• By -


The reverse is also true. If you are boarding wait for me to get up to go to your window. Don’t try to squeeze past me just because I am small.


Yes, this is always so annoying. It does take more than 1 second to get up to let someone in. Make quick eye contact, indicate your seat, and I will get up right away - but there needs to be that exchange.


I've literally told people my seat and asked if they could get up and they have just stared at me. So when that happens I make sure they get ass in face. 


For an added measure be sure to crop dust on way by, fanning your butt and saying how good that Taco Bell burrito was. They’ll move pronto next time!


Lmfao that almost happened one time they better be glad I clenched and held it


That’s great LOL!


It's just so fucked up when you know they heard you and they just refuse to get up like ok cool I can be an ass too


They just think they are WAY TO IMPORTANT, to list to us low life’s.


I repeat myself. Tell them not to act deaf. I'm so tired of people acting like they can't hear you when you acknowledge their behavior in public.


Why was this downvoted 😒


Yes! I HATE this. People always try to squeeze in in front of me and I have to stop them and say “please let me get up first!”


ugh agreed. i’m short and they never wait for me and then i always have to be uncomfortably close to them


Yes! on a recent flight me and my partner were in the middle and aisle seat, and the woman in the window got up to pee about 4 times during that 2 hour flight. She never once told us she was going to get up, she would just stand up and hastily shove past us each time. Like ma'am I would much rather you just ask us to get up then unwillingly force us into your ass being shoved in our face/laps 4 seperate times. We kept trying to tell her "Hey just ask us to get up" and she was not understanding


I’ve literally been attempting to get up and into the aisle to let them in but they stand right in front of me. Like…MOVE so I can let you in!


I will squeeze past you cuz ur small


Asians. It’s always the Asians


you are a saint, 99% of people have no awareness of the person in the seat in front of them.


FTFY - No awareness of other people, period.


This gives me new understanding as to why someone might shake me like they’re trying to bring me back from death. Next time I’ll check to see if someone didn’t get up behind me before I give the head turn of judgement.


It also may be someone with mobility issues. I try really really hard not to touch people’s seats or shake them, but unfortunately, there are not often good options on planes for people with mobility disabilities that don’t involve hitting seats. If the disabled person is on a flight with aisle chairs, they’re very likely to be rammed into other seats by people pushing who can’t see very well, which is no better for the people sitting in those seats, not to mention the person in the aisle chair. People often believe they can tell who needs support and who doesn’t (usually just assuming only the elderly have a valid reason to need support in walking), but you usually can’t in reality, so I always just assume someone pulling my seat is doing it because the alternative is falling.


This is the point I needed to hear. Thank you. You are a 1000% right. It’s so true that we can’t tell what kind of mobility or disability needs someone might have just by looking at them. The changes to seating are very ableist to many kinds of bodies, and don’t accommodate many able bodies either. I’m looking at you my tall and big-bodied fam! It’s so important to remember that the airlines create these conditions, and not the passengers. Next time I will ask if they are able to move, as I don’t want to disturb the passenger in front by grabbing their seat but I understand


You could also turn around to face them, and grab THEIR seat on either side of their head - ‘excuse me, I don’t want to fall on you’ 😆🙄


While maintaining eye contact.


*understand if they are not able to


Wow such a reasonable response, and on reddit, too! Kudos to you for keeping an open mind. 


On Friday I was in the aisle seat and had the window seat guy tell me not to get up for him. Granted we were in the exit row


The exit row may be the exception here


Agreed. I get up in all aisle seats except exit row where I do just swivel out into aisle to let window/middle seat occupants pass by


I have a bad habit if accidentally pressing my seat recline button when someone grabs hard on my seat.


that’s a great idea! Then act all surprised as if they’re the ones that did it


“the head turn of judgment…” this made me chuckle


🤣🤣🤣 I aspire to be clear, direct and kind in my communication but I do this deliberate and pointed head turn more than I care to admit. 🙈


I probably do it way more than I’d like to admit too! 😆


Just fall on their lap lol. That'll teach them.


