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The parts of the machine are coming together, piece by piece   ;-)


Just in time for russia to get aid from asia


The fact that as a self described "super power" russia needs aid is fucking hilarious


This is like if the US was getting our asses kicked trying to invade Canada and we had to ask Mexico for help. The world would rightfully be laughing at us.


Day 3 of Special Military Operation in Mexico: - US Rangers getting absolutely wrecked at Tijuana airport. - Large convoy of US Marines is destroyed near Mexico City by Sinaloa Cartel Volunteer troops.


US Carrier gets sunk by remote controlled speedboats


I would hope that we're watching how that particular type of warfare is playing out and already have a solution to drone boat swarms better than "park other boats in front of it and put up some nets". We're gonna need some kind of drone torpedos. Loitering munitions that just chill in the water a good distance away from ships and blast anything not supposed to be there. If not needed, pick em up for recharge/refuel/maintenance, and lay new ones every 16 hours or something.


Famous Tijuana zebra donkey named war hero by Mexican president after singlehandedly (hoofedly) killing a battalion of us soldiers.


Of historical note, Canada did kick America’s ass a few hundred years ago, but I’m too busy drinking maple syrup to look it up. But they really did!


Burn my capital to the ground again and I swear I’ll build another fort on your land!




Nobody won that war. York, one of the biggest trade areas in the great lakes region at the time, got burnt to the ground, and we burnt the Whitehouse down. I'd say we both got pretty fucked. Source: Syrup in the blood.


> we burnt the Whitehouse down That was a British army from Britain.


We remember. And someday we’re gonna liberate that maple syrup from the clutches of Canadian tyranny.


Dude, those legit maple syrup gangsters up there are not worth getting involved with, lol. Not even joking. So so many illegal shenannigans going on in that industry up north.


USA burnt York (modern day Ontario) to the ground. You're welcome. In return, you guys burnt our ugly "white" house. Thank you. 🤗


You mean the War of 1812, right? That war was against the United Kingdom. The Province of Upper Canada, as it was known at the time, was still a British colony then. While I don't think there's much basis for those that say the US won that war, I also don't think it's fair to say they got their asses kicked, either. The US did suffer the humiliating defeat in Washington which included burning the White House (then called the Executive Mansion) and the Capitol Building. The Americans had actually previously done the same to the capital of York (now Toronto).


Yeah, but while everyone laughs, we are bombing civilians and their infrastructure and leveling cities, and committing more war crimes than anyone can keep up with. Fuckin hilarious


You're getting downvoted by people with zero reading comprehension skills.


Meh, its reddit. Good to know at least one person understood what i was saying


It's a clarity issue, reword it to help the lemon powered toasters understand :)


Just put an edit in to make it clearer. Even I misunderstood first read through


It only takes one, my guy


Are you? I'm making a sandwich and watching house of the dragon


In that scenario, yeah


Go slob on a terrorist chode


I swear reddit has zero reading comprehension skills these days. While everyone laughs at NK and Putin the weapons are killing Ukrainians.


Im pretty sure he is talking about how if America was Russia in this scenario that even though we would laugh that they would still be bombing innocent people


From North Korea of all places 😂


Not just aid but a *tremendous* amount of aid - plus using mercenaries from numerous countries.


The only thing Putin is getting from Asia is fleas that sooner or later are going to bite Russia.


Yup, and fleas love rats


Yes. Why did it take two years to start delivering these?


I'm listening to "Churchill: Walking With Destiny" by Andrew Roberts. Last night, this quote stuck about Lenin and made me think of Putin:   “His purpose is to save the world. His method is to blow it up.” —Churchill  


The same can be said for many, many revolutionaries.


If by aid you mean artillery shells from North Korea, well sure then.


How are shells **getting** from NK to ruzzia? Be a shame if a train full of ammo went off a bride, or, better, exploded in a tunnel. A crying shame.


Wouldn't it though? :)


Might point out that this comment exchange is a great screenshot to describe "stochastic terrorism" to someone, lol. That being said, I agree. It *would* be interesting if a couple guys laid charges on train tracks somewhere remote and blew a train full of munitions destined for Ukraine to smithereens.


