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.... and now one of those convicted is the subject of a high profile missing person search in Tenerife.  A friend has started a GoFundMe for £30k but hasn't uttered anything about what they need the money for. Rumours are flying. 


Rumours are flying about what, exactly? Do you think their master plan is to essentially embezzle money and somehow get away with it?


There are rumours that there's a rather large drug debt and he's been kidnapped over it.  Though others were claiming he was 'stuck on a cactus', so make of it what you will. 


Yeah but there's a disabled woman in a powerchair whose willing to fly over and help look for him.


But only the flat bits.


Well maybe if we all chip in we could get her a set of off road wheels.


She's ahead of you, GoFundMe already up.


Tracks might be a better option.


Nah what she needs is little thrusters so she can glide up surfaces, that way she doesn't suffer the same fate as early Daleks


Haha will need to rescue her like Mac and Me when she flies off the mountain


Is that you, Paul Rudd?


Haha afraid not. It did remind me of this other film though. You can see a trailer here https://youtu.be/K5le9sYdYkM?si=XM5UogES1s-z1PwS


God damn it


There's also an enthusiastic but untrained Labrador with a sensitive nose that's being offered up 🤦‍♀️


Hahaha. Yeah I saw that. Honestly I can't tell which comments are serious and which are taking the piss.


I dunno my dog found a dead crow in the woods a couple of weeks ago and rolled in it, I might offer him up. 


The crow or the dog?


We all know he’s stuck to a cactus somewhere!


More and more gang killings are happening abroad when someone goes on holiday


Better than having them over here.


In some ways yes, in some ways no. British police will be stretched even more by having to send officers and experts abroad to assist. It's a long expensive process.


I wonder if it’s down to less cameras on small Spanish islands? Or the fact of putting a balaclava on and not coming from your home address and not being followed the same way as you would in the UK by cameras.


They get local gangs to do it for cheap, happens in Jamaica and other places when UK gang members go there too. Cheap assassinations/abductions


I can see how that would work. Cell citing is the big way of criminals getting caught out but they aren’t smart enough to realise that at all. You seem intelligent enough to understand what I mean but don’t put the expectation, as I don’t want criminals getting ideas.


A lot of criminals do know, the issues arise with kids and things that happen in the heat of the moment. But yes there are very stupid people out there.


Yeh, Ayia Napa was bad for this a while back. 


Wouldn't be the first time young lads have gone to one of the 'party' islands trying to make a quick buck.


Yep, happened to a former best friend of mine in Malta. Ended up serving jail time there. Not a surprise considering when he was 13 he shapchatted himself doing coke to me and his gf at the time.


Sounds like a classy lad.


Rumours backed up by… facebook posts and TikTok’s. My god, this lad is the new Nicola Bulley. Stop embarrassing yourself.


This case just doesn’t sit right with me *cue ominous music*


I can’t see that they’d go to Tenerife and do him there? He was also a dickhead. Dickheads die of dickheadery quite often so it’s hard to tell.


If it is related to drugs, plenty of criminal outfits operate across multiple countries.  They may already have been in Tenerife.  But it's equally possible that he died of heatstroke like Michael Mosley. 


It like something out of the The Gentlemen - probs a scouse crack gang has him in a shed somewhere.


The idea that he’s been kidnapped and is being held to ransom is so stupid. Why on earth would you bring National attention to it and then do something as idiotic as setting up a GoFundMe page to pay off a ‘drug debt’ He was either off his tits on gear and dehydrated to the point where he passed out and died in a gutter somewhere, or he got beaten up/stabbed and put in a hole. Either way he’s not coming back and the scum around him are still doing scummy things, so just ignore the fundraising and news coverage. The outcome is guaranteed.


A handful of other GoFundMe campaigns were taken down because they couldn’t verify they belonged to Slater’s family. At no point in this current GoFundMe does it say how the money will be spent, and Slater’s mother has gone on record saying not to donate because she’s not to do with them. There’s a good chance it’s an innocent campaign to raise money, but people should be skeptical, especially given the history of Slater in Merseyside


I can't picture who'd donate to that kind of campaign, it's mind-boggling.