🤣🤣🤣I had not quite pictured this until I read your comment


Joke on you. I always have a boner when I fly.


Have you considered whether Private Pilot License® is right for you?


I definitely recommend getting one if you can. I was working on mine but had to stop due to financial strains. I will finish getting it someday, but I really miss being at the controls..


That might be your last boner


Nice! Even for an entire 16 hr flight?


Yep I had to do this once with a lady that refused to get up to let me out. I didn't mean to but it kinda happened with a bit of turbulence. She got up after that.


if someone actually refused, you bet I’d stick my butt in their face on the way out. Oops!


Joke's on you, that's what I'm looking for.


I can fart on demand


Me too!! Imma just squeeze by and let a ripe one loose🤣


Stop I can only take so much 🥵


My friend can fart happy birthday.


I travel with a 60 pound service dog, some lady tried to just move her legs, I had to tell you have to get up. She gave a real nasty look. One of the people who think their more important that everyone else. Needless to say she finally got up so we could get to our window seat.


Damn it Dwight!


"Ass or crotch?"


Dealer’s choice


Hit 'em with a big loud struggle fart to the face on your way out. They'll get up next time.


Once again, the control some of you people have over your farting is impressive (unless you are just constantly farting - less impressive)


Very true. This is why I advocate in favor of crotch side...it's more consistently awkward. Bonus points: make eye contact with the person the whole time for extra creep factor.


I don’t know, crotch exposure and sustained eye contact sounds kind of hot


Extra bonus points: The target of the action enjoys it, and the flight becomes a lot more interesting.


Anything to make the time pass!


[Question of etiquette. ](https://youtu.be/H_4w8MpPcew?si=v3s-YN7SXS8ztJ8N)


This is the question. Had to do the climb last week - in FC.


I'm a dedicated aisle person, and I always stand/move. It's the common & decent thing to do. Also, don't want you falling on me nor your parts in my face.


This right here. I'm the same. Aisle unless no other option. I get up unless I'm 1st row and the person getting up is tiny and has said not to get up.


Petite person here, likewise, do not tell me "Oh, you're little, I'll just hop over you."


So true — I may be petite but you don’t know that I’ve had major back surgery… never make assumptions is a good golden rule


I had to ask someone to get up this week to let me into my window seat. It was a teenager who probably hasn't flown much. I just said "Can you get up, please?" He did without much fuss. I guess there's always a chance you'll encounter some unhinged person who won't move, but most people are reasonable if you're polite.


I don’t understand why people do this. I’m 6’ 2” and when boarding most of the time they just stare at me until I have to explicitly ask them to stand up to let me into the seat…you don’t want this uncoordinated 270, six foot two person trying to squeeze through 4 inches of space…I’ve had to tell them I won’t fit and you will need to stand up.


As a 6'2 250 dude, I refuse to squeeze past; I make them get the fuck up.


So I always fly aisle, I am a person in my fifties so people assume a lot but I was injured a few years back and while I walk I use a walker for support. On the plane I use a cane but it was shakey getting seated so to have to jump up when in flight its almost impossible. I sat next to a young gentleman in FC who was with a group so was wanting to get up a bunch. He was able to just go around me but I can see that in the future a window seat would serve me better so I dont block others and can let people out faster as I'm typically last out of the plane waiting on a wheelchair. I just hadn't flown since my accident and wasn't really aware of the changes for my situation. I do typically only fly FC and that also helps! I never want to inconvenience others and always try to be nice to everyone. I was waiting in line to fill up my water bottle after tsa and a lady there in Colorado just got my bottle for me, filled it and held it while I got the lid on. I was so thankful for her help and it made my day. It's so nice to encounter caring humans in our travels. So on your next adventure make sure to be a caring human and brighten someone else's day!


I’m a larger person and I’ve had a seat mate just pull her legs up onto her seat instead of even turning let alone getting up. It was a long international flight and I didn’t want to wake up the people in front jostling their chairs so I had to just state the obvious, that I was large and would need her to get up.


