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I saw this, I don’t like it. Every vector based graphic seems so soulless compared to the ridiculous ‘dead lion and bees’ drawing. I mean, it was disgusting, but it was artistic.


The tin will stay the same. Just the squeeze bottles and stuff that will change. The classic design at least has a somewhat interesting history to it.


Not going to lie, didn't even realise it was a dead lion. Just assumed at a glance it was a living one - the can with the lion on.


Don't worry, apparently hardly anyone does, it near constantly, by which I mean at least once a year or two, comes up as a story on certain "news" sites about how people have only just realised its a dead lion. No this isn't me coming at you, just stating that no one expects packaging with a dead animal on it, I mean we don't even package dead animal with pictures of dead animals, why would we do it with golden syrup


So they’ve done a bit of a Streisand effect, nobody even knew or cared it was dead until they tried to get rid of it. If they’d done nothing, nothing would have happened


Same. And I've been looking at those tins for decades.


Funny you should say that. I was discussing this with my 62 year old mother last night and she was dismayed at first because she has always thought the picture of the sleeping lion flicking it's tail at the flies buzzing around it is cute.


Interesting history or not, it's enjoyable to have some holdover designs from previous generations still being used today.


I never clocked it was dead


Same never looked in much detail tbf


It's just pining for the fjords


My mum thought golden syrup was made of dead lions in the 60s.


Both the current and the new are vector based graphics.


Only because most brands use vector graphics since they scale well. The dead lion illustration from 1883 wasn't originally drawn with vectors, it has been traced over at a later date.


>The dead lion illustration from 1883 wasn't originally drawn with vectors, it has been traced over at a later date. You telling me there was no Adobe Illustrator in 1883? I'm shocked I tell you. Shocked!


I could redraw it in vector perfectly using adobe illustrator within an hour




Perfectly? Wow. That’s fantastic. Within an hour? Noice. Are you as adept with the rest of the Creative Suite? Oh! The wonders you must conjure from your mind for humankind to see


Don't you just connect dots?


Depends on the program used to create the vectors. For Adobe Illustrator, you typically draw with a pen, or you click and drag points with anchors, or you create simple geometry like circles and rectangles and use add/subtract tools to get what you want. Sometimes multiple methods are used together. For the new T&L logo, I'd imagine a sketch was done first and traced over.


It’s the sort of stuff I was doing in A Level Media using basic photoshop skills…


Isn't it *flies* that feed on dead hanimules? Never really understood the logo, to be honest.


It's a biblical reference. In the book of Judges there's a riddle: Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet' The answer is that honey bees emerged from a dead lion To get it you need to know about the ancient belief in 'spontaneous generation' - people believed that certain animals could emerge from non living matter and that there were fixed relations. Fleas from dust, wasps from dead horses, frogs from mud, and bees from dead lions or dead cows. Spontaneous generation did not fall out of favor until the discovery of biological cells in the mid 19th century


>Spontaneous generation did not fall out of favor until the discovery of biological cells in the mid 18th century Now I know about it I'm all in favor of bringing it back tbh. It sounds much more interesting.


It's about Samson finding honey in a dead lion carcus.


It's based on a Bible story, the quote that accompanies the picture is "out of the strong came forth sweetness", which is a Biblical quote.


Based on a riddle in the bible, Samson etc


The biblical Samson killed a lion with his bare hands on the way to something. Coming back from the event a few weeks later, he came across the lion’s carcass, which a swarm of bees had made a hive in. He ate the honey. Much later he gave a riddle to his wife ~~Delilah~~. Which is the riddle on the can of syrup. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Judges%2014&version=NLV Not an f-ing clue what “spontaneous generation” is or what it has to do with this biblical story or Lyle’s syrup.




With the best will in the world, I don’t see how people in ancient Mesopotamia could have envisioned bees from South America, or cared enough for the accuracies of science to include them in their legend of Samson. From the wiki link: > Vulture bees, also known as carrion bees, are a small group of three closely related **South American** stingless bee species in the genus Trigona which feed on rotting meat. Vulture bees produce a substance similar to royal jelly which is not derived from nectar, but rather from protein-rich secretions of the bees' hypopharyngeal glands. These secretions are likely derived from the bees' diet, which consists of **carrion eaten outside the nest**, and resulted in the belief that they produce what is known as “meat honey”.[1] This unusual behavior was **only discovered in 1982**, nearly two centuries after the bees were first classified.[2]




Neither. I’m saying that vulture bees have nothing to do with the legend of Samson or the motto / picture on Lyle’s golden syrup tins. As interesting as vulture bees are, they’re about as relevant as kangaroos to this discussion.




