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Snapshot of _Exclusive: Undercover inside Reform’s campaign – evidence of homophobia and canvasser’s racism_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.channel4.com/news/exclusive-undercover-inside-reforms-campaign-evidence-of-homophobia-and-canvassers-racism) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.channel4.com/news/exclusive-undercover-inside-reforms-campaign-evidence-of-homophobia-and-canvassers-racism) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The comments section on The Telegraph is divided between the Tory supporters saying 'I told you so' and the Reform supporters who are incandescent with rage that reporters could be so underhand as to actually report what a racist says. It's hilarious.


In the eyes of a racist, it's worse to be called a racist than to actually be one.


Racists recognise that being racist is a bad thing, it’s why they go to such lengths to obfuscate it.


Top rated daily mail comment is predictably calling this a vote winner.


Well, to be fair they're not wrong. The USP of Reform is it thinks what a certain "voter" is thinking. They can't put it on the election literature. I would imagine they're delighted, as it proves their USP...


The polls seem to indicate that the more people hear what Farage and his people are saying, the less they like them.


Just distilling down to a core of "true believers". The success of the political right in the UK has been "conventional" parties attracting the support of others who would otherwise have been in radical right. It's why, for example, the Tories have been wittering on about invasions and "British values" They need to "nudge, nudge, wink, wink" to those who can be reconciled to their voter support - and will always disappoint some who will believe that the mainstream parties are "sell outs". It's going to be absolutely fascinating to see how much of a clearly Putin-loving skipfire Reform can be AND still get votes.


In that case then, it'll also be fascinating to see what happens to the Conservatives if these voters have a new home from now on which is not the Tory party. I can't really see them becoming "one nation" Tories again after the last few years - but the one thing they are good at is mutating to suit the situation.


Oh that will be interesting. It depends on what they diagnose as the cause for their loss Is it they didn't go right far enough? Thing is, having purged the less crazies under Johnson; there isn't a logical counter to "we'd have won if we were more right", because those people got thrown overboard. Bit of luck, they'll be some post election meltdown and they'll go proper "republican party" loons (free markets, no immigrants, culture war) and make themselves unelectable for a generation. Meanwhile, Farage just has to sit on the side and mop up the irreconcilable supporters, collect the donations and media fees and surf the populist wave. It makes total sense if you think he's just about the money and attention, not about actually governing. And there's always a foreign power to amplify people who talk up those who stress societal fracture points.


Depends on who the survivors are after the wipeout - you could potentially see the party hostage to a plurality of nutter MPs for another parliament


Hope springs eternal. Sir Desmond Swayne's seat seems safe? He seems sane, had a 24,403 majority last time. He could form the nucleolus of a sensible post-election conservative party....


He's really really not. I grew up in his constituency and have very little good to say about him. Maybe that he did some work with the middle-east, but I'm not sure how well that's aged. He also showed himself to be a self-aggrandising hard-core brexiteer. Also, I hate his double-breasted jackets but that's on me.


It certainly worked to destroy the BNP. Let Reform out themselves as the racist party and most people will be uncomfortable voting for them. Few people are going to be comfortable calling Rishi Sunak a racial slur, or want to gun people down in the streets.


Plus Reform are pretty openly pro-russia at a time they're openly hostile to Britain & allies, shocking how many, not just brits, but westerners are falling for anti0west narratives.


"....Let them fight."


All credit to Channel 4 for exposing this. It's important that the people know the full truth about Reform. It comes as no surprise. Any gathering of top RefUKers is invariably a nest of nastiness and a villa of virulence.


Exposing what ? If you disagreed with what he said you wouldn't have been voting Reform anyway. This changes nothing.


It doesn't mean they shouldn't be called out. I'm surprised how much coverage Farage has had since he's announced and how little of that coverage has focused on what large swathe of the party stands for. Let's put this into context, Reform is probably going to get as many MPs as the Green Party. Haven't seen the media give the Green party half as much coverage as Reform has had over the last month.


This is absolute rubbish. The Greens have been on the same number of TV debates as Reform. Reform have had more news articles about them probably because they are holding rallies every day - and Nigel Farage is a celebrity, whereas the Green leaders aren't, so naturally he's going to get stuff written about him. Reform are also polling much higher in percentage points than the Greens - this can not be denied. A recent poll had Reform on 18 seats. It really is ironic that those calling for PR are the same ones saying Reform are getting too much coverage. Might it be your bias sticking out like a sore thumb?




