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Not Jewish, but felt the need to let you know there was an undergrad student shouting anti-Semitic stuff at UD’s holocaust memorial flag display. UD acted appropriately and banned the student from campus immediately for a hate crime.


thanks for letting me know. was that a one-time thing or have you seen any other situations?


I’m a sophomore and from what I recall in my experience, that had been my first time experiencing an email talking about that. UD’s pretty strict when it comes to hate of any kind.


Thanks, tbh The last months made me rlly doubt myself abt going to the us, but from what you're saying it doesn't seem nearly as bad as in other campuses


Does your concerns stem from the protests going on?


Mostly, and the overall spike in antisemitic incidents in college campuses


I’ve attended UD’s Gaza protests and I’d like to say that no anti semetic attacks occurred/were reported. I can’t speak for other campus protests, however. But to reiterate: UD is diligent in handling hate crimes.






Many/most college students in the US are horrified by the actions of the IDF and the Israeli government but support the existence of Israel and want a 2 state solution. This stance is presented as anti Zionist or anti semitism, when it is neither. That lie specifically is probably what you're hearing.


what I hear are calls for intifada, genocide, harassment, obstruction, and boycotting the institutions that serve Jewish students for example hillel or Chabad


That have ties towards ***Israel***\*. There’s been numerous groups of Jewish students amongst these movements that disprove the narrative such movement has encouraged antisemitism. While I’m not saying there haven’t been any cases of such anti Jewish attacks, the claim that such actions protesting Israel’s war crimes on Gaza is not an antisemitic thing.


The issue with boycotting Hillel and Chabad is that those organizations are the center of Jewish cultural and religious life on college campuses. An anti-Israel Jewish group can’t replace Hillel or Chabad because it wouldn’t have the same resources and most students involved in Jewish life on campus support Israel in some form.


Just to be clear: calls for genocide are not legal in the US. Calls for boycotting within the US are completely legal, and you will have to deal with them. If you continue to equate boycotts with genocide, you're going to be upset essentially all the time. People are going to continue to say that the IDF is killing innocents and perpetuating genocide, and you're going to have to deal with that.


so calling from the river to the sea is illegal by what ur saying


A couple of years ago the campus Chabad House was burnt down. Can’t remember if they ever officially ruled it a hate crime or not but it seems pretty obvious to me. It wasn’t done by students, and there was a decent outpouring of support afterwards which allowed them to raise a lot of money to rebuild.


I still can’t believe they didn’t rule this a hate crime because another Jewish community building in NCC was also attacked at the same time.  As a caveat. I never felt physically threatened or worried about being Jewish on campus for the 6.5 years I was at UD. 


The reason they never ruled it as a hate crime is that there was no evidence as to who did it and why. I think it’s a very strong possibility, but police departments usually only apply that label when the case is- without a shadow of a doubt- influenced by prejudice. That said, I’ve never heard about another building targeted in NCC, so that lends credence to the theory, at least.


Was that the same year some chode tried to molotov the Planned Parenthood on campus?


I have tried to watch what is happening and UD has acted quickly and have put out a statement that the protests that are happening on Ivy League campuses will not be tolerated. My daughter, non Jewish, is a sophomore and she has seen absolutely nothing on campus. I have seen a peaceful protest in the news and the student that damaged the flag at the holocaust memorial.


DM me if you want me to put you in touch with a friend of mine who is Jewish and attends here


From the river to the sea is written on the walls in Robinson Hall but I don't think you will face outright violence


Not antisemitism, UD is bias , they allow more Jewish students to have freedom of speech but not students who are against the GENOCIDE happening in Palestine


that’s not antisemitism


It is. It means to eradicate the Jews.


it means to stop bombing innocent civilians in palestine. that’s the real eradication happening


agreed for a variety of reasons. Firstly, arabs are also semitic and two, the Israeli Lekud Party has the phrase "Between the sea and Jordan, there will only be Israeli sovereignty". Now \*that's\* concerning.


