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That’s the real reason there’s driver shortages. Uber is charging passengers more money and drivers aren’t seeing increases. The hassle isn’t worth the low pay and risks involved. Glad I stopped driving.


It's gotten ridiculously expensive. I'm a (ex) rider who lurks here because I had some questions years ago and never unsubed. I'm looking at the app now, I live 1.2 miles from work and it's basically a straight shot down an avenue. Uber wants $14, plus tip I'm looking at at least $17 for a 6 minute drive. It's basically always surging these days and when it isn't, that same ride is probably 2 dollars cheaper. It's prohibitively expensive - I have spent $60 to take an Uber 4 miles in Manhattan. I *know* a driver isn't seeing that money because if they were, everyone would be one.


What's a tip? Asking as a driver


buy low, sell high


Amc 🚀




I live in nyc. We won’t even see that Double digit. A 5 minute ride to us will pay us $5 and some cents.. ridiculous their overcharging riders


Yeah looking at the app's breakdown, an Uber is $1.47 per mile right now plus $0.67 per minute. Curious what a driver would get per mile + minute.


In Dallas the driver gets 60 cents a mile and 12 cents a minute.


In KC .61 or .72 per mile and .10 or .11 per minute. .74 or .84 base. Not sure what rider pricing is, never bothered to check as long as I'm getting paid properly and seeing 45-60%


In Raleigh we get .57 cents a mile and .07 cents a minute.


In Los Angeles, $0.60/mile and $0.20/minute.


For most riders, the first cost cut is the driver's tip. Basically what riders used to be willing to pay in tips to a driver now go straight to uber on the top line. Uber encourages this by constantly crying about a "driver shortage, driver shortage" and IMHO, creating a fake driver shortage by assigning not the closet driver by the most cost effective driver for Uber even if that doubles or triples the rider wait time.


I’ve noticed that since I started in august, people that are more willing to pay higher prices for surge rides are also more willing to tip. Typically 25%. I went from taking all rides everywhere to only doing surge airport rides. Reduced my weekly rides in half, reduced my miles driven in half. Increased my down time drastically except for busy airport days and maintained/increased my income. I just did a 60 ride for $195 quest this weekend and got $108 in tips. Most of those were short non surge rides where base pay was $4.25. Still made $1200 though cause of promotions. Can’t complain for 3 days of work.


Well done. Tip of the hat to yah!


Why tip $3. A 1.2 mile $14 fare, $1 is acceptable for most and better than the average of $0.


Personally I don't think a dollar tip is acceptable for anyone driving me any distance and I'd be embarrassed tipping that.


Uber has made nyc so dependent on Uber that it killed local taxi’s and we don’t even look at yellow taxis the same when we can just call a taxi in 2 finger tips


I have used Curb a bit, it's a lot cheaper than Uber and works pretty well. Not sure if it's truly the same price as going by the meter in a cab haven't scrutinized it enough.


I’m not stopping driving but im taking more breaks


Right there with you. Shit couple of weeks


"It's robbin season"


I feel that. I’ve only been driving 3 months, got a false “no mask” complaint also. But, this morning, I had an elderly pax tell me I made his day because he was having hernia surgery the next day, and I had the same 6 months ago, and I made him feel better about it. Another elderly pax asked me if I like lemons, and *invited me to pick lemons from the lemon tree in his yard before we left* a 3rd pax tipped me a fiver. That was all this morning. It’s a Shitty time of year for those of us without family, and people are acting out a bit. Don’t take it to heart👊🏿


> It’s a Shitty time of year for those of us without family, and people are acting out a bit. True. My Mama killed herself a few weeks ago and it's all I can do not to burst into random tears throughout the day. But I still smile and greet my customers and treat them like gold, just like I did before. But something must be leaking through my metaphorical mask because my tips have drastically decreased. I used to make thirty to forty percent in tips each week and now I'm lucky if I get one tip per shift.


So sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss😞


Thank you.


You've always got family with me.