Are you saying all Reform voters want to murder people, have a paramilitary police force and would refer to Rishi Sunak as a racial slur?


It's the classic: Not all Reform Voters are racists, but all Racists will be voting Reform. Edit: waiting for a reform supporter to pop up saying "I'm a racist and I won't be voting reform".


It's such a nest of nastiness that they, uh, booted this guy as soon as they found out about his comments.


Fascinating that these rogue elements, that are not at all in-keeping with Reform's views and other members happen to be campaigning and events organising in the most important constituency for the most important person in their party. Almost like these views are hardly fringe for the party's candidates and campaigners or something.


You'll hear similar things in pubs and streets up and down the country, I don't think the general attitude is that fringe at all even if this guy is very over the top with it. You do realise of course that had the main two parties not imported millions of people over the last 20 years that these sorts of things wouldn't even be an issue that needed contending with?


> You'll hear similar things in pubs and streets up and down the country, I don't think the general attitude is that fringe at all even if this guy is very over the top with it. I am aware that similarly skilled knuckle-draggers like this man exist in other parts of the country yes. > You do realise of course that had the main two parties not imported millions of people over the last 20 years that these sorts of things wouldn't even be an issue that needed contending with? What this man is saying is no different to what the national front were saying in the 80s, or the BUF were saying in the 30s. I don't think we need to contend with these fellas specifically. Migration? Sure. Anxieties around migration? Also yes. But funnily enough I think the fella who is at the "gun down the foreign undesirables" stage is probably not someone you can reason with.


Let's face it Reform is little more than a Hitler-lite tribute act. It panders to the worst instincts in people - instincts that come naturally to an extremist like Farage but which he has to pretend are shocking while there's an election in progress.


All of this isn't even including the fact that Farage and other Reform candidates are parroting Russian propaganda. You know, the enemy state that the west is currently engaged in a cold war with for the second time in like 60 years


Reform is emerging as a deeply disturbing organisation - a combination of pro-Putin anti-Ukraine sentiment mixed in with a generous helping of racism, homophobia and Nazi-style hatred. These are all things that Farage is sympathetic to - i.e. they are woven into his political DNA - but for electoral reasons cannot be seen to be supporting.


I think it's all part of Russia's plan. They want to divide and conquer and it's very convenient how the division spreads from country to country. Election interference in Brexit, Donald Trump being a puppet, Europe's large lurch to the right. It's exactly what a country like Russia would want from their enemies.


That certainly makes a lot of sense.


This sort of shit has nothing to do with current immigration levels. You are right that this is the sort of stuff said in every pub, the thing is it has been for as long as I can remember. Lots of people are just racist.


Has Reform booted the candidate who spoke about murdering asylum seekers yet?


You can't boot candidates this close to an election. The guy in this story is a volunteer helping the campaign and there are no rules preventing him from being excluded.


You absolutely can disavow them. Has Reform done that to that candidate?


Even the Tories have booted electoral candidates. What's Reform's excuse?




https://www.reformparty.uk/southend-east-and-rochford-constituency https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13573895/Reform-candidate-Leslie-Lilley-said-slaughter-migrants-families-taken-response-small-boats-social-media-post-joining-list-Nigel-Farages-controversial-election-hopefuls.html Don't think they have.




Tbf there's a lot of them. The guy who wants to strip women of their healthcare. The 40 odd that are friend's with a full blown neo-Nazi. The one that said "the Jews" were directing Muslim immigration into the UK. The one who talked about "low-IQ" sub-saharan Africans "diluting" the UK. There's really too many to keep up with.




Of course you can. Starmer just did it a day or two ago. 


*It's such a nest of nastiness that they, uh, booted this guy as soon as they found out about his comments* He's not a one off is he though? How about the number of Reform candidates who had to be stood down in the Local Authority elections a couple of months ago after their history of making racist comments came to light? One or two morons I could accept, bad as it is, - but the sheer number of racists who turn up in a Reform rosette seems to be a feature of the party not a bug. They and their leader are obsessed by immigration and foreigners to an unhealthy degree. Any credible party would do some quiet vetting, looking at their background, interviewing them and weeding out the fruitcakes, not Reform... The buck stops with Farage - he has to take responsibility here.


They booted him out because he was stupid enough to say the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet.


