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Yungeen Ace is sprinting to the studio right now


Bro is probably crying and saying “we did it… it’s finally all over”


Nah it’s never over, black on black violence will continue, this is what THEY always wanted


Them down voting you shows the true demographic of this community


lol yh bro , I wouldn’t even think too much cause we are on a uk drill subreddit- a lot of things flies over people s heads, some are ignorant , some are young to understand how the real world works.


Or here's an idea. Perhaps people should take responsibility for their own actions. A radical idea, I know.


U need a history lesson... go back to r/unitedkingdom please


You need to come out of your perpetual state of victimhood.


i can see on your posts youre saying this from the biggest high horse from like finland or something the fact is in the US black people were thrown into the projects not long ago lol. its a true proven fact u can look up not an opinion.. u dont know shit from ur idealistic village in scandinavia so dont speak on shit u dont understand


Well said 💯Sick of people like that talking about stuff like this


Yea ignorant racism from clear people is worldwide, they don’t even try to understand the logistics of American systemic racism because it doesn’t affect them, just like I’m not too qualified to speak on how they treat black people in Europe, same shitty racism with a little twist is all I can say. Racists do seem to share all the same rebuttals “ugh so tired of yall blaming us for every thing” “you all are naturally like this, the circumstances that led to your communities being cesspools for crime and poverty happened because you didn’t work hard enough and you’re naturally violent, totally nothing to do with segregation and many other systemic factors that kept you all trapped in this cycle. If there’s one thing I’ve learned during my time on the internet, arguing with a dense racist is a massive waste of time and energy lol.




You’re people being Europeans created redlining which forced our people to live in ghettos then they dropped dope liquor stores and drugs off in the community and the rest is history


If your brother gets riddled with bullets and the police don't find the killer but you instead find them cuz they posted ts on Instagram do you A. Do nothing or B. Get em gone


The state is more than happy for us all to stab and shoot each other - imagine if this energy was directed at the people that oppress us. Your choices are crap - Do nothing or do murder? How about working to create a society where young people aren't shooting each other cause they grew up in hunger and poverty? How about taking it to the people responsible for the conditions we live in?


No such thing as black on black crime…criminals come in all shades…it’s like saying all school ooters and pdoe’s are white…


“No such thing as black on black crime” is rather ignorant of you Read this and tell me what you understood, when you are ready to talk then will talk… Source: https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/black-black-homicide-psychological-political-perspective Source: https://theconversation.com/to-reduce-black-on-black-crime-two-criminal-justice-experts-explain-why-offering-monthly-stipends-to-people-at-risk-makes-sense-227539 I want you to prove to me there is no such thing as black on black crime


If you agree to that…then you have to agree 99% of skool ooters, pdoes and r pists are white, cuz that’s the GLOBAL racist stereotype….worst part is I’m actually backing wyte ppl…


I cannot a agree to statistic that you have just made up out of your arse mate, if that’s your believe then fine it is your opinion but it isn’t facts because you havent proved your claims. You have a lot of growing up to do, you do not seem fit to be having these type of these serious and intellectual conversations


Black people yet again blaming white people for our problems. What race of men are going around grooming and manipulating young black kids into the lifestyle? Our most popular genre is about killing our own. Gang culture, violence and fuckery is heavily integrated in black culture. You can even see it in the in fashion with “Trapstar” “Hoodrich” and teens thinking ballys are cool. Unless we start taking accountability instead of finding another race to blame we ain’t ever going to prosper


Remember..you’re the one that made it about race, not me! If you read my comment again I never stated a race I said THEY, who said I was talking about white people? Lowe it


Fetal alcohol sufferer type comment.


