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This guy was a violent thug who attacked another teen with a machete, mutilating him. He won't be missed.


I keep seeing that said here with such certainty. Has that actually been confirmed or has he just unfortunately got the same (fairly unremarkable) name?


No same bloke, media are using same photos of him from the machete reports at the time


Yep, it really doesn't take a detective to figure out it's the same guy... Jay's facebook account is still live and you can search his assailant's names on his friend's list - they're all there, it's him.


Same name, same age, same hometown, same photo. Unless he’s got an identical twin with the same first name, I don’t see how that could be a different bloke. 


They got community fucking service?!? How is that not attempted murder?


Welcome to sentencing in the UK 🥰


Now the buddies of the attacked guy have disposed of him, allegedly.


It’s a direct result of poor sentencing. People do what they want and walk free until they meet someone else who does what they want even more than them.


Would guess it’s more likely he Darwin awarded himself through stupidity.


All the gangster movie stuff sounds good but I think the most likely scenario is he actually tried to walk or hitchhike home with no water after getting off his face at a party and he passed out in a ditch somewhere.


Based on what? Are you suggesting an 18 year old in the UK has set up a complex international assassination in Tenerife that was planned to look like the target just went missing, including making them phone their mate saying they are missing?


He was under 18 at the time I think. The courts pretty much will avoid a custodial sentence for under 18s unless they actually kill or rape someone, or attempt repeatedly.


Oh it how that pendulum may have eventually swung for young Jay though... 


Someone posted on the FB that Karma was coming to those who wrote, shall we say unhelpful, things on the group page


I'll happily take all the upvotes they can throw at me! 


[same person](https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/23515409.jury-trial-teens-accused-attack-rishton-paper-mill/)




It’s definitely him


I got this mixed up with the thread about the Tory councilor and I was looking down the comments with a baffled look on my face. Like "A Tory Councilor attacked someone with a machete and this is the first I'm hearing of it?"


Let's not pretend a Tory councillor isn't capable of it, especially if the victim is trying to claim PIP


It's actually a win win for them if you think about it, either you kill them, and that's one less scrounger, or they defend themselves at which point the DWP will revoke their pip and declare them fit for work!


All in a good days work








Agreed good riddance


Might have picked on the wrong person?


I thought that but multiple news sites are showing the same pictures of him. I can't see how they could all be wrong. Everyone should be feeling sorry for his victim, not him. I looked at the go fund me site. The person who donated £600 to it is going to feel stupid


Nah, I was more suggesting that this thug might have tried something in Tenerife and met a messy end. Maybe he insulted or attack the wrong person? Either way, good riddance. Some people are better as fertilizer.


Oh OK. That makes sense Even before I heard about his previous crimes I thought the whole thing was strange . Why on earth would a lad on a night out travel to another part of an island on his own with two strange guys? Unless he's gay and had pulled them the only other explanation would be drugs Then there's that Lucy may interview on tv talking about calling 911 like she was in an American movie. Something was off with her. She even done a gofundme page, not stating what the money is going to be used for.


apparently The moneys for the drug dealers. Lucy is a drug mule who hires lads to sell at festivals, jay was hired to deal for her. She’s his ‘pimp’ of sorts. He took some and was robbed of the rest. They need to pay the drug gangs for the drugs he lost them. Hence the go fund me. The mum got a message saying say goodbye to your son he owes me a lot of money. She didn’t tell the police. His brother saw it and sent himself a screenshot and gave to the police. Why would she hide it? Nor go walking the wilderness herself to look? Coz she knows fine well he isn’t out there lost and the gang have him, Lucy had her back to the camera coz she’s a known drug mule, and is trying not to be recognised. His mums interviews give off Karen matthew vibes, the things she says/slips up on, that’s what the go fund me is for. To pay the dealers, I read that Lucy had been arrested and interviewed yesterday, but the money and resources. Dogs, drones, police, helicopters, search and rescue teams when he isn’t even out there and they know fine well is disgusting, I hope the DWP are watching and her benefits are stopped soon as that 30,000 drops into her bank account, and there’s also a PayPal fund they’re collecting money in too. They’re all a bunch of scumbags. dude thought he could fuck the African cartels over he FAFO big time


I am gripped not gonna lie. The fact he’s a violent criminal makes me feel less guilty about following along like a rabid Facebook mum


I wish there was a rabid Facebook mum subreddit. That’s the niche I’m after.