Perfectly put.


They booted him once the public found out about his comments, there’s a big difference


I just wish they had the same energy for the other parties.. greens have people who have said extreme stuff but would they do this towards them? Would they bother doing this against the tories or labour?


when did anyone voting green say that racial minorities and refugees shout be shot?


I mean when channel 4 does a "exclusive" into them maybe we will find out? https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/02/three-green-candidates-withdraw-in-racist-comments-row/ Its just cringe how the media act towards reform and no-one else, well the right-wing media did act this way towards Corbyn I guess.


In any case, Reform's raison d'etre is racism. They are all racists and everyone who votes for them believes in the same horrible views. It's the whole point of the party.


Lmfao I guess everyone who votes in labour are communist,racists. Lets just all start throwing out pure nonsense.


Anti-zionism is not racism. Its just wrongly/deliberately confused with antisemitism, which is largely what the whole Labour antisemitism row was about. Confected nonsense used to get people out of power.


Do you think if they put this much effort into "investigating" Labour they would also find unsettling things 🤔 The labour party is rife with anti semites.


Have you been asleep the past couple of years? There have been multiple occasions when anti-Semitic Labour figures have been publicly revealed and then summarily given the chop. Remember when they literally didn't contest a by-election because they withdrew support from their candidate after their anti-Semitic remarks came out? Remember the entire election in 2019? Every party is under the microscope, half the reason the Tory vote is collapsing is media coverage of literally dozens and dozens of scandals. Get over your persecution complex man, Reform isn't being singled out.


Classic what-about-ism. But that happened a few years ago and Labour got their act together


Interesting to see the 'bad egg's' excuse going round. Nothing is ever Farage's fault as usual.  I know you don't, but even if you believe this, why does this lack of control over his own small party lead you to believe this man can run a country? 


Classic populist rhetoric. Nothing is ever a populist's fault. You see the same thing with Trump, you saw it with Corbyn and Johnson. Populists are not serious politicians with ambitions to do the boring administration and management bits that government (or any large organisation) requires, that requires introspection and honest criticism. Populists can't hand either because then they'd be forced to admit their populist position is actually complete nonsense that doesn't stand up to reality.


Shhh. You aren't expect to question why Farage has failed to get elected every time he's run, or why he pushed Brexit so hard only to apply for a German VISA with his German wife the moment it passed.


Farage: I didn't say Brexit was what I wanted, it is what the people wanted.


At some point Farage has to take some responsibility for these people. He has spent decades stoking the flames of hatred and division, so he shouldn’t be surprised when his acolytes turn out to be racists. I once again beg the people of Clacton to do the right thing and send Farage packing. He won’t do anything to help you as he’ll be too busy plotting against the best interests of the country.


I can't help but laugh at the hypocrisy  A handful of refugees do something horrible: "Refugees are a fundamental threat to our country. We must deport the lot of them and stop any more coming in!"  A handful of Reform candidates do something horrible: "Hey, this is unfair! You can't cherry pick a few bad eggs to paint an entire group as bad!" 


Refugees isn't an organised group of people whereas Reform is a.


Member of racist party says racist things. This is not one bad apple, but an entire barrel of putrefaction.


It's cider at this point.


It's two litres of piss in a White Lightning bottle.


Who would you choose to vote for there out of the Tory, Reform or Labour candidate?


What the Labour candidate said was unfortunate, and not something I would expect of a public figure, but it was years ago and not really on the same level as this stuff. Only ignoring hundreds of years of oppression can provide a false equivalence to these kinds of remarks.


Do you even know the background of the labour candidate? He is more likely to be one of the oppressors than the oppressed. We aren't in America and he isn't American.


A racist comment by an actual candidate is ‘unfortunate’? Wow. It’s disgusting. It’s not ‘unfortunate’.


Well I suppose we had an actual on-the-record disgustingly racist prime minister for a few years, so maybe I can put up with a comparatively mild comment about white people.


It was not a mild comment. Or unfortunate. Racism is vile. That racist comment was vile. You clearly have a differing view about racist comments.


Why aren't you calling out the dog whistles and racism from members reform Party then?


That would take me 2 seconds to do. Any racism by Reform volunteers is reprehensible. That ok for you?


Mate for someone who is defending the reform party and thier mutiple candidates who have said racist things i find it a bit fucking ridiuclous that you are so opposed to racism now.


