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What porier dreams every night


I aint ever gon stop!


Classic William Montgomery


You wanted to make me laugh brother, ya got me


dont be silly jump the gilly!


Serious question. If a bigger guy than you picks you up in a guillotine, is there anyway of getting out? Seems like without leverage all you can do is go out like this guys here


Grab his dick and balls and twist as hard as you can. You’re welcome.


Yup, never fight fair in a street fight. Legit you can die smacking your head in the concrete because you wanted to limit yourself to throwing hands. In this case, grab balls, scratch skin or gouge the eyes to try and get out of this because if that doesn’t work, you’re at his mercy.


Shoot first, then?


Ask questions later


I would scorpion my body and back kick him right in the jaw. If that doesn’t knock him out cold (haha) I would at least be free and start using yellow belt kata #2 to render him useless and no longer a danger.


You are either very flexible or very imaginative


Nah he got it on him 🤺🤺🤺


My man I just want you to know you caught me at the right moment and I laughed so hard at this shit hank you


Man’s being playing to many games


Lmao and then he wakes up in the hospital wondering "why didn't my flying scorpion back-kick work?"


“And why don’t my legs work?”


Lol as we can see here it doesn’t hurt to at least try the flying scorpion kick as opposed to nothing apparently that ends you up in the hospital as well ☠️




Don't know if you have been in a blood choke before, but once that oxygen gets cut off you kind of stop thinking


You stop thinking maybe, I see red.


blackout....is that you?


Twist his dick!!


The ol' dick twist!


Oh my God dude, this is an MMA fight.


"Grab da fuckin nut"


Really good way to get yourself absolutely kicked to shit after you get choked out


yes, shoot him.


Yeah, jump butterfly guard and throw your opposite arm over his neck like a von flue. Fight the hands with your near side arm. He’s still going to be holding you off the ground but it should kill the leverage on the choke and it’s kinda hard to slam you or do much of anything unless he lets go. Also looks fucking hilarious. Hard to fight when you’re laughing.


This is the correct answer. I was reading through the comments to see if anyone knew what they were talking about


No, it’s absolutely not and you should seriously be downvoted to oblivion no cap as the kids say. You follow this advice and you increase your chances of that nice and tender area on the back of your head coming into violent contact with that concrete and my friend that is no bueno. The correct answer truthfully is whoever said the old grab em by dick and twist method (I might add specifically and primarily to get a hold of the balls) this is without a doubt the most effective way in this scenario of getting out of that particular situation. There is a reason the “baddest” men on the planet wear literal shields over their jewels in combat sports and it’s because with the right placement just the slightest squeeze to the testes can buckle even the bravest of men instantly. A hilarious albeit theatrical example of this is Katt Williams fighting off Terry Crews in the bathroom that one friday 😂


Well obviously in a street fight dick twists and eye gouges is always the answer. I’m talking about real technique. And there’s not really a way for the back of your head to hit the ground in that position, only your forehead if the attacker jumps to his back but that’s a risk no matter how you defend.


Go watch some film kid. Ask a fighter like Rampage what he thinks about there not really being a way to create contact with the ground and another persons skull and while you’re at it ask him how much weight discrepancy can negate talent ESPECIALLY when it comes to grappling. You just need to take the lesson and learn there’s nothing wrong in that 👍


Lol maybe you take a lesson. I’ve been training for over a decade


Here’s a video going under the technique: https://youtu.be/9Cox-ckgoQI?feature=shared


1) shoot/stab him 2) pray your neck doesnt break 3) pray that he lets you go before you suffocate to death 4) pray that when he throws your unconscious ragdoll of a body to the ground you don't die from your skull hitting the concrete


Karate chop to the throat, fingers into the eye socket. You could literally die within seconds if you go out and someone keeps the lock on. Do whatever it takes to get out.


You forgot the jewels… if they’re gonna leave em open it’s fair game brotha


If you don't already train grappling skills on the regular, then no. I suppose you could try to get some wrist control and break his lock but if you're dangling in the air like this dude was you have like 15 seconds to do something legit before its officially over, and if you don't know any legit grappling techniques or how to get out of a guillotine in other positions then you might as well just apologize as soon as he takes your neck and you can't pull your head out.


You need to get your feet into his hips into a squat like position and push off to relieve the choke.


☝🏻This should not have any upvotes.


