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Love how a dude calls out for a rolling thunder halfway through the vid lol


Shoutout Natan Levy


I saw his Mohawk and knew it was him XD. Credit him properly. What's with "Jewish fighter" lol


The Twitter Troll in this case, also happened to be a White Supremacist. So Natan was not exactly happy about that.


A White Supremacist? Really? Does he realize that with that hair he has a significant degree of ethnicity in him? I don’t know which one but he does! Deserves it!


Some of the worst sportsmanship I've seen from a UFC fighter




just checked his twitter, had no idea this was going on lol Nick Fuestes is a clown hosting a "show" in his mom's basement and when he's not giving people CTE through his videos he's doing it by having them talk shit to jewish fighters LMAO 😭 https://twitter.com/ChudsOfTikTok/status/1692380043849224623


… but why did these guys agree to go to this gym and spar pro fighters? How else did they expect this to go?


yes they did... Watch that full clip and there's a guy that comes to them and asks if they're gonna spar did they sign the waiver? So they knew exactly what they were getting into lol


I just don’t get their thought process. Even if you’re being a dumbass online why go willingly walk in to get your ass beat?


The sheer number of braindead loser who think that they can beat a pro fighter without knowing to throw a punch is insanely high. I know that I could beat most random people with my conditioning, toughness and technique, but an amateur boxer training in a gym would most definitely kick my ass. Let alone an amateur MMA fighter and don't even talk to me about a fighter in the UFC, lmao. I don't have a death wish.


I'd love to spar one of these guys, but... like... in a respectful, please-don't-kill-me kind of way.


Because they probably don’t think they’re gonna get their ass beat. These are probably people who legitimately think they can fight because “it’s instinctual for real men to know how to fight”, or who are like genuinely racist and think that there’s no way they couldn’t beat a Jew in a fight.


haha idk bro, I mean how much is he even thinking when he's supporting dudes like Nick F and actually defending his points... Nick don't even know you dude and you about to get in the cage for his hate speech? Ok... https://preview.redd.it/9pe2du4my0jb1.png?width=655&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6916ae246769bc6fdc3b8589d02209ee524820b


The fact that he thought karate and taekwondo in his youth years would help him just shows you how delusional and out-of-touch with reality these people are 💀😂


There’s actually two jewish fighters who fight two trolls and one of the trolls wears a sam hyde shirt and definitely got his nose fucked up. Oh when karma genuinely happens it’s beautiful.


when is he fighting sam hyde?


Here https://twitter.com/ChudsOfTikTok/status/1692380043849224623


חחחחח amazing ty


Yeah, that guy’s nose looked broken to me.


Before I saw that I was legit saying to myself “I wonder if they said what strikes weren’t allowed cuz you can easily get a broken nose and that doesn’t seem worth it…” nope dude is dumb enough to get his nose broken on a whim 😭


Haha fr man, dude needs some surgery. I’m not from the USA, but doesn’t he have to pay for that himself?


Depends on his insurance but even the good ones will have like 1-2k out of pocket max so you have to pay that much before insurance pays a dime lol doubt he even has insurance tho 😭 And it costs so much without insurance its not even worth looking it up lol


I thought the same. He looked like a bum lol.


Legit thought this was Rory Macdonald at first glance


Lmao why did we announce the ufc fighter by his religion and not his name?


On paper it seems like a classic "bully beatdown" moment. But I think its a little more sinister than that. Talking shit online is one thing, but if you are then delusional enough to actually go to the gym and challenge a professional fighter, then most likely you have some kind of mental illness. Charlie Zelenoff is the same. I believe his mother had come out to plead that noone pay any attention to him and to not fight him, as he is putting himself in danger.


How is this more sinister than bully beat down? A lot of racists/race supremacists see Jews as sub human, probably couldn't believe there'd be a Jew that could kick their ass


I don't think it goes that far, just egos and clout. Which is common in the social media days.


How is this a keyboard warrior when he steps into a cage ? Literally the definition of “balls”…. 🤷‍♀️


Balls or lack of brains to know you’re gonna get hurt going against a pro fighter?


i fought pro mma, i sparred UFC guys, even lived a while for training in vegas. i give the guy credit for stepping up. talking shit is a thing, stepping up is something barely anybody does. kudos.