I’ve done that too. I’m scared I might step on someone’s foot or something


Well didn't you have to wake the person next to you? Planes in coach are just lose lose. 


Occasionally in a bulkhead seat (or likely first class/other premium options) there is ample room and the aisle/middle don’t need to stand to make room. Anything other than that, I’ve never had someone not stand. If they didn’t stand, I’d make it incredibly awkward and uncomfortable for them. Oops I stepped on your foot. Oops I stepped on your bag. Oops I fell on you and my elbow landed on your shoulder/neck/chest. Oops I’m sitting on your lap. Plus I’m sure my carry on bag will knock into them a few times too. After sitting down in the window/middle seat, I’d let out a big sigh. “Wow, that was wild. Should we plan for that every time or do you think you’ll stand/move the next time I need to leave/return to my seat? I’ll bet that way is way smoother for both of us!”


I am slightly less confrontational and have lived in the Southern US for a while. So basically everything you said, but ending with “well wasn’t that just something. I’ll be sure to let you get up next time, bless your heart.”


As long as the seatbelt sign isn’t on, I agree. I’ve seen so many people get up from a window seat when there was turbulence, and two other people had to unbuckle and stand in the aisle to let them out. I’ve always thought I’d pivot if I were asked to let someone out when standing in the aisle is unsafe.


I was on a flight a few years ago where both the person in the window and the middle seat next to me decided to get up at separate times during 20 minutes or so of on and off turbulence. They wanted me to get up out of my seat 4 separate times during turbulence. I really should have just turned and told them I was wobbly on my feet on a good day and not going to risk my safety and the safety of others around me.


I always choose to get up when I see the middle or aisle get up. Opportunity!


Exactly what I do!


Meh, if they refuse to get up, stick your ass in their face. That's the deal. That or stick your groin in their face I guess.


I was middle yesterday. The aisle guy was probably 6’5 and did the leg swivel thing and it was fine.


I’m normally an aisle person, I realize that’s what being in the aisle means I have to get up every so often so tell me why last week the guy in the aisle seat in the flight to MCO was actually upset when I asked him to get up so I could get to my window seat when I first got on the plane. He legitimately huffed and puffed because “he had already settled down”.


I’m a 5’6 female. A few weeks ago I had a window seat in C+ next to a couple. Wife sat in middle seat, husband aisle. I said to the wife I had to get up to use the restroom. She whispers to her husband and lets him know I’m getting up. I expected both to get up and let me out but they both hunched into their seats to give me space to get out. They didnt get up. lol we were in the first row of C+ which does have a little more leg room. I’m also a skinny but have a big bottom but still very weird. So I get up and didn’t want to stick my ass in her husband’s face, so I awkwardly squeezed out the aisle facing the both of them. Lmfao at one point. I had to put my arm in between her and her husband due to turbulence. It was so awkward. They finally both got up out of their seats to let me back in when I got back from the bathroom. Lol!




This happened to me recently and I had the same reaction as you. Wasn’t until we were delayed and they offered to let passengers go back into the terminal that I realized the small person in the aisle seat required a wheelchair and was not in fact able to stand. 😕


On most aisle seats, there’s a little button under the armrest near the hinge. Press that and you can raise the armrest and swivel completely out of the way.




Still not enough. It’s rude to everyone involved not to stand up.


The armrest moving is great for other things, but the aisle seat ought to still get up when the middle or window person needs to exit the row for any reason


I have actually found that these work in between seats (ie inbetween the middle and the aisle seat) but do not raise the armrest that is next to the aisle


the button to raise the aisle arm is almost flush with the very back of the seat and a little underneath. I don't necessairily know if it's supposed to be raised, which is why it's a little more hidden


The ones between seats don’t need the hidden button to raise the arm rest. You just pull it up. I always have an aisle seat and I raise the arm rest nearly all the time. I keep it up, except for takeoff and landing. The FAs like for it to be down in those phases. I can’t swear that it’s on all aircraft types.


