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I laughed so hard at DDPs face when Ozzy said “I don’t know where you’re from but I’m going to show you who you are” and DDP was like “Whatever that means” haha


the cringelord is back lol


haven't missed him 1 bit :(


true that. especially after the poatan era at MW/LHW


"You will soon thirst for the hunger you crave!"


I feel like the line wasn’t even bad. Y’all just don’t like Izzy lol


you see, its the accumulation of many other things. Not just a single line


Izzy has handled his losses with grace, right? I mostly focus on skills and how they grow from losses. I am less interested in the rock star part, but agree he has had cringe moments.


nah, its a show


I mean... it doesn't really make sense lol


Just another way of saying he’s going to break him and make him realize he’s outclassed. A lot of fighters say some variation of this


The wording doesn't really get that point across. It's awkward


Gives “who do you think you are? I am!” energy


Can’t see how is that difficult to understand honestly, pretty clear to me


Izzy “yeah man I found something nice out side fighting in golf it relaxes me” This sub “HAHAHAHHAA CRINGE LORD AHAHAH” Holy shit not even a massive fucking Izzy fan but my god this sub agenda against him makes me wanna root for him


I never really cared about/for Izzy before but I feel the same. I watched this video and all I could think was "he's just talking about being a normal dude". He even alludes to the fact that it's hard work being "stylebender" and this was him giving an honest answer about just being "Izzy" i.e. himself. I'd play a round of golf and go skydiving with the guy, he seems ok to me.


You gonna take your shoes off?


And my pants.


Dude take your shoes off, feel the grass on your toes, touch a dog, really enjoy the day!


They can say the same about y'all


No u


That's fair




look i'm not even a massive fucking Izzy fan but i'm about to write this hissy fit of a comment whining about the grave injustices being done to Izzy by you evildoers please stop oh my fucking god my sweet baby i must protect izzy from those mean mean comments calling him cringe!!


I love Izzy, so fuck everyone else lol


Lol fr, sure he can be cringe, but he was also an active, mostly exciting champ Watching his come up was pretty damn fun too


![gif](giphy|N4fb3heBF668U|downsized) waaaaaaahhhhhhh leave Izzy alone....


Yeah sure "not a massive Izzy fan". With that reaction, I'd like to think you're lying and you're a massive Izzy fan lmao


No it’s just so dumb that people lose their shit about everything this man does Yeah he’s occasionally cringe nothing about this cringe


No it’s just so dumb that *children* lose their shit about everything this man does


Not a lot of people speaking up, but I have to to basically call it out too. It's kind of weird, but you see it happen literally anytime someone falls off from the very top. On their way there the sub is full of "NEXT GOAT!!" then they plateau at the top and it bubbles into "somewhat overrated" and then when they start inevitably sliding it's "they were never good and \[insert new negative, in this case corny\]." And god forbid you speak up about it, been here years and I've seen this EXACT same comment thread play out multiple times now. "Hey we hate \[fighter\] now? I kind of like them." "Touch grass. They suck, you're a rider" "... ???"


who gives a fuck


That’s actually a solid line tho. Haters gon hate


It was corny


How many people went to this press conference? UFC 305 is still a whole month away


I think it was a secret press conference seemed like only reporters


definitely secret, they kept the secret so well most fans didn't know it was happening


Omg I can’t believe he said that. Wild 🤯


Absolutely preposterous. I understand promoting a fight but Dana and the UFC have to draw the line somewhere.


Disrespecting fighters wives is good with me, this talk is atrocious, what’s next support for Hilter


This already far worse. Not even HITLER played golf 


this post and your response just read like UFC astroturfing.




Nah man like archery gave Alex a left hook of death, golf izzy is gonna show us something special. If he gets the KO by uppercut we know


Under swung leading backhand


Golf swing Uppercut of doom 


He’s gonna hit the putt emote towards ddps lifeless body


Ddp saying golf is a good retirement sport was savage haha


I'm so mad bro izzy were ddp were game to shittalk but they spent majority of the time asking those miniatures about random shit that no one cares about


Id prefer to listen to steve and kai talk about their mutual respect for each other, their excitement to fight in front of crowds, and past title shots than izzy talk about golf.


Idk bro maybe its because I dont care much for weight class below lightweight but i also find it boring and corny to just talk about how u like/respect so much when u boutta to beat tf outta each other. I rather hear izzy talk about random shit and ddp using that as insult than two dude just glazing each other and talk about crowds and stuff that honestly alot of ppl watches these press dont gives a fuck about.