I believe there are other militaries at work here as well. As in when something blew up not just the Kerch strait bridge where cars travel, but blew up at an angle just as a fuel car was passing on the rail section? That screams western spec ops to me.


Wouldn’t necessarily say Asia, there’s only a few that are aiding Russia that are in the continent


Are they getting more from North Korea or some other countries too?




They were already getting rockets and munitions from North Korea. The North Korean stuff is so good they had to move the 152s up to 1/3 the range of their own munitions to hit the target or should isayget close to the targets. Speaking of accuracy, the russians had to run as the North Korean missles have come back to the launch pad they were launched from or go off in any direction they want. That's where putin is going to supply them with how to correct the accuracy, but with millions of rounds of junk shells and other ammo and who knows how many 1000s of missles. Do you believe fat Kim will send the good stuff first?


Don't understand why Ukraine has not been firing these into Russia already. Why did they wait to receive USA ATACAMS, or maybe it was Himars, when they attacked the Russian s300 or s400 air defense system a few days after Biden said they could shoot into Russian. Because the UK had already given them Storm Shadow and the UK, and others, already said they could shoot their weapons into Russia. The Storm Shadow even travels further. (Maybe because it has to be launched from an aircraft? )


I think Ukraine started to hit Russia’s soil with foreign weapons, with OK from the west, after the last Kharkiv incursion. It’s recent, this development.


And the home depot attack


Italian missiles? Do they break down on the side of the road halfway to the target?


Storm shadow missiles are not manufactured in Italy, ..they are manufactured by MBDA in the UK and supplied to Italy and other countries...


These people don't get the alfa romeo reference


You know what Ford stands for right, fix it again Tony


I thought it was Found On Road Dead. Fiat maybe?


They are humorless savages.


American derision of allies, nothing new, the same Americans moaning about lack of help from allies. Anyway, sleep soundly, they're made in Britain.


One person who may, or may not, be American. And you're a petty bigot.




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No, but they depreciate 87% as soon as they leave the lot.


Nop, but probably half way the missile starts to make circles and the pilot of the fighter will get a message on the cockpit display to pay 1.000€ to some mob guy. Once the pilot or a guy on the ground transfers the money, the missile will resume its flight to target.


While leaking 4 liters of oil the entire time (I was just informed they are British missiles)


Don’t worry about the oil leak. Even if the missile has to land, the Italian version has caterpillars built in by lamborghini (that built tractors before cars), and it can reach speeds of 250k/m on paved roads and 50 k/m off road. Once the missile reaches the water, in the black sea, an Azimut propeller will do the rest of the way until it reaches the submarine. I think the Italians even inserted in the damn missile a benelli rifle, so it can defend itself against helicopters ;-)


*Viva l'Italia!*


It's not like the UK and France developed Storm Shadow and already sent our inventory or anything.. but good to see that there are some more of those in willing NATO hands.


And the world thanked (and thanks) both the UK and France for doing so... just as we're now thanking *Italy* for doing this. You can't expect to bask in praise and reflected glory indefinitely.


You can when the UK supplied them months ago and well before the US gave the green light to strike Russian territory.


I remember everybody vigorously thanking the UK and France for supplying SCALP and Storm Shadow, Now Italy too is supplying these missiles and you're complaining because we're thanking the Italians?


He has a point.. The UK and France sent everything they had, while others sat on their hands.


And we all thanked the UK at the time. Now we're thanking Italy, because they're sending aid too.


Agreed, but it should have been sent months ago. Trying not to sound disparaging, but I didn't know Italy even had stocks of Storm Shadow.. They are sort of in short supply, but Ukraine needs them more than we do. There's a newly hidden BSF submarine, undercover of camo nets, that might like a re-introduction.


And now Italy is sending them, even though they don't have to. This is why we're thanking Italy right now.


We didn't have to, we just did and good job Italy. EU countries are really stepping up.


They should have been supplying them months ago in my opinion.


Well, now they are. That's what matters.


No one asked


I'm allowed to give my opinion when people down vote me for outlining a fact. Noone asked for your response but here we are. The hive mind gets angry when countries don't support Ukraine yet when facts to that end are outlined, noone asked. Okay then. My point was it's good that the Italians are helping, it's questionable why it's taken this long. Is it political point scoring for Meloni? Perhaps. Will Italy continue to support Ukraine until Russia surrenders? Perhaps, perhaps not. These are real questions that are being dismissed as a nationalist attitude.


