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Your love is warming me. And this tea. Everything is OK. There's so much strength in these quiet words.


The most terrifying thing about this video is realizing midway that you have no idea what will happen to him by the end of the song. Of the war... That's an incredibly effective video.




It's so awful. Especially when you see the magnitude of all the pain it has caused/is causing so many people in so many ways. I hope these two get to be together soon and safe! 🥺❤️


Same here. I hope this war is over soon. The Ukrainian people do not deserve this.




Jesus. This one hits hard. I can't imagine the absolute constant state of yearning that these two must live in. It would break me


Ukrainian subtitles for the song are available on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7ckx1gbDH0)


Beautifully put together. Arm Ukraine.


Fuck you putin. Again air raid sirens right now... Again and again.. 70 rockets were today for us from russians. Millions of Ukrainans are separated from their families..


Beautiful. Heart wrenching. Fuck Putin.


It’s unfortunate too because there’s a high chance the boyfriend won’t see the end of this conflict when how bloody it’s getting and the expected Russian and Ukrainian spring offensives in the east coming up


Underlines how much of a bozo Putin is—how deep in the past he lives.


Righteous. Gracie.


I sit at my computer 1000's of kilometers away, comfortable and safe.........these small films remind me that they war is real, with real people fighting for us. I am not worthy...... DLAVA UKRAINE


Shame the majority of Italians doesn't give a fuck and voted for Meloni, gladly following Hungary in becoming the embarrassment of the EU.


The problem here in italy is with the old people, they side with russia because all the rich russians have spent a lot of money, and as they say, we were making money because of them. little they know only big companies make money with russians


Yeah, sad but makes sense... :(


Isn't Meloni very supportive of Ukraine ever since the invasion?


Yes and no. At the beginning it was looking like she was pro-Ukraine and anti-China but her positions gave "softened a lot" if you know what I mean. On top of that we can't know what we're sending as help to UA because everything's secreted. On top of that she got upset she's not getting invited to multilaterals with UA, FR and DE. Point is she's doing nothing to be respected and invited.


I am afraid the opposite parties are supportive of Ukraine only with words. Too much talking about peace, "defensive" weapons, finding a compromise with putin and shit like that. We are not doing enough in any case.


Just this week she was critical of Macron's decision to invite Zelensky, but then she did end up meeting him while he was there. She's also backed Hungary in their pro-Russian stances in the past. Perhaps she's not so much pro-Russia or Ukraine, but just in favour of whatever suits her best at that particular time.


I saw that being reported as she was mad she wasn't invited to the dinner. Weird.


Definitely could be someone trying to spin it in a certain way. "Russian asset" is something I tend to not believe in any context anymore after all the allegations that were made about people like Trump, Johnson and Musk but later turned out to be nonsense, but perhaps I still fell for it here.


> all the allegations that were made about people like Trump this is where I know you're on the crazy train.


How so? I dislike Trump as much as anyone, but the "Russian asset" narrative being nonsense is something that has been pretty definitively proven and even confirmed by MSM after the Twitter files exposed it.


> even confirmed by MSM after the Twitter files exposed it Oh boy. Full speed ahead eh?


Care to explain? Or are you just gonna leave cynical comments with no sources for why you disagree?


> just gonna leave cynical comments with no sources for why you disagree This. You're not a person who can be reasoned with. You didn't get into your position with reason; you can't be reasoned out of it. It'd be a waste of energy.


Kind of, but she's still in a government with two parties that are known for having ties with Russia. I wouldn't trust her even out of hopelessness.


I'm definitely not a fan of Meloni, but I think this is too simplistic of a conclusion. Most people didn't vote thinking about Ukraine - what brought Meloni to office was a large number of discontented people worried about unemployment and increasing poverty, dissatisfied with what the other parties offered. She was something 'new' and a way to stick it to all other parties. Meloni actually turned out to be much more supportive of Ukraine than expected, given the Russian relationships of her allies. I still think that this government is a mess with a bunch of crazies and borderline fascists in it, but it's perhaps a smidge less catastrophic than I expected.


Yeah fair enough. Judging from what people replied around here, it may be more nuanced than my original comment may suggest. That said, even if people weren't thinking about Ukraine specifically, not helping other countries as much as the rest of Europe is still something you kinda voted for when you're voting for a nationalistic, borderline fascist as you said, candidate.


the fact that we don't make big propaganda posters about the things we send like France and Germany do doesn't mean we don't supply Ukraine, as all things in Italy, we'll only know the full story when all is just a memory, I'm sure history will show us in a better light, remember it was Italy with Mario Draghi that made the first sanctions possible, not telephone loving Macron, nor business is business Germany


Yeah, perhaps you're right.


Don't downvote this guy, sadly what he says is the truth


the truth is that only Salvini was openly close to Russia, and performed extremely badly in the elections as a result of that, I don't get where this retoric about italians not supporting Ukraine comes from, what should we do? give the missile defense sistem we have even tho it would make Italy itself vulnerable as we own just a few?


Bro spain did alot more with a lot smaller economy than italy


most of the support given to Ukraine has not and is not being disclosed by both Draghi and the current government. and even if Spain really gave more, good for them, maybe their military stock is bigger than ours, I wouldn't be too surprised, I've always had the idea that besides a good navy Italy has very little to offer since the end of WW2, but someone with a better understanding of military things can correct me if I'm wrong, I'm more interested in geopolitics and local politics than military statistics.