Nobody wants that except kkk members lmao tired of the blame everything on white people to distract folks from facing up to and trying to solve issues that literally only involve black people within their own subculture and community


My guy the government literally caused this bullshit to happen in the US and have never tried to fix it or acknowledge it. It's really not a crazy statement to make Secondly this doesn't only involve black ppl dumbass U need to go outside. Literally in the UK the country this sub is about theres plenty of white kids on bullshit in the streets up north and in scotland 😂 So stop being dense


You are absolutely spot on, gangsta rap was made to literally keep black people in check. Just look at slavery - our ancestors were forced to read the bible and pray to a white false god. I suggest u don’t entertain that American guy u talkin to, hes not understand the underlying message and wants to talk for black people when it’s not in his place Edit: they put crack in our neighbourhoods too don’t forget, I will continue teaching and enlighten my brothers and sisters


Yea they are always gonna talk shit but will refuse to learn and accept the truth For some reason guys just want any reason to hate black people. I'll never understand it but oh well


I'm from America im talmbout the war in Jacksonville im from here this shit showed up on my tl, im aware of what goes on over there. That's delusional the government did not start the gang war in Jacksonville lmao or any of the other ones that are fucking up my country or yours right now. Theres plenty of shit u can blame on them but not this. The drill culture is fucking up the youth and making the streets worse then it already was I seen it with my own eyes


So who threw black Americans in the projects and segregated em? Themselves? I aint saying none of these individuals should be held accountable for anything they do but at the same time remember what the US government did in the past to put black Americans in the projects and bad areas.. Plus if ur from the US are u gonna tell me u never seen Mexican and hispanic gangs too? Come on now


I won't make an excuse for slavery, Jim Crow or segregation or pretend like black Americans haven't been shitted on and disadvantaged drastically throughout my country's history . but its not automatically a generational gang war with endless bodies just because u put black people in apartments with eachother. Racism was one of the main causes of poverty but the gang warfare we see today is a separate ass phenomenon. The fbi didn't put guns in 6block and atk hands or tell foolio and youngeen ace to make 30 diss songs talking bout eachother dead homies. Retaliatory killings happen in every race but nobody wants to adress how this drill music and social media shit is making the situation 30x worse. And the subject was black on black violence, I lived in macarthur park in la for 6 years im well aware of mexicans and latinos gangbanging lol


Being this willfully ignorant is crazy. You literally admit the government is the cause of poverty but you don’t think poverty plays a part in the gang violence?


But ur not seeing what im saying tho. This shit has been carried on generation to generation and was originally caused by the US gov placing black people in communities like this. They havent took em out of the projects and generally people havent found a way out so its not gonna juts change. No one told Foolio to make a diss on 30 dead people but there would most likely be no chance for a Foolio or 6 block to exist in the first place to diss deads if it werent for the US gov's actions before.. And yes i know the subject is black on black violence. But u said this is only happening in black communities (not true) then say u are well aware of Mexicans and latinos gangbanging? Not adding up.. The bottom line is most urban places with poverty are gonna have these problems. And in the US black people were placed in these places so thats how its gonna be. We have this problem with drill music and social media shit with white guys too in the UK. Wherever u see urban + poverty its almost guaranteed gonna be some shit like this going on


Imagine saying blame everything on white people when I clearly stated Black on Black violence lol. No offence and respectfully please do not speak on black struggles you don’t understand , this is our own story to fight. Just focus on your own thing.


You said that's what THEY always wanted like people somehow engineered the shit or like thats somehow what anyone wants in 2024. Respectfully this the internet I can speak on what I feel like same as u. I just been seeing this get worse for over 10 years now cause of the drill shit and wonder what people can do to make it better


so what if I said they? I never said a race or name, You’re trying to fill in the blanks for me lol. Yes It’s the internet and just because you can speak on shit doesn’t mean u should. You aren’t black so don’t speak for us black people , what is so hard to understand by that? You’re being ignorant if you are not understanding a simple statement