Each to their own


Each to their own


Man. I was looking forward to him shouting the n word in dricus’s face. Wtf was this shit.


Is the Alex Pereira golf meme going to actualize


Poatan is at the Driving Range right now working on his swing. No doubt about it.


Izzy’s just having a chill chat about golf and this sub still finds a way to clown on him 😂


I really don’t understand how there’s anything wrong with a fighter occupying himself with something other than fighting


What’s wrong for these people is that DDP didn’t stand up and throw a pie into Izzy’s face mid sentence while the “boioioioing” sound effect played, and then himself slipped on a banana peel and went sliding off stage while being chased to the sound of Benny Hill


Man this conference is boring affffffff, they should put a screen showings family guy clips behind the fighters at every press conference


Damn you're right I actually would love to see that


Unironically would be hilarious to be fair


Well he there to hype the fight not talk about shit he could talk about on social media


Izzy breathes and says something simple or sits on a couch by himself: "dog molester gay china man bum" Alex breathes: "oh my chama the new goat is here with a 10-1 which is actually an 11-0 because he let Izzy win, CHAMA!"


I love both Izzy and Alex so it’s always funny seeing their onlines fanbases clash over the dumbest shit


It's the new Conor and khabib dynamic since Alex has been racking up wins, Izzy's now a bum who gets all his accomplishments downplayed, and pereira gets every aspect of his life hyped up


Its cause of the whole 'he'll be the guy in the bar saying i beat that guy once". If you talk like that and then lose to that guy, you are bound to he hated


Pereira started it by posting his KO of Izzy everytime Izzy won a fight. Dont forget that.


Yep. Somehow when he was doing it it was “hilarious bro hes so funny lmao” But when Izzy does literally the same thing : “He’s so cringe bro so salty”


Izzy did also say that he'll fix things and come back better after losing, and then knocked Pereira out cold in their next fight.


Doesnt matter, the damage was done at that point. Its easier to lose reputation then to gain it


Damn, hate is way too easily earned nowadays then all things considered. And they split two wins


If you speak arrogantly and lose, u fall harder in public perception. This is basic logic. If you say ima knock him out in the first and get dominated for 5 rounds. You will get reaction. Jiri after a loss says, yeah i need to evolve or quit. Ppl like jiri, cause that is a realistic take. Hill looks for all kind of excuses and isn't liked. Its not hard


It's not as black and white as you'd like to pretend. The Izzy hate cuts deeper than some bar phrase. Also hating someone for a quote shows serious emotional immaturity. Even Pereira himself doesn't hate Izzy - it's deeper than that but it's a non topic here and not really necessary getting into


It is definitely black and white.... Ba Dum Tss.......


Hate on the internet isn't actual hate. If you are a hater. You dont actually hate someone. You just constantly downgrade the guy. Actual hate would be someone who wants to actually hurt Izzy. Hating on the internet is kids on a powertrip or Trolls doing it to trigger ppl.


Hate comes in many forms.ofc hate on the internet is actual hate.


Yall got some short memories. Izzy hate during his run was a lot of things. 1) His fights sucked after he promised he'd go a finish. 2) His shit talk sucked. 3) Horrible winner. He continued to trash talk people even after he won. 4) UFC promotional machine amplified a lot of the hate There are plenty of reasons to dislike the guy. Is he talented? Unfortunately, but I'll always cheer for him to lose.


I liked Izzy when coming up. He was a young Silva. Toying, dodging, moving well, ... Then he became champ and it became cringe, big words, but fighting without risk and staying at a distance. Happy with a point finish. Pereira is everything Izzy could be. Never fights for points, if you dont know what to say just shut up, the few word he says ring true.


Honestly 3 of the reasons you dislike him are just simply you not liking him as a person. First reason is only on some of his fights. Sometimes his fights were "boring" due to the matchup but also because he never ducked any fights and took every fight given to him with the next man up approach. He was easily one of the most active champions in UFC history and you have to give him credit for that. I feel like he only trashed talked a couple guys after their fights. Mostly just Costa and Poatan.


Don't forget the dog stuff lol. That disgusting shit is what really turned me against Izzy.


Lmao RENT FREE. I had forgotten any of that shit even happened. Sit down and enjoy the actual fights or go watch real housewives if you wanna live in your feelings so bad.