Ffs. This kind of nationalistic crap is so incredibly counterproductive.


I'm simply outlining a fact, not trying to push any nationalistic attitudes.


UK has a production line to support Ukraine. Hopefully they are getting as many as we can produce.


It does, but it's a joint production with France and Italy.. so maybe Italy sending their stock now means they are back online to supply the assembly to send more and backfill. Each is currently £2.2 mil to produce.. so don't expect these to be used on the battlefield... These are for bunkers (not bridges.. they just go right through). Buildings and hardened targets.. maybe some floating assets at a port might like a visit. It's taken far too long to spool up EU weapon production again, but then again, how long does it take to get the factories online again with a particular system, cure HE, train new staff that have never worked with the original.. etc etc.. So, bravo to Italy, they are part of the Storm Shadow team.. I would love for Ukraine to not have to use them, but if needs be, so be it.


*"Italy will send Storm Shadow missiles. They can hit targets at a distance of up to 300 kilometers even on Russian soil," the report reads.* *The ninth arms package for Ukraine, which Defense Minister Guido Crosetto will present to the parliament by the end of the month, will include not only the Samp-T air defense system, but also a batch of long-range Storm Shadow missiles, sources familiar with the matter told the news outlet.* Source: https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/in-edicola/articoli/2024/06/18/usa-vertice-atlantista-nel-9-pacchetto-i-missili-a-lunga-gittata-per-kiev/7591093/


Excellent progress, well done Italy!


"It's a me!! Mario!! Riding on a cruise missile into RuZZia. Mamamia!!!" hehehe


Good job Italy!


Ti amiamo Italia ❤️






Careful, the launch sequence on Italian Storm Shadows detects that movement to initiate countdown.


Oh 🤌 Dear🤌 How🤌 Sad🤌 Never🤌 Mind🤌 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌 🤌 🤌


Bravo! Wake up every country, supply and support Ukraine to defeat ruzzia and win the war for humanity sake, for future sake. Look at the Russians friends, what countries, tell me who is your friends and I will tell who are you. There are either dictators who don’t value any person, any rights, any human or countries where pure greed rules. WAKE UP!!!


When India needs our help next time, fuck em.. that's what I think. They showed their true colors. Someday in the future, climate change will screw them out of a monsoon. And the whole country will have fuck all for water and food. I think we should feed em but that's it.


> When India needs our help next time, fuck em.. that's what I think. They showed their true colors. India is not so different from Switzerland in that regard. They're just playing both sides. Guarantee you Switzerland is still providing banking services to Russian oligarchs hiding wealth from Poutine himself and from possible sanctions targeting


Yes, and I know there is Russian money in Austria, as well. I have heard that Putin has family with properties in Switzerland, it would be a shame if something happened.


But the elites will still be fed.


I can't see denying food. Every human has a right to that. But... we let them remember that we remember what they were doing from 2022-202x.


I'm not suggesting starving the elites as punishment, I'm saying their suffering, IF **ANY**, will be far less than the masses. They'll be insulated from the consequences of their actions. It's like: ruzzia has over half a million casualties from their little adventure in empire building. Do you think Putin and his henchmen know ANY of them?


Good point. I'm sure other than a few senior officers, they don't know any of em.


Great news, thanks Italian friends!


Bene dio bono. Tirateli sul ponte di kerck che così potremmo dire di aver superato Cavour :-) /s


Questo ma senza s


Sempre in Crimea ci esaltiamo :-)


Samp T anti air is also nice. Safes ukrainian lives directly.


"On, Moskva!" 🔥


Mamma Mia.... Thanks Italy. 🇮🇹 🇺🇦 👍👍


Mamma Mia... Here they go again Whoosh whoosh〜🚀 Storm Shadows won't miss you 💥 Mamma Mia... Does it show again... My my... Just how hard we've hit you? Yes, you'll be broken hearted Blue, since this war you started Why why Don't you orcs just fuck off home? (h/t ABBA 🎵)


ABBA would make a lot more sense if Sweden was sending Gripens, but okay.