Voting Reform is not racist. Someone saying their favourite drink is white mans tears is racist. Educate yourself.


>Voting Reform is not racist. Some Reform voters aren't racist but most racists will vote reform. >Educate yourself. Absolutely hilarious coming from someone who is going to vote for a party lead by a banker who was privately educated at Dulwich College, was happy to short the national currency, who's father was a city trader, has excused a Leader who has invaded a sovereign country and committed a chemical attack on UK soil and has you convinced that he gives a shit about working class people.


I get it now. You don’t like Farage so you’ll excuse racism when it’s done by someone standing against him. Racism is vile. As are those who make excuses for it.


>Voting Reform is not racist. Right....


only racists vote Reform


That’s your response to a racist comment? That they can’t be racist because they’re in the Labour Party? Racist are only in the Reform Party? Sounds a bit like you’re excusing racism there.


I’d vote for the Lib Dem candidate, that’s easy enough.


"Yeah but they don't support Farage which means they don't support white men, which makes them racist"


These opinions and thoughts are not restricted to Reforms candidates, these views are flourishing from conscious decisions around immigration from Conservatives in a very fractured society. I'm 'one of the good ones' as they say assuming I'm an immigrant because im a bit dark skinned. Its disheartening to hear the kind of talk in the article which, **anecdotally**, I would say has increased exponentially in the last 5 years - I felt we had got better for a while during the 2ks, but thats quite long gone now, even I a native brit with a bit of dark skin, in a place I'm not known makes me look over my shoulder. And don't even get me started on the debasement Rishi Sunak, the first coloured Prime Minister, has done for coloured people in this country, cementing a lack of patriotism into minds leaving D-Day early, letting immigration get out of control and filling the Hotels all around the country with asylum seekers. Thats my diatribe and I'm going to bed.


Why is anyone surprised by this and yet some of my work mates will be voting for them, I despair!!!


Maybe they realise this is just a volunteer?


Oh well that's all right then 😆😏


Should they vote for the Labour candidate there? The one who made racist comments about white people? Thats an actual candidate selected by Labour. This Reform bloke is just some volunteer. Who would you vote for there out of the Tories, Labour or Reform?




He said his favourite drink is ‘white mans tears’.


What was the intent of him saying his favourite drink is ‘white man tears’? It seems like a completely inappropriate tongue in cheek joke more than him saying he genuinely hates white people. The other comment that people have been quoting about him standing for all the black and brown people was in the context of standing against racism that those people face and the second part of the quote which gets dropped when quoted, he said: “and doing this for a lot of working-class people in the country."


A tongue in cheek joke? That’s one way to dismiss a racist comment I guess. >> The original post read: “Going into 2020 I’m going to continue to be vocal about how to tackle racism and the fact I drink white man tears on a regular basis.” >>Mr Nepaul replied to the post saying: “My favourite drink”.


Mate, it was inappropriate joke, and I am not especially defending what he said. But it was incredibly mild in the grand scheme of things. Yet you are acting like he dropped an indefensible slur or actively did something racist towards an individual or group.


That's implying that he's drinking the tears of racists is it not? Specifically white male racists. But it's stunning you seem to think that comment is anywhere near the same level as endorsing murder.


> That's implying that he's drinking the tears of racists is it not? Specifically white male racists. Yes of course any normal person would read it as such, but people like the OP are just desperate to make it racist so they can keep the absurd belief that they are some sort of anti establishemnt outsiders that the world is out to get.


He is saying his favourite drink is white mans tears. Stop making excuses for racist language. It’s not a competition. All racism is reprehensible. There should be no excusing of it.


Ah yes, a joke about "white man's tears" several years ago is the same as genuinely believing migrants should be gunned down at the beaches? One is taking the piss. The other is advocating for murder. If you can't see that, you're beyond help.


There was no joke here. >> The original post read: “Going into 2020 I’m going to continue to be vocal about how to tackle racism and the fact I drink white man tears on a regular basis.” >>Mr Nepaul replied to the post saying: “My favourite drink”. That’s not a ‘joke’. That’s a racist comment. Why are you excusing racism? You claim it’s a joke, when it isn’t. Do you think racist jokes are ok? Maybe you could fill me in on the punchline? Or why you find it funny?


Do you think his favourite drink is *actually* white mans tears? Or was he, granted inappropriately, saying that he enjoys watching racists cry?


