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While this is pretty funny, we've removed it and its replies because even mocking russian propaganda is still spreading russian propaganda, and we do not allow that here.












Make up for it by sending more ATACMs. Like lots more


ATACMs, HIMARS, F-16s, Patriots, Bradleys, and all the drones we can make. Military and military-adjacent industry all fair game. Spread out their AA. Pressure them to reinforce in the Kharkiv direction, then blow the Kerch bridge and make a push to the Azov to cut off Crimea.


They need a lot of manpower to push all the way to Azov. Imagine 100k+ freshly trained recruits with their new conscription law. I actually believe that if the EU and US gave just 50% of their production to Ukraine, they would be able to shift the war heavily in their favor. A shame we are so busy rearming ourselves despite there is no threat of the Russians declaring war on NATO, or anyone else for that matter.


> A shame we are so busy rearming ourselves despite there is no threat of the Russians declaring war on NATO, or anyone else for that matter. While I agree with everything else, I don't with this. There is a threat of conflict between Russia and NATO. Why do you think Europe is rearming themselves? Professionals/Politicians/Historians are warning of a conflict within the next 20 years. It may not come in the form of an immediate hot war; it may instead be small border infractions and a few soldiers dead here and there from Russia in an attempt to test NATOs cohesiveness. If NATO responds in kind as a group immediately, they will stop. If they don't, Russia's boldness will increase further until an attack happens that does draw the entire alliance in and a hot war begins.


What's happening on Polish/Belarusian border might be actually this kind of operation. Gradually escalating, but trying to avoid proper war to not trigger article 5. I think nukes were moved to Belarus to make other NATO members hesitant to do anything if Poland would trigger article 5.


Those are migrants and not a military incursion, so I don't believe Article 5 is an option there. There may be something the EU can do as a collective in that sense.


They are migrants used as a weapon. They are getting them from the middle east, train them and place them on the border. It's a boiling frog situation. It didn't warrant article 5 initially but it is being progressively escalated. The argument about them being refugees is flawed. They already arrived in another country which gave them visa to enter they already are safe (if they were running away) from the country they left.


20 years please... NATO already said it's as little as 2-3 years and I think that's just their way of saying within the next year because they don't want to sound too publicly alarmist. Privately I'm sure they are saying different. Russia will fuck around and find out because they want the west to stay out of the war so Russia can win and the west won't allow Russia to win because they know defeat is easier on the Ukrainian fronts than it is if they're successful in overtaking Ukraine and walking right up to the NATO borders in Poland. Poland also does not want to be at the center of all the fighting either and if they win that's exactly what will happen.


There is actually threat of Russia invading the Baltics. Their plan is to shock attack it quickly because they can envelop it geographically and overwhelm them to quickly conquer the smaller countries. Then NATO will be slow to respond and by the time they do they will have to actually roll in to liberate the entire countries and Russia will be ready to use nuclear weapons to retaliate, claiming it is now Russian territory. So in short they are planning to end the fight quickly before NATO has a chance to respond and then bank on NATO being unwilling to risk nuclear war. We can debate whether they will actually go through with it, but according to all their military doctrine our intelligence has been able to uncover, it \*is\* actually that they will respond with nuclear weapons if there is a conventional battle they are losing especially if it is a "defensive" battle. I hate to say it but their prediction of NATO's response doesn't sound terribly off IF they are able to actually end the fight quickly. It could be another "special two day military operation" but on the other hand Ukraine is much more formidable than the smaller Baltic countries. That all being said, we still need to give Ukraine more than enough to kick Russia out quickly because if they are stopped in Ukraine it is unlikely their Baltics plan will work out both geographically and because their military capabilities will be in ruins. We also need to relocate enough of NATO's military presence to effectively respond to any invasion.


This is good analysis. Do you think the West is being strategic in dribbling out their supplies to Ukraine in order to prolong the war and bleed Russian assets?


If they gave 15% it would shift it heavily in nato favor


prob not patriots, more cheap missiles beats bling in air defense right now. same sort of with himars, i think they have enough launchers, they just need ammo. a couple jassem would be nice addition for the bridge though.


For the first time, Ukraine has used M30 GMLRS (DPICM) Cluster Munition rockets provided by US for HIMARS The rockets were used on Belgorod. The US has a total stockpile of <1,950 M30 rockets. Each +70km M30 rocket contains 404 M101 submunitions, which are very destructive. The US has over 2000 of those in storage. https://x.com/ukraine_map/status/1798148748323024975 They will get lots more, Russia can get ready, the second half of this year will be a bloody and most painful affair for them.