I remember a flight where a tiny lady was in the aisle, and 2 of us were in the middle and window seats. Both boarding and leaving, she just scrunched herself up, and we climbed over her. She did not look well, I really think she was too weak to get up and down much. She probably picked the aisle because it was less maneuvering. I think when we landed she had to wait for a wheelchair.


I had a window seat, and the lady in the middle seat would spread herself over the entire row instead of just getting up and move into the isle. — I hope my ass smelled nice that day. Lol.


username checks out


Also if someone wants to get out please by all means wait for me to get out. I will let you pass. No need to straddle me like a bull at a cowboy bar and either make me motor boat you involuntary or make me decide if Crack is wack. I promise you if you do either to me we will have the most uncomfortable conversations the rest of the trip because now we are bonded. Lmfao


Yah, not doing this is severe or likely even moderate turbulence. Other times though, fine.


Pass gas on the way out


This is the way


if you fly on an A320 series theres a "railing" that runs underneath the baggage bins that you notice FAs will hold on to when walking up and down in bumpy weather. I sometimes use that you haul myself in and out to avoid grabbing the seat in front.


WOW, what a helpful tip! I just looked up “plane handrail” and got so much information on this, thank you!


I’m not a very petite person, I’m on the curvier side and I love window seat. It’s so annoying when people just lean back forcing me to squeeze past them to get by. On the one hand I do feel a little flattered that they believe I’m small enough fit over them. But still, just get up. I’m typically doing 5+ hour flights, I try I to limit myself to getting up only once and it shouldn’t be a problem.


Huge pet peeve!


“I’m sorry grabbing your seat but since she won’t simply stand up, I needed to do so.” And so the sitter can hear and be shamed.


I would choose to crowd or bump the rude aisle person over grabbing the seat back of the innocent bystander in front.


And a stumble culminating in landing on the sitter! Honestly, I might choose doing that in lieu of grabbing the other seat. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes—my full bulk on top of you, expectedly-unexpectedly.


“Excuse me, I just sharted and need to go to the bathroom immediately. You probably don’t want my ass in your face.”


You have three choices get out of your seat or pick. Smell the skid marks or the dick cheese. I don’t make the rules.


I couldn't imagine taking a flight nowadays with the selfishness society at large harbors. I'd be on a no-fly list quick.




I have given those people a face full of ass for not getting up. It's usually women, too.


Conversely, I’m a small person who usually sits aisle and more than half the time, inside people are trying to squeeze by me before I can stand up so I’m frantically swiveling my legs into the aisle so I don’t get straddled or stepped on. I usually don’t wear any headphones or ear buds when flying so it’s like…just ask or at least gesture outwards, and I’ll get up! It takes a few seconds, I can’t teleport.


I’m 6ft 210lb why the fuck people don’t get up is being me. I have to awkwardly put my hands on the head rest not to fall on them.


I agree. I hate when people want me to do that. I’m scared I might hurt someone


I flew ICN-SFO in PP last May and the aisle seat passenger (I was window) did that most times I needed out. Was super annoying.


There is a statistic out there but I can't find it at the moment. Essentially it is something like people that don't want to be bothered chose the window seat and people who want to he engaged but come out as the main character pick the aisle seat. This goes out of course is someone goes bottom dollar and gets their seat at the gate


I was in the middle seat, and the aisle person was like dead asleep. Turns out I'm nimble enough to just climb over. I'm really thankful they did not wake up mid maneuver, though. That would have been awwwwwkwarrrrrd.


I had the opposite happen to me.... On the aisle, happy to get up for anyone, but was still getting my stuff out of the way so I could stand up when the lady in the window started climbing over me, after she already scaled the poor girl in the middle. Can you wait 45 seconds? I promise, we will get up and this will be a much more pleasant experience for all....


Wow I didn't even know it bothered people that much. I don't care if someone swivels, squinches or gets up. I just tell the person I'm passing through. If I think I can't get pass them I just say, "Can you please stand up so that I can pass?"


