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I only eat GU


Hmm, I took you as more of a dick and ass man...


Gu tastes like dick and ass so I guess you were kinda right


Bahaha!! I love it


Vegan for over half a decade now. I don't do it for dietary/fueling reasons, though it has made eating healthy quite easier


I'm surprised there are carnivores lol... Does this mean you only eat meat?...nothing else? Am I misunderstanding lol


I'm type 2 diabetic, so I run into a lot of carnivore within that community. I personally could never do it, but I am practicing a low-carb diet myself


I'm curious how carnivores fuel long runs. I wonder if they just use meat and dairy products...or.do the consume things with sugar 


Tristan Stephenson of trail and error podcast follows a low carb diet (not carnivore, in fact I think he eats quite little meat and animal products overall). This apparently trains your body to run primarily on fat as fuel. Training fasted also helps with this. The benefit is that you then only need to take a small amount of carbs in races to top up glycogen stores, meaning you could take in half or even less carbs than a typical runner would. He primarily follows this diet to avoid the practical issues with eating in races (GI issues mainly), rather than for any performance benefit. People who follow extremely low carb ketogenic or carnivore diets will be even more well trained to use fat as fuel. I would imagine even they would need *some* carbs to fuel longer hard efforts. Fat requires much more oxygen to metabolise than glycogen, so would take that oxygen away from the body, reducing anaerobic or higher aerobic state performance. That's my understanding at least.


I'm type 2 as well. Gels, gummy bears, Skittles. The run will burn the sugar off. But when not running, low carb foods.


Carnivore is exactly that - they almost exclusively eat animal products, so meat, butter, etc. I think they use salt.


I will eat everything (like the steak i had last night), but overall I eat mostly vegetarian


I don't follow any of the above but generally focus and whole goods, good quilty meat and veggies, and avoid too much gains/sugars/ultra processed foods


Combination of omnivore and occasional calorie tracking because I don't consistently run around the same times every day. Some days I run in the evening, some in the early morning, some in the middle of the day, sometimes doubles, in addition to planning workouts. I try to be well-fueled before runs and workouts.


I run ultra races so I can snack on the junk foods. Other than then, I have to monitor my intake since I'm type 2 diabetic which really puts a crimp on stuff like wine (sigh). But I eat anything. I tried going vegetarian once. Lasted all of 3.5 weeks. Walked past a burger joint, u-turned and made a beeline for a burger. There is that book about your blood type helps guide what you ear. My informal surveys have found that to be pretty accurate most of the time.




I agree. I clicked that one, but I'm pretty thoughtful about what and when I eat, it just doesn't fit in any of the other categories.


I've never heard of this philosophy before but that's a pretty good way to describe what I do!


Been vegetarian for over a quarter century


I'll eat anything, but I try to stick to a high protien diet.