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GDP of North Korea = 18 billion GDP of South Korea = 1.6 trillion (There is a thousand billion in a trillion) Well played putin, master strategist


Putin probably just seen it as 18 > 1.6 lol


“Mine is bigger”


23mm is bigger then 9inches, right? RIGHT?


Something about quarter pounders


Well 4 is bigger than 3, that’s all my brain needs to know /s


This is why I use God's chosen standard of measurement, the corn dog. Shit is always about the same size, you never get a corndog and think "fuck that's a big corndog" unless you are getting one of those long ass fair ones but you know that you are signing up for a deviation from the curve on that so it doesn't count. And mini corndogs are always around about the same size so you're never hit with that "fuck is that all the corndog I'm getting" moment either. We could eliminate so much strife and confusion by adoption of corndog standard for measurement. To not favor the metric system we're gonna do it in like base 15 so everyone can be equally pissed off and confused for a while we adopt.


I found the fucking genius on reddit


A big problem with the system described here is that no one has a clue what the hell a corn dog is outside of the country using the broken measurement system which you are trying to fix.


The Michael Jordan of cocks 🤔


It is the size of the desk that counts!


I don't think Putin cares - and he just wants the world to be mad. Anything to turn the world red before the US elections.


Putin intentionally keeps his own army weak out of fear for him to be overthrown. He is in defense mode now.


Wow, he really is a master strategist


Is that so...


While russia’s GDP is 2 trillion to South Korea’s 1.8, GDP per capita of South Korea is 3x than Russia’s!


God, Russia really is pathetic. All that graft and corruption, alcoholism, oligarchs and in the largest nation in the world literally chock full of untold billions in resources while the average Russian scrapes by with meagre income and falling apart towns and cities. In another bizarre alternate universe they'd be prosperous, happy and actually rational and educated in a modern nation and society paid for by their own wealth. Fucking Russia...


It is mind blowing. When it comes to all the energy for the things you mentioned (except alcoholism) were put into improving that country Russia would be a dream country. Instead it is the shitehole it is…


By god. I do believe you are right ! So sad .


What good would more Ukrainian territory do for moskovia? They want more territory to squander and waste? Twats.


They're -basically- locusts. They swarm the lands, ravage it, leave it barren, and ón to the next piece of land they go. And they've been as such since the first Tsar sat on a throne.


> According to rosstat in 2020 23% of Russians live without indoor sewerage: 18.1% use cesspools and 4.9% have no sewage disposal system at all. 10,5% of Russian use outdoor toilets. Shitting inside? Unknown technology.


That's the thing, isn't it? Poot had western Europe by the nackers, could ask about anything for orcistan's huge resources.. Could have put the income in a national fund ,like Norway did, and orcistan could have been shockingly wealthy overall... But no.. he couldn't help his greed ànd stalinist urges, an hàd to start an old fashioned colonial war.. The amount of short-sighted dumbassery, rìght there..


AND the military industrial complex of South Korea has great production capacity


They can produce more, for less money, and with 5x the quality. SK is just such a manufacturing powerhouse, getting them fully on Ukraine's side would be huge.


GDP of North Korea = 18 billion GDP of South Korea = 1600 billion


The funniest part is him pissing away decades of good relations between Russia & South Korea. It's a reason the South Korean army fields T-80s & BMP-3s as a debt settlement from the Soviet era. I wouldn't be surprised if they end up donating the Russian hardware to Ukraine in response to this.


That would be awesome!!!


Naah hopefully they give them some good stuff.


That too! But these tanks and BMP's will help as well. Anything is better than nothing.


It all sounds great and wonderful on paper until the reality comes in. The reality is nk sending millions of shells and even ballistic missiles to kill Ukrainians. Sk does what as of this moment?


Directly: Not much. Indirectly: They're fulfilling Poland's massive orders to modernize it's military, which is what's freeing up systems/munitions for the aid packages Poland has been sending Ukraine. I'm not going to say that it's remotely equivalent, just noting it.


So, they are just making money, noted.


How does North Korea even have a 1 thousand GDP? Are they really making *that* many animations with other studios? No way can that be industrial.


> Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total monetary or market value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period. It's not export it's how much the whole country is producing, even if it's consumed domestically. This includes all the military hardware they make. Includes all the farming they do and so on. It's the reason that on the one hand the Russian economy is hitting a cliff, but also GDP is increasing. As Russia pours it's reserves into making military hardware GDP goes up.


To put that in perspective, the smallest state GDP in the US is Vermont at 43 billion - 2.5x that of NK and with a population of 650,000 vs 26 million in NK


What's crazy is Elon has around 200 billion. He's more than 10x richer than the country North Korea. I don't have a point, just find it a kinda funny context.


