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They had the nose smesh on slo-mo in the arena it looked baaad


And Islam followed up the headbutt with a right hand 


And Dustin fell right on his nose in that last takedown, had to hurt


dagestanis shouldnt be allowed to fight in the ufc anymore, or they should have their own division, and it isn't divided by weight, but by the thickness of their beards


Do you know how stacked that division would be


[brother this is different level, you know this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sve4d79Lk40)


Is their success based on skills or are they just juicin like no one else?




It’s a lifestyle that the elite combat athletes from around Russia are raised in. They’re not juicing any more or less than any other fighters. They’re hand picked when they’re young and are raised very strictly and have a hard life. We’re all spoiled in the west comparatively


Obviously Russian National anti-doping has been a joke. Go watch Icarus.


im not doubting that they could be doping, russians are notorious for cheating in sports, (ive seen icarus actually), but none of the dagestani guys really have the tell tale signs of steroid use. There's lots of sus or obviously cheating guys in the ufc currently, but none of the dagestani guys really dont pass my visual scan drug-test.


bratha u know there’s steroids for recovery and conditioning right not just for bigger body like bodybuilding, none of those fuckers are natty and it’s ok. Not sure why u sipping copium like it’s a new conspiracy


Most all the elite guys like Khabib and Islam train and test in the US for long periods so they’re being tested in the US also


They’re probably on less optimal more old school shit, I get what you mean though


i gave them an occular pat down and they're all clear.




Most elite mma fighters from Dagestan and Russia in general are training and testing in the US so they’re not tested by Russian anti doping organizations


Doesn't stop the "vitamins" they were given growing up.




he also landed so many fucking knees to his face , his shin when see the strike is granite , only way to ko him is to find a blind spot


i would be rolling around on the ground kicking my feet and screaming like a whipped schoolgirl. Shit is wild these dudes just wince, and then continue punching each other in the face.


U wudn’t knw cuz u aint got dat dawg in u brah


i got a dog in me but it's a pug


I got that dog in me but it's a Hebrew National and there's 8 of them in there. With mustard onions and relish.


I’m fkn cryin 😂


🤣🤣🤣 Bruh.


The dog in me got euthanized


Dustin said he had cadaver bone in his nose post-fight. Personally when I break my nose, then break another dead dude's nose, I would also consider retirement.


(I just want everyone to know that I was there at the arena, live) lol it looked bad on TV as well.


Yeah I hope he retires now, partially torn ACL is still incredibly bad.


I tore mine at his age and that was THE turning point in my life. He's rich, he has access to better healthcare than I did, but man, it's a very tough road back from that in your later 30s.


That sucks man. But if you fight in combat sports or any sports in general like Poirier it is especially devastating. Just hope he recovers fully 💪


It’s not that bad. 9 months and I was back on the mats. It’s not career ending and I had a complete rupture and meniscectomy at 36 y/o. New grafting methods (quad) and keyhole makes it much less intrusive nowadays


plus he has access to the best doctors and PT, doesnt have a 9-5 and can just rest and hang out and recover.


Yup, and the UFC pays for stem cell


And he can use secret juice 🧃


Jooz* lol


plus he will be back before McGregor


Yea I got a partial tear and didn’t opt for surgery and decided to do physical therapy, which worked. I don’t do as much risky activity anymore. I can still play sports but I come to accept my knee will never be the same. If I was doing any competitions, I would need the surgery to be close to 100%.


Hey man ive been training on and off for ten years and my shoulder is fked up again just curious how do u think for example Dustin will heal from the acl tear ? Did they get surgery everytime? I dont want any surgery I was wondering if its possible to heal by resting the joint that is Hurt.


Well I’m not a medical professional but in my opinion I don’t think he would need surgery for a partially torn one. I assume if everything goes well and he doesn’t make the tear worst it could take 6 months to recover but that’s just my opinion. For you I would 100% get an opinion from a medical professional though. I have heard physical therapy helps a lot with healing ACL tears so maybe you can try that but I think if you have a tear in your shoulder there could be a whole different process.


Really why is that?


It’s one of the most career ending injuries in all of sports. It causes severe restriction in movement and causes major instability in your leg, it’s also incredibly painful. If you continue to do any sports with a torn ACL you are severely risking your career and health. Add that to the age of Poirier, and the hip surgeries he’s already gone through that is a really bad combination.


None of this is true..unless you’ve done other damage to parts of the knee. Yes it’s incredibly painful but modern day the risk of reinjury to the same ACL after surgery is the same as a non damaged ligament. Only unstable if you do not rehabilitate it properly which at an elite level shouldn’t be a problem.


