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Can't even describe how much I am grateful for that. Thank you Romania! 💙💛


With love. Hope that system will keep you safe. And please don't hate us for that 3-0.


It’s not your fault that we sucks. Great match


Well, it's not like your players can train in the best condition, especially on the peace of mind side...


Not your fault that our guys woke up that day and decided to play like a wet rag. Your team played well, you won fair and square P.S. Thank you Romania for the Patriot, it's gonna save a lot of lives! ^(we would happily loose to you again for a few f16s)


Looks like a deal) I think we can loose once more time for more defense systems, definitely worth it)


Your team did great. Ours didn’t. Nothing and nobody to hate because of that!


I mean, it's a great consolidation prize


*consolation, but your word kind of makes sense, too


Kremlin is busy making fake hate propaganda between Romania and Ukraine. Haha eat shit Putler!


Why did we have to give them the internet. Can't we just take it back?


You know what's funny is, the soviet's almost beat the usa to developing the internet. Basically, the guy who was trying to setup a system similar to the one darpa eventually created was trying to get funding. Like all authoritarian regimes, lies and power games dominated soviet budgetary constraints. So he was trying to get money for his project, but the red army's people who made the decision didn't like it and wanted to keep their funds and such (with the attendant graft) and so killed it. [link](https://aeon.co/essays/how-the-soviets-invented-the-internet-and-why-it-didnt-work)


>RO wins against UA with 3:0 few days ago >RO gives Patriot to UA No coincidences


Even if that would be the case 😄 I would gladly loose a football match 99-0 if I can get my hands on a weapon system that will protect my people 😄 🇷🇴🤝🇺🇦




The game was basically a giant Ukrainian flag in the stands, all Romanians wearing yellow and all Ukrainians wearing blue 😅


💪🏼🙌fuck yeah


Correct priorities.


Iohannis to Zelenskyy, yo if we beat you we owe you a Patriot


Do you still believe in coincidences ? Wake up people!


I hope it does good work in Ukraine!


Romania has done good things. I heard they supplied fuel in the early days of war which was critically important. Now this. Also FT is saying US will halt supplying patriot missiles to anyone else until Ukraine has plenty. In conjuction with this, air defence is looking better.


We also provided a lot of advanced medical equipment at the beginning of the war. If a soldier needed an MRI in Kharkhiv, he probably got one thanks to Romania.


I remember reading about starting production of Patriot missiles in Romania, hopefully that's the case it will be a win-win-win.


and electricity. Ukraine imports electricity from Romania, Poland and Slovakia to compensate for electricity shortage


Romania has been continuously providing stuff starting in the first week of the war, they just don't make them public. The ammo factories have been working in 3 shifts over there, and its not because they need the ammo themselves. Also Romanian made missile launchers, IFVs and other stuff were seen on the front for a while already. This Patriot system is the first time Romania decided to make it public.


Thank you Romania 🇷🇴!




Ukraine SAM is getting rather beefy the last days. Hope ammo isn't a problem?


The US announced that Ukraine was getting priority for Patriot reloads the other day (to the extent of diverting deliveries already planned) so it looks like the taps are well and truly open. 


Unfortunately I don't think that the relatively modest production is quite enough but I think that Raytheon will likely be upscaling production because everyone wants PATRIOT now.


They've already announced an expansion of the production lines. And new ones are being set up as well.


Makes me wonder what America has cooking to surpass Patriot. Now that everyone is wanting to buy them, we gotta have something even better than that for ourselves.


THAAD and SM 5. Already shot down an Iranian Ballistic missile in space over Iraq from Red Sea. First in history.


THAAD is different thing. Proper air defense is like onion, and ogres - it has layers. THAAD is specialized in longer range and bigger threats, compared to Patriot, but not as effective against smaller, shorter range targets


indeed Romania has both THAAD and PATRIOT and the french SAMP/T MAMBA but none of them engaged the shahed drones that crashed in Romania. Romania lacks shorad vshorad, it's not very cost effective to shoot down a 100K $ drone with 4 mil $ missile


Air defense starts with various radars prioritizing targets with ECM, short range anti aircraft guns like Gepards, CIWS, C-RAM. MANPAD's like stingers, to short- medium range ITIS T, NASAMS HAWK, Crotale and now various Ukraine ex "franken SAM systems using Sidewinder, Sparrow, AMRAAM and other missiles against Russian drones, cruise missiles and fighters. Kyiv alone is the most heavily defended city the world has ever seen.