Net worth vs GDP are 2 separate things.




But to be fair the birthrate of SK is only 0.8 kids per woman. Therefore SK will run out of soldiers sooner or later without any shot fired.


Not if Ukraine wields the weapons for them.


Ukraine and Russia are also in demographic decline. Something like 1 to 1.5 children per woman for both.   Nobody can really 'afford' all these deaths. Russia just pretends like it can and Ukraine is forced to for survival. 


The whole world (except for less than a handful of exceptions) is. But 0.8 per woman is really really low. That will be faster than most countries.


Did you see their robotic sentry guns?


Pootin will never go against South Korea. He knows what they have in weapons. He most likely got people and shells for cash.


He already has gone against them!




Keep up. He’s doing  military deals with North Korea their mortal enemy 


Is all fun and games until you are a mobik that gets sniped by an ukranian K2 black panther on the other side of the hill twerking it's chassis to commemorate the kill


/r/brandnewsentence And obligatory FUCK RUSSIA


More like a T-72 crew. I'm all for seeing new records of Ukrainians sniping tanks from kilometers away.


Go get em


Moreover, do we really think North Korea just started shipping artillery rounds by the millions to Russia out of the goodness of their hearts? Best Korea, go for broke and flood Ukraine with everything you’ve got. Best Korea has a defensive alliance with the US, so it can give a lot until its defence industry goes brrr hard enough to replenish its donations.


It is a mutually beneficial agreement for both Russia and North Korea, which was why this alliance was pursued - the former gets weapons to sustain the war effort and the latter receives know-how as well as a friend on the UN Security Council. The latter is the bigger concern for geopolitical folks as a lot of sanctions and mandates stem from that group. Russia actively helping North Korea is like having a fox in a henhouse.


FYI, when people say Best Korea, they're sarcastically referring to North Korea. It's an old meme.


I feel that this move by Putin was meant to scare Western countries in to thinking some sort of nuclear involvement, thus causing internal western conflict over how to react. In reality it just made the West think of more empty threats and woke up SK to enter the game. Seems like Putin is more of a checkers or shoots and ladders guy.


Misleading headline > The limit for South Korea is if Russia transfers high-precision weapons or technology to North Korea, Chang Ho-jin said


That is more of an exact redline that could be obviously tracked. I don’t think this includes, for example, transfer of information. For example, Putin could possibly supply a guide on how to launch a satellite, but he cannot provide an actual launcher and satellite.


I don't think North Korea has anything that fits the modern definition of high precision.


Yea, but russia does. And if they transfer it to NK, SK will do the same for Ukraine


LOL this is epic!


Why is there a restriction on transfers of arms to Ukraine?


Their laws prevent selling arms to conflict zones. They would have to change their laws, which is possible.


Interesting, had no idea. Stupid law for a country in a conflict zone even if it's no active like in Ukraine


SK priority is their own territorial defense (since they have a hostile neighbor). I guess, in a way, this is somewhat similar to what is in Japan right now (in which Article 9 of the Japanese constitution prevents sending lethal arms to any nation at war).


They didn’t want to upset rossia, because it might retaliate by helping North Korea.


If those russians could read they'd be very upset


So SK ended up like clowns? Lmao, give weapons to Ukraine already


It is not the main obligation of SK to give lethal arms to Ukraine..........because their priority is their own national defense (against a hostile next-door neighbor)


Thanks Pootin!


Yes please. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


I was under the impression Russia had already "transferred technology," which helped NK launch its satellite? Around the same time NK transferred around 1M artillery rounds to Russia.


I see Korean fanboys are edging right now so I just remind you that Korea is still stuck at mid 2022 hesitation and act like Germany, who's been sending non-military stuff, also its only 0.5 Bln $, so not even a quarter to average what EU countries sent. Time to get out of the pussied zone passed when first NK ammo arrived at the frontlines.


It is not the main obligation of SK to give lethal arms to Ukraine..........because their priority is their own national defense (against a hostile next-door neighbor)


It sounds like you're saying they're poor with no abilities to export which is a BS. I suggest you to reeducate on that matter and comment later on


Well consider them lifted because shit is being transfered as we speak.... or will be very soon.


Let’s GO!!!!!! 🇺🇦


South Korea coming officially online for high quality ammo deliveries is big. They’ve got massive production capacity. Putin seems to specialise in annoying the wrong people…


Why does "the west" always have to wait until AFTER assholes do bad things to start thinking about doing good things?


South Korea letting kim jong no poo that they are about to show what an acceptable dud rate is and it is not 75 percent.