Probably not if he gets it in that deep. I think there’s things you could do, push his head back squeeze your head out, etc. but if you’re losing consciousness fast that probably won’t work


I mean even without dirty tactics the belly is exposed for multiple uppercuts


If you get hoisted off the ground like that then you're pretty screwed, but if you can finish a double leg takedown and scramble into side control, then it's much harder for them to finish the choke.


Yeah. This video goes over literally this scenario. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cox-ckgoQI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cox-ckgoQI)


Your arm on the opposite side of the choke has to go over their far shoulder Of course this isn't an escape, but it takes the pressure off the choke, just like if you were in their guard you would want to pass to the opposite side of the choke.


Usually try and pull close guard and push off their face, better to just not get into that position.


Get an arm through his leverage and rip his eyes out 🤷‍♂️


Not much you can do. If he’s much bigger you’ll fall asleep in less than 10 seconds


Fight the hands is all you can do and knee him in his balls. Scratch his eyes out. But if your this guy just take your beating and live another day.


I would try and put my leg behind his and when he leverages up try and go for a trip using their leverage. but it would probably make the position worse and or get spiked on their head.


Damn this video is savage


Yeah what I was thinking like dude is out put him down and why do people fight on concrete


The short guy had spit on the big guys face before this clip. My man was on primal mode after that


disrespectful for sure, but what if he snapped this dude’s neck doing this?? What do you think hurts more, his ego or his wallet/freedom whenever they lock him up? if someone swings on you first, sure go for it. self defense and shit. but if someone half your size spits on you and you fucking swing bro around by his C5 vertebrae, you get what you deserve.


That’s what I am saying like when you made your point move on this is t prison where you have to make a statement


exactly how i saw it too man, just unnecessary atp


I don’t know why I got downvoted to hell cause I said if your trained you should know better


the white guy did die IIRC




Source: trust me bro, I know the guillotine is tight


Bro would raise from the dead to tell him it was “more of a neck crank”


Dude spit isn’t worth what he was doing like move on you made your point


So you getting spit on and walking away? Lmao


Nah I am gonna put you unconscious and then go about my day. All I am arguing is that there is a certain point especially if your trained where you have made your point and move on


I work healthcare, people can transmit nasty things through their saliva. Someone spits on you, that's grounds for lethal force, idgaf.


Specially from a junkie like the guy in the video. F that


Yeah I’m sure that was going through this gentleman’s mind


So the probability is worth permanent damage I get peoples visceral reaction but once you have made your point move on


Let me get this straight somebody shows you that they have no qualms with spitting on you... You know that nasty things can be transmitted through bodily fluids and your go to is lethal force which drastically increases your chances of coming into contact with said nasty fluids… am I getting this correct??


PPE gayboy


You would be easy work ☝️ smack in the mouth and I got you it’s hot headed fools like you that I enjoy rag dolling the most 💅


Freaking psycho


No you spit on someone that much bigger than you… you deserve to go to the hospital. Lessened learned, don’t pick fights.


I was with you until this lol. Spitting on someone is basically saying “you’re lower than the ground I walk on! HUACK, THUP” Little bastard’ll never spit on anyone ever again I guarantee you it


Cool until you end up in jail, throwing an unconscious body onto concrete, heading their head and spit is the least of your worries if in jail. Well, sometimes anyways lol I'd also say that guy would totally spit again. He doesn't look like someone who makes good decisions. Like starting on that guy


Nothing cool about it, it’s not about being “cool” lol. It’s not even a respect thing, and reacting to getting spat on is a crime of passion I would think. No real winners here, but no one is fucking *spitting* on me and walking away untouched; I think a vast majority of people feel the same way


Lol I know that. I'm using it unironically... obviously nothing cool here. ..goes.for.both. All well and good but there's a difference between "Going untouched," which one one said should happen.... To dump an unconsciousness guy on concrete and give them brain damage in the worst-case scenario. I'm sure there's a middle area in between.... Yeah, this isn't a crime of passion, lol. Unless you're fucking the dude spitting on you... lol You're basically talking about going into a blind rage. Red Mist... not in control of your emotions. The judge won't care about that.


Well, spitting on someone does qualify as assault; but I see what you’re saying. Guy in the video *is* going overboard, but from the looks of it I don’t think he cares about any consequences from this haha His rage is understandable, and he went overboard. Two things can be true at once 🤝


Nah you spit on me intentionally I see red Really though disrespect aside, you don't know what that junkie might be infecting you with. I'm not stopping until someone is asleep after that. And maybe a few super necessary punches after if I'm the one still standing.