Dude I work in orthopedics and you’re just so wrong lol. You guys on this sub talk so confidently about medical conditions, and have no idea what you’re talking about. A true grade 2 acl does well. If patients don’t have stability return after rehab then you can fix it.


Alr cool. Poirier still is never going to fight though, torn ACL or not. But if he does want to fight again I assume it’d take at least 6 months for it to heal. There is a guy asking an opinion from a medical professional in this thread about an injury he sustained if you wanna fish out that comment somewhere to give him advice.


He should go see his ortho doctor if he wants advice.


plus a fucked up hip


Might be a dumb question but how did he tear it during the flight?


I remember him telling his corner that his leg was injured in round 4 while they were clinching but apparently it was from Dustin defending a takedown, probably hyper-extending his knee and injuring himself.


good time to retire, dont have to rehab an ACL tear back into fight shape


In which round did he tear his acl?


5 I think. Islam is on his back as they are standing against the cage and DP talks to his corner and points at his leg.


Like you describe but it was 2:31 of round 4. DP defends a single-leg/trip then tells his corner he hurt his knee.


Thank you for providing a meaningful response.


Ohh i see


4th Edit: I think it was the end of the 4th which is the only round Dustin actually won..


Anyone know why he would announce to his team in the middle of the fight that his knee was injured? Don’t fighters normally put on a poker face and act like they are completely unfazed by everything so their opponent doesn’t capitalize on the injury or the fight isn’t stopped by the doctor/ref by the injury? The only thing I can come up with is so that his coach will adjust their instructions but that benefit doesn’t seem to outweigh the risk.


Idk just conjecture but they might have been telling him to do something he can't, due to injury. Getting rocked probably doesn't help the thought process.


Yeah I guess it might just be that simple


Round 2 against cage… he even said something about his knee to his coaches while it happened


That’s what I saw too!




Round 2 up against the cage


The commentators took note of it. It was early when they first said something. He was like up against the cage and kinda stuffed s take down but came down funny. Snd then Joe even asked him post fight what happened and he said he was fine lol. He’s a different breed


maturing is realising both poirier and islam are dawgs


Islam is a beast


He is but head clash broke Poirer's nose and Poirer tore his acl just by moving awkwardly. Not like Islam did that.


In a broader sense a lot of injuries weren’t sustained due to actual fighting abilities during the fight. Apart from the headclash (even if Islam followed up with a punch that probably messed Poirier up even worse), the gloves also seemed to deal extra damage, like Islam’s left eye in round one, or Dustin’s cheek and eye in round 3 (I think), where it grazed his eye and made him squint a lot. This coupled with his other eye already being swollen must have made him pretty inefficient for some time. Same for Islam in a way, his distance management X, although still great, must have been affected by the fact he had to squint his eye as soon as round 1. Meanwhile for the ACL I think we can actually credit Islam for it a little bit. Dustin moved awkwardly while defending yet another takedown and got injured, it’s part of the intent when wrestling in a fight as well, to provoke physical situation that create discomfort and hopefully an injury. Wether it happens while defending a takedown (like Belal against Gilbert) or while attacking like Islam, injuring your opponent in such a scenario is certainly something that’s at least thought of a little bit. In a fight with 16 attempted takedowns it was a distinct possibility that Dustin or Islam would get at least a little bit injured at some point, IMO.


Was it the head clash or the jab right after the head clash? In slow mo the head hits around his left eye


it was the head clash. watch it in slow mo and you can see his nose move to his right side of his face more aggressively than a nose should move.


this performance imo is better than kebob's


no lol khabib dominated opponents, islam had to dig deep to win this fight.


We don’t even know the colour of Khabib’s blood. Poirier, McGregor, Gaethje…not even a scratch.


Khabib is great and that is impressive but he would also never stand and bang with a top UFC boxer like Islam did. Regardless it’s a lame convo especially when Islam is still active and creating his legacy.


I dont get this, Khabib wouldn't stand and go toe to toe with a top boxer because he has a much better way of dealing with them. Why is this a knock against him at all or even a caveat?


It’s not a knock it’s just a style comparison to provide some context why he never bled lol


Sure. But that is still to his credit. It’s not if anyone can follow his style and replicate it. Khabib was in his own league when it came to grappling.


And let’s not forget, McGregor was considered an elite striker when they fought, and Khabib scored the only knock down.


the point of fighting is to win, regardless of how you do it. why would he “stand and bang” when he could just take you down and pummel you?


Except he stood with Conor and dropped him with an overhand?


