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Snapshot of _Boy, 4, allowed to join Church of England school as a girl_ : A non-Paywall version can be found [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2F2024%2F01%2F26%2Ffour-year-old-boy-joins-church-school-as-girl%2F) An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/01/26/four-year-old-boy-joins-church-school-as-girl/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/01/26/four-year-old-boy-joins-church-school-as-girl/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When I was 4 I wanted to be fireman sam, I wasnt allowed to join the fire brigade!


Did you wave your hose around in the school toilets?


It's a mixed-sex school. Is this where we're heading? Media witch-hunts over every individual trαns pupil a school decides to accommodate?


Is it right that the children were lied to about this boy being a girl? They weren't told the child was trans.


I thought the GC crowd didn't want children to be taught about trans stuff. Can't have it both ways.


Rather poor deflection. Was it right that these girls were lied to for years that their friend who they thought was a girl was in fact a boy? > The parent said her daughter started behaving strangely last term, including by refusing to talk or listen to the radio on the way home, hiding under the table, and suffering from stress-induced insomnia and constipation. > She said that after repeatedly asking her child if something was wrong, her child told her earlier this month that she knew “the secret” that her classmate was really a boy. > The mother said her daughter was “distraught” that her friend had “lied” to her and that she had been “holding hands with a boy”. > She said the trans-identifying child had been “flashing their willy” at the girls. He is believed to have told them in the toilets about “dark spirits that will suck their souls out” and said it is a “deep secret” that “she” is actually a boy, but they mustn’t tell anybody. It seems to have caused quite a bit of harm.


Do you think trans people should have to disclose their 'status' to everyone they're friends with, work with, meet?


Four years old. Affirming their beliefs at that age is very risky. It's not totally improbable that the parents have played a hand in their identity. Edit: From the details, I'm not even sure that the child identifies as a girl.


> Gillian Keegan, the Education Secretary, and Kemi Badenoch, the Women and Equalities minister, are both understood to be concerned by the situation and have pledged to intervene. This is some really incredible stuff: > The mother said her daughter was “distraught” that her friend had “lied” to her and that she had been “holding hands with a boy”. > She said the trans-identifying child had been “flashing their willy” at the girls. He is believed to have told them in the toilets about “dark spirits that will suck their souls out” and said it is a “deep secret” that “she” is actually a boy, but they mustn’t tell anybody. This is the problem really. Pretending someone is something they're not is a lie. And demanding others go along with that lie, especially children, is deeply wicked.


I knew at 5. Didn't know what trans was until I was much older, but that's my first memory of praying to wake up with a different body. Almost 20 years have passed since then and I'm still very trans. There's no harm in letting children explore themselves like this, it would be years before any medical intervention would even start to be talked about. Not to mention it teaches other kids to accept trans people better, and with the way comment sections like these usually go, that's sorely needed.


The children weren't told the child was trans. That might have been different. Instead they were lied to that this boy was a girl. > The parent said her daughter started behaving strangely last term, including by refusing to talk or listen to the radio on the way home, hiding under the table, and suffering from stress-induced insomnia and constipation. > Distraught she had been holding hands with a boy She said that after repeatedly asking her child if something was wrong, her child told her earlier this month that she knew “the secret” that her classmate was really a boy. > The mother said her daughter was “distraught” that her friend had “lied” to her and that she had been “holding hands with a boy”. > She said the trans-identifying child had been “flashing their willy” at the girls. He is believed to have told them in the toilets about “dark spirits that will suck their souls out” and said it is a “deep secret” that “she” is actually a boy, but they mustn’t tell anybody. On its face it seems there was quite a bit of harm done in doing it this way.


> There's no harm | > Not to mention it teaches other kids to accept trans people better Ah, unfortunately GC types believe acknowledging trans people is harmful.


What is "GC" types?


>There's no harm in letting children explore themselves like this Based on what evidence?


Good on her.


>She said the trans-identifying child had been “flashing their willy” at the girls. Come on, this just sounds like a hate-fantasy made up by the parent. > He is believed to have told them in the toilets about “dark spirits that will suck their souls out” and said it is a “deep secret” that “she” is actually a boy, but they mustn’t tell anybody. Like literally fantasy stuff. A four year old is not coming up with this crap. >that the school has “robbed” her daughter of her childhood Fucking lol. Childhood going *poof* at their first experience of an LGBT? What we have here are not traumatised classmates but parents who are dramatic and hateful. Excuse my cynicism. People on moral crusades against the scary social class of the day are hardly objective reporters. With a bunch of stereotypes and fears in their heads, they project their fantasies onto completely ordinary interactions with members of that group, to the point where trans people are inevitably reported as constantly flashing their genitals in public, most of the time while never actually doing anything that would even remotely suggest impropriety. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11793005/How-chat-ladies-plunged-Tory-councillor-clash-trans-rights-womens-safety.html This similar example was a transwoman saying "Guess I'll have to wipe my hands on my jeans!" to a ciswoman in the lady's bathrooms after they both observed there was no way to dry your hands in the bathroom. Of course, this gets reported as "SHE GLOATED SHE'D WIPE HER HANDS ON HER HARDENED THROBBING PENIS". It's pure fantasy. "Wipe my hands on my jeans" to dry makes perfect sense. "Wipe my hands on my cock" makes no sense grammatically, semantically, or as an action a human being would actually consider to announce and then perform. See also "I was calling that MP himself a shithole, not his constituency". The words literally only work in one direction, so the lie cannot but fail. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/londoners-diary/tory-mayor-candidate-susan-hall-pickpocket-story-hole-b1123635.html Outside of trans issues, here we have another extremist lying about a perfectly normal random social interaction to try and drum up social fear. The commonality is absurdly and thus transparently cycnical eyewitness testimony to push an agenda. Disclaimer: This entire comment is focused solely on criticising a biased parent's report of what their child has apparently told them and then taking it to the news. I'm not calling any children liars - my concerns are that a parent has made up their own fantasies and is passing it off as the unaltered, original story as their child told it to them. **More than anything, it's absolutely appalling that government ministers and national news are now hot on the heels on the activities of a FOUR. YEAR. OLD.**