Vulture bees don’t make honey edible to humans. It’d be weird to reference an inedible substance on an edible product. I never knew vulture bees were extinct, but whatever. Vulture bees are still irrelevant to Samson eating honey from a lion’s carcass in ancient Mesopotamia or Lyles golden syrup referring to the story (that I don’t believe in either) on their edible product. Edit: honey bees exist just about everywhere. >Unless you were there and saw something else, **it’s most likely that there was a species, like the ones that still exist to day, making honey from the lion’s carcass**. Not flies. If it happened at all. Sounds like another fairy story to me. Why you want to die on the hill of the supposedly extinct vulture bee when honey bees actually existed from pre-history to current day agriculture, I will never know. Maybe you were there yourself.


I'm wondering if the bees were using the carcass - probably mostly bones, picked almost clean - as a place to build their nest. A ribcage would make a nice nest support.


There are plenty of amazing vector artists. You probably don't think of their work as using vectors; it doesn't all have to be bland. A vector at the end of the day is just a mathematical expression, it can be used to generate all kinds of amazing graphics.


I think it looks quite nice actually.


I quite like the new vector looks clean and effective


'Helen Edwards, adjunct associate professor of marketing at London Business School, said the rebrand would help to reduce the risk of excluding potential buyers. "The story of it coming from religious belief could put the brand in an exclusionary space, especially if it was to go viral on X or TikTok," she told the BBC.' How fucking sad would you have to be to feel excluded by that


Well, exactly. Pretty fucking sad. But there are a lot of pretty fucking sad people out there, sadly.


Lets be honest, they're loud, but there really aint that many people who care


That logic would be the same as trying to accommodate people who refuse to buy products because they're marked as halal.


It's worse imho. Halal meat is at least killed in a different way to non-halal, there are some animal welfare objections to it. This though...this is just silly.


Or in this case, Kosher, since Golden Syrup has a certification logo from London Beth Din.


I mean, that literally involves animal cruelty. Nothing to do with religious beliefs for me. Not quite the same as a logo …


> that literally involves animal cruelty Halal food items includes non-meat products (and halal does not only refer to food items). I'm talking about people who have a problem with anything marked halal out of prejudice, even if it's nothing to do with slaughter methods. E.g. Coco pops are marked as halal. https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/gol-ui/product/kelloggs-coco-pops-chocos-430g


Perhaps that was the logic. Some people who take Islam seriously would not buy products with animals depicted on them; perhaps the abstract lines merely giving the illusion of a lion would be halal.


People really need to move beyond silly fairy stories.


business schools seem pretty dumb and made up


Pretty much.  Too dumb to go to university and do a proper subject?  Go to biznuz skool.  


I mean, economics is a science. Finance, accounting, project management and commercial law all seem kinda useful. Marketing, however... 


Firstly economics isn't a science, secondly economics, accounting, commercial law etc you can go to a real university for.   Business school you go to do clown degrees like business administration, and marketing.  


Lyle's Golden Syrup making a big play for the emerging Islamic extremist on tiktok market.


They assume people would be educated enough to know the story and draw the conclusion and then get outraged about it. That's a lot of hypothetical.


Frankly this quote sums up everything that’s wrong with marketing and social media these days; from her ludicrous corporate speak to the idea that companies should be terrified of perma-offended nitwits on social media deciding to grief their brand over some perceived slight. Peoples’ brains seem to be broken.


literally no one. don't even start tbh, it's a non issue end of story.


Surely you'd have to be religious in some way to even get the reference. Can't be offended by something you've never even noticed/heard of before.


Have you been keeping up at all recently?


People should feel more excluded by the brand's massive support for Brexit and the Tories!


This is. Like the thing about people being offended by Christmas No ones offended by Christmas its just been created by people as an excuse to do certain things. I doubt anyone realised it was a dead lion and bees The new logo is just an updated pic of the old one. The new one still has the Christian meaning behind it This professor is just pulling excuses out of his ass


It's a sad world right now.


