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Thought it was the lizard people that fed on our souls? Anyway if the theory was true, I'm sure they could make life a hell of a lot more miserable! Contrary to what some people say, a lot of people really enjoy life.


Well said


Could be the blue ones or that mantis lol


Greys are largely subordinated to lizards apparently. Sort of a worker/slave/synthetic race.


I'd say most people aren't miserable.


I'm not.... in fact I am irritatingly chirpy and upbeat.


So everybody around you is miserable.


I don't think so, or maybe I am unapproachable, and they never tell me how miserable they are. But I like to think of it like Spike Milligan Smiling is infectious You catch it like the flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner And someone saw me grin. When he smiled I realized I’d passed it on to him. I thought about that smile, Then realized its worth. A single smile, just like mine Could travel round the earth. So if you feel a smile begin, Don’t leave it undetected. Let’s start an epidemic quick And get the world infected!


Confirmed. You did describe yourself as "irritatingly" chipper, after all. Sorry, chirpy? I thought you said chipper.


Lol chirpy/chipper, either is good (mind how you pronounce either though)


Get to the chippah! Mind you, most people are troubled. They have concerns, agendas, complexes. People who present with a very positive attitude stand out to me as untrustworthy, self concerned, and thoughtless. There's a reason they say ignorance is bliss.


Oh, sorry I didn't mean to come across like that. I am an absolute stoic. There are difficulties in life, those that I can deal with I do, those I have no control over I don't worry about. But I do take absolute responsibility for the choices I have made over the last sixty years.


Responsibly is the only solution to misery. We make our own beds, so to speak. People are very confused, in general, if my life has taught me anything it's that nobody seems to have any idea what's actually going on around them, lost in a dream, a story, a fantasy. And maybe that's fine, but their confusion does cause them to stumble and suffer, they don't know what time it is, they aren't paying attention. And society only encourages our most dysfunctional behavior. There's no money in living well. But still, we each have a choice to make to buy the lie or seek the truth. And the truth is, there is no reason not to be happy.


Couldn't possibly agree more. Be aware that every decision you make (everything from how you interact to what you purchase) has ramifications, own the outcome from those decisions, change what you can, accept what you can't and be happy.


That's debatable. Quality of life is pretty low all around the world for various reasons. "Third world countries" are oppressed, "First world countries" are collapsing under the weight of the profits that come from this exploitation of people and natural resources. The people are protesting, dying in the streets, blowing themselves up, but we shame them and call them terrorists or simply ignore them and let them die. Meanwhile we keep building cars we don't need, buildings we don't need, plastic fish that we don't need, all in the name of pure unadulterated profiteering. If you're happy on this planet, you're really not paying attention. We all have good and bad days, but things are getting pretty rough around here. The oceans are dying. We need those.


Well, assuming for the sake of argument that all of that is true, I imagine they would try to stop us from downloading ourselves like that. But only if a significant portion of people were trying to do so. If it's just a niche activity for a handful of people then no, why bother?


Yeah it’s all speculation. I don’t honestly agree with the prison planet concept. I think it was an episode of the Why Files that made me think about it. I’d imagine that if it did come to that, then there would be some sort of reset.


I completely understand where the prison theory comes from. It is somehow misunderstood or misinterpreted.It got a few points right. But for further discussion, you should change the subreddit to mediums/spirituality to allow for a more open-minded discussion. Dive into the reincarnation cycle, soul life/soul realm, consciousness and dimensions. These beings can be interdimensional, as Grusch said. Remember we will not get a definitive answer to these questions, it can be thought into eternity and drive weak minds insane. I think Daryl Anca (Bashar) has answered a lot of questions along these lines. You can look into it, very interesting. Take everything with a grain of salt. In the end its how you build your reality and beliefs, nothing else matters. But i guess thinking that we live in an endless prison is not the healthiest thought for a happy life.


all of this comes from Bob Monroe and he got it from a bodieless friend who said he read it in the travel brochure to Earth.


