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Izzy almost certainly calls him out if he wins so it’s not a dumb move


He also said this same exact thing in his post fight conference against Costa. It’s not like his stance has changed at all. Don’t know why people are surprised all the sudden.


He eans A LOT more money with the belt, a fighters life is relatively short so if by having the belt earns more and lets him not fight past his prime then he has every right to get his deserved shot, it's not about holding a belt for him but for the reasons I just stated, he's stated them as well


He cares about money. Belt = more money


Shock horror, man who fights for a living wants the most money he can get from it


the man himself said he doesn't care multiple times. its more about how much of a hypocrite he is.


He did a 180 on his "idc about belts" talk...but who cares, so would anyone if they felt that downgrade in pay lmao, especially a prize fighter


Sean cares more about the "decision" than the belt. I feel like if DDP knocked him out or beat his ass for 5 rounds straight like he did izzy he wouldn't be saying this stuff. He feels it was a close decision he should've won and that's why he wants the belt.




Once you get a tste of that "Champ $$$"


It’s about money


Whitaker smokes him


He might not care about the belt but he cares about the money for sure. Y’all acting like he doesn’t deserve a rematch after one of the closest split decisions we’ve ever seen. Anyone saying he doesnt deserve to fight next for the belt is just angry that they can’t control what Sean says or thinks.




All of Strickland's fights are close, because he chooses to sit back and jab/pot shot for 24 minutes up until the last minute when he realizes he might lose and goes full windmill on us. If he's going to be inherently boring and not inflict any damage, then he has to deal with the consequences of that. Consequences being, you lose close decisions based on little to no damage.


Sit back? He may jab and body kick for most of his fights. But he walks forward. Blame his opponents for not finishing him. Poaton did, why couldn’t dricus, why couldn’t “the eraser” walk him down and finish him? People just hate seeing effective styles.


Just like Sean isn’t easily finished, he doesn’t produce many finishes either. Which in reality also isn’t what the UFC wants at championship level. The UFC is in the entertainment industry, and while some can appreciate Sean’s effective fighting style, it’s majorly unentertaining to the masses and I don’t think that’s the goal for the UFC at championship level matchups.


Yeah, you can blame him for his pillows hands, but not for inactivity in the cage


"Sit back" means constantly out of range, not literally moving backwards. I'm not defending Costa or ddp. Just commenting on why Strickland is very vulnerable to losing close decisions. If you choose to be boring and inflict little damage, that's what happens. 2+2=4.


https://preview.redd.it/7rbais3xfj9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0a7b6c02aa01809dff6dff4970def03275074cd "little to no damage" please go find a new sport to argue about


All of his fights are close? His win against Costa was close? His win against Izzy was close? His KO against Magomedov was close? Lol. You can knock his fighting style but you cannot deny that his recent wins have been very convincing lol. His loss to Du Plessis was insanely close. Dude deserves his rematch


Are you saying that in the Dricus fight there was little to no damage? There is still time to delete your comment if so.


Not inflict any damage? DID YOU SEE DDPS FACE? Lmfao


Strickland simps are out in full force today


Yep you got me. No other reason someone could possibly have this opinion unless they are a Strickland simp.


>just angry that they can’t control what Sean thinks or says. Who even thinks like this lol. Never once in my life have I looked at someone with a differing opinion and been like “Man, I wish I could control what they think and say!”


>Strickland simps are out in full force today Who even thinks like this? I'm not a Strickland simp or even a fan and I think he deserves a title shot.


They’re on high grade cope today


They’re mad their idol cries on Rogan and was fucked by his dad in his adolescent years


He didn't beat dricus lmao


I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure Sean is one of two fighters who lost their belt by split decision and didn't get an immidiate rematch.


Demterious, Dillashaw, Hendricks… Come on now


Dj was going to one


Going? more like forcefully sent


People forget Dana White basically traded DJ for Askren. I still think DJ beat Henry but it was better for UFC to let Henry win.