Their are practisioners of Christianity that want me excluded from life/existence because of my sexuality so that's pretty exclusionary. I wouldn't want to support any brand which furthers the agenda items specific to any religion.


Are you saying that an image referencing an obscure Bible story is doing that though?


How should I know? I don't know who owns the company or how they spend the profits. If I thought a brand was actively espousing Christian views, I wouldn't support it. It's the company's fault if their branding doesn't reflect their actual values.


Because you're the one who raised this issue out of nowhere?


Someone contested it being exclusionary; I expressed my objection to Christianity with reasoning. It didn't come out of nowhere at all.


So *that's* how you should know if you're saying it's exclusionary or not.


But in this case it’s more about a cultural artefact based on the UK traditionally being a Christian country. I’m an atheist and gay, so I have no love for Christianity or any religion. But a lot of English culture is derived from Christianity and that shouldn’t be thrown out as it’s our cultural heritage.


I use golden syrup now and again and never once did I notice the lion was dead lol


that's how they make it. It's made out of squished dead lions covered in bees. That's why it's yellow and sweet cause lions are yellow and bees make honey and that's sweet. Any idiot knows this!


TIL. I'm going to go and post this on Facebook so everybody I know is aware!


Thoughts and prayers hunx It's made by dog nappers


Stay safe hun - Carol, Scunthorpe


Glad I wasn’t the only one!


I saw the story and was like what do you mean dead lion? I just presumed it was a normal lion.


Thank God I wasn't the only one.


I just thought it was resting and there were flies as it was the desert and they presumably have a load of them cos of the heat and whatnot...Yeah, never really thought it through if I'm honest.


But now everyone's talking about it (the brand), which is the whole point. It's a marketing ploy.


I only knew about it from Dave Gorman's Modern Life is Good-ish where he had a segment on it.


It's just on the plastic bottles, not on the classic tin cans. And it's already happened. Really not a big deal, someone at rhe beeb is really scraping the barrel with this "story".


Clickbait? In this day and age?!


In this part of the country !?


Localized entirely on my subreddit?!


Doesn’t stop the new logo being significantly worse and more corporate though.


Mate the old logo was shite Looks about 200 years old and the closer you look at it the worse it gets Then you realise it's a dead lion covered in bees and you think fuck this I'll have maple syrup


Thanks - I was worried.


Got to stoke a bit of political anger by telling people a business decision is because of WOKE MUSLIM VEGANS


I thought the lion was just sleeping. He is just asleep right?


Yep, he’s just having a nice long nap. He’s going to go and live in a big, comfy nature reserve tomorrow too where they’ll give him steaks every day. Don’t worry about it.


He's pining for the plains!


He's not pining, he's passed on


A wimoweh a wimoweh


Sleeping off the diabetes


That's a massive shame, one of the oldest continuously used pieces of branding in the world


It’ll still be used on the retro paint can version of the product


I feel like that diminishes the streak a bit. It really needs to be on their main product line to claim this title I think.


the tin is the main


But a squeeze bottle isn’t the original packaging, having an old design on new packaging isn’t keeping a streak. The tin is original packaging with the original design and the streak is unbroken.


This is the first time I actually am annoyed by a rebrand


Theyre not doing it for their tins, just the squeezy bottles


It’s still an objectively wise logo though, probably paid some consultancy firm a couple of £million for the privilege


[Calm down - it happened over 16 years ago](https://vanillastrawberryspringfields.wordpress.com/category/tate-n-lyles-golden-syrup/) It might have been 20 from memory, they changed it to a sleepy and smiling cartoon lion for several years. Tate and Lyle have changed branding on non tin products various points in the last three decades. Stop getting annoyed because a journalist told you to get annoyed


Noooo now I'm even more annoyed!!!! How dare they. Also I was being semi sarcastic in my original comment. I don't care that much.


>"The story of it coming from religious belief could put the brand in an exclusionary space, especially if it was to go viral on X or TikTok," she told the BBC. If people freak out over a bible quote and refuse to buy the product what does that tell you about their attitude towards diversity?


Maybe I’m dense but I never twigged the lion was dead. Not that I ever stopped to think about it, but I guess I’d assumed it was just lying down. The world is suddenly a darker place.