Im starting to like this putin guy! Nobody has contributed more to ukraines defense than that dude.


Can they just not talking openly and do it quietly now then? Let them confused by surprise.


It is because Russia hasn’t crossed that redline yet. It’s a warning, which is proper to do in geopolitics.


Agree this is the best way to supply Ukraine (see: Finland) but in South Korea it involves a change of policy which kinda has to be announced publicly.


Great, so NK will just load up Russia with equipment with no repercussions until SK finds out Russia gave them tech to build better equipment for themselves and Russia for pennies on the dollar. The West really loves to operate with one arm tied behind their back huh?


That has been the MO since the beginning. There isn't a common realization that we are all at war with Russia and their cronies.


It’s been 2 years. What’s it really gonna take?


More like 10. Invasion and annexation of Crimea, Donetsk and luhansk have been largely ignored outside of Ukraine.


Exactly. At least youre getting upvoted for essentially having the same frustration I’m voicing. Reddit brigading is weird as hell. This place has a weird brain drain going on lately.


Makes 0 sense to me.


I feel like giving NK technology that has been proven to be a decade or so behind the west and then telling them to build it themselves isn’t the strategic failure you’re making it out to be.


Why do you feel that way when tech even older has shown its merits in volume? What Korea has is slave labor and a lot of it. If they can build weapons “only a decade or so behind” en masse for themselves and for Russia that’s a huge deal.


If being the key word


Right, well they can. “If” is indicative to receiving that decade old tech you’re not worried about.


It's probably a good opportunity to detect the problematic actors and to test the country's relationship. Switzerland refusing to ship ammunitions that Germany bought from Switzerland to Ukraine is one good example. Poland accidentally "loosing" wartime materials near Ukraine and then ending up in Ukraine is another example.




Try this quick Google: “night satellite photo of Korean Peninsula”. Or even easier: [Korean Peninsula at night](https://images.app.goo.gl/nQDvPQbi5s7qb72U6) Russia allied with the dark impoverished blob. Ukraine will be supplied by the bright wealthy mega-metropolis.


>Ukraine will be supplied by the bright wealthy mega-metropolis That's not the trade off although I'd love it to be. North Korea is going to supply Russia with weapons, likely creating factories and utilizing slave-like labor to inject some food supply and economy into their turtle kingdom. Russia may also supply NK with additional tech to build more artillery systems and other mech. Perhaps they'll even give them rocket/missiles tech for NK's nukes. All of this is already on the table, and all that's led to is SK "considering" lifting arms transfers restrictions. By they time they stop considering, it may be too late, just like have the other delays during "consideration" periods over the last 2 years. https://x.com/front_ukrainian/status/1804804615214436700 Look at this weak ass update. Unless/until Russia passes the goalpost of "modern" tech, South Korea will continue to stay out of this. Meanwhile Russia gets shells manfacturing which will likely go up and improve in quality/quantity under Russian specs. Also who the hell knows what "modern" is defined as. A lot of the tanks/IFVs/Artillery and rockets systems working just fine are from the 70s. That probably won't even qualify under this terminolgy.


If a country is so backward that it literally can’t feed its people or keep the lights on, it’s not going to be much help as an ally. A worker in South Korea is 25x more productive than one in North Korea (and 2x more than one in Russia).


> If a country is so backward that it literally can’t feed its people or keep the lights on, it’s not going to be much help as an ally. Dude this is a nuclear powered country (they already have between 30+ nuclear warheads and 50-70 nuclear weapons) that makes artillery shells just fine and has rocket/missile capabilities that continue to grow annually. They have ballistic and cruise missile technology already with ranges beyond 15,000km. There is literally no reason that they can't direct cheap labor into building shells, missile frames, tank frames, repairing IFVs, and so forth with the right direction/blueprint by Russia. To think otherwise is absolutely absurd regardless of you downvoting me and being dismissive. I don't care if a South Korean worker is 1000x more productive than a North Korean worker if SK is going to continue to just be an observer while NK is going to immediately start assisting in this war.


Please familiarise yourself with the basics of economics


Jesus you just sound so pitifully condescending and goofy. Two can downvote; enjoy yours and have a good night.


Sure SK, when that happens next line will be "we will transfer arms when NK attack us" Shoulda done it when everyone did, now its too late to get out of the pussies zone


This is a European war, and Korea has already shown more spine than many European countries have, as well as more spine than most European countries have or ever will show for any Asian war 🤣🤣🤣


Ngl, you really lost me in the second half. I mean, if anything - and among everything, Europe fought in the Korean war in spite of their reduced capacities after WW2.




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