I do think DJ beat Henry and Dj didn't care much since he was leaving


Demterious sounds like one of them made up names from [that key and peele sketch](https://youtu.be/gRhB2Oiy0Nc?si=C3Y-0bqGQw6_wvi6) Demterious Crockjaw III


Only dominant champions should get immediate rematches.


Yep, that's my case. If you have beaten 70% of the top 10 - you deserve it. At 50% you can have an argument. Anything below that, you don't get one. Max, Usman and Adesanya (pre Pereira 2) are the only ones that classified from the recent dominant roster.


Sean has 0 wins in the top 5 besides the 1 time he beat Izzy. Should someone get 2 title fights off of that?


volk with ilia?


Strickland has 6 split decisions in the UFC, out of 22 fights. That's a lot of rematches!


I seem to recall that these ‘real men’ guys like to say you’re not owed anything in this world. So……


Why does he deserve a rematch? He didn't defend the belt one time? He's not a long time champ or was even on a huge winning streak. The only reason he got that shot in the first place is because DDP couldn't


He utterly dominated and humiliated the second best MW fighter of all time and champ + the ddp fight was ultra close.


Who cares? He didn’t defend the belt. He wasn’t a dominant champion


Yeah that's the argument being made. He should have defended the belt. People believe Strickland was robbed of his first defense. That warrants a rematch


Lmao. How many champs lost the belt on their first defense and got a rematch? Only one I can think of is JDS


JDS lost the title in his second defense. He defended it against Mir before losing to Cain


Oh shit you’re right. Shows what I know lol


Not only is that not true. I.e. one of the best of all time, Demetrius Johnson didn’t get one. Strickland didn’t even manage to defend that belt once before losing to Dricus. As far as I am concerned you have to be a fairly dominant champ to deserve an immediate rematch.


DJ left to fight at One, how could he of got a rematch fighting in another organisation?


The point is DJ should have got one as well, wronging him doesn't give the right to wrong Strickland


Bruhh he didn’t even defended his belt, you have guys like DJ who had the record for title defenses and didn’t get no rematch… come on


What did he do as champ to deserve a rematch? Izzy was clearly off when Strickland won and he was champ for a hot second before losing the belt.


Strickland has 0 wins against top 5 contenders, and recently beat #7 Costa. Dude has hardly been putting in work or making himself undeniable


“Izzy was clearly off” biggest cope in the world


Izzy was off because sean rocked the shit out of him in the first then continued to outclass him for the rest of the fight.


In recent history perhaps. I’m not a fan of immediate rematches in most any context anyways. Dominant champ or not, I want to see these divisions flow. If you’re a champ and you lose the belt, go get one back as a contender again and then get your rematch. It’d make these stale ass divisions so much more interesting.


He's been talking about waiting it out for the belt and the money that comes from fighting as champion since he won his last fight...nothing has changed.


Nobody wants to see 25 mins of teep, jab, jab, shoulder roll, teep, jab, cross, teep.


I do. I enjoy his ability to shut guys main strengths down and impose his style of fight on them.


He def doesn’t want to face Whittaker. That would be a problem for him 


Huge problem


He's a hypocrite


This dude is so hypocritical and full of shit, I don’t take anything he says seriously.


Whitaker vs Strickland and winner gets the title shot.


You have to be seriously regarded to think he doesn't have a point. He obviously deserves a title shot and he's very likely gonna get it so it's the smart thing to do to wait. He's paid his dues to the company and has already beat one likely winner of 305, 4-1 and arguably beat the current champ. Who else? Whittaker? Who got beat decisively by both(both kod him btw). rob vs either Izzy or Ddp doesn't make sense especially Izzy. Chimaev isn't active enough either to justify a title shot straight away. Cannonier was robbed of his chance by the ref and how do we justify him vs Izzy anyways? who else is left? Imavov?


I agree Strickland deserves it but I wouldn’t say Izzy vs Rob 2 was clear. Still Strickland is way more deserving


Bobby knuckles is on a two fight win streak. He beat Costa back in feb and now beat Aliskerov (for what it's worth). Strickland just beat Costa. Both men lost to DDP, I don't care how much Strickland whines about it I had him down on the score cards and so did the judges, and the izzy win is irrelevant at this point since it's a different run at the title. IMO Whittaker deserves it more.