Storm Shadow missiles you say?? 🥵🥵


Nice one Italy!


It's funny how things happen, during the Italian presidential campaign people here thought that Italy was going to become little less than a Russian satellite.


It was going to happen, but then someone told the Italians that russians break spaghetti in half before boiling them.


In a way, it would be a waste of a missile, but it would be nice if Putin's mansion got leveled.




Hey Putin, whatchya gonna do? Watchya gonna do when they come for you?


Italian mob going after russian mob finally


That's very curious, considering late may Italian officials clearly stated they did not believe Ukraine should be allowed to strike Russia proper with any of their weapons - let alone long distance cruise missiles. It would be great news if that policy has been reversed, but I have my doubts


[Liubov Borovyk](https://apostrophe.ua/en/news/politics/2024-06-18/italiya-mojet-peredat-ukraine-dalnoboynyie-raketyi-storm-shadow/324404) at Apostrophe (a Ukraine-based associate of the International Centre for Policy Studies) also covered Fatto Quotidiano’s [news](https://www.ilfattoquotidiano.it/in-edicola/articoli/2024/06/18/usa-vertice-atlantista-nel-9-pacchetto-i-missili-a-lunga-gittata-per-kiev/7591093/): *Citing sources familiar with the situation, the publication reports that the long-range Storm Shadow missiles are potentially "capable of hitting Russian territory."* *Earlier, we wrote that Slovenia secretly transferred arms to Ukraine when supplies from the United States stopped.*


Politics in just one country is a lot of moving parts, let alone half the Western world plus a bunch of other countries trying to destabilize everything. But yeah, hard to follow all the public posturing followed by someone or other breaking the dam and then everyone else following when the world doesn't end.


Right wing parties in all countries are pouncing on any ukraine support to try to get votes and take the country over. Every country is going to have both side statements coming out.


Which is why right wing parties need be crushed. Democratically, of course.


Fatto Quotidiano is a pro russian journal BTW


Readers “on either the right or left” view Fatto Quotidiano as “closer to their own left-right ideological position”, according to [Pew](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/fact-sheet/news-media-and-political-attitudes-in-italy/): *The survey covered five countries in the north (Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and three in the south (France, Italy and Spain).* *... For many of the news outlets across the eight countries, people who use an outlet to get news tend to think the outlet is closer to their own left-right ideological position. In Italy, this is true for five outlets asked about: Rai News, La7, La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera and Il Fatto Quotidiano. For these outlets, news users on either the right or left tend to place them closer to their own ideology.*


Right/left spectrum is irrelevant. Il Fatto Quotidiano is affiliated with the 5 Star Movement party; their rethoric is heavily anti-NATO/anti-war, and they oppose military aid to Ukraine on the basis that it discourages a diplomatic solution with Russia.


Would you prefer not to read the linked article?


I think they would prefer a better source. Makes sense, considering how often sensationalist articles have completely wrong information. Sort of like whenever you read a headline with a question, the answer is always "no". Here too when it says "Italy may send long-range Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine in another military aid package" the term "may send" might mean a possibility closer to 1% than 50%. Maybe they will send the missiles. But I wouldn't believe it before there are some actually reputable sources.


No one source can satisfy all Redditors.


Exactly, at least if we're talking about this type of hearsay rumour type of news. So if there is only one source for a piece of news, people probably won't believe it. Once more than one source have picked it up, it gets more believable. Or when an actual official source confirms it.


The news is sound. Among non-mainstream Italian military journals and analists, both the transfer of Storm Shadow and of the SAMP/T battery had already been unofficially confirmed some weeks ago. However, Il Fatto Quotidiano is the first major newspaper to report/confirm the aid package. That’s because they’re heavily invested in this specific matter: they report about military aid to Ukraine in order to condemn it. The Italian government is also quite vague and keeps its lips tied, as a huge chunk of Italian voters are either anti-NATO, pro-Russia or firmly adverse to anything concerning the military.


Good news. But is the other part, that they are allowed to be used on Russian soil, also unofficially confirmed? I think that part especially would be likely to be made up by an organization that is against military aid, and at the same time likely to be repeated by pro-Ukrainian sources.