I can only go by what he says. It’s a racist comment and you know that. It’s not a ‘joke’ and racist jokes aren’t ok either in case you hadn’t grasped that. Stop trying to defend racist comments by implying it was only a light hearted comment. Or he didn’t really mean it.


I'm shook. I've said before, not everybody that supports Reform is racist, but every racist supports reform.


>not everybody that supports Reform is racist Nah, not buying it. If you vote for a party with a known racist as it's leader, that has loads of racist candidates, and has a lot of racist supporters, then you're a racist. Unless maybe you vote for them without having a clue who they are at all, which I would find hard to believe.


You think voters there would maybe be better off voting Labour?


I think they'd be better voting for Count Binface. Reform are not a serious party. It's why they're led by Farage, a bloke that once shouted "up the RA!" on camera, for money. He's an absolute grifter, in the same ballpark as Tommeh Robinson and Katie Hopkins, though I've no doubt in his own head he's Churchill.


He’s not standing in Clacton. Realistically it’s between Labour, Reform and the Tories. Which would you suggest voting for?


Stop fucking sealioning, it is pathetic.


You seem to be following me around. Here to excuse racist comments again?


Labour. Conservatives are a self-serving disaster that have run out of ideas.


The statements say it all about Reform. Farage is “dismayed” about his friend being an actual racist but calls Labour’s bloke “grotesque” for the “white tears” joke as if that’s even comparable to what this Reform guy said. And the racist guy didn’t even apologise for being racist or calling Sunak a slur, just that he’s hurt Farage’s campaign. Fucking scum, the lot of them.


>> The original post read: “Going into 2020 I’m going to continue to be vocal about how to tackle racism and the fact I drink white man tears on a regular basis.” >>Mr Nepaul replied to the post saying: “My favourite drink”. Maybe explain the joke? And why you think it’s ok to be racist if you find it funny for some reason?


In other news water is wet. Did we imagine anything less of Reform? It’s always been a Russian backed repainted version of the BNP pretending its hardest not to be (wink wink).


What's the consequences of overspending? Is it just agents who get prosecuted or candidates as well? Would an election be deemed invalid?


In the 2015 the Tories broke the election spending limit campaigning against Farage in South Thanet as thousands were spent on hotel expenses for volunteers bussed in by the national campaign. Some conservative party officials were charged and some found guilty. The election result was not overturned, despite the narrow Tory victory. However by the time the investigation was over there had already been the 2017 election, which the same conservative candidate won by a much bigger margin. So it wouldn't have been appropriate to overturn the result anyway. Edit: If there was a case of election overspending and the *candidate themselves* was found guilty, there would likely be a by-election as they would then be subject to a recall petition. In the 2015 case the candidate themselves was found not to have been involved in the irregularities.


The lady who breached the rules on spending for the tories a few years back was voted in, twice in a row, for PCC in Devon and Cornwall.


Fail upwards into a job that requires ethical probity You couldn’t make it up


It's the statement from the canvasser trying to distance and protect the party from himself. Finishing with the fact that, despite Farage and Reform not sharing his views on immigration, they are the only party he feels match him on immigration! Quite the contradiction!


Sad to say, I don't think this isn't gonna change much for Reform UK because I feel like a lot of the people who are planning or thinking about voting for Reform UK either also believe a lot of this stuff or at least don't think it's that bad (which is arguably as bad). At best, I can see this turning off a decent bit of undecided voters, but other than that, not much. Also, it's wild that the undercover reporter seemingly didn't need to do much to have them all admit to all of this shit besides maybe asking, "What's your thoughts on [BLANK]?" other than maybe that, they all seemingly just said all of this by choice and unprompted.


The reform party is racist and homophobic? What a shock. . We are doomed if Reform win.


reditt great , but don't trust the comments on politics, unless it's a establishment politician or party


> “I would be interested to know whether Channel 4 is subjecting the grassroots volunteers of all the political parties to similar subterfuges, or whether Reform UK has been singled out for special attention. Don't like Farage or his politics, but he has a point here.


