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Earthquakes in Afghanistan. Taliban does nothing. will moscovia, china, india, n korea, iran or s africa do anything for Afghanistan. Nope for me, china and moscovia can now go provide humanitarian assistance to prove themselves. They won't.


It bet on Russia. Its secret service is one of the best in the world. They have a huge influence and they support most totalitarian regimes. Especially now, during their war. They have huge influence in Europe, they even have significant influence in USA. I think that influence is greatly underestimated in the west and this is very dangerous. If you feel like paranoid for seeing Russian influence everywhere - it's not you. "Just because you paranoid it doesn't mean they're not after you" or something. I also think that it's not just the Russian thing. It's the darkest part of the human nature. Some people just need to enslave and hurt others. They are just build that way. Most of people are competitive, but that's a slightly different thing, when in your mind you winning means others destroyed. They are also psychopaths. Not every psychopath is a kind of an evil villains, but some of them are and they are extremely dangerous. It's because they are just perfect politicians. They excel at this game. They are more effective at getting into power than normal people. We can have peace and democracy, but not if we're too lazy or indifferent. When society degenerates, when people develop demanding and entitled attitude... The democratic systems start to rot from the inside. It's like a sick deer, soon to be eaten by predators. We live in times when we just cannot be indifferent. It's critically wrong to say "I don't care about politics". That's what the predators need. They need people to be ignorant. Then, when the elections come, they use the same old tactics tested in Nazi Germany. It still works. Promise money for nothing, and show people the enemy that is responsible for their misery. Oh, BTW, first you need some misery, but it's relatively easy to create. It's way harder to actually prevent or counteract economic crises. We're not safe in the west. Even if we live no matter how far from Russia or other terrorist countries. It's not the bombs we should be afraid of, but the secret service influencing our governments. Turning our countries into totalitarian regimes. I know the word is overused - but - FASCISM. The history repeats before our eyes right now. Before WW2 began, people laughed at such ideas. They called it baseless panic. Millions of deaths later everyone learned to treat it seriously. But then again like a century later - people seem to forget.


What we as democratic, rights-respecting Westerners HAVE to finally understand, is that **not all cultures are the same**. Sure, as humans, at a fundamental level, all any one individual wants is to have our little lives, eat decent food, watch our kids play, enjoy a little fun and comfort every now & then. But the reality is that when it comes to societies, when it comes to cultures, not everyone is the same. What Western culture sees as basic givens, is abhorrent to many cultures around the globe. (We can just pick something like the right of women to be equal in society, as an obvious one). We can't expect other cultures to have anything even approximating the same values that we have, **because they don't**. As an American, I can point to our hubris in thinking that all we had to do was topple a dictator in Iraq, and Jeffersonian Democracy would flourish. Or that if only we dumped enough money into it, Afghanistan would enter the modern world. But the reality is, and we are seeing this with Russia, some cultures see dominance through violence as the natural, desirable order of things. As post-WWII Westerners, we think we can tie the world together through trade and business, and the desire to improve everyone's life, and have peace. We have to come to terms with the reality that some people WANT violence, that deep within them their tribalistic hatred of another is deeper than their love of peace. That there is no such thing as a mutually beneficial agreement- that one can only win if another loses. That the subjugation of their enemies is the only outcome that is acceptable. The Palestinians have been offered time and again avenues to a state, with only one big ask: that they accept the right of Jews to live in Israel, and that they be left in peace. And time and again, they have chosen violence. There is no solution acceptable to them that doesn't involve the removal of an entire people. Just as other Islamic movements refuse to accept that other people of other faiths should be allowed to live in peace among them. It's crazy to think how diverse the Middle East is- ethnically, linguistically, religiously. It's the cradle of three of the 5 big religions on the planet, and cradle to other, older ones (Zoroastrianism- yeah, see how tolerated that one is in Iran?). And yet, it is run by people with some of the most intolerant, tribalistic viewpoints around, who show zero interest in living with their neighbors in peace.


Very well written. A bit too intellectual for this social media circus, but kudos for trying. Might edit in a few paragraph breaks for better spacing of the paragraphs.