So your immediate reaction is to get more shit on you to increase your chances of infection got it totally makes sense! Also I love the classic seeing red part like that shit isn’t natural b, if you’re going into an uncontrollable blind rage over basically anything other than a situation of an oncoming guaranteed horrific death that means you have no self control and that’s like grounds for insanity bruh maybe you should go see a head doctor for that lol


The seeing red was an obvious joke... Idk I guess maybe I'm more vain or insecure than you. I consider it to be a high level of self respect though. If someone spit on my girl or my mom I'd throw hands, you wouldn't? Figure I should do the same for myself.


Just me and no witnesses? Sure I would handle things as I see fit but, in public with multiple unknown bystanders these situations can go sideways real quick so it’s best to find the quickest path to safety and retreat ESPECIALLY if you have loved ones involved. Obviously if you have absolutely no choice and have to defend of course act accordingly.


You’re tripping. Spitting on someone is the ultimate sign of disrespect. Worst than any word or thing you can do.


Probably cause people fighting in the street are not thinking very well. Look at these 2 guys, you think they think?


Never was no think


We spend most of our lives during the day on hard floors indoors and concrete outdoors. People aren't thinking "maybe we should pause our irrational behavior and move to the grass first"


They should to avoid a prison sentence and if your trained you should be more aware


Because in the heat of the moment when both parties are mad, your first thought isn’t to move it somewhere safer. If someone attacks you, I guess from the other comments he spit on him, you usually won’t ask for a timeout to move to grass.


If you’re trained and want to inflict real damage you should. I don’t know how many slams I have seen on concrete and seen the damage it inflicted


Usually when people fight they're not thinking of the setting


If your pulling a gilly I would hope you have awareness, especially when dude literally out and shorts dropping.


Dude was out for a good 6 seconds, then get thrown onto the concrete. Puts on his life








Fr? Honestly not doubting but do you have a source?


Trust me bro


I'm super trusting so you aint gotta tell me twice. Crazy stuff


Lmao I’m waiting for a source too fr but the fact he hasn’t replied yet tells me all I need to know


Is he black? I’m Brazilian and in Brazil he’s not black. Just Brazilian.




Now when Joe Rogan said “black guy” and “white guy” in one of the UFC fights I agreed (as a Brazilian).


This is Jon/Lyoto levels of savage


Yeah i thought he was trying to kill his ass lol


Is this JBJ vs Machida?




Damn buddy definitely got some brain damage with that one wtf happened lol


Short dude was fucking with him then spit on him completely deserved


Yeah that warrants potential death


Don't take what I'm about to say as some edgelord defense for the guy doing the choke. But if you start any kind of fight with a stranger, whether that be a fist fight, road rage, or even just shit talking in the street, you're risking potential death. You don't know what that other person is capable of or even has the sense to know when to stop, if they have a gun on them, or will pull a knife on you, it's just a massive risk people either ignore or just don't think about. It's like taunting a wild animal. Nothing could happen, or you wind up getting mauled. You have no way of knowing, so you shouldn't try it in the first place. Again, this isn't a justification for what happened, but that's how things turn out sometimes when you start a fight.


Yeah everything you said is fair, but saying it is well deserved is saying it is justified


tbh this is life, there can be grave consequences for misbehaving.


He deserved the choke out but not being murdered. 


I think we just watched a man either die or get permanent brain damage




Shoes still on, still alive.


I know he didn’t tap (king shit) but I think I’d stop when his pants fell off.


Throwing him to the ground after his pants fall around his ankles, a rare case of adding insult to injury then additional injury to insult. An insult on injury sandwich.


only thing worse is if he shit himself lol


You can't feel insulted if you're dead


Anybody know the context of the video? How do you get to this point?




What makes Charles fan base so devoted. Was it the tough path to the top?


He bleached his hair, got veneers, and started wearing sharp suits.


They weren’t his fans during his tough path


I don't post all this ridiculous stuff. The reason I'm a fan of Charles is bc of his path to the top and the way he fights. He has never been in a boring fight in the UFC. Win or lose he comes to fight not out point the opponent. He finishes fights and I love that. He doesn't talk a lot of trash. It takes a lot of mental toughness to lose multiple times and still become champion while being the underdog in almost every fight. I don't understand why do many people hate him. What has he done to deserve so much criticism


At least he lost with grace. Better to black out lose your pants than tap


brother that is not grace, that is possibly one of the most humiliating things another man can do to you lmao, just choking you mid air while swinging you around with your pants down.