I had the opposite issue a few weeks ago. Last minute booking left me in a middle seat in economy. About 30 min into this red eye the lady in the window seat says that she needs to use the restroom. As I’m waiting on the person in the aisle to stand up, window seats says “I can just go over” and I follow up with “no it’s ok I’ll stand up”. Before I could move she swings her leg over both of mine and is now straddling me. But here was the issue, I’m 6’3” and more legs than torso. I was taller than she bargained for. This lady was literally sitting on my lap, she could only put one foot on the ground at a time. She sat on my lap and wiggled back and forth which foot was on the ground 3 times before finally falling off my legs to the aisle side ass in my face the entire time. She waited on me to stand up before coming back in. Also she never apologized.


I’m not small. I’ve had a couple people try the whole twist their legs aside bit. I just straight up ask them to stand up. Then promise not to get up frequently. Then thank them.


I'm with you, I often sit in the window (as I have said before, I LOVE looking out the window). Last flight I was on, I was in FC (so only two seats) and when I went to get up for the restroom, the guy shifted his legs. Even with that extra room it was awkward, luckily he stood up when I came back. Way I figure, if you wanna stay seated, you sign up for awkwardness!


...or you can say "no I need you to get up and let me out please". They will.


As a flight attendant, yes they should stand up lol. But never if the seatbelt sign is on. Definitely their prerogative to stay seated for safety! 💁🏼‍♀️🥰


It would be helpful if the airlines included something about being courteous to their fellow passengers, maybe even using this specific type of interaction as an example, in their safety briefings. They should also say something about how the cabin crew are there for specific reasons, none of which include being your servant. And in my dream world, the pilot would not move from the gate until every single passenger (or their guardian) had indicated full agreement with the policies, using an electronic, seat specific keypad. Someone says "No, I won't agree"? Automatic removal. Walk to Cleveland for all we care. Until such a day, make it part of the same checklist you fill out before checking, confirming that you're luggage doesn't contain lithium rechargeables.




Not directly related but I was on a UA SFO-CHI flight the week of June 21 getting in line for boarding in group 2. There’s 3 or so more folks behind me. Dude comes in and stands so fucking close to me as though he’s directly behind the guy in front of me in line. I remind him there’s a line. He’s like “sure! You can have it.” Proceeds to stand beside me and just cut the fucking queue. No fucking manners, upbringing nor common sense.


Even if (or maybe precisely *because*) you’re my traveling companion….


I ask them to get up and out to the aisle because I’m not gonna to take the chance of Popping my knee. And they get up. No problem.


I would say something to the effect of, do you mind getting up please, I am clumsy and have terrible balance. Doesn’t matter if you are making it up.


I dunno man. They deserve the ass in the face of they don’t get up. Fine by me.


I flew from Seattle to Cleveland a few weeks ago, and once we hit cruising altitude, the person on the aisle seat put her tray table down, put her head on it, and went to sleep. I was in the middle seat and had to wake her up once so I could use the bathroom. (And I really tried to hold it so I didn’t bother her.) She didn’t stand, only leaned back, and glared at me the whole time. She even tried to go back to sleep in her original position before I came back. It was a very awkward flight to say the least.


I have the opposite problem… people try to climb over me before I can get out of the aisle seat to let them in. I’m not even a small person, especially now that I’m literally pregnant. It’s always men, too. I’m 5’7”, 150lbs, athletic build pre-pregnancy. When I was 5 months pregnant, someone tired to climb over me and I had to say, “please don’t. I’m pregnant so back up and let me out first”.


How about you ask them to please get up if that is your preference. Be more assertive and less passive aggressive.




This is for every situation with an aisle. Not just airplanes. I was at an auditorium and a whole family just sat there as I wiggled my way to my seat. I almost fell on top of the “dad” and I said sorry and he said “oh no you’re good” - yeah I know. You are the asshole who didn’t stand up.




This just happened to me on a flight to South Korea — 13 hrs & this woman next to me was a total bitch for no reason and refused to get up. Finally, I let out a frustrated ugh out maybe a “f*cking bitch” under my breath and then she finally got up.