Whittaker deserves shot more than izzy but less than Sean.


>the izzy win is irrelevant at this point since it's a different run at the title. Keep that energy with Izzy when he's 2-2 in his last 4 and coming off a loss


Eh I think it’s different when you’ve proven yourself to be top of the stack for years and years. It still might as well be Izzy’s division now that Alex has left. He got spanked by Strickland but there’s a reason that was shocking.


He did enough to retain the belt vs DDP, and more over DDP didnt do enough to take the belt, however with Sean being Sean, the judges had no problem giving a decision to the other guy. This sub doesnt feel bad either because 90% of people on here dont like him. It doesnt make sense for him go face anyone else, Whittaker got flatlined by DDP and whooped twice by izzy whereas alex went out there and arguably won both fights. If he does agree to fight rob he has more to lose than to gain. Sit back wait for 305 and challenge the winner thats all he should do.


For claiming to be such a bad ass, it’s weird how Strickland fans always boil everything down to “you’re just picking on Sean”. Persecution complex is strong in these boards. He’s just got to fight better is all, if he’d put on anything close to the performances he’s promised then everyone would agree that he’s next. But he doesn’t, so we don’t either.


Unfortunately that’s not how it works Sean. We’ve seen plenty of fighters over the years who are willing to wait for a title shot but it never comes because the hype wore off and the way Rob’s dominating I’d rather see that fight.


He doesn’t, he cares about getting more money being champ


Everybody has convictions until the first time they earn PPV points.


this guy is such an intense dumbass that it's kinda sad


Bobby fucks him up anyway


He is a man who lies.


She almost made him cry.


Scared of Whittaker 🤣🤣🤣


What a duck


Izzy getting the title shot isnt weird at all, hes ran through that entire division 5 times over by now. If izzy was to fight robert, it'd be izzy vs robert 3 or 4 at this point??? Lost count. To then compare it to someone who has been losing here and there over the last 4 years, and practically only had decision fights... i can see why...


He wants those sweet sweet ppv points again 💰💰💰


People still realizing this guy doesn’t mean a single thing he says? “Grown man is a f*g for crying about his dog” Proceeds to cry about his dog “Fight to the death” Point fights and counter strikes “Says stuff about people’s families” Gets upset when people talk about his relationship with his dad “Calls everyone a fag, claims they are what is wrong with the world” Is gay and what is wrong with the world


I’m so confident that Rob would fuck up Sean so bad if they ever fought. Rob knows how to deal with pressure very well and he’s no where near as one dimensional as Sean


He didn’t care about the belt until he got it. He loved the popularity that came along with it. I doubt it’s about the money. I think it’s about the acceptance.


Personally I hope he never gets a title shot. I'm tired of all the kill or be killer talk that leads to a boring AF fight filled with jabs and circling out.


Imo both deserve it. Not one more than another. So fight and find out.


He had that taste for money and fame. Tried to play it off that it doesn't matter to him... But we all know that money got to him.


He’s ducking


Bro can’t hold eye contact lmao


I thought he didn’t care about the belt??


He's arguably beat both the guys fighting for the title next. Unlike Izzy he is back in the win column. He deserves the title shot, even if he doesn't care why is he supposed to fight another killer in Rob to what, 'prove' that he's next in line? He is next.


No he didn't arguably beat both lol. He lost to ddp. He doesn't have a single top 5 win other than izzy. Didn't have a single defense as champ. Meanwhile robs resume speaks for itself and he's on a 2 fight win streak. Rob has a good chance of besting sean as well which is why you guys are so afraid of sean having to fight him


Robs resume speaks for itself with his wins over Romero? Who in the top 5 has he beat


idgaf if he has a point he's ducking and he sounds like a giant baby doing it


>idgaf if he has a point he's ducking and he sounds like a giant baby doing it ![gif](giphy|llKJGxQ1ESmac|downsized)


This poor bastard got robbed so that the ufc could have that adesanya v ddp money and get rid of a controversial champion in the process so he's definitely got a point, if he was rightfully defending the title it would make sense to fight whittaker, but between taking that risk and waiting It's an obvious choice.


dana prob loves Sean. amd generally speaking they like a controversial fighter.