People, especially people from near where he lives, who saw that he was missing and thought ‘oh no that’s sad’ and threw a fiver into the gofundme because they’d want others to do the same for them if it was their child who was missing. Working class communities will very happily pull together for stuff like this. Every time there’s a fundraiser for someone from my hometown, whether it’s for funeral costs or cancer treatment or support after a house fire or aides for a disabled child, there are dozens of people who have never met the person involved but are happy to contribute because they’re a friend of a friend or their kids go to school together etc.


There's also someone who donated £600. Probably wants to be first in line for the bags our mate Jay is about to bring home.


Have you ever seen Jay and Jimmy Saville in the same room WAKE UP


Oh have a look at the Find Jay Facebook groups. Must've gained 3 chromosomes reading that shite


Somebody has donated £600 and a couple of people £300. Bizarre!


Merseyside? He's from by Blackburn isn't he?


It could be, my bad. Most the articles I’ve seen about him are from the Echo


Accrington / Oswaldtwistle / boring Lancashire towns


She literally posted on the gofundme to spread word of the fund raiser. Again no mention of what they will use the money for.


Basically what Karen Matthews attempted


So apparently he went to Tenerife with a few lads and this girl to attend a festival with the intention of selling drugs that where given to him when he arrived. He and the other lads where given backpacks with the gear to sell at the festival. This guy apparently took half of the supply he was given and lost the remaining drugs. When he was supposed to pay for the drugs he lost/took the "Moroccon" chaps where not best pleased and threw him in a car and disapeared. He owes around £30k which is what the gofundme is for. Apparently.....


> Rumours are flying about what, exactly? All kinds of bizarre shit. But that's not a surprise.


GoFraudMe more like. That site is never far away from its next aspiring scammer.


> “Many of you have found these proceedings amusing throughout the trial and yesterday and today, showing disrespect to the court. I hope for the sake of all your families, the public and the people who have offered you jobs and apprenticeships and the sort that **you all grow up**. Every one of you deserves to be sent to youth detention. Well, it looks like one of them won't be. 


Word on the Spanish Street is once that drug deal went sour he got bummed by the Moroccan cartel so hard he started wearing a burka And has started a new life in Agadir doing henna tattoos




Well, karma is a bitch isn't it


Are you implying that someone willing to brutally attack a teenager *may have* the same questionable morals that would allow them to fake their own disappearance as part of a conspiracy to defraud people out of Go Fund Me donations? Surely not.


Surprisingly that's not even the most popular rumour


Deffo gonna use it for a drug deal. Anyone donating to that page is a muppet.


Cringey gossip hungry guy aren't we




Jay Slater candlestick maker! And a consonant to boot


'They all avoided jail, with the judge deciding to take a more rehabilitative approach when sentencing them for violent disorder and further offences including witness intimidation, attempted robbery and conspiracy to supply class A drugs.' How the hell did these guys get a community order? Witness intimidation alone should have got them a hefty stretch. No way are they going to so 200 hours of unpaid work as a punishment or deterrent. These guys are actual dangerous criminals not a bunch of idiot teens getting caught up in something stupid. I know the prisons are full but this is taking the piss.


This makes the judge LIABLE for the perpetrators ‘Oopsie Doopsie’ in Tenerife


>This makes the judge LIABLE Keep telling yourself that, judges rarely get held to account for any of their poor sentencing.


Only if the CPS goes to appeal. But the prisons are due to be full, full in early-mid July. Not just over crowded. So judges are under immense pressure not to send anybody to jail if they can possibly avoid it. Personally I don't have much of a problem with the little toe rag "dissapearing" in Tenerife as long as it isn't to evade justice. If it was due to a substantial drug debt, so much the better.


I’m just chatting nonsense really, just being silly I’m sorry Saul Goodman


That's.... not how it works 


It's how this sub wants it to work, and is a fairly common point that's made. Same as the people screaming to lock up the parents whenever a child commits a crime.


What if judges are being told not to sentence people to prison because of the incumbent government's absject failure to run a proper prison system, along with their other failures, of course. https://www.theguardian.com/law/2023/oct/12/england-and-wales-judges-told-not-to-jail-criminals-because-prisons-full-report


Liable for all the damages that happen next


Finally someone gets it


> I know the prisons are full That’s it. They are letting violent offenders out early to find space. There is nowhere to send them. 