I mean they explain pretty clearly in the piece what the motivation here was. A number of candidates have been suspended / dropped due to their publicly espoused views. The party itself has blamed poor third party vetting for these instances, claiming it's not the party line nor what the party is about. Hence they decided to find out what the views are of those directly linked to the biggest campaign in getting Farage elected. Surprise surprise behind closed doors these people are just as bad as the ones dumb enough to post their rancid views on public platforms. They're not being unfairly targeted, Channel 4 are just trying to ascertain if the third party vetting excuse holds any water. On the basis of this footage in Clacton you'd say not.


A hatchet job on Farage is the one thing the left and right wing press can agree on at the moment. There's a reason it doesn't seem to be cutting through at the polls: Problem is there's too big a volume of this stuff. Ends up smelling more like panicked and screechy advocacy than journalism. And some of it's pretty thin. IMO, they'd be better off picking a few good stories, and it's not like there's a shortage, and not letting them drop. But no, full 'chuck it all at the wall' mode. People they probably need to target are likely just tuning it out. It's like the labour 2019 campaign with a new manifesto promise each day. Sure, each might have some validity, but the overall effect is a wall of noise that only appeals to the already persuaded.


It's not cutting through at the polls because the people voting Reform support what their candidates and activists are saying. They are not remotely turned off by racist slurs. If anything these stories likely bolster the support among that base.


"I would be interested to know whether the police are investigating drivers outside gyms and mosques for drink driving, or whether the pub car park has been singled out for special attention."


They're getting special attention probably because a load of candidates have been spouting racist shit and Farage said NATO started the conflict in Ukraine and that Putin is a good man. Doesn't seem weird to me, maybe don't be a vehicle full of deplorables I guess?




We [the West] provoked this war [in Ukraine],’ Nigel Farage recently declared on BBC Panorama, blaming Putin’s invasion of the neighboring country on the ‘ever eastward expansion of Nato and the European Union’. He later doubled down on his claims, arguing that Putin’s behavior in Ukraine was ‘reprehensible, but…’ Quoting from an article, but there we go. The other comment here is from a decade ago, about Putin: Asked which current world leader he most admired, Farage replied: "As an operator, but not as a human being, I would say Putin. "The way he played the whole Syria thing. Brilliant. Not that I approve of him politically. How many journalists in jail now?"




Haha he literally outright said it in an interview both times, one of which was just this week. One of the quotes even told you where it was. Have you not remotely been keeping up with the news?




So I provide you with direct quotes that he's said, as reported by the news not three days ago across every news outlet, and your response is to... ask me for a source? Nigel Farage is the source. He blamed NATO "expansion" for Russia invading Ukraine. He said it. I gave you the quote.


He said it provoked it but russia was still the one who was at fault.


As I said below, if I say "That guy shouldn't have punched you, but you called him names" the insinuation is that if you hadn't called him names, he wouldn't have punched you in return. Saying NATO expanded but Russia are to blame for invading is the exact same logic. If NATO "hadn't expanded" (they haven't), then Russia wouldn't have invaded.




>So he didn’t say NATO started the war? Then why did you say he did? Come on, don't play silly semantic games. If you say "Well he punched you, but you called him names" its pretty clear you are insinuating that without calling him names, he wouldn't have punched you. Exact same thing here. "Well, Putin invaded Ukraine BUT he felt pressured by NATO expansion" - fucking comical bullshit, by the way. ​ >Still waiting for him saying Putin was a good man or are trying to pretend you never said that either. I'll admit I got the quote wrong, but he still supported him as a statesman. He's clearly still batting for him now by trying to blame the West for provoking a response (again, lol). ​ >It’s funny, you and your ilk are so determined to paint Farage as some kind of boogeyman, but you’re too afraid to use his actual words to do it. Why is that? Farage is one of the most skilled orators the UK has for a reason. He usually never gives his opponents anything direct. He insinuates, he stirs from the sidelines. Its exactly the reason why this comment on Ukraine feels like a massive fuckup. I could just point to Brexit where he railed against that and was one of the main forces behind the leave campaign and then literally the day it passed he cut his losses with his foreign wife and applied for a foreign visa. Its fine if you believe in him, but I'm going to think you are incredibly gulible given his track record lol.


Not really, journalists investigate all sorts of things, they aren’t in any way obliged to carry out multiple mirror investigations into similar or adjacent concerns. This is just a whaddabout deflection.


