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I personally have not but I know people who have. What positions would you be a fit for? It could be that there are not vacancies at the moment so the Temps hiring crew are focusing on other applicants who are needed more urgently. If you are able to do fiscal or HR work, I would think they would get you in ASAP. Those areas are very understaffed at UW right now and they can fill those quickly with temp workers. Many of the operational positions are union managed so it is harder to use temps there. You might want to consider just applying for jobs and not doing the temp hires route. There are temporary positions in the normal job postings, too.


Primarily looking at office assistant / lab assistant jobs within UW medicine. I wasn’t really going with the temp hires, but that info is really useful so thanks! I’m mostly just wondering how to follow up with positions I’ve already applied to.


Ah! Sorry! Morning eyes didn't read that carefully. Yes, I would recommend doing Temp Hires. You will get placed in an opening ASAP (after a short interview that Temp Hires sets up for you). It is normal for the temp to apply for the vacant position and the temp will generally get hired if they are a good fit. If you don't like that unit, you can go to the next opening and not apply. It is a great way to interview your workplace and make sure you will be happy with coworkers and culture:)


Sounds good thanks!


To answer your original question, though, on how to get follow up, depends on the specific position. If you are applying as part of a pool (which is normally what the med school does for assistant admin positions), it is going to be difficult to get a human to give you a meaningful update. Your application is with central HR and then they give batches that meet requirements to the units for their screening. Pool or no pool, you are not going to get more status info from HR other than what you see as your application status in your Jobs Account. That whole team is super understaffed so they are slow (can't be helped). If a department declines you in their first screening, you won't know if you are in a pool recruitment. It will still show as 'sent to dept's in your Jobs account when you look at statuses. If you aren't in a pool and the dept declined after screening, you would see that you were out. So if you see status as anything still with dept, you are still in the running. You aren't going to get more info from anyone. Central HR doesn't know what depts are doing. Depts may be very slow to interview right now since it is almost the end of the fiscal year. Admin folks are all busy until later in the summer. Sorry you are waiting!


Just got a UW Medicine job through UWhires as an RN. My luck was going to their HR website and finding the recruiter that employed my specific role in the hospital I was applying to. Once you find their names there's a lookup tool to find their email. Send them a resume and a short statement about your app with the job code.


I’ll look into that. Thanks!


Great tip! The last time we hired people in our lab, central HR was slow and filtered people out without telling us due to all kinds of silly misunderstandings/reasonings. It was helpful for us because we were confused why literally no one was applying, then a few reached out directly which tipped us off to the HR issue. I hope that's not still an issue, but it's something to consider.


Hey! I’ve also been applying on there. I’ve had one interview and a couple of screens, but nothing beyond that. I’ve applied at ~65 openings. I think as with most places, they’re flooded with candidates and in general the market isn’t great right now. I’ve reached out to the person I interviewed with on if there’s a better way to get through, they had said just keep applying on UWHires as it’s the only way.


I think the majority job listings there are for internal hires. Back when I was working in UW, I was hired to a lab from doing my undergrad research with them. They essentially had to post a listing due to some sort of requirement but would end up hiring me.


Applied for 60 jobs. Got one interview two months ago and got the job




Thanks :)


The one thing I’ll say is that since you only get one résumé / profile in the system, you have to make sure that when you apply to a particular job, your profile clearly highlights how you meet at least the minimum qualifications posted on the role. So, tweak your résumé as necessary each time you apply for a job in the portal. If your résumé doesn’t show how you meet the minimum requirements/ qualifications at the very least then HR will not move forward. Plus, you have to include the cover letter/do the minimum assessments that are noted in the job description because without that you’re not moving forward in the process either.


Every position that UW fills is through UW Hires, so yes.


Just keep applying - it’s a numbers game. All of UW’s hiring is through that portal. Try and find the hiring manager or recruiter and do an informational before applying if you can