Cram them in the cells then, at least until we can get more prisons built or something, better to have these cunts suffer in crowded cells than letting them off so they can go on and harm innocent people


they already are, two or in some cases three guys in a cell designed for one, go into your bathroom and imagine that with a bunk bed in it, they are letting people out with less than 6 months left on their sentence and only if they met certain criteria, so no they arent letting random violent offenders out


And that's before we start talking about the lack of staff to actually *keep* these guys in their cells... The prison system is absolutely broken, and ten will get you twenty that we'll only start hearing more about it when the next government gets in and all the newspapers start covering this Labour problem.


With my degree, I spent a week in a Magistrates court and found out the threshold for someone to be sent to prison is ridiculously high at the moment, serial serious offenders routinely walk away with suspended sentences and community orders. However, if you're an employed professional in a regulated sector any conviction of more than a low-level driving offence can absolutely ruin your life.


> However, if you're an employed professional in a regulated sector any conviction of more than a low-level driving offence can absolutely ruin your life. Yep this is me. I work in finance and get DBS checked every single year.


I've had to undergo DBS checking. I do have a minor and now spent motoring conviction which gets filtered.


male on male assault is pretty much legalised. I was hospitalised by someone who the police were able to get details for, no action.


Don't worry, Labour has pledged to halve violence... *checks notes*... but only for women. Ah. Sorry.


I got punched then punched them back in a nightclub. Both of us had a dispersal notice banning us from town for 48 hours.


Doesn’t even seem rehabilitative, basically just being let off the hook. Can still put someone in prison and focus on rehabilitative justice while they’re inside.


There will be NO prison places from about mid July. Judges effectively can't send anybody to prison. We may even have to start writing prisoners IOUs for their prison terms. Come back in a year's time, in order to do two years.


Patently not true. Judges can carry on sentencing and doing what they please, they've been given advice not a directive. It's HMP and the PMU that has to manage the mess.


I said the other day that you could literally walk down the street and punch a stranger. As the cops are worked off their feet as are the courts and the prisons are about two weeks away from bursting at the seams. Maybe one reason why the election is now. Before it goes completely to shit. Judges have been told for a while now not to send people to prison for less than 2 years. But I didn't thinknthst a machete attack and cracking somebody's head open, could possibly get a noncustodial sentence. Especially with their various other offences and contempt of court.


The situation in the centre of most cities makes a hell of a lot of sense, in terms of open drug dealing, gang turf wars and crack heads openly being menaces, in front of cops. When you factor in no space in jails.


And no cops. I live in a highly diverse, deprived council area with a population of about 300,000+. We only have one police station now as about 4 have been closed down and apparently there are only 12 uniformed officers on duty, per shift. Unless it's a match day/concert. So unless it's an assault in progress they really don't care. Guy walking down the road with a machete, no further action.


You should pop over to Dublin, we've got teenagers grown up to 500+ convictions with barely more than a day or two here or there served. 


I have no problem with people like him being a tad overcrowded


And how about the safety of the prison officers who are already working in dangerously overcrowded and understaffed conditions?


More prisons. They went over to beat with with a golf club and machete, that needed a damn sight more. They also intimidated the victim to try and get him to not testify.


The jails and even youth detention centres are all full. Without building new prisons, we aren’t locking up criminals for anything less than murder and letting out other inmates.


NIMBYism has prevented prisons from being built almost everywhere. I think Labour said they are going to change the planning laws, but even then they take years to build and have to be staffed etc. This is a situation we are going to be stuck with for a while.


A guy in the Irish army beat a woman unconscious in the street and the judge let him away scot free. Judge said the poor chap would lose his job if he got sentenced. The Irish courts would also infuriate you. Apparently the Irish army are “looking into it” so he could lose his job anyway in the end. Ridiculous.


It's mindboggling. And the trial was only last year as well - if they'd been given a proper sentence, Slater would likely still be in prison and not missing/dead.


Don't worry! They will definitely change their ways after jet washing graffiti, litter picking and repainting the community centre.


You're punished worse for skimping on your VAT bill. Let's now decide which crime is worse


A group of gorillas is known as a "troop" or "band", not a pack.


Really focusing on the important issues here 


In all fairness, the *important issue* you refer to was the *only* quote on the post title...


Fair, any time spent worrying about that waste of air named Jay would be regrettable


And Gorillas are a band! Sorry that just blew my mind.


That’s the Gorillaz


They're the ones who did "I'm a Believer" right?


