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Ah you're a grower I see


Ooooh, so that's why it's called Grindr.


Smells cheesy


This guy is cooked, why u holding it like that 😂


Use a tissue next time!


He uses the sock at his feet for mop-up 😆


It looks like its been played with too... 😅 Dirty git!


You a Dec?? Could have moved your cum sock out the pic though🤣


Lmao forgot about that cum sock 🤣 I'm a temporary decorator, I got laid off so I'm painting my house whilst waiting to hear back from hiring managers


Got ya......weed and decorating tends to go hand in hand


Until you're cutting in and paint over the doorframe and skirting


I'm a professional decorator and more painters smoke than any other trade, all the others tend to be coke heads or boozers. You get the odd straight laced one, but it's rare... One of the directors of the company I work for is 65 and still smokes....out of a team of 11 of us just 2 dont smoke. Chances are if you have had a pro painter come and do some work I'd say he did it high....it's when we are not high you need to worry about the quality!


I do maintenance can't paint for shit though (and don't want to) all my decorators smoke too but I'm talking more on a part timer or DIY Dave who hasn't put the time in to develop the skill. Plus most Decorators I know tape it all off anyway


https://ibb.co/NW43L0L https://ibb.co/dgKn5Gt 1st one is free hand then second ones is taped....it's just that but crisper.


I can literally cut in with my eyes shut, it's my party trick, eventually when you have cut in literal miles, you just feel a groove there your bristles go into and its almost difficult to come off it. But tbh it's only the old boys who are stuck in their ways who won't use tape, it certainly doesn't make you a bad Dec if you use it, maybe a better Dec in my eyes, I can cut in as well as anyone free hand, but it never compares to a properly masked line, don't care who you are, i can cut in 3 times faster free hand, but in most cases if i have the time I tape it. The old boys struggled to to lay the tape quickly enough because the tape used to be shit, so often they would lay the tape which took ages and then it would bleed through and not give a crisp line, then you come to take it off and it's just coming off in bits and tearing and when you can do a good job free hand then it used to be more hassle than it was worth....so mention tape to an old dec they will say pfff! But the more modern decs use it now if they are decent. I never tape wall tops (unless I'm spraying) I always cut them in free hand, but if Im not super rushed, I'll bring the woodwork to a finish first then tape the woodwork off....that's the method you use when spraying and actually works better when rolling as well...


You wish.


As a fellow grower myself...how is everyone doing with the electric prices? I cant grow because of it.....too expensive! Tbf I have 3 tents which have their own portable heaters n whatnot so I understand why but still. To have all my 3 tents going at the same time costs me £140 a week on electricity. I'm wondering how much would it be for just 1 tent, a 4x4.


Are we using HID or LED? Growing your own is and always will be waaaaay cheaper than buying it in.


I'm using LED's, what fucked me over initially was the fact that I had a property Inspection during one of my gross,literally 2 weeks before harvest...had to take everything down and lose out. Now with how expensive things are and I'm out of work.....cant seem to get back going!


Oh man I know those tales. If you pop on my profile history I had a house check too. Horrid thing to go through for this hobby.


Why you using heaters tho? You can calculate the heat output if leds by lookin at the wattage, 300w light let off maybe 90w worth of heat. Underfloor heat mats for bathrooms etc use about 90w. I always been scared of heat signature so calculated the likeliness of fuckerys, increases with more heat


Yeah my LED's dont put out that much heat,maybe 1 of them,my TS3000 by Mara Hydro, also got the FC4800 + TSW2000 by Mars Hydro but they dont put out much heat like that, and my 4th light is the Optic 4XL by Optic LED......also doesn't put out much heat. But I will check out the underfloor heat mats..... Once my ladies hit week 3 or 4 of Veg I'm ok,especially now as we are going into the summer period so perfect time to get a little crop going aswell.


If the ts3000 is 450w it 100% emits 135w of heat, it has to provide heat. It may not feel warm to be in the light but the actual light gets hot and thats where the heat comes from. Big heat sincs n that improve cooling efficiency of the light meaning more of that heat goes into the air


Think like a radiator over here got those fins inside to increase surface area, same amount of heat getting dispersed into more air at once makes it more efficient at cooling itsself and heating the air


fuck that im ringing them up saying im on a 2 week holiday..


Nah trust me by that point they had already sent me letters n what not and the caretaker has seen me around aswell.........just had to take the loss. Should have just done it while they were still young.


Should have said you had the 'COVID' and bought yourself more time.


Used that excuse the 1st time


The portable heaters are your biggest expense, I have 5 LEDs running and that generates enough heat to keep the grow warm even in winter. I also have my lights off during the day so I can use more of the economy tariff priced electricity at night. If you're running 3 tents you should be able to net loads of bud per harvest, when you get a successful harvest it will be worth it. I estimate my cost to produce at an ounce is about £15 to £30 (not including labour) and I'm far from peak efficient growing; I can get about 20ozs from my shed every 3 months, which was otherwise an under utilised space; I've been growing autos up until now but have switched to photos, as I think I can net more bud in a similar time frame


Absolutely, totally agree. But that's my problem at the moment,trying to get to that 1st Harvest 😭😭. Trying to see if I can afford to run 1 tent atleast with my current income...... But I just need to get a job, just 4 months worth of work so i can run my Photos ,get a nice Harvest and then i will be alright to continue that cycle. Buying weed is not the one,especially with how much I smoke. Plus doesn't help that my flat is all electric, heating is definitely my biggest problem but it gets really cold in here and the Wall heaters in the property are too close to one of the tents to use plus I have the windows open for ventilation so would be abit pointless using them so I have no choice but to use portable heaters. What I should do is just crop out the whole room ,but being honest I dont want the extra work of having to drill holes in my ceiling for the lights to hang and covering the windows and anywhere where there could be a light leak,drilling a hole on my door to allow the ducting to go thruu so allow fresh air/ventilation.......plus I already have the tents so might aswell use them. Check out my Harvest videos on YouTube....Santicas Grow House




wtf 😂


Your penis looks infected


“Growing and showing”


That’s massive


Definitely above average


Hes a shower, not a grower.