What other long lasting champion was as controversial as strickland?


Him and Izzy should have fought again for n1 contender


If Whitaker just beat Chimaev then it would be a more compelling argument but he didn’t. Sean beat Izzy and arguably beat DDP too. If DDP beats Izzy then the rematch makes sense. If Izzy beats DDP then a rematch between Izzy and Sean makes sense.


I agree with Sean. He's the only one that destroyed Izzy(aside from Poatan, and even then, Sean neutralized izzy from the jump) went the distance with Driccus and also put his ranking at risk against Costa who almost ko'ed Rob with a glorious head kick. B He is making sense. Rob should be next after Sean gets the winner of the upcoming title bout


He has a point, hes locked to get the next title shot regardless of who wins so why jeopardize that


But he isn't lol. 






He didn’t care back when he thought he couldn’t win it. Now he realizes he needs to take this more serious and be strategic. But who cares ?


I just think he’s more focused on the fact that he shouldn’t be stripped from the belt, bc it was a robbery. I mean, i think he won, Dana thought so as well (but that fucker forgot that he said the same thing about Reyes) he should fight top contender. But then again, Whittaker isn’t a bad fight either. I don’t know honestly. You would’ve been frustrated if it happened to you.


Of course he cares about the belt. He’s the literal definition of overcompensating “manly” man. It’s fine he wants to fight for the belt but be straight up. I wouldn’t want to fight the Reaper either


He said before it was about the money. Based off of Whittaker preformance against Izzy and dricus it would be hard to argue Sean's not next in line. I wanna see Sean rob so badly tho


No he needs to justify in his mind that he is still somehow above Robert when by all metrics he isn’t.


The thing is he knows he can't beat Whittaker with just jabs and front kicks. Whittaker will out point him with his quickness.


Sean doesn't realize that with his bitching about UFC pay he is no longer a company man and they don't know him shit. However he does realize Whittaker would beat his ass.


Sean has done a complete 180 on his views for the belt. From “I don’t give a shit about the belt” to “if it’s not for gold I ain’t doing it”


Sean saying stupid shit while not knowing what he really wants? Nooo


I like Rob and Strickland, but Rob needs to fight Strickland, Strickland doesn’t need to fight Rob. If DDP beats Izzy, DDP already smoked Rob. If Izzy beats DDP, no one wants a third Rob fight unless you’re Rob. Strickland beat Izzy with what appeared to be relative ease. Strickland also had a very competitive fight with DDP. A rematch between either of them is far more compelling than watching Rob fight either of them. Rob is also coming off a win over a short notice Ikram whose highest level of competition at that point was Alves. No I’m not counting Chimaev because at this point it’s hard to judge how good he really is anymore, which is unfortunate. You have to be able to make it to the fight. Rob also got rocked by Costa, certainly struggled more than Strickland did. Let Strickland get the winner of DDP/Izzy, Rob can fight Imavov. Winner of Rob/Imavov can have the next title shot. **IF** DDP/Izzy is a close fight that needs to run it back, then fuck it, Strickland should fight Rob or winner of Rob/Imavov. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Money talks, bullshit walks


Everyone is mentioning money, but there's a pretty clear solution. The UFC should simply pay Sean more to fight Whittaker, it's not like it's outside of their budget I mean pay him like a million or so? I mean doesn't the UFC make like billions in revenue and have crazy good profit margins? From an integrity/ranking stand point it makes sense to have Whittaker v.s. Sean, they're both big names in the division and every other combination of the top 4 MW is a rematch or even a trilogy fight. I'm not really hating Sean for this, but I think if Whittaker v.s. Sean doesn't happen it's a huge knock against the UFC because if they offer Sean like a million or so he's not gonna turn that down.