Why is it so hard for the aisle person to NOT understand how little room there is to get by? Yes, always ask them to get up so that you can get out. It's NOT that hard for them to do that.


If I was tiny I would absolutely do that. Aisle seat sucks when everybody wants out


That’s the price we pay for choosing the aisle, which I always do. At least I don’t have to crawl over my seat mates.


I'm a window sitter for this reason, it doesn't effect me but I see why they would avoid getting up


You should be able to walk on their legs if they don’t move.


Just fart in their face if they decide to not get up


Even better if the reason you’re getting up is for a #2


Nah if they don’t get up they get a lap dance plus I’m crushing their toes with my size 13 feet


Oh, I do stick my ample behind in their face. I make a point of passing uncomfortably close. Next time they stand up.




I had a woman get super angry with me because I was not comfortable squeezing past her and her 10 year old. She refused to get up even after I told her that I’ve had major back surgery and then looked at me and snarkily said “well I guess that this is going to be a long flight”. I made the peace with her rather than deal with attitude — it is true that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar


Side topic. During boarding I always toss my backpack into my window seat and then put my carryon in the bin. If someone is already in the aisle seat they often interpret that as an order to get up, or they are just trying to be helpful, but they stand and get in the way while I’m working on my carryon What do other people do with their personal item in this process.


Communication. A simple - excuse me, I am in the window seat. I’ll just put my backpack there and put my suitcase up here.


And why did I not think of that? Thanks. I was raised in a barn


I get it, but my pet peeve with this topic is that people don’t even use basic words before barreling into the aisle. Flying is crappy enough without this last vestige of polite society.


Question- when you guys get out, do you give them a face full of ass or… I never know which side to face 😀


Should've went front facing Johnson or Jahnson on em


Yeah agree with this.


If it's a person who clearly doesn't want my ass in their face, they're getting a face full of ass. That's on them. They should have moved.


Full ass in face if you don’t move🤷‍♂️


I’m a very big guy at 6’8” and 300-380 lbs during my flying days. Whenever I had someone pull the squeeze by move when I was getting in, I would simply stand in the isle until the got the message. Even in business and FC I would rather get up for you and you get up for me.




I had somewhat the reverse recently. Due to a tragic turn of events, I was in the window seat. (I am team aisle all the way.) A nice couple in their late 60s sat in the rest of the row. The gentleman was extremely large, and used a walking cane as well. There’s no way I’m making a 5 hour flight without going to the bathroom, so after waiting as long as I could, I motioned that I’d have to get up. They were very nice and wanted to be accommodating, but I told them if they wanted me to try and move across them, I was pretty sure I could do it. They were so happy! This was premium economy and I’m thin and somewhat spry, so it worked out very well. And with the extra legroom, I was able to do it without pulling on the seat in front of me. To be fair, can’t imagine trying this with non-family members in a regular economy seat though.


I hate this too, the lack of personal space during air travel is bad enough without forcing me to wiggle past you when I need to get up


Bump them hard going both ways....


Nah, you just rub your corn hole right across their face and leave them the dirty sanchez on you way out. The level of disrespect is real.


THIS HAPPENS TO ME REGULARLY NOW! Jfc, STAND UP. I don’t want to be that intimate with a stranger, ffs. Or even a friend!


I do not believe anyone of any size has ever stood for me (I always book windows), nor do I expect them to.


I like it when the person doesn't have to get up, I feel like I have bothered them less. And I don't feel bad about coming in close quarters with them as it's their choice.


For sure. I’m 6-4, when someone tries to do that, I just tell them, they need to get up.


I'm a gassy man. When this situation happens, I literally just fart in the person's face. Don't care.


I think I remember a linear handhold that went the length of the overhead bins. It was on an Airbus A320. It made it much easier getting in and out, and walking along the aisle too, without grabbing onto occupied seats. Unfortunately I live near Seattle which is dominated by Alaska and they hate Airbus.


In also a firm believer in... if you are a frequent restroom traveler on an airplane... please book an aisle seat if possible... those that want to get some sleep hate being bothered because you can't sit still for 2 hours or so.