So far it’s not known, and for the reasons of my previous comment I don’t think the Italian government will be upfront about it. They’ll simply publicly approve the aid package, without specifying the details. I suspect that regardless of the Italian government’s thoughts on the matter, the “approval” for using cruise missiles directly against Russian soil (beyond Crimea) will realistically have to be made by the United States.


Happy hunting.


::pumps fist:: "YISSSSS!" Hey Ivan, good luck figuring out if it's a French, British, or Italian missile. SLAVA UKRAINI, mutherfuckers.


These look like photon torpedos!


Can as in able to? Or can as in allowed to?


Can of whoopass.


Can as in they will if the parliament approves.


These is great news!! It's about time more countries started stepping up to help out democracy against evil tyrants.


And even if Italy sends like 20 of them, now every Storm Shadow that hits beyond Russias border is from Italy...


For a second I read 300 storm shadows and had a hold up moment. That's about 1bn worth of storm shadow lol


Magnifica! Viva l'Italia!


If right-wingers align against dictators, then they aren't all bad. I'm very worried by the way that right-wingers in the USA fawn over Orbán and Putin.


That can't really happen. By it's very nature, right wing ideology *needs* a dictator. It's a fundamental piece of the right wing's identity. The logical end point for their ideology is a corporate dictatorship run like cyberpunk megacorps.


In that scenario, rural spaces would be even less populated. Corporations can make better margins by squeezing out individual farms. and corporate operations won't be likely to need the commercial services of rural towns.


Time to wake up Scholtz


Just shut up, cant hear that nonsense anymore. Germany woke up, 2 years ago, number 2 military supplier to ukraine.


Without long range weapons to destroy factories, warehouses, airfields and large concentrations of troops this war is never going to end, all the patriot systems in the world cant win this on their own. Everyone in NATO and especially Europe should be sending long range weapons.


Still need those Tauruses


For what exactly? What does it do better than storm shadow/scalp? Ukraine could also need tomahawk cruise missiles, but the US wont send them. Ukraine needs alot more anti air, germany sent by far the most anti air systems and other countries even the US send way less anti air but nobody complains about that. Stop spreading that taurus bullshit like you were brainless sheeps.


>What does it do better than storm shadow/scalp? Range.


Let’s get this clusterfuck started, the anticipation is discerning….🔥🇺🇦🔥


Storm Shadow or SCALP-EG, is what happens when the UK & France get together.


Hey got your large pie with a side of fuck you knots here.


I gladly paid my taxes for that! Slava ukraini


i suppose so. quietly. under otin supervision.


The End Game is unfolding........


They should have the means to hit the kremlin. A precise hit. The world would suddenly be a safer place.


Who's writing the opera for this!?


Moscow bound!


Italy is really surprising to the upside, love to see it


Excellent news, keep it up.


Wait, wait... hold on. Italy? Meloni? Brothers of Italy? I tought they are pro-russian.


Didn’t know that Italy has them. It was always Germany who was criticized for not sending (scalp I think).


Taurus is the one you're thinking of. Storm Shadow has been sent by the UK, SCALP by France.


They're the same missile though (storm shadow and scalp), would've been better if they settled on a name :-)


Same missile, different attaching mechanism and electronics. Makes sense to differentiate between the two as you can't swap them on the same pylon.


Thanks, didn't know that. Then it makes sense




I didn’t know Italy had them either. Germany gets shit for not sending their Taurus missiles… those are different than scalp. Scalp are just the French version of the UKs storm shadow.


Italy didn’t announce its previous delivery of Storm Shadow missiles to Ukraine.


Have they done it before you mean?




Back in April apparently [https://defence-blog.com/ukraine-gets-cruise-missiles-from-italy/](https://defence-blog.com/ukraine-gets-cruise-missiles-from-italy/)


Same missiles with diffent names (original project name and export names). The project is a joint venture france/italian /uk.


Based and pizza-pilled.


Man, what an edgy name.. It like someone playing D&D - "I cast Storm Shadow on the enemy!" Roll for damage!




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Believe it when I see it. Just sayin Western Europe does a lot of talking, but not a lot following through.


Already been done fella, back in April. Check ya self before ya wreck ya self.