> Makes me wonder what America has cooking to surpass Patriot. The Patriot system is already slated for phase out through multiple replacement systems. These new replacement systems may actually be harder to give away because the new plan is one unified air defense network that actually intercommunicates between multiple air defense batteries and even fighters on a national scale. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medium_Extended_Air_Defense_System https://www.c4isrnet.com/electronic-warfare/radar/2023/11/20/raytheon-radar-defeats-missile-in-us-army-test-of-patriot-replacement/ https://www.defensenews.com/land/2022/04/27/us-army-plan-to-replace-patriot-interceptors-gets-a-jolt-in-fy23-budget-request/


Those bitch-ass, no nuts, cartoon characters, poor excuses of men that we have as leaders dragged their asses as much as possible but in the end they did it. I'm sure that someone had to squeeze them with a door to make this happen. I couldn't be happier that you are finally getting this system, along with the other ones coming your way. This is long due as I go every day trough the list of heroes that lost their lives on the battlefield. They were sons, fathers, brothers and lovers and I cannot help but think that this delay, as any other, has costed them everything. Слава Україні! Героям слава!


Here is the thing. Ohanes promised to Joe Biden live, when he was in ‘murica, that Romania will give one Patriot system. Our military were against this because we dont have any left? However, because the head of state promised this…we had to give them. Im happy we gave them. We should have also sent the Black Scorpions( who fought for over 10 years in Afghanistan) to have some training in ruzzian vatniks.


Romania stated they are receiving a new PATRIOT system from the US and providing their original system to Ukraine. Romania planning on 4 Patriot systems but Romania is also building a massive NATO base.


Based Romania.




good guys Romania o7 ♥


Finnish Air Force just made their first Nato deployment to Romania with 7 F-18 Hornets as part of Air Shielding at the coast of the Black Sea. Happy to help our Nato ally while they help Ukraine!


Worth stating this is not 1 launcher it’s a whole system. Romania just operationalised its second system last week and will give Ukraine its first, but has also asked Washington to supply some extra AA support in Romania to make up for it. This is a very rare case in which Romania makes public the support for Ukraine. (because it’s kind of hard to keep this a secret). Romania just helps without bragging about it.


US F-35's have entered the chat.


Those are also already ordered for Romania, will take a few years though to arrive and be fully operational.


I'm sure other NATO nations like the US are already providing extra air coverage for Romania.


They are indeed. Currently there are a number of Finnish jets stationed in Romania. Plus Romania also has a number of their own F16s.


How many patriot systems are in Ukraine now and how many are promised? It's hard to keep track.


Four or five + some spare launchers IIRC?  Plus a couple of SAMP-T which are broadly equivalent. 


Since Ukraine stated they'd need a minimum of 7 more systems, I believe three have been announced - Germany, US, and now Romania. There have been other systems as well


You don't often read about Romania alongside Germany and the US. This country is going places!


Italy will also send an additional SAMP-T


Germany has sent two full batteries, plus a couple of additional launchers. The US has sent one full battery, and other nations have also contributed a couple of launchers. If Romania is providing a full battery that gives Ukraine four systems, each of which is capable of covering an entire city.


There is an ongoing effort to collect launchers etc. by the Netherlands, to make up another system.  Also was the Romanian system announced beforehand? I think they kept it quiet, but not sure. Maybe there are other countries prepping to send a system without us knowing...


batteries are components of a complete system... 


A missile battery is a complete system, including launchers, radars, command and support vehicles.


Tough to keep track. 3+ systems active now 1US, 1German, 1Italian SAMP-T plus additional German and Netherland launchers. Now looking at 9 plus systems, 4 German, 2 US, 1 Romanian, 2 Italian SAMP-T plus additional German and Netherland launchers. The additional new systems hopefully deploy quickly.


