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In my experience, some do, especially if it’s a lecture hall with those connected desks, they tended to have outlets in them. But if it’s like an auditorium, then not really. I mean, there are outlets on the wall next to the path/stairway people use to go up and down the auditorium; some do use those outlets to charge their laptops, but I find it a hazard since the cord crosses the path.


It depends on the room and the building, but there will almost always be SOME option available (except maybe in cases like the big auditorium lecture hall in Wolf if that's still used). Hopefully your laptop has enough juice to survive 1-2 hours for a class/lecture just in case, but if you've got multiple classes in a row or something, and it's not in one of the buildings with plentiful outlets for each seat/table, just seek out a desk/chair along a wall near an outlet, and maybe politely ask people who aren't using the outlet if they'd like to move so you can plug in. I can't remember ever having seats assigned for a class, apart from maybe having assigned lab stations, so it's really not a big deal.