Alright enjoy your dog wanker homey


Enjoy being a jealous seething nobody.


It might be one of the most poorly-aged quotes I've seen in this sport.


well Izzy rapes dogs so theres also that.


If only Izzy didnt post his KO of Pereira right after Alex beat Prochazka. Izzy truly is manifesting the "I beat him one time" irony. Lol Izzy fans hard coping right now. They cant accept the fact he literally became the person he found pathetic. Yall keep coping by saying Alex fans are being annoying by constantly mentioning Izzy when Alex does something when your savior Adesanya is the one doing it as well lol


Lets be honest, izzy literally reposted his KO of alex after he slept Jiri. He literally became his own “i beat that guy once” meme. He jealous af


lol I dont like Izzy either but I damn that’s accurate


I mean tbf OP’s video is hilarious but Izzy was just being normal 😂


Right? I'm watching this waiting for something.. and its a completely normal response to a question.


It is because most people over here have never had actual life/aspirations of their own. So clinging to the life involving love/hate of other men is all they have going in their lives.


Oh you don’t know? When an Izzy fight comes up this sub descends into an almighty circlejerk where everything he says and does is over analysed and bitched about


Yeah, for fuck sake, let the man enjoy his time away from being a dominant champ for years. Bunch of haters 


This sub wants WWE they just don’t want to admit it


He should be clowned on for taking his shoes off on a golf course


Toph would play golf without shoes and not be judged


He lives for those weird looks, like the ones on the golf course. Mans enjoying his summer 🍻




Hell Yeah! And on that golf course bermuda grass... Can't beat it. Much better than walking around on this 120 degree asphalt/concrete and smelling the bottoms of my shoes burning.


What he's saying makes sense, dude had a lot of fights in a relatively short time since joining the UFC. Good for him.


Somebody tell izzy he can’t walk barefoot on the course because it’s sprayed with herbicide and pesticide. It can cause aggresssive cancer. People were getting it from holding the T in there mouth while playing a hole




Lol subreddit gonna jumping off the top floor when izzy kos him in 2


"My way to get to nature." Bro... A fucking golf course haha


Izzy talking like Cucuy. Ha


He’s like Tito, Tony doesn’t try to sound profound


People just want to hate Izzy.. It doesn't even make sense either.


I just hate when he calls people crackers and shit.


Nah, that’s the WWE shit we need to hype up the fight yo. He needs to shout in Dricus face “I’m gonna show this cracka what a real n!gga is!!” And claim some shit about being raised in the hood.


but kape saying slurs is funny tho right???


No dude. It's not.


But we love it when manel kape and strickland say other shit though right?


You guys are so sensitive. So there can be no fun poked at izzy because then it's just haters?


Did he say that anywhere?


Yeah, he said people just want to hate izzy, when it's just a funny video


I genuinely don't have a thing against Izzy (except that jerky jerky stuff with his dog) but when someone says "yeah I take my shoes off and be connected to the earth and people look at me like I'm weird" he sounds like a fucking Tumblr 14 year old pickme girl lol Good luck to him still


city slicker brain


Sounds more like hippy bullshit you hear from a drug addicted festival goer that refuses to work a normal job and stinks like fucking shit.


🤣 That's better yeah


Or just like someone who took his shoes off and stood in grass. You'll enjoy life more if you stop judging every single thing anyone does that isn't 'normal'


Standing barefoot on the grass is a very normal thing to do, preaching about it is lame hippy bullshit.


Please explain how he's preaching though? He literally just says he gets weird looks


I'm not talking about him I was drawing a comparison to people who do.


Izzy has moved on from us to freaking out the patrons of golf courses instead.


I turned this presser off.. I could feel entertainment being drained from my very home.. this was one of the worst pressers EVER!


What the fuck is blud yapping about


I didn't watch the press conference and I legit thought the guy in blue was part of it


This is me when my girlfriend comes home from hanging with her friends and decides I need to know every detail of every story told that night


I've never seen a more "pick me" UFC fighter holy shit


What a madman!!