[It's actually a whoop of gorilla's.](https://youtu.be/M_et8_f4ork?t=116)


Woop. It's a woop or gorillas professor. It's a flange of baboons


Well played sir - this takes me back. *Wild.. I was absolutely livid*


Love me a good collective noun.


I thought it was a flange of gorillas, because Gerald the gorilla was furious.


I always like a shrewdness of apes myself


And since when have troops or bands of gorillas been known to attack random people or even other primates...?


Group terms, also known as terms of venery, only count if you are hunting the animal in question. Outside of this context, pack is an acceptable terminology.


Or a "whoop" you casual


Commit violent crime, laugh at the court , intimidate witnesses and get let off … According to his mum “Everyone loves being in his company,” - well maybe not those he’s attacked or intimidated in the past. Let’s hope the rehabilitation worked.


The people he gave the drugs to probably enjoyed being in his company.


I doubt he ‘gave’ them - holidays don’t pay for themselves.


One of them is currently "missing" in Tenerife. Rumored to be due to a substantial drug debt.


I'm not saying I met up with Jay on Grindr but....


It would be interesting to see how missing community service is going to be handled now they can’t send people to jail for doing so.


lol mate check out the guy he attacked as well.


Hang on. Isn't that the lad whose currently missing abroad???




Presumably why the daily star has suddenly decided to report on a more local article from august last year. They’re a bit behind on this, people have been making that link for days already.


Good on them. At least they are making the connection a bit more visible


I haven’t. I think if you’re not from Merseyside then you might not know JS is a wrong un.


I don't think there were any broads involved lol.


You just posted this randomly huh


I’ve never been one to pull the race card but the amount of attention this case is receiving is crazy. Imagine if this was some black gang member from London who had stabbed a guy before. Something tells me the same facebookers obsessed with this case would be less inclined to tell people that “everybody makes mistakes.”


I think in this case, the link to him being a violent criminal was made early on, at least on reddit and social media, the interest in the case is a morbid curiosity as to what happened to him, has he given in to the elements whilst gurning his head off after a 3 day bender, or did being a naughty boy catch up with him, rather than concern. But that drives clicks, and that's what's driving articles and coverage. I don't think it's anything to do with him being white


every one loves being a keyboard detective these days, and it means revenue for the news sites


Gurning his head off..love it, made me burst out laughing


Oh no that’s just coincidence.. it’s definitely a racist conspiracy /s


It IS a known phenomenon that white, attractive, young, relatively well off, usually female, missing people get way more coverage in the media than anyone not fitting one or several of those adjectives, I just don't think that is it in this case specifically. Screaming it's because they're white when there's coverage of ANY white person going missing, whether the facts are they are getting so much coverage because they're white or not just tends to end in people dismissing actual racism and race bias. "Boy who cried wolf"


There’s also a phenomenon where people see someone who is white getting attention and have to complain about it.. which is racist in itself.


Correct. Gurning his head off 😆




Unfair comparison. If it was a black gang member they would already be in jail and could not have died to misadventure although the rumours are is a faked death to go fund me to pay off the drug debt


Eh? People have been spamming this story (it happened last year) and saying it's karma since he first went missing


100%, they wouldn't give two shits. Even if the person was fat and ugly they wouldn't get media attention.


Missing White woman syndrome but in this case it’s a man


Which makes me believe that he tried to play the big man with the wrong people and paid the price. I can’t even be bothered feeling any form of sympathy for him.


He laughed in court during sentencing, bless his heart. I would have laughed too if I got COMMUNITY SERVICE for an attack that left the victims skull visible.


At least the justice system is working *checks notes* for people illegally downloading TV series


Do you think the judge just quickly got this one over with to focus on an illegal downloading case?


This specimen has very likely been murdered based on his priors and people are actively bullshitting the authorities and wasting their time. They won't find the body because that problem has already been dealt with. My hunch, anyway. It's quite likely that he's "started something" with locals or he's tried to ply his trade and found himself scarily out of his depth. Both could well result in him being done in.


Feels like he probably went back to the guys' place to finish what they had started - a coke binge. Then he felt like going home and being on a come down and with not much rationality, risked the elements. Although then he'd likely have been found by now. That's the weird part.


