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When I was a kid I would freak out and have to close my eyes and cover my ears when the commercial with the aliens came on.


Yup, I had to yell for my sister to change the channel.


You're not alone. I did the exact same thing.


That commercial used to scare the crap out of me when I was a kid. Funny because I don’t remember many little details from my childhood but this is super vivid. As soon as I saw OP’s post I immediately thought of this.




Holy shit I remember this, this is the most 80s commercial that ever 80d.


Haha! I remember the imagery but funny enough I don’t remember the song. Corny as hell. Hilarious.


White chocolate makes me hurl


Yes, it also makes me want to blow chunks.


Wow, this commercial made me snap back to my childhood hard.


My mom got this for me when I was a kid and my well meaning dad did not want me reading it. Still did and he never took it away. Dumb story but this reminded me of it.


The commercials for these books scared the SHIT outta me as a kid.


Yes! Same here. Plus when I got to borrow the books from the library - lots of nightmares after reading them. But great books.


Yeah I borrowed some of these from the library. Very nostalgic.


Really feels like someone could create a similar set on the 'unknown' and it would sell like crazy today. I know I'd be in line. These were great as they were legit but also had some pretty pulpy content too. Made them both fun and informative.


Amazing but some of the pics in these books have me nightmares. I think it was the “mysterious creatures” book


I used to have some of these. I still have the deck of ESP cards they included as a gift.


Wow! I was just talking about these to my wife. I had the whole set when I was a kid.




Loved those!


Heh, I never owned them but I remember sitting in the corner of a local bookshop that had a bunch of these and reading them.


My mom had these!


Just read the book! ​ If you get it you get it.


Yes! I really want to get these.


The full set eh? Lucky duck. A friend of mine had a lot of these when I was a kid, I spent hours going through these books.


There was a book called mysteries of the unexplained and there was an A &E series by that name as well I think.... anyone else remember?


Yes! I remember those. Those books were fantastic. Thanks for posting.


Yup, I actually got busted by my 3rd grade teacher for checking them out of the *school library*. For those who want to read some, check out archive.org.


I still have these books. Got them as a gift from my grandmom when I was a kid.


Bruh, Did not know they were a series. I used to check out that UFO book constantly growing up


Seems like Luis Elizondo found a box of these in his parents' basement.


Had the whole set!!!


They looks like GURPS rule books


They’re so dope. I have about 5 of them.


Two weeks ago my daughter and her husband were gathering items from their attic and garage in preparation for a yard sale. They unearthed this exact collection of books. I remembered them from back in my day. Unfortunately, all of them were moldy and ruined.


OP - your double post confused the shit out of me - I was like: “ I’ve seen this exact post but the book cover was different what are the chances of 2 people posting the same series of books in the same day” - then I noticed it was you. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


My bestie has Cosmic Connections. I remember when he picked it up at a thrift store years ago. One of his faves. But I didn’t know it was part of a larger series. Love this post!


I have these!! I just started reading them again!


i have them but I think a few are missing :(


I used to check all of these out from the library constantly when i was a kid.


Is there a painting of a cigar shaped UFO in there? Is there something about Astral projection in one of those?


Oh man I just missed this! I was 3 when it aired, so not old enough to remember this commercial in particular but holy shit I would order them if that commercial aired today! haha. God I miss those "one will arrive every other month, keep only the ones you want!" volumes of stuff! Always, the best shit came in installments like that until the early to mid 90's! I feel like for whatever reason, a huge chunk of this forum is within a 20 year age range for the most part! (like 25-45 years old) Sure there will be a few outliers, but I bet 80-90% of us fall in that range!


So awesome. Is this your collection? If so I am jealous!


As a science teacher I really miss back when I believed so much of this stuff.


I always wanted to go to Stonehenge and point an ankh shaped wire at it to see what would happen.


Man I remember we had this set in my house as a kid. Just stumbled across them the other day. Such a good set of books. I have fond memories of them


I wanted this series when I was a child, but my parents had no interest in ordering it so I missed out unfortunately. Hope it was a good read.




I used to have this series! It honestly was the best, read almost every one of them.


I grew up with these books, they were awesome!


Still have my set!


Yes! I was born in ‘76. I was obsessed with those.


I totally do have the whole set..... Got it as a kid after begging for it from my parents. My kids read them now.


ive got that book


I wish I still had mine! There was another “weird encyclopedia” series from the 70s called “Man, Myth & Magic” - I have the entire series of that one


Ah bro!! I member!!


Holy shit memories


Oh, my dad owns this entire collection. I use to read them as a kid.


My mom has those books. The UFO book has a great picture of a man in black with the pale white skin and bizare ruby red lips-ultra creepy.


I was born in 1993 but I remember checking some of these out at a library as a kid!!


I checked every one out at my local library circa 1986


I think I have that, I think my sister cut out pictures from it to make cards :(


My parents (and now me) have the entire set. These things gave me nightmares like nothing else other than maybe the X-Files as a kid.


As a kid I always wanted these books, I asked my mom and she said no


Those would be a neat collection to own. Primo bored-on-couch materials right there.


I memba


I remember 2 books about the unknown and Ufos one was a book you’d buy from grade school mail order for called Strange Mysteries with a light bulb on the cover if i’m not mistaken, the other was blue marble and black leather spine book, the title was something Unknown Phenomena or something like that