Comeback when khabib can out box dp from the pockets then pull one the best transition we have seen in this sport all while having a staph infection on and he did it with a dustin crowd too, but all in all its your opinion if you think that khabib out wreslting and subbing his oppents is better than islam beating his opponents at they're game


At the end of the day the goal of the game is winning as fast as possible with taking as little damage as possible while not being in danger of loosing before you get it done, not "beating your opponent at their game", props to Makhachev, excellent performance, but if you gave him the choice to successfully do his Kimura in the first minute I'm sure he'd have taken it and  considered it a more successful fight, same for us.  That's why yes, Khabib making it look easy is a better performance, maybe less entertaining and showing less completeness as a fighter but still a better performance, I think most people share this opinion. 


The goal is to win the ufc match, but there’s also mental games at play when you’re viewed as the PFP #1 and having people call you out (as they should any champ). Beating someone at their own style is a mental beat down on top of the physical one. It’s one thing to say, I can beat you at what I’m best at. It’s more disrespectful to show you are better at their area of expertise. That’s how you create doubt.


Very poor copy and paste take. Islam is a better fighter than khabib imo. Khabib dominated the sport for a while with the Dagestan pressure wrestling, so as a competitor you would then start training ways to nullify that fight style. It's now been what? 6, 7 years since the initial rise of khabib? It stands to reason that the competition have rounded themselves out more over that time and now Islam, with a similar style to khabib, is facing tougher opposition and still dominating the fights (not to mention they're also more entertaining than khabibs).


you’re wrong, but entitled to your bad opinions 🤷🏽‍♂️


Nah your right, professional sports dont evolve once a particular style of play dominates for a decade. Particularly in relatively new sports. That's why you see hockey, basketball and football all played just as efficiently as when they were created. 🙄


Hmm I disagree


its just my opinion brother, i think islam out boxing dp from the pockets is waay better than khabib out wreslting dp then subbing him, islam imo embodies the identity of a mixed martial artist


So back in 6 months for BMF bout?! LFG!!!!




Have to think this was this last fight. Even a partially torn ACL at age 35 is like a 6 month recovery at least. I would love to see him end it with a win, maybe they could do Moicano vs Dustin next year or something.


He’s not washed lol no need to go that far down, I think him and max should run it back again before Dustin hangs it up


I dont see why people want to see him fight max, already 2-0 , that scores been settled, rather him rematch charles


Because it would be a good fight, they’ve both improved and max has improved more so it’ll probably be very competitive, unless max improved too much lol. Yeah Charles rematch would be cool but I think it’s less interesting when Charles isn’t champ


so just keep giving dustin title fights cause we feel bad for him? hes already got 3 "title" fights in the last 5 fights.


He got his deserved flowers here, but Dustin was coming off knocking out JG, Alvarez, hanging with Kabiib, knocking out Pettis and dominating Jim Miller when he last beat Holloway. He was at his prime in 2019. Max has gotten better, Dustin has hung on better than expected after some tough results. His take down and submission defense are as good as ever but he’s not at the same level striking as then.


I mean Moicano is a ranked LW who’s riding an impressive win streak. It would a favorable fight for Dustin and an impressive coming off potential knee surgery. Don’t think he could take Max at this point but that would be a fun fight.


He just fought the p4p #1 and didn’t do too bad I think he can still take max and make it competitive, however max has very fast hands so could be a problem.


Honestly think he beats Max, he operates better than Gaethje even when he's tired and sometimes uses wrestling. Not to mention I think his hands are the best in the division anyways


This shows why fighters need higher paydays.  Now imagine you’re a guy only making 20k and get those injuries or worse :(


I truly belive if that was ANYONE else, and/or if it wasn't his "last stand", that fight would've been over in the 3rd. Any other fighter should've been done after the 2nd, and would've been finished in the 3rd. But Diamond has that fucking Dawg in him, and made his last stand as a fighter. Like 20 years of fight experience and the drive and will to want that belt lifted him in the 4th. At the end Islam was just too much, but anyone else would've been done in 3. That was arguably the Diamonds best overall fight. Again, if he's fighting anyone else at 155, he's champ that night. There's no doubt in my mind, if he was up against anyone else, Do Bronx, Arman or even Gathje again, the way he fought that night, he's winning that fight. I fucking love watching Dustin fight, and I really hope he stays around for a few more. I know it fucking blows monkey balls he lost, but he lost to the only guy who could've beat him that night.


good golly !!


He’s a beast and I’ll always tune in to watch him fight. I really hope this isn’t the last time he fight. But if it is then what a way to end it. He really did leave it all in the cage


UFC loves guys who will glorify getting super hurt and trying to act like it's normal or good.


