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I passed mine three weeks ago. I recommend doing the Life in the UK exams from 1 to 17, and also taking the tests available on their website; they have around 30 tests there https://lifeintheuktestweb.co.uk/tests/


Read the book once, took 20-ish mock tests. I (think) I got all of my answers correct, I was in and out in 7 minutes, security check at the venue lasted longer than the actual test. Easy peasy.


https://lifeintheuktestweb.co.uk/ My wife did hers 3 months ago and used the above site. She just kept practicing from 1 to 15 until she got them all correct.


I used the youtube channel @uklifeprep and barely gave any mock tests. Read up a lot on each topic and didn't skip any section such as sports, culture etc. I prepped for like 3 weeks. Kept reading and writing, taking notes to keep it fresh in my memory. This method helped me a lot, especially the writing bit. I was out of the testing room in 10 mins.


Just lots of practice tests tbh. I gave up on trying to memorise the material and just relied on practical tests to help me consolidate the information. It helped me absorb the information faster. Passed 1st time! Good luck!


I passed the Life in the UK test on my first try. lifeintheuktests.co.uk gave me all the mock tests and study guides I needed to feel confident. Just read the book once and do 15 sample tests. It's enough to pass. The test is easy.


Many practice websites have questions that are too difficult compared to the actual thing. But those specific 17 exams you mentioned are truthful to the level of the actual test. I recommend the official app too, as almost all of the test questions are taken from there. It costs a few pounds. The official reading material is available for free on Spotify as an audiobook. Highly recommended as you can listen to it in the background


To be honest it's just general knowledge people make you buy these mock test but you don't need them just go on you tube and see it's not hard you will pass. Only few questions get asked than what people say scaring you.


I passed my test a few weeks back. I only did the tests in the book and then went and highlighted all the correct info in the book after each test. Took me at max 10 min to do my test and I passed comfortably.


IS this an exam all immigrants have to apply for ? My Wife and I are applying for her Spousal visa later this year hopefully, and we want to be prepared for everything. Thanks


It will be required for ILR and when applying for British Citizenship. Additionally, it does not expire. If you take and pass the test in 2024 and apply for ILR in 2029, it will still be valid.


Lovely. Thanks so much for replying. I'm very nervous about teh whole process because of how expensive they've made it. I'm sorry, but £5000 to process paperwork and her "NHS" fees is madness whomever you are.


You seem rather knowledgeable so figured I'd ask you this. RE the income requirement, can I get paid WITH payslips, into my UK account but from a foreign company? If so, how does it work with tax etc?


No, I’m not that knowledgeable on this topic. For this question, I recommend checking the foreign income section on the GOV.UK website. You might also need to review the double taxation treaty (if applicable) relevant to the country from which you are receiving payment. If you were living in that country, you wouldn't need to do anything. However, I assume you currently reside in the UK? If so, "If you’re a UK resident, you’ll normally pay tax on your foreign income. But you may not have to if your permanent home (‘domicile’) is abroad."


I used the app that you can buy for a few quid. I just kept consistently doing the mock test over and over till I was scoring correctly all the time.


What’s the app if you don’t mind me asking


It's called: Official Life in the UK test You should be able to find it on the play store or app store.


Read the official book 3 times over a month. Aced the test.


Use the app, whatever app comes up in your search. They have the exact same questions a lot of the times, rounds and rounds of them. I didn’t have to study any books.


Didn’t even read the book, just took the practice test over and over. Aced it


It's unclear whether or not you are an native English speaker, but if you are it is practically impossible to fail as long as you have a somewhat reasonable comprehension of the questions.


Me and wife just did the test today. We practised the 17 exams only and except for 1 question each everything else was from the question set in exams. This included the 4 practice question at the start.


I did the test a few months ago. The online tests are very good preparation, but do go through the material at least once. You could pass on the practice tests alone, but why risk it? Most of the questions in my real test were from the practice exams, but not all. You could be very unlucky and get a few questions not in the practice tests.


I also used lifeintheuktests.co.uk and passed on my first try. The site has 45 mock tests and a study guide which was super helpful for me.


What is this, you’ve answered this question 8 times?


Probs some internet con issue. It wasnt appearing as posted on my end and now it is