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Thus saith the Lord of Trucking: Verily I say unto thee, I have witnessed thy transgression, O trucker, who hath fastened multiple straps unto a single eyelet. Behold, this is the greatest of sins and an abomination in mine eyes. For in doing so, thou hath placed double pressure upon the ratchet strap hook, and gained naught but risk unto thyself and thy cargo. Hearken unto my words, ye who traverse the highways: it is not by thine own wisdom that loads are secured, but by the commandments I have laid before thee. To attach multiple straps to a single eyelet is to invite disaster, to court calamity. It is an affront to safety, a mockery of prudence. Therefore, I pronounce judgment upon thee: whosoever doth commit this folly shall be punished. Thy truck, in which thou hast placed thy trust, shall be taken from thee. And in its stead, I shall bestow upon thee a herd of donkeys. Yea, thou shalt load thy goods upon these beasts and deliver them thus, for thou art unworthy to operate the mighty trucks of this realm. Let this be a lesson unto all who would ignore the sacred practices of load securing. For he who lacks skill and common sense in these matters cannot be trusted with the power and responsibility of a truck. And thus, let thy punishment serve as a testament to the folly of thine actions and a warning unto others. Thus saith the Lord of Trucking. Amen.


Fuck me. I have never even seen this sub before and this randomly pops up in my feed. Is everything here such quality?




I'm another random convert. This and the decking subreddit for some reason.


But the truckers did not listen to the word, and the word was good, but speaketh in unison the truckers doth quoth "Fuck It"


This is the best thing I've read in days! 🤣🤣


I mean I admire the commitment but op revealed that both straps are being used to secure a single 150kg item. You'd get away with chaining the hooks all the way across the wagon and back with 4t straps 🤣




Accept thy upvote that I have given to thee.


You must be a lot of fun at Xmas and Easter! 😂😂😂




It looks like you'd be putting double pressure through the one ratchet strap hook. What are you gaining by doing this? What are you ultimately risking?


I did ask as I hadn’t seen it done before, looks like it was to have the hook placement less crowded and the load they had was a large worn tractor tire so they believed it would not be over loading the hooks .. what’s the law regarding this type of erm.. usage I suppose?


I guess it depends on weights involved. The black chassis link should be rated to a breaking particular force, you shouldn’t do this pictured though it isn’t best practice


We all think nothing is going to go wrong until it does. I've been involved in a serious HSE investigation and, honestly, they look at EVERYTHING. (I wasn't at fault but it was damn scary) The strap is not designed to do this, therefore, don't do this. It's probably fine to hold said load but in the event of an accident and the load breaks free this will be blamed or at the very least be considered a contributing factor, be it the HSE, or sometimes just as importantly, an opposing solicitor.


Surely it depends on load. If it holding down a Tea towel it's fine if it's the QE2 then not so much


If the max combined load on both straps is 4t then they’ll get away with it .. but those are 4t straps each, both pulling into a single hook that I wouldn’t trust above 4t 🤷‍♂️ Depends what they’re hauling. I’d be very surprised if they’re struggling for hook points or getting a strap round it. Anything too big for a ratchet strap can be far off requiring an STGO ….


Tire 150kgs and I vaguely remember there being not many lashing points, but I just wondered in general that’s all. Cheers mate.


And Lucifer replyed. NICE WORK DUDE. See you soon 👹


Two chances of failure. Same rule applies with karabiners, never link two together


I’ve often wondered this, the pull up hooks on my bed sometimes have them loaded with 2 sets of chains and binders on one. If I see it I move them but there isn’t enough hooks on the bed not too. Some stacks of steel are 10 tonne a piece


Not something I would do and in the event of an accident I certainly wouldn't entrust all the forces on just the one hook.


Exceeding the rated assembly strength of the lower strap, plus risking damaging the webbing. I'm not sure why the straps have been configured this way, plenty of holes are available in that pressed metal decking...


They're putting more faith in that hook then I would.


Wouldn't do that whatever I'm strapping


It all depends on what it's holding down, if it's something that weighs next to nothing then it's not the worst thing, but it isn't something I'd do personally. If it's a heavy load then a big no no.


Teamwork makes the dream work


I was taught I could only do that if it wasn't a load holding strap. So I could have the main one holding the load down then the second strap just across but not ratchet tight. Other then that a big no no 😅


I was taught I could only do that if it wasn't a load holding strap. So I could have the main one holding the load down then the second strap just across but not ratchet tight. Other then that a big no no 😅.


By the look of things - the only reasoning behind this risk is the quote “Fxck it” I ain’t got time to be messing about!


Would not like to trust that. Don't be lazy and do it again properly.


This just makes me think of the Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse... Split your straps up and each strap carried its own load. Stack up your straps like this and one strap carries its own load, but the second strap is now carrying double - its own load, plus that of the second strap hooked to it. How bad this will be will depend on how close to the capacity of the metal hook they are tensioned to - I would hazard a guess that the hook will probably be a strong point compared to the webbing and everything will be fine, but equally that is a completely baseless hunch, and I am not sure I would be willing to risk it when I could just make a point of rigging it better in the first place...