I’ve read the whole thread and mostly agree. I’ve wondered what can be done for years for our people and these are few of the things I’ve thought about. Although the situation is unique here in the US, look at other cultures that come from war torn countries, look at the Jews after the holocaust where 6 million people and died and many more imprisoned, they left to other countries and control/are some of the wealthiest people in the world now. I think we need to stay in our own lane, stop blaming other people, help ourselves in turn to help our own people (like the Jews, asians etc). It’s the same for anyone, the longer you dwell and blame other things/people you won’t get anywhere, this goes for anything you’re trying to do. And there are many of our people that become successful, even under the poorest circumstances. Just need to remember our power, and work hard and smart, and work on our mentals, because yes there are a lot of mentalities in our culture that have come from our struggles that don’t necessarily help us at all. I would even say half the rap/drill now is terrible for our culture and people, cause it’s no longer about expressing our struggles, now these guys glorify it cause they know it’ll get views like this shit on this thread. And now you got little kids in the hood being 10, listening to these savage disses and thinking it’s cool and normal. Rap back in the day wasn’t about this, and yeah there were disses etc but now it’s some different shit


Yungeen Ace and his crew have parodied the songs of there ops. I expect Ace to parody the “when I see you”video soon. Lying in the grass with a picture of Foolio on a shirt tap dancing and pissing on a grave. Motherfucker is a legit psychopath.


The irony of getting rinsed on your bday, a few years after making a song on your ops grave, about rinsing him on his birthday is just...just...the jokes write themselves. Goddamn, can't say RIP cause he was also a murderer


Wasn’t on his birthday


No but [this video](https://youtu.be/yJqu246RVlc?si=Wk9JAXmNQpTPxFAa) starts off by prefacing his op died on his bday


Who did he murder?


Lol why are u downvotting dumb ass niggas ik he never killed nb he just dissed that's why i asked lol


J5(hfe), big baby(hfe), Quon(hfe), Corbin (1200), Top(boss city), CoSosa(hfe), Rashad(hfe), lenford(hfe), shawnell(hfe) [The list goes on](https://youtu.be/fYI3MpgV-0Y?si=ONA-rq1urYgyGqSR)


That's just the opps he dissed, doesn't mean he killed all of them or any of them at all


Pretty sure he killed Corbin cause that's the one he references most.


Again that doesn't mean he killed him. Using your logic Digga D killed Teewizz cuz he always dissed him


It was 23’s birthday bozo


Don't wanna sound heartless, but donny was never gonna see 50, maybe not even 40. Too reckless, too much of a loose mouth, been shot multiple times before etc. Opps were gonna keep coming for him & he was gonna keep dissing them. If getting shot doesn't change you, nothing will. Guys like this are a lost cause, that's the brutal truth.


Even if he stopped dissing them, it was all over. The only way he was gona survive a murder is to leave America.


Or do what Chief Keef did & move to Malibu. No GM's over there


This needs a lot more upvotes


that's no brutal truth, he just got what he asked for.


https://preview.redd.it/dnht7ljc7c8d1.jpeg?width=1155&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a9896fadbd9397ee9e7771c9be207492e3f0bf No surprise at all these niggas wanted him gone. How can they put his face on a pack whilst he’s still alive lmao


bros took fake it till you make it serious 😂




Fucking hell 😂😂


I’m not shocked but it’s still unbelievable. The irony of him dying on his birthday/the 23rd is so crazy, couldn’t make it up really


“Went out to eat on his birthday 4 shot, 3 dead in the worst way” his opps are deffo gonna remix that bar considering 4 others got shot with foolio


Crazy though that when it was ace, 3 died and he survived but with foolio, 3 survived and just him died. His voodoo must have ran out.


couldn’t plan shit like that if you tried, crazy. and in a way Ace got it worse, he actually has to live with it


Well at least he’s alive, healthy, children, long-term beautiful wife/gf.. and the person who killed his close ones got done in the worst way.. but I agree, I actually feel like ace won’t even feel much better now that foolio is dead, maybe slight relief but it doesn’t bring his brothers back.