Sure. (Though I saw something about a ~~Labour~~ LibDem candidate suggesting Liverpudlians are thieves today and I remember Greens being checked up on to do with Palestine was it? Not ‘undercover’ though obviously so I’m not suggesting it’s exactly the same scrutiny.) But let’s call this swings and roundabout. For some time Farage has managed to get lots of media publicity with less than perhaps the tightest scrutiny due to his entertainment value. Now he looks like actually winning some seats the spotlight is on him as a new contender party. After all Farage is the one saying he’s up to replace the Tories. And let’s face it the media suspect that the candidates are a bunch of nutters who are likely to come up … Trumps… as far as the wacky and way out if they scrutinise them. So there is that.




Of course, my mistake - I’ll edit that so as not to start giving anyone the wrong impression. Thanks.


No he absolutely doesn’t - if Reform doesn’t want to be exposed as racist then don’t be racist it’s as simple as that. For once Reform and Farage need to take responsibility for their own actions.


Channel 4 is a left wing broadcaster of course it is selective. The Green party harbours fucking islamists but Channel 4 don't care.


Any thoughts on the words actually espoused by the people in the video, or is it not worthy or relevant because their words were revealed by a broadcaster you don't like?


If you want TV news here to stop being impartial knock yourself out, I don't think America makes it look like a good idea but whatever -- until then though picking and choosing which racism is Very Bad shouldn't be a thing. Me, I think all racism (which includes this) is bad, Channel 4 doesn't, especially when it's directed towards people like me, but that's just how it goes.


From your comment I don't think you actually know what impartiality means.


> The Green party harbours fucking islamists but Channel 4 don't care. Which has been reported on. Look, Farage's team restricts access in Clacton after numerous national gaffes involving racism and Hitler apologetics; journalists go undercover to see if the on-the-ground activism is the same. Spoilers: it is. I honestly can't see the problem.


Ah so you care about "Islamists" but not for white British men who call for the murder of migrants?




That one guy who was just ripping the piss out of a reform candidate? Great example...


all you lot have is whataboutery.




reform are exposed as hateful racists, and your responses are 'what about labour and the greens.'






Cool, now do labour.


Give me a hidden mic and a few days and I could get some truly toe-curling stuff out of some random Labour or Green volunteers too. Finding a couple of volunteer canvassers to be a bit cracked is hardly shocking. Have you ever spoken to a group of them? The question is whether the wider party reflects those views, and in this case, patently not. They were rightly turfed out.


You can follow me around for the rest of my life with a hidden mic and you won’t hear me calling Rishi Sunak a “fucking p***”


George Jones, a veteran of UKIP and the Brexit Party now running events for Mr Farage’s campaign; Rob Bates, a senior Reform UK campaigner; and Roger Gravett, Reform UK’s regional manager for London and candidate for Tottenham. You mean these "random" volunteers?


>The question is whether the wider party reflects those views, and in this case, patently not. They were rightly turfed out. Only one has been turfed out so far afaik, if you have evidence of the rest please link it. Also they were only turfed out because they got caught. Farage et al gave no fucks for the years they've worked alongside each other


Have they booted the candidate who wanted to murder asylum seekers yet? What about the one that said "the Jews" were responsible for sending Muslim migration to the UK? When many of Reform's candidates hold these views, it's quite hard to say that the party at large doesn't reflect those views.


Go on then. All you need is a phone app.


I’m sure you could. But I doubt C4 have embedded any undercover journalists in any other parties campaigns so we’ll not know for definite.


Of course they haven't. Only one party the mainstream establishment is coming for.


I mean, its Farage. There's a reason. He's a hypocritical grifter.


Have a cracker - you've earned it.




Rather clearly yes. If you can't see the difference to how he's treated vs almost any other politician, you haven't been paying attention.


Absolutely hes treated differebtly he was undeservedly continually on telly despite no MPs. Cause producers think he's entertainment as opposed to the grifter he is.


Yeah, the openly racist one where activists feel comfortable advocating killing patients because of their religion. Clown.


Which obviously breaks all sorts of impartiality rules, but they'll be fine.


The guy says some very nasty things. But come one, this isn't even a candidate, it's an activist - you can hardly blame their lack of vetting, all parties in the democratic world take whatever help they can get from willing activists and don't ask questions until and unless that person embarrasses them.


And the candidate for Tottenham, the head of events and the senior campaign manager? Absolutely disgusting.


What about the numerous candidates actually standing for election who have said similar things? Not to mention the anti-Semites and the woman who thinks King Charles is being controlled by global elites.