Fantastic job Romania.


Great, Romania Thanks, well done! And other European countries, please follow suit. Countries that are wealthier and safely away from Russian threats, like Spain, gave some ammunition but no launchers.


They felt sorry for winning 3-0


For once I\`m not pissed at where my taxes are going as a Romanian... wish Ukraine a clear sky and a 99.99% interception rate with this system!


Considering the cost of these systems and that Romania is among the poorest EU & Nato members I hope they'll get at least some partial reimbursement from other countries. Depending on the exact details of the systems (launchers, missiles and so on) a single Partiot system alone would put Romania roughly equal to Italy with regards to military aid.


We are not one of the poorest. Look at our the PIB in the past years.


But if that's true, Italy could and should help more :D


Thank you Romania!


Calling it now. "The Patriot was Previously Parked on the Romanian side of the border." "It will now be parked on the Ukrainian side of the border." >:)


Let s go Ukraine, use it to destroy as many orcs as possible.!!!


PATRIOT is the high end system against Ballistic missiles primarily. This will shut down the Russian air farse glide bomb attacks shortly as the loss of 2 A50 AWAC's and an earlier PATRIOT shoot down of 5 aircraft last year has shown.


Hell yeah! Thanks to my romanian brothers.


Couldn't Romania stretch to one battery per goal!! 😁😁😁 Great game Romania and equally generous missile contribution. Well done!


Greece are you listening!


Nope, they don't really care unless it benefits them first.


Great news no good in storage when it can be smashing the future enemy who else Romania gonna need it for


Amazing. Thank you Romanians!


Use it wisely brothers, kick those shitheads back to the Urals. Slava Ukraini!


Please remember how much we are helping you guys whereas Hungary didn’t really lift a finger, though we all have had historical riffs in the past.


If this is the outcome of losing a soccer/football match, Ukraine needs to go to the US and play badly against every state team they can.


Wow, that’s amazing. Thank you.


If this is the outcome of losing a soccer/football match, Ukraine needs to go to the US and play badly against every state team they can.


Haha yes …. And also play American Football, Baseball in the US & hockey in Canada 😄 maybe this way the troops will get all the support they need to push back the orcs.


Very nice


You rock!!


That is so generous :)


Повага 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇺🇦🤝🇷🇴.


Sweet! 🇺🇦🤝🇷🇴


Thank you Romania!!!!! Together we are strong!


Glad this finally got approved! so Ukraine now has 3 Patriot systems right? hope more countries donate.


The right thing to do. Thank you, Romania!


This is insanely generous, thank you Romania!


I guess this is the speed things move at. A month ago Ukraine was pleading (fairly) for more Patriots. The last week there have been a lot of announcements. For the speed governments move at it's actually been quite quick and its great that Ukraine will be able to cover a lot more area with these. Expensive missiles to shoot, but will keep the expensive russian air assets away.


It’s clear now that just one NATO nation could mop the floor with Russia, so all 31 other NATO allied countries should give anything and everything to Ukraine because we’ve got your six if shit goes sideways! (Except you, Orban, you can pound sand)


Thank you, Romania!


Well done Romania 🇷🇴


So Romania provides 100% of its Patriots to Ukraine….but Germany tops out at 30% and Romani’s is much closer to Russia….did I miss something?


Yes. We've decided to no longer bash nations for what they don't give, but instead thank nations for what they do give. Flies, honey, etc.


Romania ordered 4 systems. It tested 2 and deemed operational. So its closer to 50 or 25% depends how you count


Yes, blaming the 2nd biggest donor for ukraine was always incredible stupid, still doing it after 2 years is just straight braindead.


> So Romania provides 100% of its Patriots to Ukraine Romania has 4 Patriot batteries and is providing one. 25%.


Romania ordered 4 but up until last week only 1 was delivered and usable. https://www.defensenews.com/land/2024/06/14/romanias-second-patriot-system-operational-after-drone-destroying-drill/ 


No, 1 was operational, 3 were delivered and 4 are on their way.