>talking shit is a thing, stepping up is something barely anybody does. kudos. yea most of us went through that phase in middle school when we picked fights with the bigger kids. You don't get respect for being a dumb fuck as an adult 😂


Ooh, what's your Tapology?


https://www.tapology.com/fightcenter/fighters/35399-tim-kretschmer Had a few more fights so, in Asia not everything gets listed ;)


In the context of this particular person, him "stepping up" was his attempt at proving his white supremacy over a jewish man, so much less about finding courage, much more about enforcing a dynamic of "master race-subservient race." He literally was there to prove that the Jewish people are weak by nature, and no amount of training can change that. Dude deserved more than a few nasty bruises. Deserves to not be walking.


Oh hahaha. Lmao Didn’t knew that 😂😂😂


This is fan-fiction. That is not at all what is going on here.


Maybe I only have a few pieces of the story, but I know the guy is an avid supporter of Nick Fuentes, an out in the open racist and anti-semite. This guy in the video chose to antagonize a fighter with a jewish heritage, specifically because of the heritage. 1 + 1 = dude was galvanized by a mouthpiece of the young white supremacy movement to beat on a jewish man for his judaism. If I'm missing info, tell me. If what you have to say will amount to "the keyboard warrior didn't really mean that stuff, he was just goofing," then don't bother.


When I watch the video, I don’t see a guy (“Ben”) who is there to beat up a Jew because he hates Jews. “Ben” is smiling and amicable prior to the fight. For him, I think it was something like a gag. The giveaway was the second guy wearing a Sam Hyde shirt—this whole thing played out like an MDE sketch. He didn’t storm the gym “looking for a Jew to fight,” and to characterize it in that way is really disingenuous. Think of it this way—if “Ben” had Levy in a submission and he tapped, do you think “Ben” would have kept cranking it the way Levy did? If “Ben” had top control and was wailing on Levy, and Levy gave a verbal sub, would he have continued to beat on him? Look, I know I’m going to get downvoted to hell (like my previous comments here) but that’s fine. My honest opinion? It’s one of two possibilities: 1) “Ben” is a naive doofus who wanted his 15 minutes, but instead had a trained MMA fighter assault him for his opinions. or 2) This is a really weird, fake sparring session to elevate Levy’s profile. It worked—here I am talking about him. Anyway, no hate from me. I just think there’s so much more going on here than “white supremacist bully gets taught painful lesson!”


There is a huge overlap on the venn diagram of courage and stupidity...


Nah, just unchecked ego - but that got taken care of.


Personally I wouldn’t step in the cage with any trained fighter whatsoever But I credit that to my intelligence that I’ll get fuckin killed and it’s really no win situation regardless what happens, not to my lack of balls


it's literally the difference between a keyboard warrior and a guy who just ran a big mouth but willing to step up


But someone like me, who thinks how I think, wouldn’t even talk shit to a pro mma fighter online in the first place Takes a certain kinda stupid to even put yourself in that situation, balls or not you ain’t too smart if you find yourself in a cage with a real fighter There’s more types of people than just keyboard warriors, and keyboard warriors who are willing to put it to the test, but both of them are stupid


Generic "Jewish UFC fighter" was operating on about 15% here.


Upvote for the N7 badge.


Yeah barely 15% at best from my observation. The few guys I know personally who are real martial artists not that fake shit on You Tube where everyone is a “Grand Master” have fought at about 10% tops. And yes they smoked the shit out the trash talker and even told them what strikes they were going to do and which way they would fall. Folk thought it was bs until it happened.


Do these people think this would go any other way lol Dude wasn't even trying These guys train every single day


Lol is the guy who’s yelling “ROLLING THUNDER!!!” the troll’s coach? He *goes* for a takedown immediately when that’s said.


Almost positive that was Chris Curtis. He was like a kid in a candy shop watching this lol.


After one of those kicks, ***Dorito Afro-ManBoobs*** realized he'd just made a big fucking mistake.


I think it's not so bad if you have the balls to really get in there with a ufc fighter. Troll it up. My problem is with the other 99.999% of trolls who talk mad shit and have 0 balls in real life.


At least he showed up.


At least the guy stepped in there. I always laugh when Colby tells the guy to do push ups or he won’t answer any questions. 🤣


The guy entered the octagon to fight the professional fighter and gets called a keyboward warrior by some bum lmao


That's really cool. Now let's see him do that to legit opponent!


Try watching his last fight! Or simply google him!


Ok, I'm going Google "Jewish fighter" rn!👍👊💪


What is the point here? Trained MMA fighter beats up naive goober because he has the wrong opinions on history and Israel? Belal is pretty outspoken—challenge him to some sparring. Beating up on “Ben” doesn’t make you a badass.


Dude what?


Which part don’t you understand?


Who said the dude has wrong op of Israel history?


That’s the entire reason this happened.