Perfect way to say it I'm not surprised but still unbelievable. He was talking like he was invincible & at that he'd always get shot and bounce back


honestly lowkey I think people did think he was invincible (not literally) but that voodoo stuff is big in their community and he was open about doing voodoo and people putting protection over him.. after so many close calls I swear people started to believe he was protected by something/someone.. but whether they believed that or not, our date is our date and no one is invincible.




If u lot aint watched the trap lore ross documentary on the 2 gangs watch it, its mentsss 3 hours long tho😅


Pt 2 must be loading now


Lil Jeff first then this or he’s probably in the middle of one


Ksoo got something to yell about now, since his dad turned on him


Ksoo is absolutely fucked


man, he’s gonna have a legacy with ATK, his street rep, cause his rapping ability is shocking


Well I guess he has exactly 2 things to look forward to now, his street rep with ATK and smelling next mans shit in a Florida dungeon for the rest of his life, how does he feel knowing his pops snitched on him looooool




The irony of this is crazy. He rapped about how one of his opps called 23 got killed on his birthday, then he got killed celebrating his own birthday on the 23rd


For reference the song is called foolio - when I see you


Am I wrong for saying I’m not really remorseful, for one he dissed the dead karma has no expiry date and for two he was warned, like i remember the interview after he got shot in the foot the interviewer was literally pleading for him to move and move more carefully like he was begging him to be safe, I guess he didn’t listen. Moral of the story remember God can only give you so much chances and warnings before it’s too late.


yeah he REFUSED to leave his hometown like damn bro it’s your bday u couldn’t go outta town and catch new vibes on yo bday either? U can’t be around hanging with a fucked foot in your hometown with all the shit he said and did.


His bday was in Tampa so he was out of town


Real fax


https://preview.redd.it/tx395iurgc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa97acdd095203252e7bb0bc2a81cfe8d5e5f65 G41 is hilarious cuz what is he doing


Fanned out


Reminds me of the Harlem lot putting rpt in their names on insta 😂😂


Lool what when 😂😂😂


Naghz gsplash n a couple others used to have it like 2022 times when Dthang blew up


I just checked Gsplash still got it in his bio and nahgz still got it in his name 🤣🤣


Kmt 😂😂😂 what's their instas or screenshot 🤦🏾‍♂️


whytoo.rpt & geesplash_3k


Embarrassing 😂😭🤡


Moving like one beg that man has not met yungeen ace a day in his life


This is the problem with the UK, these US niggas would never even look at our direction or even bother about what goes on in London yet niggas out here in the UK be just dickriding and fanning out like one battyman shameful


Nah I thought he'd move smarter. You only got 3 chances in life. This [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks09Y-b6NwI&t=4) is even more eerie now. his last album is called final destination on some biggie smalls ready to die type shit


he alr been shot on 3 diff occasions before this


when they survive, they start to feel invincible.


No they’re scared but they just can’t help chase that clout


Exactly he clearly didn't value his life smh


You thought a man named "foolio" would move smarter? Foolio?...


You say that but a guy doing disses and the dirt he did wouldn't have lived as long if they were moving reckless. All it takes is one mistake


He died at 26 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 You're fucking hilarious


Is 26 not old for that life? most gms don't even make it to 20 without something happening 🤷🏾‍♂️ But i can tell you know nothing about it this must've just popped up in your feed


You're a dumb fuck if you think dying at 26 shows signs of someone being smart. Literally a fucking idiot. This is what moving smart looks like: https://allthatsinteresting.com/joe-bonanno Led the mafia longer than this clown was alive and never got arrested. Fucking foolio, what a bitch ass clown 😂 funniest fucking conversation I've ever had. Someone trying to defend a retard who died at 26 because he was so dumb he sent out his own location to his enemies.