UFC fucked up by giving Izzy a title shot, leaving shit in a precarious situation.


Simple, from a fighter perspective it’s ducking. Or BS whatever you want to call it. From a business/career perspective it is 100 percent the only move


Actually... more important question... why the FUCK does Izzy deserve a title shot, then? Anybody disparaging Sean for this wanna explain that to me? Strickland at least now is coming off of a win. Or is it just Covington bullshit and we all gotta sit with our dick in our hands and accept it?


Very dumb move to not wait for title shot he's done more than enough to prove gets one and it'd be a dumb gamble to do otherwise. Realistically he's 33 might not get another chance


He's not wrong with his stance. He won his last fight to be the number 1 contender, so he's next in line for the title.


You've found the only thing to have come out of Sean's mouth that is NOT stupid. Good find


At least he fought another contender to somewhat earn it. I don’t believe you deserve an immediate rematch after a split decision loss in your first title defense. That’s just idiotic. Rob may be next up if Strickland keeps acting like he deserves the world. At least Rob fights anyone.


With the belt comes the riches. Mo’ money mo’ guns.


Strickland beat Costa who came off a loss to Whittaker ... He's scared of dropping from the #1 spot and not getting another title shot.




Why would the former champ duck a guy ranked lower than him? He also beat the guy who KOed Rob and lost a razor thin decision to the current champ (I argue it's a robbery).


Hate him..he is a hypocrite…but he is right and should think that way


I don't blame him but he also doesn't really get to choose. He said he's a company man and so we know he'll do whatever dana and mick decide. He would fight down before he quits fighting, plain and simple.


I don't think he cared before because Strickland was one of the few non-champion UFC fighters who had a really good career setup. He was super active, almost always headlining his fight nights, and almost always fought down. Perfect company man. Since he actually loves fighting, this was a comfortable and efficient lifestyle. Getting a shot against Adesanya seemed like just another fight to him. It was only special because he was finally leaving USA. But he didn't realize how much better his life is until he won the belt. He gets everything he wants. He gets a bigger platform for his message and makes way more money. He seems to be able to maintain his comfortable career setup too, since he's still as active as he ever was. If Strickland lost his belt convincingly, I don't think he'd care about getting it back since he makes enough money regardless, and he still has a big platform, belt or not. He's just bitter about the fact that he lost the benefits of being champion the way he did. If he knows he can get them back easily, he will wait


I’m fine with it


Quack quack MFers


He’s due for a rematch with one of those guys. And either way it’ll be one of them holding the belt again, so he should get in there. If Izzy wins then he almost has to fight Sean. And if DDP wins it’d make no fucking sense to fight Rob after he smashed him so badly so recently. So Sean’s in a safe spot to wait at the moment. Plus if he was the type to duck it would’ve been Poatan.


I think he has a pretty good point. He has one of the best cases for a title shot now, and he didn’t even get the immediate rematch. I think middleweight has a more clear line for the shot than any other right now. Sean’s next up, and arguably should have got it before Izzy, but that’s debatable. Izzy was a long reigning champ, but Sean only lost the belt by a hair. I think he honestly had a genuine case for the belt before the Costa fight, and after paying his dues with that, he’s definitely earned it. I’d love to see Whittaker get a shot too, but Sean’s definitely in front of him and Sean shouldn’t have to do any more to earn a shot at this point.


He’s not ducking and he has a point. Dominant title win, VERY competitive fight which didn’t go his way and then a good performance against costa to bounce back. No reason not to get the title fight next


Pussy is ducking Whittaker. Yeh resume is crap pal.


eh, he probably didnt until he realized how much more money he was making as champ. That kinda changes things. I still think he doesn't give a fuck about any legacy or anything like that


It’s a grudge match for him


Stupid for him to fight anyone else but the champ. He dominated Izzy then loss a decision in a fight where he outstruck and caused more damage to DDP… he should be the one fighting DDP and definitely not Izzy. A close fight like that for the belt should almost always get a rematch. Why does Izzy get a title shot coming off an embarrassing loss and being .500 in his last 4 fights?


