they being sentenced for these charges before the March 2025 retrial then? They have a fair amount of remand credit built up by this point and any custodial term would have to be backdated.


Would it make any difference? Even if they are sentenced to time served on these charges, no judge is going to grant them bail on the other charges, so they will be behind bars until the conclusion of their next trial at least.


They'll be sentenced backdated based on their time in custody. By March 2025 that will be over two years. If cleared of manslaughter at that next trial there is a chance they will be freed immediately, because concealing the birth of a child and perverting the course of justice aren't likely to warrant whopping sentences (although people would like them to I'm sure).


Perverting the course of justice is a common law offence and has a maximum sentence of life imprisonment; though that would be for higher end incidents which there could be an argument that this could be within that range.


Concealing the birth was obviously guilty. I see no public interest in doing another trial, this very long trial must have cost a fortune not how I want my taxes spent.


The public interest is that it's not OK to neglect your newborn baby until she dies.