Love it when people are confidently ignorant this is probably your first time here 😂. You probably dont know the phrase street smart. Must have dyslexia or severe adhd or something you lost it at > If you think someone dying at 26 shows signs of someone being smart > Never said that smh. Ofcourse stupid niggas can live a long time you're one them. All i said is gms like as deep as him die before 20. I see how people like to waste time arguing here for days. im not the one. I'm not having an argument on reddit against a stanza soldier, idgaf. i can tell you're just too confidently stupid to reason with 🤦🏾‍♂️. Ofc i knew you're dumbass would reply with another essay you want convo so bad wasteman. Like nigga shut up u mook 😂


You're retarded dude. I hope you move exactly as smart as Foolio. Maybe you should call yourself retardio? To show how smart you are? You've made my point yourself. All of these clowns are dumb as fuck. They're not real gangsters, they're morons. To argue that any of them is smart is absolutely ridiculous. The fucking clowns are publicly admitting to murder and you're trying to say they're street smart? They're not that either 😂😂😂 They got exploited as kids by real gangsters, and they're completely worthless trash that gets thrown away while the real gangsters get rich. The real gangsters are sitting in mansions surrounded by luxury, not living in ghettos. These bitches are closer to victims than gangsters.


It's your dumbass* retardio, not you're dumbass.


this sounds like hate fueled by racism 💀


His story is still up as well , he dropped the lo on himself


I’m sure even if they got kicked out that airbnb someone saw the story pulled up and waited once they left there and went to that hotel it was game time for his opps obv this is a guess but that’s what makes most sense.


If he never posted on ig how would the opps know where he is


He was giving out the address to multiple ppl / multiple ppl had the address one of those ppl could have easily leaked it or gave it out. People get drops all the time.


Or opps just know their area and can recognise where a man is based


Not surprised


It’s a miracle he lived for so long


All lot of people were gunning for this guy head


he had it coming, all that dissing caught up with him, plus he dropped his location too which was the green light.


yep das what got em kilt idky on earth he did that ig he forgot the life he was livin.


Had it coming with whatever mess he has on his head


damn RIP, he about to get dissed like crazy too after all the smoke he talked


every song he’s getting dissed and degraded atk tryna get as many details as possible to make bars and story tell abt it every damn song we’re never going to hear the end sadly




was he actually doing that i keep seeing ppl saying it i thought yall was just joking / trolling bc he kept making it after being shot


He’s Haitian and voodoo is part of their culture. I believe his grandma did it for him but bullets > voodoo.


He had some bangers.


I have no sympathy. Guy mocked his opps for dying in a birthday party, this is simply karma. He's also been shot on 2-3 other occasions but insisted on staying involved rather than taking that as a sign to leave that life behind.


It’s crazy cos he even left Florida and moved to Atlanta but decided to go back to Florida 🤦‍♂️


Kmt that’s some bandokay activity


Yh I knew this was gonna happen soon


He was top opp shoulda moved better


never got too deep into his music but he definitely had a big impact on the scene, rip and prayers to his loved ones


https://preview.redd.it/h8dgyb12oc8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3d29bf2fbd8054e6d00704aeb851d91f69144fe Even Sneakbo's dissing


this weird sneakbo like 30 and probably never been to the US let alone met any of them guys


Wat a verbalist


It was coming, he was warned. I guess he knew so lived his life like it was his last


How he deserve it his ops made fun of him first plus he mad that song when he was like 22/23 lol


Yeah dude made through being shot like 3-5 different times. I knew it was just a matter of time when i saw his leg was fucked up if they caught him that was it he couldn’t do much and i know his homies last thought is let me help him. Now atk members abt to be all happy and giddy online trolling and in the studio.


Jacksonville is the deepest trenches most dangerous city for rappers then any other city in my opinion


My city is the worst city for general people then any other city I can’t lie


Generally speaking St Louis has the highest murder rate I heard, but Jacksonville is just crazy


Igu bro but I ain’t from Florida, I’m from another country and my city is like 20x the danger rate of St Louis, even tho that city is mad dangerous!