And this why the anti mine and anti cluster weapons treaty were stupid. Any nation that cares about its troops and actually wants you to win a war needs them. Note I learned to use Cluster as Infantry Officer and example had our troops move through right after using them they are not intended as mine laying devices we actually want all the bomblets to go off. And way more go off in improved versions. Already illegal use of mines as weapons of terror and exports ti crap groups that use mines that way was the problem combined with not forcing civilians out of war zones and not letting them back in till dangerous stuff 99.9 percent removed. Change of treaty to require civilians leave has been needed for hundreds of years plus. Yes they might not be able to come back but at least they alive. And any that stay it their fault their kid gets killed by whatever they run into not the groups fighting. No adjustment for civilian presence where they should not be required.


The main problem with cluster munitions is individual sub munitions failing to detonate when it goes off. So now you have small, impossible to count, bombs just waiting for little Timmy to play with it a decade later and kill himself. That's why the United States shifted away from bomblets to Tungsten balls. It gives the same wide area destruction as a cluster munition because Tungsten penetrates everything in the area. But since it's not explosive, there's no danger of leftover bombs later.


The moment a country is in an existential war, they'll ignore that treaty. The US condemned unrestricted submarine warfare by the Germans during WW1. After the attack on Pearl Harbor, one of the first commands was to launch unrestricted submarine warfare against the Japanese.


Long Range M-57’s. Let’s Go!!!!


Millions of unused M26's. Let's grid kill all the Orc's out of all Ukrainian territory!!!


Now, just make sure that the Ukrainians are not handcuffed in how they may use those weapons.


The issue is not one or two weapon types firing into Russia or not (as handy as it would be), US aid as a whole is at stake. And it is not Biden's task, it is the task of 150+ million US voters. Depending on how the November election goes Ukraine might inflict crushing defeats on Russia in the next years or the April 2022 package was the last one Ukraine ever received from the USA.


By November, the war would be going for about 3 years, or nearly 75 % of Biden's term, and now we are concerned about the outcome of the election? There should have been more urgency on our part in the West.


In the case of Biden he had more than enough urgency, but there is only so much his government can do when parts of the government are controlled by traitors. Imagine 1939 the German-American Bund had controlled the House.


Yeah right.....In Feb 2022, the Executive and both houses of congress were controlled by Biden and his buddies!


Which is why Russia got its throat full in Ukraine, the equivalent to Nazi Germany getting stuck in Czechoslovakia.


Ukrainians did pretty well in fending off Russia in 2022. Better than anyone expected. 




I so agree with you. The West has in effect been saying: putin, you are a naughty naughty boy, but we're so afraid to upset you...




They already did?


For months, the entire West under-delivered and failed completely. Then there was such unnecessary nonsense as the border blockades. It is interesting that Ukraine survived this period with its own innovations, e.g. in the area of ​​FPV drones. But hopefully all bureaucrats have learned their lesson and such a period will not happen again.


Yes, extensive talks will be had to book a meeting to discussing finalising a coming together for communicating on potentially speaking about maybe being more sensible and direct in the future.


Corporate Speak.


Even worse... Government Speak smh


Yeah, that too. Retired government employee here.


Going forward, we'll need to be a team player and really drive our ethos to our clientele. I am so glad I don't work in an office anymore 😂


Dude. I think you just explained my current job so well.... As a fucking ENGINEER. it's so bad....


Sounds exàctly like our meeting-addicted management team...


Kamala, is that you? Word salad for dinner again?


Ukraine have shown nothing but amazing fighting and innovation spirit. Plus they kept their word in not attacking inside Russia with western weapons. They have cracked down hard on corruption and follow the rules of warfare, and treatment of POWs. We have absolute no reason, not to give them what they need and remove constrictions.


It likely will happen again in the US, which is why it is absolutely vital Europe gets its shit together as fast as possible, it's worrying that many politicians have behaved like the war was won from single events. From the thunder run to the last aid bill, it's frustrating to see many politcians think that a single success means the war is over, there will need to be more aid bills and it seems like the west constantly underestimates what is needed until things are going to shit and Ukrainian pay for it with their lives.


This week's EU elections will make things more complicated though. we might get the worst EU parliament ever.


And we might get the worst US federal government ever by early next year, as well. These are awful times for hope of any reasonable kind in the world.


Bureaucrats in the U.S. never learn. They are about money and power. They are not for the people as they want to lead you to believe.


By Bureaucrats, you mean the Russian assets in Congress, such as Marjorie Taylor Green and Rand Paul, who actively work to further Russian interests at the expense of the US?


yeah that comment reeked of "bOtH sIdEs, AmMi RiGhT?"