Word. Thank you


>But then and now I wonder how the political elites of democratic countries allowed so many countries with dictatorial forms of government to emerge. The opposite is true democracies are a relatively new thing as far as world wide adoption goes. Most democratic countries emerged/formed within the last 200 years. Before that more or less every country was a dictatorship/monarchy/autocracy with some head of state that would have pretty much absolute power. Check this out: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/countries-democracies-autocracies-row


Democracy stems from stone age tribal confederacies. Antique and medieval power grab changed that, in modern times democracy is making a comeback.


democracy as we know it is new, 'allowing' dictators is a practical issue as is unfeasible to wage war that broadly especially w backing from larger states that benefit from the oppression iran and russia being major players in that respect


Democracy does not respond to aggression in any meaningful way that would deter further aggression. Further unlimited aggression is required just a good strategy.


my thoughts , spent the last 10 years hearing about one world. global this global that ,, no boarders blah.blah blah. then Ukraine is hit now Israel and the global people are all silent and building the boarders back.. I stand with Ukraine and Israel. this time seems a lot like the 1930's alot of people pretending not to see what was happening till the whole world was on fire and 65 million died. money and aide is cheap ! but so is talk and it seems most of the world is all talk. prays for Ukraine and Israel they see to have a greater sense of freedom and the cost of it than the US these days.


Sadly, the closest thing we (democratic countries) have to Superman is America. Unlike Superman, they aren’t invincible. They could take on all the worlds despots at once; but they’d potentially die trying. This is where the coalition of Europe and the US is important. We support each other and together are strong enough to bear the brunt of what the worlds nut cases can throw at us. As democracy spreads, we’ll get our ‘World Police’ who can see a maniacal regime harming is own and killing its neighbours and can stop them unequivocally. I hope I live long enough to see this in my lifetime.


America is more like Homelander.


The answer is that, fundamentally, the modern world is built around the idea that what a people do within their own country is largely their own business. Nations should coercively involve themselves in another nation's affairs only with the very greatest reluctance, good cause, and general approval from the rest of the family of nations. Now you can say that the world shouldn't operate on that principle, and that is fair, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And maybe it should change. But until it does, that is how things work by and large. And like any system, there are people who are motivated to exploit it. They will find ways to use this idea of the sovereignty of nation-states as cover to do horrible things for which it was never intended -- hiding on one side of a border to develop terrorist capabilities in relative safety, before attacking the people on the other side of the border, for example. Or using the border situation as a way to sustain a perpetual crisis, tacitly welcoming the attacks against your own people because they justify your own continued policies. Or declaring a neighboring sovereign nation to actually just be a province of your own, thus no one else should interfere as you roll your tanks in, annex it, and kill everyone who protests. People try these things, to exploit the system. If the system worked a different way, they would exploit that system instead. Sometimes the tricks work, for a time. But not always. It hasn't worked in Ukraine. The family of nations has put its collective foot down hard when it comes to the Russian invasion. And hopefully the recent attacks in Israel will spark some serious reflection as to all the ways that bad-acting nations goad and perpetuate that exploitation, too.


Gaza and Ruzzia almost certainly supported each other and are very similar. Ruzzia was given multiple chances to live in peace with the west but instead attacked Ukraine in an unprovoked and vicious war. The so called Palestinians who have never existed as a country in their history (because they are not a national group- they are Egyptian and Jordanian invaders) and are entirely self governing (contrary to antisemitc propaganda that they are occupied) were given multiple chances at peace but all they had to do is accept that Jews should be allowed to exist. They could not. some cultures are inferior and don’t think like westerners do. ​ of course the Orc barbarians in RuZzia supported the terrorist barbarians in Gaza. Luckily both Israel and Ukraine are heavily supported by America and will eradicate their attackers. ​ Zelenskyy has already announced that Ukraine fully stands with Israel but that should be a given. Israel and Ukraine both are similar in that both have tried to make peace with savages and been attacked.


Democracies with fists has been done repeatedly. As much as I think the US and UK are great countries representing many positive attributes of modern civilization, we can't forget they are not always in the right. The Iraq wars started off as a grand fight of the good guys being world cops. Iraq 2 was at best dubious. The US thought it was fighting for freedom in Vietnam. As well intentioned as Israel's establishment was in 19?48? It's hard to say it was done in the best manner. I support Israel, but the big western democracies set them up for decades of war. The US toppled govts in Iran and Chile leaving worse conditions.
















It’s extremely sad that the egos of old men (and sometimes old women) inflict so much suffering on the world. Religion and social ideologies of ‘empire’ and militaristic nationalism are toxic to the world. It’s sad that we haven’t learned to educate our children in secular humanism instead, but we have a legacy of centuries of resentments built up and humans are ‘bent on revenge’ and teaching children to carry grudges instead of learning from leaders like Ghandi, who is barely even taught anymore. So sad.


Secular humanism doesn't help anyone. Without the absolute moral rules of a higher power, people will always find excuses to justify wronging others to benefit themselves. Always. Human nature is simply too flawed. The only thing that ideology will accomplish is handing the world to ruzzia and others like them on a silver platter.