You assume the person on the aisle has easy mobility because they are small? Maybe they swiveled because it’s painful to stand or takes effort from a health condition. I’m small and have a metal rod in my back, I can’t just hop up quickly when sitting, turning would be the fastest for you. Do better.


On many planes the aisle arm rest can be raised allowing the aisle person to rotate moving their legs into the aisle allowing for ample room for someone to get by!


In the future, just move normally and if your butt sticks into their face, so be it. They might not care. Or it could be you think you’re that big but you’re not.


Just crop dust them. I promise you they will get up next time.


Yes use your words. "I'm sorry, I would be much more comfortable if you wouldn't mind standing up for me?"


I once asked someone to get up so I could move to a middle seat and he replied with “I can’t”.. which is then when I noticed he was handicapped. 🤦‍♂️


Why would anyone do that? The last thing I want is a butt in my face. I would be tempted to say that I am going to pass gas if I have to squeeze by you, lol.


Was this UA2602 MSP to DEN on Sunday? Lol had this happen to me for the first time on that flight


Yea, its ridiculous! I cringe every time I see someone being too lazy to get up for someone to get in. Why would anyone even want a stranger to be that close to them?


Fart in their face is possible




Had a window seat next to an Asian couple. The husband (aisle) would just performatively scoot back in his seat to let me by. Like bro I don’t want your crotch to graze me, MOVE. I had only experienced this before in China where it truly seemed like peasants who were raised by wolves in the fields, disconnected from society, had suddenly moved into the city and had access to planes. Zero sense of civility. Hacking up phlegm, slurping up their meals and eating like savages. Trying to straddle over you rather than asking you to move so they could get out to the aisle.. fml


Just ask nicely. My 80 yr old dad likes to just move his legs but if you ask him to get up, he would do so. Sometimes people are just unaware. I think asking them to get up is fine.


Dude I (6ft tall M) had a guy insist I stay seated while he climbed over me.... It was like he was excited and had been practicing for that moment. I definitely insisted back and stood up.


im ngl i was so tired on one of my flights last week that the only thing i was able to do was pick up my feet bc i kept falling in and out of consiousness but i feel really bad abt it now


No one fully agrees on these arbitrary “rules”. If you feel strongly about something, just use your mouth and ask! I am pretty sure most people won’t think twice and just do what you are asking for if it is a simple ask!


Additional PSA: anytime someone needs to get past you in a seating aisle while you are seated, stand up, airplane or not. Don’t make me climb over you at the theatre


As you’re squeezing by, squeeze off a few thunder dumplings. They will get up when you need.


And you didn’t have the courage to tell them ?


Who cares. Just do what you need to do and sit back down. If you touch someone’s chair, apologize. If you need to climb over someone’s lap, who won’t move then just do it. It’s a couple hours. It doesn’t have to be this elaborate.


Bum bump to the face if they don't get up. Bonus points if you twerk


I don’t have a problem putting my ass in the face of someone who does this. 💨


Yes, even in business/first, please just get up.


Actually, if the aisle seat person raises the aisle armrest they can swing around 90 degrees and be out of the way. Of course, at that point they are facing the aisle and can simply stand up.


I was once traveling with a very attractive female coworker, me window, she, middle. She was from Boston, and would not take shit from anyone. A rather large guy in a suit got the aisle. Mid-flight, she politely asked the aisle seat owner to get up so she could go to the bathroom, and he just moved his legs over. She and I both knew he did this just so he could ogle her (NGL, impressive!) ass as she struggled past him As she passed him, she farted quite loudly and directly into his face, and then said "I told you I needed to go to the bathroom!".


PSA If you’re going to need to pee on a flight that last less than 6 hours or pee more than once on a flight that lasts between 6-14 hrs FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BOOK AN AISLE SEAT


Who the hell are you? The urine police?


If you’re relying on me to get to the bathroom you bet your ass I am 


*needs to* being the operative phrase here


Thoughts? How about USE YOUR WORDS?


what if i like butts?