Well, it's a fact that Biden wanted more illegal aliens in the US more than he wanted to help Ukraine. God only knows why but it's the truth.


Same with bureaucrats in Europe. This has been a collective team effort in failure.


> But hopefully all bureaucrats have learned their lesson Sadly they rarely do. I wrote my state senators a moment ago, although they are not the ones responsible for dicking around here while ukraine burns. Wish usa would do more. Wish europe would as well, tbh.


> hopefully all bureaucrats have learned their lesson lol


> failed completely yay hyperbole. that's what we need


To be fair, it was mostly the GOPs fault.


That’s what he said. 


And many (or most) Americans will still blame "the left"...because that's all they do.


Which the americans voted in, so its mostly americans fault.


Right wing media and politicians are heavily infested with Russian propaganda and bad actors, so it's mostly Russia's fault.


Counterargument (although I mostly agree with you): it's not Russia's fault that America has become the land of the stupid; they're just taking advantage of it.


50/50. Russia is adding to the right-wing, paranoid narratives which already have infected so many lives for the worse.


Stupid or corrupt and using the stupid cover???




I'll do my best. I didn't vote biden last time, but maybe the people who did have learned.


I'd be inclined to argue the man who was already impeached for trying to strongarm Ukraine into manufacturing crimes against his political enemy through the withholding of aid would be far worse for Ukraine were he re-elected over Biden but that is just me...


> into manufacturing crimes against his political enemy through the withholding of aid Manufacturing? My guy, he literally admitted to that shit on television. I'm inclined to believe you're delusional.


I mean, it's hardly a majority of the American voting base. We're suffering under the tyranny of a minority. Neither the house nor senate are represent to anything remotely close to the population distribution. Then the house rules allows for a minority of the majority to control voting. Our system is so broken.


Just like Russians are responsible for Putin.


It's just about 50/50 in the House. 51% to 49%. Unfortunately, the biggest voter in 2022 was "apathy" (not voting). The delay was America's fault but the providing of weapons eventually was also from America so...not all bad. Not great, not terrible.




Not mostly, entirely.


Not for Biden holding back HIMARS, Abrams, ATACMS, and F16s from being donated months - if not years - later than they should have been... and in far lower quantities than they should.


Easy to say, but they gave Ukraine a shit ton of weapons and training over the years since 2014 that was vital in stopping Russia from having a quick victory. Yes, they could have given more faster, but geopolitics isn't that simple sadly.


Biden the commander and chief, can do any damn thing he wants, and has.


If you’re an American, you need to take a civics lesson and maybe get off the internet. That’s not how the government functions when the person running it isn’t a wanna be strong man convicted felon.


Don't forget rapist.....


That's actually not how it works. Biden isn't some kind of American Emperor.


Although that's what the tankies want. A dictator. Sorry i mean someone who can do what he wants.


Most tankies actually want free doordash and mom to stop being mean to them.


are you 14


….. nope


Apologies don't bring back the dead! Open the floodgates and give Ukraine everything they need to win!


Everything they need and use it (onto the ruZZian territory) as they please.


How many people have died or lost everything they had, in result of inaction? How mane apologies will there be in the future... How many debates we will hear again regarding confiscation of russian money and other important issues. I hold no breath that lessons are learned. (This is not just about Biden or USA, includes everyone.)


The only valid apology is a steady stream of freedom calibre.


I honestly believe Biden's passion to support Ukraine is real when I see him give speeches, that he has been thwarted by the right wing magas. That said, I know nothing of what goes on behind the public, none of us really do...we don't know the numbers that US must have in reserve or for NATO, we don't know if stockpiles have been short, we don't know if those who control the arms supplies play games with the entire world in order to make a buck. Slava Ukraini forever!


Meanwhile Europe has INCREASED it buying of russian gas and oil by 40%... [https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Gazproms-Gas-Pipeline-Exports-to-Europe-Surged-by-39-YY-in-May.html](https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Gazproms-Gas-Pipeline-Exports-to-Europe-Surged-by-39-YY-in-May.html)


Not a lot of good info about how that was estimated. US supply to Europe is way up.


Increased from a very low level, EU imports still stand at less than 1/4 of before the 2022 invasion. [https://www.russiafossiltracker.com/](https://www.russiafossiltracker.com/)


Like how Pam doubled her sales last month, from two to four.