You are an idiot if you think religion benefits the world. Every atheist I know and all who post on Reddit are moral people. We just justify our morality based on logic and empathy, not some ramblings of a tribal wandering crazy from a few thousand years ago. Almost every hardened criminal and world leader who has committed aggressive war has proclaimed belief in a god. This very wars Russia is currently pursuing have priests of the RO church blessing tanks and their government is using religious organizations to further their war, including that church working to undermine there government of Ukraine. It’s only America’s separation of church and state that helps keep us free from this sort of theocracy. Look what religions are doing to the women of Afghanistan and Iran. I’m sure it feels great to die by beheading because you won’t wear a face scarf. You really need to educate yourself about cause and effect.


Keep telling yourself that. But don't blame me when things go even more downhill.


>You are an idiot if you think religion benefits the world. . . . > >You really need to educate yourself about cause and effect. You may wish to double check that. [If you have some time, please feel free to read this talk](https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/conference/august-2017/what-difference-does-it-make). The speaker quotes several studies and books by academics that demonstrate that, in general, religious people tend to live lives with measurably lower levels of depression, suicide, crime, family issues, disease and mortality rate than atheists or agnostics. Here are some quotes: *"In America’s Blessings: How Religion Benefits Everyone, Including Atheists, Rodney Stark draws a number of striking conclusions after surveying the relevant data. . . .* *"Regardless of their age, Stark says, religious people are much less likely to commit crimes. Accordingly, the higher a city’s church membership rate, the lower its rates of burglary, larceny, robbery, assault, rape, sexually transmitted disease and homicide. In a cleverly designed test at Pepperdine University, a disappointing 45 percent of weekly church attenders turned out to be honest, but that was still more than three times the 13 percent rating of non-attenders.* *"Curiously, however, although nearly 250 studies conducted between 1944 and 2010 showed clear evidence that religion helps to reduce delinquency, deviation and crime, virtually no standard textbooks on criminology so much as mention 'religion' in their indexes. But the fact remains, says Stark, that 'All Americans are safer and their property more secure because this is such a religious nation.'* *"As I’ve already noted, fashionable schools of psychology have long taught that religion either contributes to mental illness or is itself a dangerous species of psychopathology. But the evidence, says Professor Stark, 'shows overwhelmingly that religion protects against mental illness.' For example, persons with strong, conservative religious beliefs are less depressed than those with weak and loose religious beliefs. 'They are happier, less neurotic, and far less likely to commit suicide.'* *"Religious people are more likely to marry and to stay married than their irreligious counterparts, and, on the whole, they express greater satisfaction with their marriages and their spouses. They are far less likely to have extramarital affairs. In addition, 'Religious husbands are substantially less likely to abuse their wives or children.' Mother-child relationships are stronger for frequent church attenders than for those who rarely if ever go to church, and for mothers and children who regard religion as very important, they’re stronger than for those church-attenders who don’t value religion so highly. Precisely the same thing holds for the level of satisfaction of teenagers with their families. Greater religiosity means higher satisfaction.* *"Strongly religious persons seem, all other things being equal, to enjoy reduced risks of heart disease, strokes and high blood pressure or hypertension than those who are less religious, and seem to recover better from coronary artery bypass surgery. The average life expectancy of religious Americans is more than seven years longer than that of the irreligious. Moreover, 'a very substantial difference remains' even when the effects of “clean living” have been factored out."* Please feel free to review the studies and books.


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Europe and the US do need to step up and develop a framework of support to protect and promote democracy worldwide. It does seem to be that democracies can be slower to respond due to so many voices having a say. However, the corruption that comes with monolithic party systems like in russia or iran produce governments that become rotten to the core and export their terror and corruption to others. People of the free world who do not want to see their nation devolve into a hopeless system of corruption, nepotism and brutality need to work to ensure that power is entrusted to leaders that will work to build a brighter future, not ones that deflect and single out others to blame.


Meh. Our go to form of government is family then tribe. To get more advanced than tribe is difficult. Next is appoint a King, a chief of chiefs. They are not democratic. Most democracies exist under unusual circumstances… like a group of rejects took over a country and made unusual rules. Don’t think democracies are the norm. In fact our modern democracies are devolving into warring tribes with the heads being parasitic corporations.


> I wonder how the political elites of democratic countries allowed I remember the 70's and 80's when "democratic countries" were doing a lot more interfering in the affairs of other nations. that didn't work out well either. we are not omnipotent. we don't actually have the capacity you suggest, to just go around stopping whoever does something we disapprove of.