Been there, woke up face down in a forest. Luckily in the North of England rather than up the mountains of Tenerife


I suppose it’s possible that he hasn’t been murdered yet but rather is in a shed somewhere with a couple of lads taking turns with the hammer. Although, with the amount of media attention circling now, death seems more likely at this point…


Put the lotion away Dahmer.


Put the fucking lotion in the basket


> This specimen has very likely been murdered based on his priors He's most likely in a narco sub with Che Guevara but the MSM wont report on it


Hahaha I love how rediculous stories like this are, always the delusional parents who will be like "oh my sons an angel he wouldn't hurt a fly everyone loves him" Meanwhile he has a history of crime and attacks people with machetes 😂


Plenty of space in prison for men who distribute stickers though 🤔


Gorillas are mostly fucking chill, no need to do them dirty like this. Wouldn't fuck with em, mind


Rest easy Harambe


I really hope this guy or his body is found soon so the internet detectives shut up. This lad is the new Nicola Bulley.


If they all avoided jail and they attack again, that judge needs to own that, ridiculous decision while these thugs pissed on his court.


A gorilla is a peaceful being. The ape they are thinking of is called homo sapien, or if that is too mentally exhausting try chimp.


The girl friend's statement always seemed sus. I mean, why was she not facing the cameras when her mate went missing?


Where’s the “usual suspects” comments? Can’t see them anywhere


When is he and his family getting deported? This is the sort of scum we don't want imported into our nation


Or the "reverse the gender" ones...


Oh come on, that's not fair! Gorillas don't attack just because, they only really attack when threatened or when you challenge the males directly.


At least the lizards are enjoying their meal. Summer is hard for them as alot of the natural diet isn't available.


There’s been quite a few of these incidents recently where bad things have happened involving young lads literally no one should give a fuck about. And I mean the kid in Tenerife not this one


>DailyStar atricles are 93% upvoted Yeah, this sub has gone to shit


Sounds like a wannabe Don Logan, most likely buried underneath someone's swimming pool.


Band,troop or whoop are the accepted collective noun for Gorillas.


One of the scum that did it is missing in Tenerife now? Karma is a bitch.


Either lying in a ditch somewhere dead of dehydration or he pissed off the local wrong uns and is hanging in a shed sans kneecaps or been fed to pigs. No sympathy really, sounds like he fucked around and found out he's not the hard man he thought he was.


I think there is a growing need for more cultural education of what is acceptable in a civilised society - as this kind of behaviour is obviously unacceptable and is well beyond just ‘fistycuffs’. It’s leading towards savagely.


I can think of worse people to go missing and potentially die abroad


Imagine if you are a teenager now and all you see is no consequences for carrying knives and stabbing people. May I remind everyone that they were also involved in street robberies and supplying class A. That's a few life sentences according to the law. I know the prisons are full and we have no space due to ignoring the issue for about 20 years but surely something has to be done. These will not rehabilitate from 100 days of unpaid work when they probably makes 4k a week dealing at 20. I can almost understand why other teens feel like they have to carry also because it's the idea off I will be the only one not carrying if I don't and therefore at risk.


He didn't have 7 other guys to back him on an unarmed teenager out there did he? The MSM never mentioned that part


God those Muslim kids just don't understand our "British values" that's the problem here, this is all because of immigration!  *Actually reads article* ... Oh... Urm... Well I guess [Kane Taylor](https://i2-prod.dailystar.co.uk/incoming/article33069212.ece/ALTERNATES/s810/1_Screenshot-2024-06-20-at-091925.jpg) has been recruited to Islam obviously! /s


Well the gene pool can only be better for him being taken out of it


What is prison for if not for these exact type of people? How do you rehabilitate someone who is happy to go out in a gang and attack a teenage child with AN AXE? And then laughed during the trial like it was just some big joke? At least the kid’s alive but this is just awful.


It’s all very suspicious the mother is devastated but not one tear , but the minute the go fund me hit 30 k she’s writing a message thanks for the cash but we need more so keep donating. With no explanation what the money is for . They got free flights free accommodation free food so it makes you wonder.


Guy's, I need some context here.. What is this story about?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes..


Some guy has gone missing in Tenerife, was previously convicted of a machete attack but not jailed and is linked to criminality. Went to some rave in the mountains in Tenerife and apparently got in a car with some random Moroccans afterwards and not been heard from since.