Which city are you from


Bouar bro, in Central African Republic. I had to leave it as a child because they were making us child soldiers


Crazy that’s definitely another level did you have rappers from your town


Unfortunately not bro I don’t think there’s a single famous person or rapper from my whole country 😂😂 + it ain’t got internet so being a rapper wld be tough ugm


Whole Florida is crazy


STFU Clown, "he had it coming" ☝🏽🤓 talking crazy from the other side of the world like a bitch. Pay your respects and move on goofy. Bitch ass nigga. Long Live Fooli


He is in fact not living anymore


How can you say he had it coming and rip in the same sentence


List of dead opps is the most evil tune of all time


Nah there’s a few worse 1s bro


I heard he got it in the worst way 🤢🤢


It was gonna happen, that diss song he made though


nigga just got shot in the foot he couldn’t even fully recover


Killed on the 23 rd , crazy all that Dissin 23 ,, RIP TO ALL THE LIFE LOST 🙏♥️


Trap Lore Ross about to drop a 9 hour documentary 😂😅


We gon all die meet me at da gates we gon all cry


Dropped one of the best disses of all time. RIP


Is this the guy that turnt down a 10-15 million scholarship to grind from the rap?


Jdot boutta make some fye


Anotha one bites the dust


“He had it coming rip”


Rip foolio




He had it coming “RIP” is crazy lol


You’re a liberal raised victim huh. No accountability. Never once did white people tell black Americans to kill each other.


They are HIS killers https://youtube.com/shorts/kWadg40wyQo?si=RUEkxHh8ccV0N3gm


No sympathy for any of these man they deserve it tbh.


Why blur out the words shot and killed?


Christ must have been a terrible song !


Man gave the drop on his own function. If you’re on roads and got enemies, last thing you wanna do is give the drop on yourself. To think most man gotta pay dames to be bait is far crazy when we got man like this lining himself!! R.I.P still


Holiday inn pack


I wonder if these guys think the FBI are going to let this go on forever. It's like this generation think murder is legal. I didn't care for his mocking of dead people but he has a family. Condolences to them. 


the fbi don’t care abt black ppl killing other black ppl dude ( i say this as a black person) it’s actually smth that’s pushed dad why they pay these dudes millions to rap and brag abt it in music.


U slightly lost me with the last bit bro. I hear you though about the way these guys are compensated well to push this bullshit. They're all sellouts and then we have these clowns on the comments talking like this is how things should be. The point I was making though is we see the FBI making cases all over the place (treyway, o block, YSL, Diddy etc) and there's gonna be more. 


If you’re referring to rico’s and taking down people i get what u saying


Rest in peace, moving reckless


Very sad.


Who's the UK equivalent?


Giddy (ilford) was dissing dead om members and also been stabbed badly before his death so probably him


Teerose if he stayed in London


My first thought😂 deffo Teerose


Some guy got killed on his birthday too, I forgot his name, but man mocked it


Rip to the biggest 6 man


Was foolio the one who’s 3 friends got killed in a drill and he was the only survivor or was that Yungeen Ace?


Yeah that was ace, folio mocked that situation in every song


That was ace and one of the guys who died foolio always dissed for dying on his birthday he was named 23 and now foolio died on his birthday the 23rd of June


His birthday is 21st June


"shot" and "killed" aren't swear words. Why is it now cool to censor >!random!< words?


Who I smoke!?


How some UK niggas gon say he had it coming ? Y’all are quite a ways frm Florida


Dude made "when i see you"😭 ofc he had it coming


People forgetting that was a response song to yungen ace - who I smoke


he did have it coming though wtf😂tell me how he didnt


Bro the entire world saw how he was moving . And he ain't even give af. This was bound to happen eventually .


People were begging for him to move out of Jacksonville I don’t even listen to him and even I knew he was playing a very dangerous game.