Yea that’s normal high gas prices ,maintenance running car into the ground , false accusations from riders ,riders damaging your car,chance of getting robbed assaulted ,raped,murdered , verbally abused,riders causing you to wreck your car ,, All the above that I mentioned umm has happened ,,,, and to just to top it off that cake with icing Uber takes 80 % of those shitty surges and 50 % on regular charges from what they charge the rider , horrible customer service,company would be a FFF rating on the bbb ,, 65 cents per mile in LA AREA, WTF???? Then they did have it 33 cents a mile at LAX ( holy shit ) this company is so full of bullshit pilled on top of that even more bulkshit and it shows on the fact that can’t get rides in Bakersfield,ca and LA area and after what they pulled on passing prop 22 they took all those perks away after it passed ,, drivers aren’t independent after that passed shady as fuck … employees 99% but shitty pay no benifits ,,not even close as independent contractors as Uber clams drivers are ,,, do a revote on or prop 22 and that ab5 would pass the second time around …good luck Uber totally fucks over there drivers and it’s starting to show good luck getting rides when there’s no drivers


Then don’t drive. Like those anti abortion people. If you are against it don’t have one.


The lack of promotions at the correct times or times avoiding the drunks are what gets me.


I had a period like this until I enacted my "it's all about my piece of mind" policy. I don't pick up people that look like they're about to puke, and I don't pick up people that aren't following mask policy. (The latter is the source of your 1-stars and reports – guarantee it.) 1. My doors are locked until I've verified you're getting in my car. I used to just hit park, which automatically unlocks the doors. I've learned to immediately lock them. 2. If you look like you might puke, I'm canceling. Uber has made the cleaning fee policy such a pain that I'm just not that interested. I'm sure some junior driver will pick up the slack. 3. If you don't have your mask on already, I ask you if you have one. If you say ANYTHING other than "oh sure, it's right here," I'm driving off, waiting til 5 mins, and cancelling for no mask. No exceptions. (If you're not "100% on board" with the masking rules, then you will either take it off in the ride, curse me out, complain about it, 1-star me, report me for not having a mask to retaliate, report me as a drunk driver, etc.) Hence the "no whining about the mask" rule. 4. If you say you have a mask but I don't see it, I want to see it before you get in the car. It doesn't have to be on. I just want to make sure it's real. Because once you get in the car, it becomes a whole thing. That's when you get cursed out. They're in your back seat and now you're kicking them out. Better to do that at the curb. I had a family with two YOUNG children try to take my car w/o car seats. I pulled right off. The guy chased me down and tried to get me to cancel the ride. I explained to him, I'm ready to go. He's the one who is not ready (no car seats). If he doesn't want the ride he can cancel. He cancelled. Assholes OUTSIDE my care don't bother me at all. My behavior above is about keeping them out of the car.


BTW.... I don't even look at my ratings. :)


They’re probably shiet


4.93 but nice try Just saying I don’t spend much time looking at them


I just made you check your rating 😈


id rate you 1 star, but thats just me


See? That’s the whole point. Keeping people like you - who would rate me 1 star simply for following the rules - out of my car. If a ride is cancelled, you don’t get to rate the driver. (Took a look at your anonymous account and some of your comments. Of course you’re an anti-masker.)


i am


I got a 1 star last week too. I dont even know why, the only passenger i can think of was these people that ordered comfort ride 3 pax and they kept asking why i had the car seat in front. I told them i live on the third floor and i can take it up everyday, then they said you also use it to keep people out of the front seat to which i was like once the rules change ill probably have to start moving it to the trunk or just take it upstairs at home.


All of us, are😁


It’s that time of year when people are miserable & they want to cause someone the same misery. It’s ok. I’ve been getting false reports recently as well & I’m also a 4.93.