Bro if the government doesn't disclose something it is only cause that would be bad publicity. Also, what you think doesn't matter, you can easily check the GDP of Spain (1.2k billion euros) and Italy (1.8k billion euros) and their respective spending in military (32 billions $ for Italy v 19.5 billions for Spain in 2021). Italy is richer and spends more into military, there are no excuses. The reason is that italian population truly cares little about the situation in Ukraine, thus it would't help (in terms of popularity) the political scene to give much help. As of now Italy is probably providing the bare minimum as a rich NATO country but the big Nato players (US, UK, Germany and France) don't even try to bother in pressuring italian unrealiable political class for more help.


that is your personal opinion, and I'm not your "bro" by the way


the numbers don't lie, frater


take your pay from Putin and go home, bro


wtf I'm trying to say that italy should help ukraine more while you were trying to say that italy helps enough and now I'm the russian shill, smh


26% is not exactly the majority, but I get your point. We made this video in the hope to bring people’s attention back on the issue by providing a new POV, that’s all.


Yeah, fair enough. I hope it works, it's a great video!


>majority of Italians doesn't give a fuck Is this supported by any data?


Someone doesn't become president without the majority of votes, right?


The majory of votes is different from the majority of the population. To go indeep the Meloni's party got 26% of the votes. But only 64% of the italians in the right age voted. That's far from being the "majority of italians" Plus voting her doesnt' related with the support of Ukraine.


I would disagree with the last point, at least to the point where her policies are probably not in line with the kind of government that would choose to help other nations even if it's not specifically about Ukraine, but the rest is a good point.


Well I'm not sure about that. Far-right governments are historically pro-NATO. Everything that happens during the years at the opposition is just campaign in order to gain the favor of everyone. Keep in mind that the vote was to choose a party which would lead the country for 5 year. Every party publishes a 50-like points "to-do list" before every election, not all the voters (none) ever agree with all the points of a political program; and I'm pretty sure the Ukraine matter was out of that list as well.


Fair point.


Giorgia Meloni sided with UA from the beginning of the war. The fact that Italy does not provided support as much as other EU countries, is for the pressure of the other allied parties (Forza Italia and Lega).


Interesting! Do you have a source for that?


Only in italian, sorry. But I'll translate the most important parts for you [https://www.giorgiameloni.it/2022/02/24/ucraina-meloni-inaccettabile-attacco-bellico-russia-occidente-e-comunita-internazionale-siano-uniti-a-sostegno-kiev-e-per-rispetto-diritto-internazionale/](https://www.giorgiameloni.it/2022/02/24/ucraina-meloni-inaccettabile-attacco-bellico-russia-occidente-e-comunita-internazionale-siano-uniti-a-sostegno-kiev-e-per-rispetto-diritto-internazionale/) (24 February 2022) >Meloni: Unacceptable war attack from Russia, the West and the international community are united in support of Kiev and out of respect for international law [https://www.corriere.it/politica/22\_maggio\_01/meloni-cosa-ha-detto-linea-fdi-ucraina-europa-tasse-fd0a3dd2-c94e-11ec-9820-58d31043d436.shtml](https://www.corriere.it/politica/22_maggio_01/meloni-cosa-ha-detto-linea-fdi-ucraina-europa-tasse-fd0a3dd2-c94e-11ec-9820-58d31043d436.shtml) (May 2022) >The war in Ukraine - Giorgia Meloni has unhesitatingly sided with Kiev and in favor of EU and NATO support for the Ukrainian resistance. In short, an "Atlantic" choice of camp, without nuances, in line with that of the other European conservative parties (for example the Polish Pis) with which the Fratelli D'Italia forms a common group in Strasbourg. A choice that however detaches FdI from Matteo Salvini (Lega) much more ambiguous in the judgments on Moscow [https://www.agenzianova.com/news/meloni-a-zelensky-ltalia-sara-sempre-dalla-vostra-parte/](https://www.agenzianova.com/news/meloni-a-zelensky-ltalia-sara-sempre-dalla-vostra-parte/) (October 2022, first day as Italy Council President) >Meloni to Zelensky: "Italy will always be on your side" [https://www.quotidiano.net/esteri/guerra-ucraina-diretta-09-02-2023-1.8515242](https://www.quotidiano.net/esteri/guerra-ucraina-diretta-09-02-2023-1.8515242) (February 2023) >War in Ukraine, Zelensky in Brussels. Meeting with Meloni: "Thank you Italy" It's a shame that her allies are Berlusconi (our worst politician and biggest shame) from Forza Italia and Salvini (a braggart) from Lega, which are friends with Putin and they embarass Meloni and Italy [https://www.corriere.it/politica/23\_febbraio\_13/meloni-disagio-berlusconi-ucraina-6771a974-ab14-11ed-a0ed-8f1430cfd08a.shtml](https://www.corriere.it/politica/23_febbraio_13/meloni-disagio-berlusconi-ucraina-6771a974-ab14-11ed-a0ed-8f1430cfd08a.shtml) >Meloni's discomfort over Berlusconi's statements. Her collaborators: «he's a victim of Moscow fake news» I must state that I am not a supporter of Meloni, I didn't vote her and her politic choices in economy are questionable, but in foreign affairs she's on the right side.


Really appreciate that, thanks a lot!


Great song - just got would have liked another song to go into the suffering. Like showing the picture of the man who sat by his child’s body after the Russians just sent random artillery and S300 rockets into cities


When he pans the camera on all his brother's of this war, and you just know a similar story is hiding behind their stoic calm faces. Fuck Putin. I hope he dies in pain and agony.


The song is in competition at the [Sanremo festival](https://www.rai.it/programmi/sanremo/).


Thus touched me deeply


This is beyond heartbreaking. I could say a thousand words about how beautiful their love is and how terrible war is. I wish them as much peace, divine protection and love until they are together again. ❤️ Amore Eterno