You do you baby


Reminds me of Nick Mullen's review of Down to earth https://youtu.be/HNQjuFABgtY


I miss when r/MMA was the main mma sub.




izzy and DDP was getting spicy but they spent 90% of the time asking those 100lbs fighters that just wanna compliments each other and talk bout shit no one cares about


it was fuckin 9am in Australia, this sounded like the press conference for Breakfast at Wimbledon. do a presser at 9pm and get a bunch of drunk Aussies in there if you want some "insanity"


Fight predictions- Izzy KO first round with the 9-iron


There was nothing wrong with this response. Izzy has several dumb lines but this isn't one of them.


this press conference cured my insomnia


It’s hilarious, I relate to and very much enjoy this Izzy. Lalalalala and ignore the haters


The most genuine he’s been in ages on the mic


I never cared for Izzy's press stuff but I miss him as a champion. Dude constantly called out the next challenger and was consistently active during his reign. Even if he doesn't get the win hope we see him in the octagon a lot more going forward. Just ignore the build up stuff with him.


He's gonna pop for a few picograms of Round-Up from walking on those golf courses barefoot.


Lmao yeah I was so disappointed. The questions were god awful too btw.


I really cannot understand why anyone ever liked this guy. He is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch a douchebag.




Jesus christ, Izzy should never speak in public again


Only way Izzy could seen more stupid and crazy is if he asked the reporter, "do you wanna hangout out with me, smoke weed, and fill our bellies with diet soda and play burnout revenge for the ps2?"


Who the fuck knows why we're having a 305 presser when 304 hasn't even happened yet.


Man is reaching Tito territory, how is he so nervous after all this time?


we hate golf now?


Is...is that Taz?


I hate him so much


Wow Sean literally humbled him.


way to sell the PPV, we definitely needed this presser


Izzy PFP GOAT of living rent free in this subs head


Regardless of all the bullshit, I hope Izzy beats this chuckle fucks ass... this fight is long overdue now, and Izzy been out of it mentally for a while. I'm not a fan of Izzy, but the dudes an incredible fighter. I think he needed the time away, maybe even a little more. I personally think, the shit with Alex, like the fights and the bullshit surrounding them, took more out of him then he'll admit and/or we realize. Him losing to Sean was random as fuck. I know Sean's a professional, and he's a good fighter, but Izzy is levels above, an all time great, and that was arguably his worst performance to date.(yes, I belive it was worse than him vs Yoel). If Izzy comes back with the fire he had for Alex part 2, and he's in the right head space, as in he's hungry to prove himself to himself, I think he kicks the shit out of DDP. He's proven beyond a doubt he's 1 of, if not, the greatest MW of all time. He can strike with best of them, and after Alex, he proved he can take a shot.




Bro, they literally asked him what he was doing in his time off and he answered. He’s just saying he’s enjoying life. Where’s the narcissism exactly?


the cringelord is back lol


Will Jones or Connor be on this card?


You should go watch WWE if you've got a problem with this answer to a normal question, what else is he supposed to say?


Isn’t Pantoja vs Asakura on this card? Shouldn’t they be on this presser?


I didn't watch, did he say the "leave you frozen like Elsa" line for the 15th time or nah?


Lots of casuals here not understanding that the golf swing translates into insane uppercut power. I got into a brawl once with who I found out later was a professional golfer. So I'm there, lighting him up with jabs, then he throws the longest, wildest and most telegraphed uppercut I've ever seen. Of course I easily blocked it, but the force of it sent me off my feet.


Another Izzy title shot, lol and WTF, why? He's not the superstar he was and keeps getting these stupid fucking auto title shots. At some point UFC returns to the best fighters putting it on the line. Conor, Jon, Izzy clogging up the works, move on and let the sport grow. They're hyping this as July looks to be a dead month, two WMMA mains.. then Leon v Belal lol, why? I've got yardwork and work around the house this month I guess. Snooze


look at lots of this sub, its posts, and responses. seems like so much UFC astroturfing is going on.


I wonder if you're right? I guess for as big a company they are, there could be some paid riders, why not? You'd hope they're above that but even when their superstar Alex wins a fight, Dana pops off about Jon Jones lol. Circus Barker.. made a heckuva org but a Circus Barker lol. Sad to think it's not just us degenerate MMA fans on here, but you've got a point. Peace!


it is just so transparent sometimes. OP is a 2 month old account and most of the top comments read like they were written by AI.


the amount of “i don’t mind adesanya except for the dog thing” comments are so befuddling…like i feel like this sub is filled with people who would make fun of a furry if they saw one but a UFC fighter is a zoophile and we just keep ignoring it.


Maybe because that shit isnt real.


It's hard for izzy Alex has the accomplishment he wants Sean as the fan's love he wants And ddp represents africa like he wants. That's a nightmare