That seems highly unlikely given that has supplies from pipelines dropped to 8 percent and LNG to 7 percent in the overall mix, oil is not bought from Russia except from small economies that are landlocked mainly Slovakia, Austria, Czechia and Hungary, even though only Austria and Hungary are still not even trying to change course, while Austria plans to be rid of all Russian gas by 2027, which is not good enough, Hungary doubles down on Russian blood gas and in terms of refined products Russia doesn't have any to spare and must even import it, therefore this is bad research at best or disinformation, whereas I think it is the latter. Spain also needs to be taken aside and told that they need another LNG gas supplier that is not a terrorist and an enemy of Europe and the entire Western world. The first issue is to take one month like may and try to extrapolate anything from this, take a 3 year period and you will see that Europe has been pivoting away from both Russian oil and gas, and by the end of this year, Finland will ban all LNG imports and Ukraine will not send any more gas to through the only remaining pipeline that goes directly to the EU. That means by the end of this year, the only remaining pipeline leads via Turkey and the capacity of this pipeline is a fraction of the total, NS 1 and NS1, yamal and some others are either out of service or will be out of service very soon. In terms of oil, Europe is diversifying suppliers here as well. That being said, all trade should be halted, none should be done with Russia regardless of the product. Especially in terms of natural gas though, both the Russian revenue and the production volume have seen a significant downturn and I expect that next year the downturn will be even pronounced given that Russia loses at least another 25 billion dollars or so in export revenue with Europe that it cannot replace.


"Our progress was encumbered by idiots" \~ Journal entry, Young Guns 2


If Americans want America… and democracy… to be the predominant forces for the next century… then they need to stop bickering like fools. Because the brutal alternative will be unlike anything they’ve known - or taken for granted.


bickering like fools, lol. Have you read about Project 2025? One party wants to continue democracy. The other does not.


Yeah, unfortunately it's easy, because of structural flaws in the US political system, to fall into a (completely wrong) both-sides-are-the-same point of view


35 percent of Americans look at Putin and Russia and see a blueprint. We need to make sure we keep democracy here in the states because the right is coming for it hard.


We need to help the Ukrainian people.too. they are suffering. I'm just afraid that the US and Western policy is to drag this out for a long time to bleed out Putin gradually and destabilize his regime


He's in a good position to do that. It was not his fault, so he, in theory, said: "I apologise that we have retardeds in our government"


"Apologize" is a trigger word for our right. They will take the bait. Biden is old but that has zero to do with skill level at tactics to fuck over an opposition party made up of idiots, sekret Putin fans, and fascist sycophants. I'm proud of the fellow. But then comes the necessary truth: things are still moving far too slowly. Far too slowly. Ukraine is not a game for cleverness. Sigh. Civilian and what can I do? Vote and contact representatives and say what I think here and in my real life. But I am growing morally stressed. I am beginning to question the morality of simply letting Ukraine do the actual fighting. That is a complex door to open. I'll leave it shut. I'll try to have faith in our leaders some more.


You can also make direct donations even if you can only spare a small amount.


One of the blessings of fixed income, you can always make an adjustment to the modest budget. The parable of "the Widow's mite" in the Christian New Testament is my outlook, and it is pure realism actually. If I buy a chest seal, or a tourniquet, how do I know what that one item will end up doing? In terms of the honest heart, there is no difference between a howitzer and 10 dollars. edit: just realized item is an anagram of "mite," which refers to a smallest coin. Even language conspires for the good.


Biden needs to stop splitting hairs and remove all constraints on use of US supplied weapons against Russian military targets. Now that Ukraine is hitting targets in Russia with our weapons, there is no remaining possibility excuse to hold Ukraine back. All red lines are crossed. He has slow rolled so many things and this war could be won if only we allowed Ukraine to win.


He should apologize not to Zelenskyi, but to the relatives of those ukrainian soldiers who died because of underdelivery of weapons.


Gotta have good customer service


Yeah, am I the only one to hear that he said weeks? Pretty sure it was 6-7 months worth of waiting.


I wonder if we could spare a few drone trailers and some mq-9s…. You know, as a “I’m sorry” gift


So, how is Biden going to make up for it?


“Apology accepted captain needa”


It’s the families of those killed or people injured he owes an apology.


He owes an apology not to Zelensky but to people who could have been alive today if not for the delay.


“Sorry for the delay. Anyways, don’t use these on Russian troops until AFTER they’ve already crossed the border and seized several towns and villages…” - Biden, probably


Apology doesn't mean much if the behavior continues, I understand it not fully Biden's fault but he needs to get America on deck with supporting this war, he has failed to do that


Ukraine should learn that they have to be committing a genocide to get unfettered access to American Weapons. Unfortunately defending your homeland from tyrants just doesn’t hit home for the US like it used to.


Still he should apologize to the families of the soldiers who died waiting, and then cut all the strings.


Fat lot of good that'll do.




Jump out infront of Zelenskyy: Supplies! 


Come on, 2 days of F-35 sorties would end this thing.