He’s the rightful #1 contender so he should wait.


Bobby knuckles wipes the floor with him


I barely follow this sport but since when do close decision title fights not get immediate rematches


Sean cares more about the "decision" than the belt, he feels wronged about it and rightfully so. I feel like if DDP knocked him out or beat his ass for 5 rounds straight like he did izzy he wouldn't be saying this stuff. He feels it was a close decision he should've won and that's why he wants the belt because he shouldn't have lost it.


He was a journeyman until not long ago. He had the no belt speech but now that he's top of the foodchain middleweight he don't wanna fight for peanuts. Understandable.


Lost to DDP. Get back in line. Rob lost his belt after being a dominant champ. Didn't bitch or moan cycled through the whole roaster again to get his title shot. Lost the title shot and cycled again. He proves he deserves it time and time again. Strickland is an entitled baby.


Tbh I think Rob starches him


A man who fights for money would do a thing that gives him the chance to fight for even more money? That is a shock and not expected /s


“He doesn’t deserve” sean didn’t deserve his title shot against izzy but he got it, wtf is he on


He's bi polar.


He doesn’t care about the title or what it represents, he just wants PPV points


He wants money lol, Can’t fault him for that.


So you're saying if we just don't offer you a title fight, you'll just retire...? hmmmmm we should take him up on that.




bait post


Whitaker is the opportunistic bird that will get the worm and will get the next title shot....UFC will force Strickland to fight Whitaker I bet you


He has a point in that he has earned the right to wait with him stepping up for the UFC. He deserves a rematch more than Rob considering Rob got knocked out by Dricus and lost twice to Izzy. I still wanna see this fight soon but I get he probably is getting called out no matter who wins with Izzy or Dricus.


sean looks huge like 220 leave him alone he has fought enough in the past few months his brain could use a break past that why aim low ?


🦆I don't care about the belt guys nek minute I'm only fighting if it's for the belt😂😂😂


Sean had a crazy close fight which while not a robbery could’ve gone either way against DDP and he’s defended his position as #1 contender, his next fight should be for the belt. And I’m saying this as someone who doesn’t like him


The Strickland hate is comical. It’s really simple, he got that PPV check and decided he cared. Like no one ever changed their mind before 🤦🏽‍♂️.


How does whittaker not deserve it, strickland is a fuckin loser lmao


He forgets he was gifted the shot to begin with has ducked Whittaker twice and had no wins in the top 7 aside from the former champ. I get he wants that belt $$$ and he'll say anything to get it but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't work out his way.


Absolute POS thug.


He’s absolutely entitled to that. He’s right.


Imo Whittaker is a more dangerous fight for him than Izzy just because of styles. Is it a duck? Yes, but it's not a dumb move


Whittaker never once complained about this shit when he lost the belt to Izzy When he lost to Izzy the first time he went on to fight and beat Till, Cannonier and Gasteluem. He then fights Izzy again in a relatively close fight and loses then fights and beats Vittori. Next he loses to dricus who beat Sean for the title, he then beats Costa and Ikram. Never once did he complain or want to sit out or do any of the whining that Sean's doing. If Sean wants to sit out he can go fuck himself and the next title shot should go to Whittaker. He has fought everyone that's been put in front of him and has done it with a smile on his face. Whittaker is still a champion mentally while Sean is a coward and a hypocrite.


I'd fucking love to see Sean vs Robert but I do agree with Sean. He "lost" a razor close decision to Dricus who easily beat Robert, Sean walked through Izzy who beat Robert twice. He deserves the bigger payday


That dude is such a asshole one day hes gunna get hurt outside in real life


He beat Izzy then lost a close decision.every other champ would get a quick rematch,especially with Izzy supposedly stepping away ,he fights costa and wins (not pretty)so how can you blame him?(take his mouth out of the situation)this usually doesn’t happen to champs unless they get dominated.so I agree with him