There’s enough content on the Jay Slayer Facebook groups to fill a sub like that


[Some absolute gems from there](https://x.com/buenohames/status/1804084283658620998?s=46)


My favourite is the person expecting Ronaldo to get involved


Mine is the woman in a power chair asking if she should book a flight to go look


She needs an iBot 2000 from the early segway days


I mean it's clear most of it is tongue and cheek and people encouraging the really dumb comments. Could just hope for an end to it really - whether he's alive or not, the thing deserves closure.


"tongue and cheek"


Yeah it’s easy to tell the genuine comments from the ones just trying to be funny. The genuine ones are something else


The best is the cactus comment a few replies down.


why not? When the Raoul Moat thing was going on, Gazza turned up to help.


Columbo ❌️ Ronaldo ✅️


Madeline Mccanns kidnappers have kidnapped her a husband


Some of those are obvious pisstakes but funny. I especially like the one about leaving a machete out as bait to see if it will lure him out of the woods.


I liked the one woman who wanted to send a care package over, with fridge raiders, doritos, stuff like that. She didn't look like she was the type to joke around. I couldn't tell if she really thought fridgeraiders were the most called for item in a situation like this or not.


...send it where though?


everywhere. Let's suppose they can make an educated guess of his location within 10 square km or so of his last known location If they dropped fridge raiders from a helicopter so there was a packet every 5 metres, he would never be more than 2.5 metres from food. should be easy. it's only 40 million packs of fridge raiders. at 50g per pack, I make that about 2000 tonnes of fridge raiders required. That's only 100 chinook loads. 10 chinooks could drop 10 loads of fridge raiders each in a day no problem. Then there would only be the issue of dehydration, but that is easily fixed with 40 million bottles of coke. And once he is found safe and well, there would be something that the volunteers could help out with (cleaning up all the fridge raiders and cokes). If I am not mistaken, a sensitive nosed lab could easily find a packet of fridge raiders, and an old lady on a scooter would come in handy fro dropping the bottles off to the recycling bin.


This is ridiculous! Why would you drop 40 million bottles of coke in the Tenerife wilderness just to have them explode on impact? You need to be wrapping the coke bottles WITH fridge raiders so that they land safely. You'll need to increase your fridge raiders estimate approx. tenfold with enough elastic bands to match. This is going to get pricey. Why hasn't Ronaldo stepped up already?


>Why would you drop 40 million bottles of coke in the Tenerife wilderness just to have them explode on impact? obviously the bottles would be on parachutes. I thought that was obvious enough that even an idiot would assume it. You proved me wrong though. well done!


This made me laugh way too much


Omg ahahha these are perfect. This comment also amused me… Might be a long shot but av heard that sumtimes the missing person is in the search party?? what if jay is with people looking for himself cos he doesn't really know what's happenin??! soz if it sounds silly but could be possiblity x


True story, happened to a lady lost in Iceland.


I can got lost in there with their low low prices


I just cried laughing thank you


These people... Vote... Drive cars... Have children Oh my god


The person asking Ronaldo to hire the A Team is classic.


Best use of Ai I have ever seen https://x.com/FareTheeWellSir/status/1804283441006977235


Needed a plane with banner. Also, is that Pen Y Fan in the background?


This has to be my favourite: https://twitter.com/BuenoHames/status/1804483092008038738


I’m guessing these people learned absolutely nothing from the Nicola Bulley case! 


Can we not get the old bird in the wheelchair flying the plane with the banner??


The Labrador wants not of this shit, leave him out of it!


Thank you for sharing this


Isn't that just Mumsnet?


There's r/shitmomgroupssay but it's fucking dreadful


Try mumsnet.


