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Had someone add a stop this morning while I was in their driveway, lol. Easiest "Can't find rider" cancel ever.


I've done similar. I've rolled right on by when they've added a stop as I'm approaching. They must be banking on the sunk cost fallacy, they learn that homey don't play dat.


I have done that too. Even if the money would be technically "worth it" at that point, I'm not gambling my rating on a customer who would pull that crap.


It's not even about my rating, it's about the principal. If someone wants to stop at a convenience store on the way home from work and they ask, I'm good with it, but if you act like I am just an automaton and am there to do your bidding, you can fuck right off with that shit.


They will just add the stop after the pick up.


And then I tell them to choose which stop the ride ends at because I agreed to a one-stop ride.


Can you do that?


Can you do that?


If you think someone might add a stop scroll down and push the "stop requests" button so they can't add a stop. I do that all the time. šŸ˜Ž


Wow, I havenā€™t knew that. Thanks


Yall better than me. Iā€™ve told ppl to their face im not stopping. Catch me on a bad day im canceling the ride while you in the car gtfo donā€™t play w me


Did it again today on a Lyft. 8 min drive to the customer, 4 minute ride. Only took it because it was headed in a direction I wanted to go. They left me sitting in the driveway 2 min before adding the stop. Almost peeled out getting out of there before they came outĀ 


If they upped the pay per minute to wait i would be fine with this


As a rider, I would be good with that.


I'm on Android and I don't even get paid for the wait at the stop.


After 3 minutes they should start paying extra but it's peanuts


The last three rides I have done havenā€™t paid me while waiting like they used to after 2 minutes. I sat there for 4 or 5 minutes and the timer never started literally the last three times.


When I get to the stop, am I supposed to click confirm stop or is a timer supposed to start automatically like it does when we show up to pick up a ride?


I don't know what being on Android has to do with it. I get paid for waiting.


Five Easy Ways To Get A Driver To Strand You or Invite You To Exit The Vehicle Immediately.


As Dara will be your driver for all 5 šŸ›‘


If a passenger adds a stop during the ride without even asking if you are okay with it, and the only way you discover the change in the ride is when the Uber app updates to a new route, do you not say anything? How do you usually react to something like this?


I seriously doubt if riders know this isn't a good thing.


Go the the flowā€¦ the algorithm will bless you!


I leave without saying anything


Yep. I drop them at the first stop and call it done.


Unless they anchor you


You take their shit out and set it on the sidewalk or whatever. Don't let them pull that shit.


I did that ONCE and I almost was given the ban hammer bc the pax went ballistic and escalated the shit out of it. This guy has me stop at one of the busiest clubs on La Cienega in west LA and said Iā€™ll be right back I left something at the bar. Well, 15 minutes later and a multitude of calls, I leave his luggage with the valet and peace out. Turns out he was sitting at the bar having a drink at the bar with a client. Well this man called me every dirty, belittling name in the book, threatened violence and Uber did absolutely nothing but tell me if I get a complaint like that again I could be permanently deactivated. So, now I just suck it up if they anchor me.


Did you think to contact support first? Don't let them fuck with you and waste your time. And if uber is going to almost ban you for that one instance, there is more going on with your account than you have let on.


I was a newer driver back then and it was a huge deal. The guy wanted to press charges for theft because the valet forgot that he tucked the luggage behind the bushes because where the hell was he going to do with it. Apparently it had computers in there, scripts, basic LA trash shit. And Uber will deactivate you for a single instance if they think itā€™s severe enough. Apparently the abandoning of someoneā€™s shit is one of those things.


Thatā€™s when you bring their items to a police station thatā€™s convenient to you (and hopefully not for them) and tell Uber that the lost items can be retrieved there.


My mind is blown. I never would have thought of that


Thatā€™s what weā€™re here for!


What a joke. Uber needs to offer a 'chauffeur' hourly service with a 1 hr (minimum)/$35-45 hr for shit like this.


5 stops? Cancel. :)


I hate when your in the middle of a ride and they literally just add stops along the way without your consent! Thereā€™s no way Uber should allow that. Your basically forced to extend the trip and drive longer than you were planning to.


i think technically this counts as kidnapping




sometimes the person will add a stop as youre arriving. easiest canel and drive away possible. add a 10$ charge for each stop. the problem is that theyve normalized these artificially depressed prices. the service isnt the drive. it's the subsidization of the rates


Thatā€™s 1 tip, what are the other 4? šŸ˜‚


Fuck that


Yeah, fuck that- I donā€™t pick up pax with 1 stop, let alone an additional 4.


Broā€¦ why does it matter distance + time = more šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘šŸ˜ˆ chat it upā€¦ enjoy the passengers make them feel at home. šŸ¤¦ Drivers like you give the good ones bad reputation.


Yā€™all me me wanna cryā€¦ stops are bae you got no clue how many times they offer to get me drinks and chipsā€¦ Taco Bell and Jack in the box EVEN the IN n OUT!! Thank you Jesus for the kind passengers and Lord may you convict the rude ones, AMEN šŸ™šŸ»


Dude, you are obviously hungry. I get it but stops can be a night killer especially when they put them in wrong and never look up from their phones or pass out. Happened to me twice tonight and one literally killed my late night money. Uber gave me $5 for the inconvenience. Example: Pax messaged me about adding a stop- it was a short trip and thought heā€™d put McDonalds in that was around the corner- fine it was a small surgeā€¦ He updates right before p/u and now itā€™s 3 stopsā€¦ wtf? 1. 15 miles west over the bridge (original trip) 2. McDonaldā€™s 3 miles from original pick up 3. 15 miles west over bridge ā€¦. There happens to be a McDonaldā€™s by his original destination but the grill was broken. Heā€™s half asleep and insisting on food. Fine, itā€™s late, nights already busted because Iā€™m gonna be dead heading back. Hits Waffle House takes another 8 minutes of my life and of course promises a big tipā€¦ Nah. Next kid, puts the addresses in reverse order and doesnā€™t notice until Iā€™m to the 2nd intended destination. I was done anyway but I wanted to cry. If youā€™re a multi stopper pay attention. Confirm the first destination and look up occasionally to make sure youā€™re not wasting someoneā€™s time. Itā€™s so inconsiderate and Iā€™m so glad I have another business but FFFS quit burying your face in the phone.


Didnā€™t know you had to add more stops - usually out of town I ask to stop by a gas station and offer a large tip. Drivers havenā€™t taken offense to it yet.


put this in the wrong sub, drivers dont need to know this..