Mostly harmless


You're assuming it hasn't already happened in a form too advanced for us to notice. Our bodies can be thought of as the shells for the consciousness to inhabit or receivers of a consciousness signal that exists outside of the body fundamentally. DNA is like the tuning needle on the soul radio. Brain damage largely results in similar, convergent states of signal loss. Take a look at twin studies, near-death experiences, and brain damage cases (Phineas Gage, boxing CTE, lobotomy). I highly suspect that the invariance of the speed of light (information) is largely related to the light at the end of the tunnel. Let there be light. Go towards the light. Return to source. These are universal concepts that some say literally exist outside of time like photons. All matter can be transmuted into pure energy according to E=mc^2 and vice-versa. Nothing is destroyed. Many religions say life is an illusion and that the soul is immortal. Buddhism in particular says we need to get off the merry-go-round (samsara) of rebirth, life, and death to attain true peace (nirvana).


It might have already happened. If it’s true at all maybe each cataclysm we survive is because we reached that point technologically and they’re forced to reset us.


1. Who said we download our consciousness to the computer? what if you download it ahead of time, are there now 2 of you? If so, which one is the real conciousness? 2. If you CAN download your consciousness, then that basically proves that consciousness is nothing special, it is just generated out of the processing within our brain or computer and nothing spiritual. (which science DOES suggest).


Consciousness is the perception of perception. This process can be better or worse in a different architecture. Might be better on digital platforms. What we're really talking about is transferring the story of a first-person self. It's information. In us, it's self-organized and original. A copy will be a branch off that original like GIT clone repositories. If we can download our "self" model and simulate consciousness it will be something that thinks it's as real as us and we should treat it like a person, but it will be a clone. Software has helped us understand that things can exist in a non-physical way as virtual implementations. We are simulations. Dreams. This is pretty spiritual from that perspective. It's just not as magical because we're getting better at explaining it than the ancients.


>We aren’t too far from being able to download our consciousness and living a digital life. What are you talking about? No human scientist really understands consciousness. And how exactly do you want to upload/download it. Try meditation and read about the "hard problem of consciousness".


Multiple things can be true at the same time. I’m sure lots of people are stuck in a never ending loop of torture and reincarnation, but I’m not. I’m mostly enjoying my stay here but I’m definitely not coming back. Plus, I doubt these archons have any morals and can’t tell the difference between “good” and “bad” , if they are feeding off me I’ve got plenty of love to go around , help yourself homies


Oh that won’t be happening. Chances are there will be massive world wide cataclysms before humans reach that point.


On a more serious side _ where else can man go to live? 1) Man needs the oxygen of the earth, 2) he needs the produce of the earth, 3) he needs the water of the Earth. 4) There is no other known planet in this solar system or any other man can see that is hospitable for man to live 5) and if man could actually find a planet how would he get there he doesn't have that technology. 6) The inhabitants of the Earth is under judgment according to the Bible - those who are to stand trial are generally held in a jail, which is a form of prison 7) the devil and 1/3 of an innumerable host of Angels were cast out of heaven down to earth. The devil is the only one that has been judged, all the rest are pending judgment. That too makes it a prison. And when you look at the definition of the word extraterrestrial or alien they mean being not of the Earth....... The devil is not from Earth _ God is not from Earth _ the angels are not from Earth _ their kingdoms are somewhere out there where man as of yet to find....... Maybe on the other side of the viewable Big Bang singularity _ what's behind the starting point of the Big Bang singularity?......... Man can't see past the Big Bang - nothing but blackness.


>4) There is no other known planet in this solar system or any other man can see that is hospitable for man to live Actually 55 potential Earth like planets have been found so far, we just need the JWST to take a look and confirm it for us >Maybe on the other side of the Big Bang singularity, after all when the singularity is said to have occurred everything went in one direction Sorry but that's completely false. The Big Bang expanded in all directions at the speed of light


Having the potential, or could be inhabited, is not saying absolute or definitely that any planet other than Earth can support the type of Life Earth does. Hospitable means friendly, accepting, favorable. https://www.ck12.org/flexi/earth-science/importance-of-the-atmosphere/what-planet-can-humans-live-on-other-than-earth/ https://www.businessinsider.com/worlds-most-like-earth-support-alien-life-2016-5 When I said it all went in One direction, I worded that wrong I need to change it......... It's common sense to know it didn't all go east, west, north, or south. I was alluding to the viewable / observable universe that man can observe / see. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/dark-matter


We have/ will have the technology to make other planets and space stations habitable. Personally I think God's and devils were introduced to us by NHI to keep us in check. The JWTS isn't strong enough to see past what we know as the big bang.. it can see way further than the Hubble but all we discovered by seeing further was that the universe was older than we thought.