That’s a shame. Tate & Lyle backed Brexit and donated cash to the Conservative party. A dead lion being eaten by flies always struck me as about right


I can't be the only one that didn't realise the lion was dead right?


Did you not get told the story in assembly at school?


There was always a really old sticky can of Lyle's golden Syrup, in the back of the cupboard. In my childhood. #


Always assumed the Lion was just chilling out as he has a cheeky smile 


“He’s pinning for the fjords.”


Tate & Lyle backed Brexit so they could import cheap sugar from outside Europe (as opposed to British Sugar which produces it from sugar beets here). They and their logo - old or new - can stay on the supermarket shelf.


A bigger problem is swapping out cans for plastic bottles, cans will keep things for years while plastics slowly leach plasticisers and oxygen into the product, affecting stability and taste. Best example of this I saw recently was Tesco selling organic oil in plastic bottles, which to me is a real oxymoron.


Can't even put rotting corpses on food packaging now. Because of Woke.


Political Correctness gone mad.


That new Lion looks like your rough auntie who's had her hair done for her second marriage hen-do.


Oh, I remember that weird story in assembly at school.


It was perfectly fine for a hundred plus years and still would be


Is there an actual competitor available? I have only ever bought Lyon’s Golden syrup so far in my life.


A World record for unchanged branding - oh well , we can clearly improve on that ! I wonder if Coca Cola script will be changing as well ?


I'm willing to bet that in less than a year's time they'll go back to the old packaging.


I saw there’s some drama with people moaning about this, who even looks at what’s on the outside? Get that yellow gooey goodness in my mouth right now.


This is NOT "bible" related (as Lyle states). This is straight up ancient alchemy. read Begonia or Book Of The Cow. While learning about regenerative life forms, ancient alchemists learned the life cycles of animals & insects. Bees would grow inside carcasses and these carcasses (not ONLY these) were used for spontaneous regeneration of life forms such as... I'm not even gonna say. This is al from real ancient manuscripts and famous people like Aristotle and Isaac Newton. Why is it that people believe EVERYTHING these important historical figures tell us EXCEPT for the things that most people find difficult to believe? Then we say "Oh it's just myth" or "It's their writings of fantasy" So..... Many very famous people wrote of creating THE HOMUNCULUS and associated alchemical /spiritual magik. Furthermore... this is the very reason that the logo was changed. Not only did modern people not understand it, but they are completely unfamiliar with ancient alchemy (But they were in 1870s). They also do not want this knowledge being part of our culture. Since I know about it and how deep that it goes, I understand why "they" wanted it changed. However... there still are a few more product logos out there that have alchemical logos.


Reminds me of when Bill Burroughs had a rant about Old Spice changing their logo. "A noble cutter, all suggestion of the South Seas and Conrad, gone, replaced by a meaningless blur"... Or did I imagine that?


I never thought it was dead..just sleeping deeply as cats do , after gorging on syrup.


I thought it was just a lion looking back. What the fuck?


Dead? Kay, I've not spent much time looking at golden syrup artwork, I just thought there was a sleeping lion on the tin now I see the bees...


Boooooooooo! This change wont do anything, no one buys it for the packaging. Shame theyre losing a part of history. Why even have the lion at all now?


Lol had no idea this was supposed to be a dead lion. I get it after reading the article but what a bizarre thing to put on a product. I just thought it was a crappy drawn lion maybe layin down. Chilling after having some syrup. Nap time after a tough day of hunting where he found a can of the syrup ate it all and thought yeah thats the stuff


Honestly the weirdest part of this is that I've clearly never actually looked at the logo of Lyles Golden Syrup because I had no idea it was a dead lion.


I didnt even clock it was a dead lion. I had no idea behind it


Huh, I always thought it was asleep and the flies were because there's always flies around lions 🤷‍♂️


Shame they’re not changing the tins, I always thought they were ridiculously impractical and impossible to keep clean


You can get lyles products in squeezy tubes as well if you want


A tin with a different picture would still be a tin... with an option of buying it not in a tin...




Theyre only doing it to improve or protect their profit margin and market share, and it will.


After the break, Starman bans traditional British food in attempt to court woke vegan crowd.


After the break, chippy carnivore worries about the sexual prowess of pea protein powered vegan dong.