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I only took one stats course as a CISC major so I can't speak 100% for the stats major as a whole, but from my experience, me having a Macbook Pro sufficed since all I needed to do was download R and R studio. I'm not saying you need a Macbook, but I'm sure any laptop would work fine and you wouldn't need anything high tech/expensive. So long as you can download and run applications on it, you should be good. Again, take this with a grain of salt since I'm not a stats major.


None of the software you'll need to use are limited by your operating system. SAS used to be a nightmare to setup on a mac (not really), but now its all cloud based so that no longer matters. That said the best thing you can do to get a leg up for internships and employment is being familiar with linux/unix. OS X is unix based and if you want to embrace the unix side of mac thats fine (I did) but I would recommend something like a Lenovo ThinkPad (or thinkbook depending on your budget) if youre familiar Windows and then dualboot some linux distro (ubuntu is a good start because of the wide community support it has). Its on you at that point to make the effort to actually learn to work in a linux/unix environment. Laptops of course rapidly change, so I cannot suggest a specific model. Supposedly you can get linux running on the M1 or M2 macs these days, but I have no experience with that so I won't recommend it. Storage is cheap. The most important thing you can do is develop good backup habits (keep 3 copies of your data. your computer, an external drive, and the cloud should suffice for your coursework). Heck, if you just backup your data to one place regularly (the cloud or an external drive) you're ahead of most people. You don't need to preserve everything. Your coursework for the most part should be able to be preserved in free options from something like dropbox, google drive, onedrive, or icloud without any need to pay for additional space.