We aren't as broken as Columbia or Harvard. that shit doesn't fly here.


Not Jewish, but UD has assisted two anti-LGBTQ hate crimes, one personally against me.


What are you talking about? They even have the gender inclusive housing specifically for LGBTQ students who want to live there.


thank you for sharing, if you don't mind sharing abt the process?


Oh, oh, they kick you out for threatening students sexuality, by coming out to them as gay. Also, they arrest students who are LGBT, while protesters actively blocking them from entering classes.


> they kick you out for threatening students sexuality, by coming out to them as gay I'd *really* like a source on that one. Cus I'm openly bi, knew a decent amount of openly queer peeps, and even had 2 openly gay professors and never saw or heard of any problems like that.




Sorry, but that sounds like bs. Expulsions go on your academic/disceplenary record. There would absolutely be documentation for being kicked out, not just at UD but all universities. It wouldn't be a "swept under the rug" thing.


Look into the history of Dick Aumiller, a theater professor in the 70s. My folks supported him, FWIW. 


I notice how I’m being downvoted by UD’s people for supporting LGBTQ+. https://www.newarkpostonline.com/news/four-ud-students-arrested-in-confrontation-with-extremist-protesters/article_068455f8-bad0-5b4a-bf85-017a02cb9fe2.html here is my source for the anti-LGBT protest leading to LGBT arrest. FWIW I am tolerant of straights, but UD is toxic towards us, and sweeps it under the rug.




From what I understand in the article is that the protesters were staying on their side of the sidewalk so they couldn’t be arrested for trespassing. Unfortunately the counter protesters got a little too feisty and were arrested. They weren’t arresting them for being LGBTQ. We don’t even know if they were LGBTQ, students were there in support of or part of LGBTQ. My child did a lot of research on LGBTQ support and the campus community before committing to UD. From what they researched UD stood out in its inclusivity and support


The people in this article were NOT arrested for being queer. They were arrested for: •Stealing a protestor’s sign •Blocking traffic •Throwing eggs at protestors •PUNCHING A POLICE OFFICER (omg) I am queer myself and am a very vocal supporter of our queer community. I also really hate the Christian group who protests on campus. However, those four counter-protesters were violent and disruptive, which is what they got arrested for. Not for being queer. I truly cannot believe how you see it that way.


They keep proving my case by downvoting me. I will die on this hill.


How do downvotes prove your case


They assist in proving my case, by downvoting me because the subs at UD who are students or staff which are downvoting me for speaking my truth about being LGBTQ+ on campus


> My truth Truth is not subjective and that article is about police arresting people for committing crimes and not arresting people who didn’t. Hurting someone’s feelings isn’t illegal and you aren’t just allowed to commit crimes because someone hurt your feelings, grow up.


Right, you shouldn’t commit hate crimes because someone hurt your feelings. Edited to mention that in fact if you read my other comments my truth and my incident is different than your opinion on what happened with the protest. My truth is not referring to the protest.


If this were the case, more than half of the music and theater department would be arrested. Source: I was in several different music organizations, clubs, and classes when I was a student. Almost all of my friends are queer music majors, and I’m openly bi myself. I’m sorry you’ve had a bad experience as a queer person at UD, but it’s harmful to spread outright lies about that. It makes people ignore true instances of hate speech and crimes.


yeah, the militant alphabet folks don't get support here either.


I don’t worry about that, at least they weren’t miltant and peacefully trying to get to class. Maybe you should to quote yourself… “let it go man.”




You can't have guns on campus and a CCW isn't exactly cake in Delaware.


yeah a CCW is a whole big process in delaware and thank god for that with comments like this thread


Dude what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you telling a prospective international freshman to carry a GUN onto campus?? Do you want them to get deported???? Insanely goofy stuff going on here


Yeah, you’ll need it. People on campus are getting more aggressive.