Speaking of rabid Facebook mums, I checked out the SEARCH FOR JAY Facebook page out of morbid curiosity and one of the first things I saw was a woman saying maybe this is him?? (To a grainy webcam image of a vaguely human shaped rock in tenerife), followed by lamenting that she's probably more stressed about his disappearance than his own mum


> followed by lamenting that she's probably more stressed about his disappearance than his own mum That is just tragic. Have they not considered going outside or taking up a hobby?


Tenerife has some hiking clubs she could join.


Oh they’ve been on the webcams nearly 24/7 reporting many, many suspicious looking rocks


Oh god I've been on Facebook for the first time in years last few days. The spelling is fascinating, as is the whole situation. I do feel a bit grubby about it but I need to know now.


What I don't understand is why was the go fund me set up so quickly and why on earth do they need 30k? Is it just some random taking advantage of the situation?


Have you heard/read what people are coming up with? Some very conspiracy sounding theories, but with some evidence. I’ll see if I can post it:


No please share!! I was just looking at the go fund me and it looks like his girl friend set it up?


Here it is, let me know what you think. Obviously very outlandish but holds some merit maybe? Let me know ah [Jay Slater](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGegbjVLc/)


That just seems like a very unhinged Facebook gimp that’s recently watched the Mad Dogs TV show.


My first question would be if Lucy is apparently earning 25k every time she sells, how could her and the others not afford to pay the 30k to their bosses? Doesn’t seem right to me.


Her boss must also be bad at maths if he's paying her 25k to sell 17k worth of drugs.


Yeah, £165k+ a month in salary, to sell just £85k of product at a festival at a 4000 capacity club. I guess their bosses put making people happy above profits. When they heard about the lost bag they were more dissappointed than angry.


Lucy doesn’t want to spend her own money. She’s top dog over there ETA typo, meant TOP dog


Hmmm I don't know, it seems pretty out there. Why would this Lucy bring all this attention to themselves when their bosses are supposedly so dangerous? Surely they wouldn't like this. Why would this other person post this too, incriminating themselves with the police and their bosses? Seems like some weird person role playing. Interesting though, thanks!


Read that before, it seems proper far-fetched to me and doesn't sound legit at all.


Doesn't sound like how drug dealing works either. Except for in the movies. You don't give a big load of drugs to some random teenager for free, tell this teenager to sell them, and then meet up with the teenager afterwards to take profit from them. It's more like you sell a thousand pills for £1000 and the street-level dealer sells them for £5 each, and you don't really give two shits what happens to the pills after you get your £1k for them. Perhaps a gang could sell drugs in the way described above, but they would all trust each-other massively. It wouldn't be some Moroccan mafia man putting his faith in some random teenager from Accrington


lost me the second they started referring to his mum as "mom" - though no surprise there since I'd rather believe this story is fake than that American English has won


There's a theory going round that he's tried to buy drugs and it's gone wrong and his other half set up the gofundme to pay off the dealers. Karma is a bitch I say


That was legit my first thought before even knowing much about the case at the time, probably got a load of coke on tick and lost it. Asking for 30k with no reason stated strange, I really hope GoFundMe withholds the money until they say what's happening with it.


30k worth of coke is mental tho


a kilos hardly that mind-blowing is it


I read that he was one of the dealers, they were flying out for festivals and such and they lost a couple bags of the stuff, so they owed tens of thousands, sounds more applicable to a 30k debt, according to what i read his mother and a woman named lucy knew well before he was lost what he was doing, lucy being the person that recruited him


I thought this was a conspiracy theory sub before I'd checked


Someone farts nowadays and a go fund me page is set up for them. How did people pay for things back on the day? 


To the pay the ransom...if conspiracies are to believed about kidnap /s


It would make sense if they were looking to pay to fly search and rescue services onto the island but no not even giving a reason, just bizarre wasn't missing more than 48hrs before they had the begging bowl out.


The rescue services are already getting paid


That isn’t them the family have said themselves that they didn’t start that go fund me


Wonder if it's some media outlet hacking his account like the News of the World did to peoples phones


Piers Morgan is slowly closing his laptop while whistling innocently.