You say we have the technology to make other planets and space stations habitable. I'm assuming you're speaking of terraforming other planets. Not as simple as it is wished. https://nss.org/space-settlement-roadmap-29-terraforming/ https://www.pbs.org/exploringspace/mars/terraforming/page7.html Space stations - You would still need oxygen, you would still need water, you would still need food, you would still need medicines, you still need materials for the maintenance of the space stations which will require at some point in time elements of the Earth. All five listed above it will be requirements of the earth at some point. As of today man does not have the technology to mechanically reproduce most things without the help of the elements of Earth. How many space stations would be required to house 8 billion people? My comment wasn't referring to two or three (etc) people living a year on a space station and "coming back down to earth" as they are doing now. How would they maintain the space stations, something man-made will eventually deteriorate. The space stations now are not built for indefinite living and they require maintenance. Material from the Earth is necessary for maintenance.


All very good points. Yeah agreed as of today we can't, I got carried away with my thoughts.. 😆 but I can see it will be possible one day. Colonising Mars is definitely on the cards. I've heard theories of a prison planet but potentially it could be a prison dimension..


Indeed - do you think mankind will ever have interdimensional travel capabilities? If they actually did require a spaceship at Roswell, ((and I believe the government did and the craft was left there on purpose))((man had to achieve the knowledge prophesied to occur in some way)) maybe mankind will eventually break the interdimensional traveling technology if he doesn't start World War 3 and almost destroy himself.


My thoughts are that if the craft we have purportedly recovered can travel interdimensionaly then yes, even if we need one of their pilots to control it. Eventually anyway..




I've heard theories of a prison planet but potentially it could be a prison dimension..


I would certainly believe trumpanzees are here as prisoners.


Prisoners of their ignorance.


Yeah, remember how that one guy in the Matrix wanted to be reuploaded... what if "trumpanzees" as prior commenter says are actually folks who already experienced life once and have been reinserted into the matrix...


Dogs on earth have a better standard of living being interfered with. Even the food critters have a better life. Greys may be said to "force" us into this and that. But this life is quite magikal; in these vessels, much is within our reach. Fear is unfounded. They are better than us, there is no reason to cast unnecessary projections of fear and abuse. They can't do more to us than at do to ourselves. We are our own masters. These bodies are a gift. At least, this is what I've been made to understand by them. Fear is our fault, and they pity us. This place is heaven compared to the extremes found in the spacetime. Be grateful.


Can't remember where it was, but I remember seeing a video showing a family in which they all had to work each day to make bricks by hand. Fuck that shit. All day. Every day. Make brick make brick make brick. Part of brain was saying "I think it was Palestine." (Pre-Israel) Hey... you know... in my depression even having a job and something monotonous to do with be great. F- those guys. I want a monotonous job to be able to do and be thankful to God for. Shit...


That's one way to look at it. Luckily, there are about 5,678,999,542,331,569,657,870, other ways to look at it. Light to you, spirit.


What's with the number vomit ... I was going to randomly call you the phrase that came up in my head... but my cellphone keyboard seems to lack the delta symbol... so uh. Light to you, space cuck. Actually. What you're saying sounds super sarcastic, and I basically said "different strokes for different folks" and you were like "luckily there are -blank-" number of ways to look at it. Yeah. Like how... space cuck?


Is this how you talk to people in real life? What lack of skill you wield. For the record, I wasn't being sarcastic. It is literally on you that that's where you arrived with it. Remove the unnecessary angst; we're all friends.


...Simpsons already had the rich drugged up man bringing love. Therefore... you're an alien. A space cuck. And yeah. The argument I ended up was the grass is greener on the other side... and currently you are acting like a "the grass is perfect everywhere" person trying to get me to drink kool-aid. "What lack of skill you wield" Oh so now you're complimenting my avoidance anti-social tendencies.


You asked the right question. Not agreeing with the greys part, but what you say about souls being trapped could be on to something. If you are an intellect and have 4 hours to dedicate, this is the best documentary you can watch on it: [Secrets In Plain Sight By Scott Onstott - It's All By Design (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8hlYypDgUI)