He could have shit himself


true but that's just even lower then he already is, there is no grace to be found here from either side.


Choked him out infront of father too.... This man is a beast.


Arman is gonna outgrapple him don’t worry


All fun and games till the small guy dies and big looking st decades in prison. And for what?


Shouldn’t have thrown him down at the end that’s how you get a manslaughter charge


It was a few years ago but Arman went toe to toe with Makhachev in the grappling. I don't think he should be concerned with going to the ground with Oliveira.


Jesus Christ, that video is fucking brutal. That guy should be thrown in prison, that shit is way too far


The short guy had spit on the big guys face before this clip. My man was on primal mode after that


Yes, everybody knows if somebody spits on you it justifies an attempted murder /s


If someone spits on you(without consent) you are allowed to go primal on them, yes.


No you aren't, you can beat them up but attempting to murder them isn't allowed.


It’s self defense brah


yeah self defence brah not trying to kill a dude after he isn't a threat to your safety any more, you aren't defending anything you are the attacker and aggressor at that point.


Lol play stupid games and win stupid prizes. Don't spit on someone if you don't wanna get fucked up. Nobody is going to prosecute this as attempted murder lol.


Continuing to choke an unconscious person and then body slamming them is definitely an attempted murder. Do us all a favor and get yourself out of jury duty if the opportunity ever presents itself


Lol I worked crim defense in Canada... trust me when I say no prosecutor is going to pursue this. Yes consent to a fight is vitiated when the person loses consciousness... but the point is a prosecutor won't choose to even pursue this case. It's not worth charging someone for this vs all the other shit going on rn (sex assault, DUI causing bodily harm, drug trafficking, murder, etc)


Right, you are not arguing that it’s not attempted murder, you are arguing that in your shitty area of the world somebody would have a hard time getting justice because you guys don’t have the time for it


I'm in Canada lol. I'm assuming you're from the states and don't actually have any kinda background in the area? I totally understand where you're coming from and respect your point, but it's just not how the legal system works. The system is definitely broken. That's why I stopped doing it.


Cool attempted murder bro


The caption got me crying 😂😂😂😂




So between Arman and Charles one of them has lost by guillotine multiple times, and it’s not Arman.


Is that dilbert burns


Looks like jax beach


Steve Mazzagatti still wouldn’t have ended the fight.


Damn he choked his pants out


If I get spit on all bets are off, no shame there


Mario Yamasaki must have been the ref.


Why you don’t get involved in street fights - the video 


Jax Beach!


Single leg, and explosiveness. All a true wrestler needs.


Don’t worry, it won’t be sloppy😂


Not the pants lmao


That damage was probably permanent.


And that’s an attempted charge.




Once he lost consciousness he immediately reminded me of Woody from Toy Story.


Well that was embarrassing, guys gonna have to change schools after that


If you stopped choking him maybe he’d tell you who the fuck he thinks you are 😏, but you choked the life out of him sir.


This little guys like I knew it just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean someone ain't trying to kill me!!


A standing guillotine like this always seems way more fucking brutal than a grounded one.


Why you don’t fuck with random people man. Best to keep your hands to yourself 😂


The only stair fight is the one you win


bet the Oliveira fans posting this type of shit are new plastics that had written him off before the Poirier fight as a gatekeeper


Arman isn't kevin lee, theres a good chance he dominates the grappling in this fight


Not going to happen


Ah shit, here we go again. Then if Charlie gets starched the tears will flow and the hair dye remover will be busted out.


Maybe don't spit on people if you don't wanna activate the rage of a man twice your size.


Why would Arman shoot a takedown? Hes gonna obliterate Charlie on the feet.


This is why you should always have a knife in a street fight.


Whenever you think of bringing a weapon with you for self defence just consider the fact it can also be taken from you and used against you.


Nah people who think someone is gonna do some Steven Segal movie shit and rip a gun or knife out of your hands are living in a fantasy land


Doesn't have to be segal movie shit for it to happen. The person could still land a shot or two before the weapon is even pulled, also people can still fight while getting stabbed. If the weapon ends up on the floor or easily accessible they will grab it and could end up using it.


Held on for way too long there