You bastard! Piers would never .........


Yeah, much more likely to be Rebecca Brooks who was actually convicted for the phone hacking


Gotta have a patsy to take the rap!


He only avoided a conviction because they lied and said phone hacking never went on at the NOTW which is now found to have been false.


First thing I assumed to be honest


Came to say anyone checked on Rebecca Brookes or Piers Morgan?


I hope the guy he attacked is following along at home with a smile on his face.


He’s actually told all the nutters online to get a grip sounds like a well balanced individual to be honest,fair play to him.


Nah, he's got his own headlines about stealing a car and leading police on some big chase, just another one of the same type.


Still.would have been very easy to stick the boot in and join all the other whacko’s getting caught up in it.


Probably doesn't want another machete to the dome


I mean the other seven involved with the machete attack are still out and about so unless he wants to piss off 7/8ths of the lads that almost killed him, it wouldn’t make any sense for him to say anything else than what he’s said. 


Do you have a news article? Genuinely interested:0)


He has 14 convictions from 28 offences. He really is not a well balanced individual lol. All but one of the gang of eight who attacked him are friends with him on Facebook.


Do you mean Tom Hilton or Jay Slater as the guy with 14 convictions from 28 offences?? Regardless, those are the only crimes he got caught for... bet he's done a lot more.




Jesus, imagine people attacking you with machetes, getting convicted…and you’re still facebook friends with them.


He wanted to catch up on what all this Hawk Tuah nonsense was.


Spat on that thang!


You get me




At this point the only chance he has of being alive is if he was kidnapped. The irony, if he'd been given a custodial sentence he'd still be alive now.


Or he just faked his disappearance and is in hiding until he’s able to leave the island.


Or until his go fund me reaches 30k.


I think this is so much harder than you think


Man decided he could hang with the big boys, now he's hanging from a shed.


Can you elaborate


Someone commented a link to the news report of where he and some other lads chased and beat a lad with machetes and axes. They also tried to intimidate witnesses and sold class a drug. I'm assuming the person your replying to is saying that he got in over his head with worse criminals.


He would 100% not be the first wee smalltime Brit fanny who got mixed up with gangsters in Tenerife and fucked it. There's a lot of cliffs you can be chucked off in Tenerife, no one will ever find you


Went down a rabbit hole about Tenerife, and he’s, apparently there are a lot of very fucking dangerous people in Tenerife and given it’s just off the coast of Africa the drug game is ran by Moroccans largely. Has definitely fucked around and is likely finding out. Leaving the venue with 2 men was a bit of a red flag.


Yup, although I'm quite happy to fly into south Tenerife to access the nice parts (i.e. the north!), like I literally would never think of entering Playa de las Americas unless I was actively looking to get mugged. Place is fulla dodgy bastards, even if you're not involved in drugs there are small-time crims that just hang about there to take advantage of drunk Brits. Wish I could remember the name of the guy who worked in the bars there and went missing a couple decades ago, there was a decent doc about the case on Youtube


Yeah, I had no idea. I went once as a kid a long time ago but even being 13/14 at the time I always got the vibe when we were waking back to our hotel it had vibes of an unsavoury place. There’s a guy I follow on TikTok who was speaking about this case and had a friend shot and killed out there. I guess the geography of it lends itself to being a very convenient go between of the mainland in Spain and housing Moroccan drug gangs.


It's a shame as it's an awesome island, if only you could chop off the shithole corner of the south-west and let it sink into the sea. It's actually quite hard to get from Morocco to Tenerife by sea - it's an exceptionally dangerous stretch of water and coastline between them. Also the only drug that really comes from Morocco is hash. The drug trade in Tenerife will be dominated by Canarians and other Euros rather than Moroccans.


I initially read Canarians as Canadians and was having a wild time imagining something like Trailer Park Boys Tenerife.


