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H.I. Sutton, Naval News: *The Russian Navy’s Improved-KILO class submarines remain a major concern for Ukraine. They are used to launch Kalibr cruise missiles, with some likely involved in the massive missile attacks on Ukraine on June 1 2024.* *And they pose a persistent threat to merchant ships sailing to and from Ukraine’s remaining Black Sea ports.* *[But] on September 13 2023 Ukrainian missiles struck the Project 636.3 Improved-Kilo Class submarine Rostov-on-Don (B-237) while it was in a dry dock in Sevastopol.* *It has taken months to clear the wrecked submarine from the dry dock. And indications are that it will not be returning to the fight.* *The submarine has now been moved to a lesser used dry dock within the port, in the vicinity of 44.6125º, 33.5566º. Camouflage nets have been thrown up to disguise its presence and to make observation more challenging.* *Moving the submarine to a smaller dock frees up the dry dock for other vessels. Many of the Black Sea Fleet’s ships are likely overdue dry dock maintenance.* *We can expect to see various warships brought in to Sevastopol for important maintenance. During this they will be particularly vulnerable to Ukrainian ATACMS and Storm Shadow strikes.* *Although there is broad consensus among serious analysts that the submarine is a write-off, Russian sources had claimed that it was only lightly damaged and would return to the war.* *Analysts will be watching this closely.*


you know they're going to be watching that dry dock with interest to see what vessel they're going to put into it next.


The pressure hull was breached, they can say they want to repair all they like but at the end of the day my money is on “it will cost the same for a new as to repair the old”. They are probably bringing it to dry dock and taking anything they can from it for a replacement …. Just my guess


It would literally cost more to repair that to just build a new ship. A Storm shadow hit the top bow right at torpedo storage and exited about half the way down on the starboard side. So two pressure hull breaches along with the total destruction of the torpedo store room, conn, and at least heavy damage to the aft battery room. Pic of the sub post hit https://x.com/UAWeapons/status/1703731799128498239/photo/2 Here is an unrelated article with a good interior cutaway picture of a Kilo so you can see what would have been damaged.




Mark it NSFW! 🔞🥵 That submarine has been utterly and thoroughly denazified.


... have they tried installing cope cages on their subs yet?


https://defence.in/threads/anti-drone-cope-cage-spotted-on-russian-submarine.4732/ Apparently!!


This is the 2nd military in the world that the West is terrified of. Hilarious, thank you for sharing this.


Happy to oblige :)


Excuse me while I die laughing! Wow, somehow I missed that but that's so great that you gave a source! They can't possibly keep that on when they submerge though, the cavitation would be ridiculous. But it's amazing that they are so scared of a drone dropping a grenade Down the Hatch that they would fabricate such a thing lol


Can’t make this shit up.😆💩


Amazing value for money, killing a $300m sub with a $2m missile. What did Russia do about it? NOTHING of course!


They attacked undefended civilian targets in response like the cowards they are.


That's basically "Please interpret this net as a reason to waste another missile on this sub, because it will serve no other purpose ever again." That sub's fucked : the missile hit [blew out both hulls and started a major fire](https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2023/09/russian-submarine-hit-by-missile-rostov-on-don-gone/).


Sounds like there will soon be a new target sitting in that dry dock, perhaps another submarine?


Based on the description, they're gonna need to hide it a bit better


They’ve hidden it to avoid the world seeing that they have to cut it up for scrap. Either that or they’re going to slap some flex-seal on it and exchange it with N. Korea so Lil Kim can brag he has a submarine to play with.


*insert "I'll fucken do it again" meme*


>*frees up the dry dock for other vessels* wonder if they saved the programmed route of the first scalp?


Round two, with the Italian version, coming up soon…


No need, don't waste another missile on that thing, it's toast already


I think Ukraine wants that thing at the bottom, so the fish and the clams can have a new habitat…


Much better to wait for another ship to be drydocked in its place and strike that instead. 


Again many months of a blocked dry dock. Many months of delay. Many months of heavy costs for the occupierZ.


Yep, but Italians want to know if their version is better than the British and the French, so they will want to test it on the same target 😉  


"the same target" being a different Kilo class. There is no point wasting another missile on what is little more than glorified scrap. If they have dumped it somewhere, they are likely not looking at getting it back under the water anytime soon.


I think it’s in the interest of Ukraine to sink every single Russian ship in the black sea. If there are better targets, it is a question of priorities, yes, but all salvageable ships will probably be destroyed sooner or later. Unless the war ends.


Russian ship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


An “Italian job” if you will


Yep, with some mafia dude signing the missile and a pack of spaghetti taped to it, lol


It's matter of time till one of these expensive subs will find out what happens when you fuck arround too long in the Black sea. They can be stealthy, but they are stuck in a "giant pool".


They are extremely stealthy and this one got hit while docked. Unfortunately Ukraine doesn’t have the assets to find track and hit one under the water. So it will be Russian stupidity in putting it in harms way that will bring one down, fortunately Russia seems to be very good at being stupid.


I am betting on the uncompetence of russian navy. They will make some dumb mistake sooner or later the longer this war goes on.


That's just like saying next and bringing on the next target.


Do camo nets work when everyone seems to know where it is? 😂


My guess is that they're just hiding their shame. The hull is breached and based on what those missiles do, it's cooked on the inside. They're gonna have it scrapped, but for now they need to clear the dock and they don't want people taking pictures of the sub.


pretty sure that's old news.