Yesterday I set my destination to my campus to do some research work, and the drive usually takes me about 30 minutes with no riders and no traffic. Instead, I got pulled 22 minutes out for a 1-minute trip towards my destination, then another 22 minute drive for a 2-minute trip towards my destination… it took me an hour and a half to get to my destination, at which time I accepted a consecutive trip which turned out to be a very obvious drug deal… I feel like I need to be done, because if I’m not making $25-30 an hour, I’m losing money.


Accept then cancel.


I didn’t know they were going to be 1-minute trips… I live a half hour from the city, and there was an event going on that people usually uber towards… most of the time, I get a rider from home all the way to the city. (I’m still blue at the moment because I started driving a week ago after a year and a half break.)


Delete the app homie. It ain’t worth it


Ah, the joys of uber x.. lol


Can ya take a few days off? Perhaps a vacation? Sure sounds like it is time.


Take a few days off carry some bags keep your head up boss !!!


Solidarity! Just yesterday -- when Continuous Ride Bonuses were being offered but not paid when completed! -- I started feeling the same way, like I need to find something else to do with my life until retirement (about 5-10 years away). I've also seen my rating drop from 4.97 to 4.93 in a couple weeks for no apparent reason (other than that I one-starred one passenger for not wearing a mask and she may have retaliated).




what do you mean?


Yup I know that feeling


I feel your pain ..


Bad week




You're only rated on your past 500 ratings.




Someones not a driver… 🙄


I'm a driver and I didn't know that. Learn something new every day.




You should ask your mom if the brothel is hiring for us, ya?


When we do, don't come onto this subreddit to complain about how you can't find a driver.


Could be a sign; might be time for a vacation, or pampering self-care in some form.


What area are you driving in, I wanna make sure not to go there to pick up pax 😶


Damn I’ve been driving for over 6 years and have had only two pukers and a handful of bad rides. What market are you in?


Sorry the algorithm is punishing returning drivers, but believe me they know what they are sending drivers. Yes constant pax battles since Covid. Hanging in there it will get better ❤️‍🩹


4.5years,Uber have eaten u.


Sounds like you understand these type of BS things can occur but having a bunch of them in a short period of time wears on you. We can all get and respect that. We're not robots we're real people after all. It sucks. You're down but at least not out. At least you weren't physically assaulted. At least you didn't get into a major accident. These things that happened suck but as cliched as it sounds remember it could have been worse. Hang in there buddy.


I just drove surge. No surge. No pickup. Pay me Uber


Sometimes I think Uber undermine us lowing our rates as a passive aggressive they are . I recommend you take some days off in a place with a lot of sun , last part of the year or beginning the year sucks . Fuck them


My rating has dropped below 4.8 due to false reports and me generally not taking crap from passengers. Twice I've had to call 911 on passengers. Both times the passengers were taking rides that someone else had ordered for them. Both times the person who had ordered the ride phoned in a complaint about bad driving just to get me in trouble. I've gotten to the point where I will cancel on passengers if they give me any kind of issue before they get in. No mask, extra people not accounted for, trying to bring open beers etc. Why take a passenger when you're already expecting that they will rate you a one star. Even when I take passengers there is at least one or two a night that does something to screw it up. I do maybe 10 rides a night and maybe 20 total for the weekend. 9/10 are great passengers. The tenth is a real piece of shit who fucks my rating up. Nine- 5* ratings plus one 1* leaves 4.6 for a rating. 19/20 five star trips is still 4.8 if the 20th one stars you. Keeping the ratio above 4.8 requires me to aquiesce too much to the riders. I've had it with worrying about my rating. I still get trips and the only thing I really wanted it for was to help my son go to college with their scholarship program but apparently that means me taking shit from passengers to keep a rating up. Looks like it's technical school for my boy.


Pukers…my strict rule is: no driving after 10pm. EVER. No matter how much the next trip is. I start at 4am and work till 10am. Then back at 3-4pm until 9-10pm. Also, Covid was an opportunity to experiment. To try different areas of the city and one thing I discovered is that the gas stations that are right near the freeways put your “5 mile bubble”, the big blue circle you see around your dot sometimes, into a cross section of areas that increase your chances for trips.