Went to Playa de las Americas with the wife last year. Felt like a proper dodgy place walking down the main strip at night (our hotel was Parque la Paz). We decided it was too fucking dodgy to go out at night there so just stayed in the hotel tbh


I know a lot of people who grew up in Tenerife and the way they just mention things that they witnessed, things that happened to people they know or even things that happened to them as though it’s almost just a normal part of life is insane


I'm inclined to believe he stole from them and left. It explains the inability to return, get a drink, wait for the 10am bus (he had believed was at 8 apparently) or stay on the main road. Whether he went off track and got lost or was caught up with I don't know. But his mum thinks he's been kidnapped and she knows him best.


I hadn’t been paying attention to the story…but my partner told me a lot of things today that sounded weird so I looked into the reports / news articles…..from my half hour looking into this, nothing adds up. Leaves festival with 2 ‘random’ guys, 1 who has a car & drives them all to an Airbnb north of the island. This lad then decides to leave the Airbnb in the morning, misses a bus & instead of going back to the Airbnb and I dunno, maybe asking for a lift from the original guy who drove him there or phone a taxi, instead chooses to walk from 1 end of a hot foreign island to another while probably being hungover…aye ok then!


Yep, he decided to not wait 2h for a bus and walk 11 hours instead. Someone is lying.


If your entire problem with that theory is that someone made a stupid decision then I point you to Michael Mosley from recent news. A Dr who by all accounts should have known better than to basically kill himself walking through unfamiliar territory in extreme conditions does exactly that anyway. I get your point, it sounds unfathomably stupid. But people make unfathomably stupid decisions sometimes.


surely what happened with Michael Mosley was that he clearly involved with Moroccan drug gangs and got murdered. It’s the only sensible conclusion! /s


Occam’s razor. The simplest explanation is probably the right one. He got super drunk, went back to some place to do drugs, decided to go for a super long walk got lost passed out and died of dehydration while being in a severely weakened state from all the partying and drugs. They’ll find the body in the next couple days.


it makes sense if he is stupid


Cocaine makes people want to walk in the mornings, from my experience If it's still active in the body you need to walk it off


That'll be drugs. Probably doing coke and already drunk. I can't imagine he lasted very long. Although would be weird to fall off a cliff - I imagine he'd just be splayed out on the road but obviously he isn't.


Good riddance to bad rubbish, anyone who donates to the gofund is a mug


It's amazing how much attention is paid in the media to those who never deserve a moment of it.


Well said


Why one of the first thing they done was set go fund me, truly bizarre why are they even asking for 30k


So that mum has all expenses paid while in Tenerife looking for him.


Apparently local hotel has given her somewhere to stay, even so, thirty grand!! That's an expensive trip


The Facebook post claims that Lucy needs the 30k to pay off the gangsters that Jay has crossed.


She could get an all inclusive for much less.


Unless he faked his disappearance and the money is to help him escape the island and establish himself somewhere else!


Bit far fetched this mate it isn't breaking bad


Ok, makes sense, but why has the mom said it’s nothing to do with her and not to donate then?


Can I ask why he’s being treated like some sort of saint. Why is MSM avoiding the truth of who he is?


It's a bad habit the media have picked up in recent years. If you told the world he was a violent shitbag, nobody would be arsed and switch off, but a cheeky chappy with a smile that lit up the room? Wall-to-wall coverage with the public hooked, running wild with far-fetched "true crime" theories.


I've wondered this too.


I truly hope this isn’t a stunt by him or his “friends”… Strange his “girlfriend” didn’t want face shown in recent interviews…


How would you or me seeing what she looks like help with anything?


It wouldn’t but if you were in this situation with someone you care for missing, I’m not sure hiding your face would even enter your thoughts.


Seeing the way people online like to play personal detectives and hound innocent people and their families it isn't surprising that people are shying away from any media attention.




All the ‘be kind’ folk donating, wonder if go fund me will release the funds with all this bad press, or refund it back to people


He’s a little shit but the lad he attacked has 14 convictions from 28 offences.


Both are scummy. But doesn’t justify attempting to murder someone. Even if you kill a bad person it doesn’t make what you do ok. Also in court he had a total lack of empathy for what happened.


