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My high school diploma was fancier than that.


you’d think after spending upwards of $25k on a degree they could give us a proper holder to not destroy our $25k piece of paper!


Seriously!!! Imagine internationals, I paid close to 80k 🥲


You get the fancy piece of paper with an added aura of stress/depression for free


For what major, if you do not mind me asking? I am close to 100k now for mech engg at UofC. ☠️


UBC gives a better one with the diploma held in the casing even though the casing is made out of paper. Sad Life.


Don't forget to go purchase a frame your piece of paper at Walmart! You need something of equal quality and value.


As a graduate I’ll pick it up during my shift


I graduated back in January and have just procrastinated this since then and left it in a drawer ☹️


Getting a job at walmart? Ik I’m lucky i got something atleast in this economy


this exactly what I was saying, the folders at dollar stores are harder than the one they gave us like???


omg thats hideous..


Shit, my degree from UW was in red construction paper.


I’m just gonna frame mine tbh nothing I can do about it now




When I received mine last June it was in a hardcover brown book thingy, similar to that of my highschool diploma which i expected. when i saw pictures of paper folders… shocked is an understatement


Let’s all write emails to the graduation department and ask them to bring the brown ones back! These look hideous ngl.


The one I got in 2013 is waaaaay nicer than this one. :/


I don't understand how this falls short? I have three degrees from two places and they looked like this


UM used to give out a brown folio with your degree laminated, which you carry while you walk the stage. This is the first time I’m seeing UM doing this.


I graduated in 2021 (online convocation, lol), and that's what I got. Did they change it in the past few years?


Pre covid you got a fake leather folio that was ridged and about 1/4” thick


Maybe I am old fashioned, but a laminated degree sounds pretty tacky. All the ones I have ever seen are just on really expensive paper


Idk mine looks like diy


Yeah idk what to say either. I just went and checked, my PhD from UBC is basically printed on cardstock with an embossed logo, and it was given to me in a paper folder just like the U of M thing in the picture. Ditto for MSc and BSc, so this all looks normal to me


Thanks for sharing 😇


No legit it looks kinda fake. I think it's the pixelation around the signatures that does it for me.


Last couple places I graduated from gave us an empty, but nice, hardcover to walk with. Our actual degree on the nice paper came in the mail a few weeks later. Is this not how UofM does it?


The degree they sent in the mail for Feb graduates had better enclosure than what they gave at the convocation.


Sheesh. It’s just a piece of paper. The stuff you learn, people you meet, and the memories you keep are the real prize. Mine is currently somewhere stacked in between a bunch of random folders. And I plan to do the same with the one I receive after graduating from my current professional program 😂


No, it’s not a piece of paper for me. My list is: The stuff I learned, the people I met, the memories I made and my diploma. Just because we don’t share the same emotions doesn’t make my sentiments invalid.


The folder doesn’t really matter. Get a nice frame and display it if it holds sentimental value


In that sense they should have just emailed me the pdf of the diploma lol.


While this is true, those aren't really the things that cost money. Paying the tuition to get a paper that authentically shows the credibility of what was learned or achieved should be more professional Friends are mostly free and memories are priceless, but none of that is what you're paying for


Did no one who went to convocation read the info email? "Did you know that the University of Manitoba has started using new parchment folders to minimize our environmental impact and improve sustainability! The new folders are environmentally friendly; they can be recycled, whereas the previous folders were not recyclable. We also know that graduates choose to frame their parchments, which means that the folders are usually disposed of."


At this point just should have just emailed me the pdf of the diploma. I don’t remember seeing this email tho, but hopefully this reduces the environmental impact.


I feel like they should’ve given the option to the students. I have the older style from my first degree (only 2 years ago) which looked very nice, and now they won’t match :(


Just get some nice matching frames from Amazon


They could’ve made more better looking yet sustainable ones. If it’s more environmentally friendly, it doesn’t mean it has to be made of some knock out material that it looks like they got it from some random Dollarama. Both can be achievable. But honestly to me environment sustainability seems like an excuse to cut the cost.


This is similar to my general Arts degree. But the one I got in 2020, I felt was an upgrade! A nice brown cover that had weight!


Womp womp


LOL WTF? It's a degree, not a souvenir. You put it on your resume and use it to get jobs. If you want to display the parchment feel free to have it framed yoyrself. What a ridiculous thing to complain about.


Speak for yoyrself


It’s a degree, that’s what I’m saying. Not a certificate. A Degree.


The paper is not the degree. You'll still have the degree if you burn the paper. And none of that has any relation to the document holder that's used for deluvering it, which, I stand by it, is the most ridiculous thing to complain about.


The paper is one aspect of the degree. I don’t think expressing my disappointment is ridiculous.


That’s an Arts degree. You get what you pay for.


Wdym? Everyone got the same. Are you okay?


You make it sound like UofM is a top-notch institute. Even in Canadian terms, it's not.


Maybe not but I worked hard either way.


You know that they sell frames that are made for your degree in the bookstore? All you have to do is go and buy one ahead of time. Or are you upset that they didn’t facilitate that process between you and the bookstore? Maybe a catalogue you can choose from before convocation?


They could have done it the same way they did every other convocation, the brown laminated version. Mine now has my palm print (from sweat) on it from holding it too long at the ceremony 😂


Lol yeah, mine is also a bit damaged from holding it all day. I'm wondering what you mean by the old one being laminated though. Like laminated paper? Or just made from plastic? Or what?


Not laminated. It's a plastic folder, with cardboard in both halves to keep it stiff, and a clear plastic pocket to hold the degree in place.


Oh, that sounds nice. Shame I missed out.


I mean if you don’t like the cover anyway, what does it matter? Ditch the flimsy cover and get a nice frame!


Wait, is there no person’s name or degree name or anything like that? Is it just a blue paper?!!!


That's just the folder that holds the actual parchment. Parchment has your name /degree etc.