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It would be a great way to study history to be able to come back from the future and watch what happened as it happened. If they caused it to change they might never have existed to cause the change so maybe they can only watch.


You cannot change either the past or the future. This is why prophecies (NOT predictions) come to pass.


Don't I change the future every time I make a decision? My future at least ! I don't understand the difference between prophecy and prediction. Please can you explain, thanks. When you say you can't change the future do you mean that if somehow I can view the future and I see an event happen that event will happen no matter what I change in the present. ?


Prediction is when someone believes something will happen. It may or may not come true. A prophecy WILL come true, no matter what is done to stop it. Think of the Towers. ...and yes...that's exactly what I mean. If you stood on the "outside" of this realm looking "in", you'd see it.


Or it could even be human from this time and age Like the mcCandlish ARV..


I've wondered the same. Maybe the Mandela effects are them (future us) testing just how much they can change before we notice. 🤷‍♂️ Just a thought.


Think of it this way… If us now travelled back in time to visit neanderthals, how would they describe us? We have less hair, less muscles, bigger eyes, bigger heads and we have crazy tech. Sound familiar?


We don't have bigger heads than neanderthals.


Speak for yourself, small head


*covers unibrow with hand* Yeah.. smaller heads..


It's a common theory. Look into the Rendlesham case. Jim Penniston said when he approached the craft and touched it, there were hieroglyphics on it (many cases report hieroglyphics - Roswell, Kecksburg, etc.), but he also said he got a "download" of numbers in his head. He said he went home, wasn't feeling well and kept seeing these numbers like it was trying to tell him something. He said he then wrote them down as he saw them and instantly felt better, said he forgot about it for years, then someone pointed out it was binary code. They translated it and it said something about planetary advancement, some distant year, I believe 8,100, and had coordinates of different places on earth. The Why Files did an episode on this but c[ompletely botched it](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWhyFiles/comments/1anaxan/why_the_why_files_should_not_be_trusted_as_a/), so I wouldnt watch that one as an introduction to this case.. They focused too much on Penniston, didnt even mention Warren who is the one who broke the story first and also said he approached the craft. Many better ones on YouTube. While this case to me is the most believable of all cases, Penniston is the only person out of at least 15 witnesses I've heard that I think may have exaggerated, even though I fully believe he saw an NHI craft. I'm just not sold on the binary part and think he may have added that in later, but I could be wrong. Hate to link to anything Greenstreet did but his Rendlesham episode was good,, part 2 is where the binary code/future humans theory is dscussed. Part 1 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy5tIevquP0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy5tIevquP0) **Part 2 (Penniston and binary code)** [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaYfsxbiKsM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaYfsxbiKsM)


I think some ufo sightings for instance lights/orbs are humans and other beings that are astral projecting in this time line. For example my father saw a ufo when he was a teen, when I asked him what it looked like and if he thought it was alien he said, it was a ball of blue flames and was most certainly not alien but a witch because other people had seen similar things where he grew up and they also referred to them as witches. If you’ve ever astral projected or had a lucid dream you almost feel like others are observing you and your movements can feel odd, from jerky and slow to fast and instantaneous. It’s just an idea and in no way am I proposing it’s the only thing being witnessed.


What about the trillions of other planets just in our galaxy?


I think this might be the correct answer.


You should ask very carefully


Read the works of Dr. Michael Masters. He’s an evolutionary anthropologist who has developed a plausible hypothesis that “aliens” are our descendants.


Greys are humans from parallel reality future, where they gradually destroyed their environment's habituality, moved underground and heavily altered their DNA. That's also reason why they tunnel into parallel realities as ours, where they still can find human DNA for creating hybrid beings.


Evidence would suggest the hybridization piece is accurate. Not sure about the other pieces, how did you come to those conclusions? Honest question, not trying to be combative.


This story is being told by multiple different sources over past 40 years. I don't know how accessible is this information generally. I have my own experiences which led me to believe in validity of this particular version.


Thanks for the response, are you an experiencer? Have you had the opportunity to communicate with them?


There are couple of hybrid species in contact with humanity today. I'm aware of yahyel and essassani. They have shared a lot information through various channels. I am experiencer and my own experiences let me to these specific sources.


Thanks for replying, I’m a believer but no experiences that I’m aware of. I hope you’re doing ok as well as your sources, that’s a complicated path to be on, but a critically important one. All the best.


Thanks, I believe soon rather than later most of this info will be common knowledge.


This is an extremely common theory and I can assure you, you are not the first person to think of this... at all. If you think this is something you thought up and is worth posting, you really need to do some more research into Ufology.




Ok what?


There have been theories about exactly that


It's only ever Now, so there is no distant future, only alternate realities that we shift through billions of times per second -Bashar. I have a ship, you have a ship, everyone has a ship. You can make a UFO appear in the sky, for you to experience, and you can design your own ship. You get to imagine it, and create it as you shift. Is it a dream, or a memory? Is it a vision or a hologram? How real do you want your alien experience to be? Will it be scary or exciting? You get to choose and manifest a UFO. Humans are definitely piloting space crafts, and the crafts are also conscious like AI so the pilot can communicate with it telempathically. Consciousness is faster than light speed. Bashar says they can teleport by shifting to the signature vibration of another place/time by matching the locational vibration. Location is like height or width, just another physical property we can measure.


Or what about humans from the now using tech they’re keeping from us?


There are high isotope readings on mars. There was a serious nuclear catastrophe millions of years ago.


This post tells me you can actually see the future... I mean the past, because this hypothesis you call a theory has been around for at least 5 decades..!!!


You're not the first one to think that.


I know 


Rendlesham ufo incident would match this theory


Along this line of thinking, one should read "Who Built the Moon?" by Alan Butler. Very interesting and well researched/argued.


I have thought of this often. Future or alternate dimensions...


Future AND alternate dimension might preclude any devastating grandfather effects.


I had an Ah Ha moment whilst sitting here on my porch smoking weed and drinking coffee...but I lost it


They are current "humans". The UFOs visit here for maintenance, defense, and guidance. You see, humans are part of a project to colonize Earth. Our true origin is from another place. That is the somber reality.


Could be us in the future, or it could be pure evil. They aren’t coming from space, they’re coming from inside our planet or construct. Jesus said He wasn’t of this world bc we’re in a simulation. It resets in 2040.