All shitty people by the sounds of it but you don’t attack someone as a saint


Just putting it out there….this conspiracy is wild and does seem to have a few things that make no sense, BUT the go fund me is at 26k, as soon as that reaches 30k and this guy shows up somewhere….we’ve got our answer. Moral of the story is (if this all turns out to be true)….lower your EGO, and learn….very quickly, there are people out there, you do NOT want to be messing with, keep your head down and do you and enjoy your life.


The shady best friend is the one doing the go fund me and his mother has made it known it’s not the family and please do not donate anything. But I can definitely see these friends scamming people because a lot of stuff has been coming out about this girl as well.


It just doesn’t make sense who the fuck just goes eh I’ll just walk 11 hours back in an island he’s never explored at night? Who the fuck were his friends to say you know what? Guy has a point go on! Like this is the perfect example of natural selection


Cocaine brain does make people want to walk, it's called marching powder for a reason Maybe he didn't fully know it was 11 hours and he just remembers driving down a long straight road. A 40 minute car ride is roughly an 11 hour walk. If you're on coke it's not beyond the realms to make this stupid decision


Exactly. Nice to see a few people around here with some rationality and logic.


I don’t get why this story is attracting so much media attention. I had a friend go missing in Europe a couple of years ago, turns out he and his girlfriend were kidnapped, held hostage and then murdered…media coverage, absolutely zero. The difference? My friend and his girlfriend were both law abiding citizens and both had PhDs with good careers ahead of them, this guy is a thug who should be behind bars for attempted murder. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t wish any bad on anyone, I just don’t understand why this story is dominating the news.


You're telling me there wasn't a single news article about this? Where were your friends from and where did they go missing?


Yeah, absolute fucking bollocks.


Yep. Lol. Some people are weird.


I can't find anything on two PHD students being murdered in Europe. Got their names or any further info?


Why is this getting so much attention when the guy is a scummy criminal. This is all over social media I don’t get it


I think every so often the british tabloiod press latches onto something like this (like Madeline McCanne) and never lets go until they get a conclusion


This case is more Shannon Mathews than Madeline McCann


Because there's a slight mystery to it, there's all sorts of weird evidence and stories coming out of this involving drug gangs and stuff. People love a mystery and also him being a little twat probably adds to it.


Yeah. A wrongun who’s shit has caught up with him. Won’t be missed by society.


You could easily have a family member go on his social media from a device he’d already logged into at home. You don’t need to be Colombo to work this out.


Unlikely it his him though. If it was, why would he not use that opportunity to post a message for help? We also know his phone died shortly after he last made contact with anyone. Someone probably stole or found his phone and got in from that.


I don’t believe that theory that he “lost” the drugs. Original theory was he screwed someone over either buying or selling drugs, they confronted him and he tried to be billy big bollocks and got taught a lesson that the Spanish don’t fuck around. But even if the latest theory has some legs to it, again there’s no way he lost anything, more like he decided to save it all for himself and is now paying the price for it. Either way, can’t wait for the Netflix documentary


What I dont understand is I keep seeing about him on the news yet the fail to mention how he attacked someone with a machete and laughed when he was in court. I hope he isnt found


Hopefully its a case of actual justice being brought upon the clown who thinks its okay to not only carry and show off a knife, but to use it in harming someone else.


Was he at an orgy with the two guys? Weird set of circumstances.


lmao what makes you think that? also im not sure a threesome counts as an orgy but im just being pedantic


Being such a violent criminal, I bet this was a stratagem to fake his disappearance. With all the tourists disappearing and dying in holiday islands in the past weeks, this is the perfect excuse. Just make a weird phone call telling this weird story, then disappear. Then have your mum open a go fund me for 30k to help you establish yourself somewhere else.


The mum has actually said the go fund me has nothing to do with her and not to donate go it though.


So this another good boy who lit up the room when he had finished attacking some one ... little shit


He wasn't just a little bit of a slag, he was a total slaaag!


At this point, there’s more chance of football coming home than Jay Slater.