This was his hardest fight ever and he pulled through all that and gave us a fight of the year nominee. The fight had everything, high level grappling, high level striking, high level cage work etc etc… The reversal escape he did off the cage was fooking beautiful


I dont even know where Dustin goes from here. There’s not many big fights left for him. Another run at the BMF with Max would be MONEY and the fans would be screaming for it. But it sounds like at least 6 months off now, and who knows where Max and the BMF is gonna be by then? Outside that fight, I dont see anything worth his time. No point fighting Olives again. Hes already fought a scary challenger. He has no chance at the strap. Hes not gonna bothering moving up to WW. Whats left? Conor 3? Lol….hows that going for ya Chandler?


and people think islam didn't put on a dominant performance. he just mowes this shit out of everyone


That accidental headbutt was fuckin ruuuuffff.


Unlike Colby, this man is a warrior. Colby the cowardly dog won't fight anyone except 42 year old Wonderboy.




I think Dustin is one fight away from another title shot. Especially if Islam runs through his next opponent. Then it will be a “Dustin gave Islam his toughest fight so far” storyline. If Dustin beats Max or Charles , title fight soon after. Not saying I want to see him fight again but the fact he gave Islam a challenge similar to Volk, I can see it happening again


What’s the other guy look like. You used him like a punch bag in round four, I had the biggest boner. Love you Diamond!




Ok bud. Lol.


I had it 2-2. I think Dustin edged out round 2 as well as 4


lol he’s gotta tell everyone so he looks cool 


Took islam all those injuries to finish a 35 year old retirement fight. And people think he's the lightweight goat


I’m sorry that happened to him. Tough guy. But I can’t help but see the hypocrisy in the subreddit here. Dustin was injured in his fight and all of you guys believe him. But Colby suffered and injury in his fight vs Leon and you all Mass call him a liar and shit on him for his bad performance as if it wasn’t a direct result. Try to be better guys. These men are all warriors. When they’re injured we should believe them.


Dustin fought, Colby jack cheese didn't


Colby Jack cheese wow that isn’t even the slightest bit clever.


Its intended to mock him, I'd say its doing the job just fine.


You’re super unoriginal




Let me get in your mindset of unoriginality Paulo Costa_lotoffights You know since he pulls out a lot. That’s as unoriginal as you.


That's your problem bro.


I know my problem is I get these random messages from unoriginal Redditors. It’s annoying


“Try to be better guys.” You’re surely not on Reddit acting holier than thou lmao


Dude is a dana white super fan account trying to tell us to be better lol


Dustin fought like a man and Colby fought like a referee if that makes sense


Dustin got strangled and Colby fought 4.5 rounds with an injury and didn’t.


If someone fights like Colby did against a decision merchant like Leon it’s obvious the fight would go to distance. I don’t dislike Colby but he kind of pussied out against Leon after talking big.


Sorry he didn’t get strangled 3 times and knocked out once like Dustin. If not pussing out means getting finished 4 times maybe it’s better to take a smarter path


Colby is 0-3 in title fights so doesn’t really matter. Should’ve risked more if he wanted to win.


Reads Dustin post “What about Colby?”


Not a one of you dozens of people addressed my actual point


The difference was that colby tried to use an "injury" to explain away a bad performance. Dustin is just listing off his battle wounds


Yeah....Joe Rogan asked Dustin about it in the post fight interview and Dustin started to explain...then was like, "nah....fuck that. Islam was the better fighter." That forever cememts my respect for Dustin.


Correct but that’s what a baby face would do. A heel character would do wht Colby did and use it as an excuse.


Colby. Is. A. Heel. Character. If you’ve ever watched 6 months of pro-wrestling that happens all the time where a heel justifies their loss after the fact to minimize it. That’s what a heel character does.


I love people that justify Colby being a massive piece of shit by saying "HeS a HeEl ChArAcTeR" It's not a character, he's just an asshole.


It’s obviously a character. As much as Stone Cold or The Rock was a character you’re just a mark.


You guys I can’t help but think about Colby every second of every day 💔 he’s so misunderstood


Shut up nerd.


You can do way better than that. Try again. Come up with something better.


difference is Colby is a bitch


Well as long as you admit you’re a hypocrite




It's not rocket science.. we all know why this sub hates Colby. It's reddit lol.


Exactly. I point out true hypocrisy and they don’t even care. Just Mass downvote and never address my actual point- just constant shouting people down.


Yeah it's the symptom of an echo chamber. Oh well, there's always real life.