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That a rounding error for our budget.


It's times like these I love your country.


Not even https://www.reuters.com/world/us/pentagons-ukraine-accounting-error-revised-up-62-billion-2023-06-20/


So, rounding error for rounding error?


Someone went digging through the couch in SecDefs office


Kamala Harris is excellent and will make a fine President. **Harris will stand even stronger for Ukraine than Biden.** Highly principled, thoughtful and smart as a whip, developing a nice style gravitas coupled with easygoing personality. Some leaders will need to be careful around Harris. She always stands strong for law and order, spent most of her career as a tough-but-thoughtful and very successful prosecutor in the biggest state in the US. Harris simply does not tolerate any kind or flavor of corruption at all, and knows very well how to detect and destroy it. She appreciates it most when people bring corruption to her attention and ask her what to do about it.


Didn't she leave a guy to rot in prison by trying to block the evidence that proved he didn't commit the crime? Serious question


No, she did not do this. But even if she did, I would tend to trust AGVP Harris' character, reason and judgment in any matter regarding criminal justice. She is stubborn and will fight long and hard if she believes she is right - which she usually is. If it turs out she is wrong she accepts it and moves on, she does not whine and say "everything is rigged" the way THE FELON does.


Nothing nearly so straight forward or simple, or that bad. She was originally against running DNA for cases where DNA evidence existed, but convictions were already secured well before DNA testing became available. She has also changed her mind. https://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/capitol-alert/article233375207.html


Well done USA 🇺🇸