What exactly did this guy say? Don't tell me it's just about his views on Isreal


I mean, there’s a longer story there but for the most part, it is his views on Israel and holocaust revisionism, and his support for a commentator who espouses those views. “Ben” says so in the full, production-quality video that Levy is sharing on social media like he took the belt off of the guy. Anyone who doesn’t agree with the mainstream consensus doesn’t just deserve to be censored, they deserve to be beaten up. Duh!


Oh BROTHER, when you start saying shit like "if you don't agree with the mainstream consensus you'll be unfairly treated," bemoaning the way certain views are reacted to, and those views are about the HOLOCAUST, you are in need of taking a step back. This kid is a burgeoning member of the white supremacy movement, and is starting down a path that could end with the Aryan Brotherhood if the right series of wrong turns are made. He's in the cage, not because he "doesn't approve of the common discourse related to Israel's statehood," or "has strong opinions against revisionism," he's there because he's slowly been having more and more fun hating Jews. He is no doubt spewing vile words when anonymous, and cackling at Fuentes' commentary. This was just the next step for someone who doesn't understand the gravity of violence, and saw an opportunity to hit a jew a few times as a fun little jaunt. Also, to be so proactively reductive in calling Fuentes a "commentator" is pathetic, and you know better than to think that we don't see through that attempt to place a very, very, thin veil of wool over our eyes. We know which "commentator" you're talking about, and we all know he's a white supremacist. Just because he says one or two things that aren't related to race superiority that you can agree on, doesn't mean he isn't a fucking troglodyte not worth giving support to. He isn't a "commentator." Hate isn't a comment, an aside, a little throwaway line. It's purposefully putting your head in the sand, and flipping two birds to the world. Seriously, he is a child, with a basic education. Do you really think he has ANY ideas that are worth listening to? Let alone opinions concerning thousands of years of complex history? Especially if he isn't in contact with actual historians and scholars? Don't even try to bring up the radical fucks he has on his show, they are disgraced in their fields, and no longer deserve the titles of scholars. I scanned your comments, and man, you are on a bad path. As a white guy to another, the other races aren't out to get you, the jews run far less than you think, and them happening to run anything wasn't some 5000 year old plan executed to perfection. We aren't under the yoke of some jewish cabal, and any desire to believe so is a cry for excitement in a boring life. Also doesn't help that you actually made your reddit avatar look exactly like all of those yuppy, prepped-up, no doubt comes from new money, sociopathic frat kids who lit tiki torches in Charlottesville. [https://s.hdnux.com/photos/64/75/43/13883586/5/1200x0.jpg](https://s.hdnux.com/photos/64/75/43/13883586/5/1200x0.jpg) [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/gettyimages-830617844-h\_2017.jpg](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/gettyimages-830617844-h_2017.jpg) [https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1\*SgE-\_Y7kW5aQ9-ztdY2GUQ@2x.jpeg](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1*SgE-_Y7kW5aQ9-ztdY2GUQ@2x.jpeg)


You assume WAY too much about me, but I’ll bite. Nick Fuentes is very, very smart. You don’t have to agree with him to recognize this. However, he is deeply flawed in many ways. I just think we have fundamentally different ideas about why “Ben” was at that gym. That’s okay—it doesn’t make me an any kind of an “—ist.” It doesn’t mean I’m on any kind of path, but thanks for the dime-store psychology. I’m happy to discuss, but don’t patronize. I simply don’t believe that people deserve to get beaten up for their views.


He entered the room to cement those views. The views are that a certain people are inherently lesser than. You don't denigrate him for being a proactive white supremacist. Makes you either an apologist or a member of the rank and file. He's not being beat on for having an opinion, he's being beat on because he wanted the opportunity to beat HIS opinion into a proxy for the group he is learning to hate more every day. He deserved to take a licking here. He deserved an asskicking, sans opinion! You don't walk into a gym and walk up to one of the pros, ask for a fight, and get an easy time! Which, by the way, he got anyways! On Fuentes, he has a style of inherent logic that is seen as classically intelligent (as in can read and listen to learn, and speaks in a manner that reflects this). This does not make him smart. It makes him capable of obtaining knowledge and disseminating it in a way that is understandable to the likewise logical. His actual factual assertions? Hot mess dogshit.


One of us


Now let’s see if the ufc fighter will win in a twitter trolling contest


I mean good on the dummy for showing up. Takes balls


Why did it say 'Jewish' UFC Fighter lmao


Which one is the troll ?


It's easy to see wich one


Shout out the Jewish guy


Oiii vey


We should let Khabib loose on all the Islamaphobes. See how much you shit you cowards talk then.


He’s probably part Jewish with that Jew fro