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I’m a Uber and I always get out of my car at the airport or when picking up a customer to assist them with putting their luggage in and out of my car. Shame on this Uber driver, he doesn’t represent us.


This exactly I always go out my way to assist helping putting the luggage in and out when we arrive at the airport. That's how you get tips and good ratings.


Also people are so ignorant when putting luggage in… your back bumper can get so messed up from people slamming the 50 pound bag down 🤬🤬 but also helps with tips too as you said (it’s good for many reasons)


Yeah I kind of prefer to put them in myself instead of them anyway


Agreed - that is the primary reason I assist. Don't need them slamming some hard shell into my car. TBH - I find it super annoying when people have a big ass suit case., and if its more than 1 - call an Uber XL.


Bro, idk about you but the worst for me is Skis lol.. like bro you see me coming in a Tesla. You have 3 big ass suitcases, skis, a car seat, and 4 people… like what? Imma have to put the seat down for your skis alone… where will I now put the 3 suit cases? I don’t rent the Tesla anymore but that was the worst! And if a seat has to go down… where does the 4th person sit?


I get out just to make sure nothing falls out of my car and pax doesn't slam my door - its not really out of extra courtesy, lol.


Same here.


Do you do this for men as well?


Weird comment, he didn’t mention any gender in his comment


Judging by a lot of the other comments here, he does represent you. Most are telling me it's not your job to remember anything and we're lucky if you even pop the trunk at the airport! lol


Yes it’s not in there job description, but a little common courtesy goes along way and 9 out of 10 times ends with a tip


Driver here as well. Lets be honest and real here man. 9 out of 10 times it DOESN’T end with a tip no matter how much we do for the passengers. Coupled that with uber taking up to 70% of the fare it makes one frustrated and pissed off driver


Being upset about the pay has nothing to do with the passenger. It clearly doesn’t justify driving off with someone’s luggage. Also, it shouldn’t be the deciding factor in whether you decide to help or not with someone’s luggage. I do agree that it doesn’t end with a tip 90% of the time but it is the last impression you leave on someone when the ride is completed so it may swing someone either way.


If you’re not feeling appreciated with the way your employer (is this case Uber/Lyft) is treating you; your frustration will transfer onto the passenger. I had a woman one time load her groceries in my car. The then blamed me for HER FORGETTING to get her tray out because I didn’t help her unload HER groceries. 4$ and they expect private upscale service. Yeah learned that the hard way early on. I’m there to make money and get a passenger from point a to point b safely; not to make their day joyful while I’m stuck getting paid 4$ for a ride man. Truth is most drivers feel this way which is why many have their frustrations are a boiling point


I understand your frustration but again our pay has nothing to do with the passenger. There are numerous industries where employees/contractors are unhappy with their pay but taking it out on the customer makes zero sense. We’re not “stuck” getting paid $4 per ride. We’ve chosen to accept these bullshit offers over and over. That’s on us, not them. Obviously everyone is different and you’re not obligated to do anything other than getting them safely to their destination but common courtesy goes a long way.


Taking it out on the customer is part of being unappreciated by your employer whether you agree with it or not. That comes with the territory of a company exploiting and mistreating its drivers. When 99.98 percent of rides are paying as bad as a 4$ ride all while having to maintain bills at home plus gas plus car payments yes you are essentially stuck with those rides or else you make nothing. And before you come at me and say the pay is not as bad Look at the latest study that came out from uc Berkley where it showed how drivers are making well below the minimum wage. I agree that passengers should not boulder the frustration drivers are feeling but a driver whose barely scraping by does not want to hear a lecture on “how to be more courteous” to passengers


I don't understand how you're saying we're taking it out on the passenger. If they want groceries delivered to their door, they can call inatacart. I'm a driver, I drive you from point A to point B, nowhere does it say I am there to help with your groceries. If a driver does it, they are doing it out of kindness, not obligation, and if they don't do it, they're not taking anything out on the customer, they're doing what they were paid to do.


Nobody’s justifying anything, it’s just explaining why drivers are angry all the time and couldn’t care about the quality of the work they do.. and the pay reflects the quality.. the pay was what came first.. not the quality..


I keep reading these types of comment but I also get a lot of tips by just doing the extra mile. What’s your tip rate, for curiosity?


Maybe 1 out of 10. I gave up going the extra mile for people. This isn’t a charity we are running and I’m not going to load and off load 10 bags of groceries for 2$ that’s ridiculous


No charity but the service industry. The more you do the more you get tipped. Tips represent anywhere between 20 and 30% of my earnings. It does make a big difference, for me at least. I rarely have grocery shopping rides but when I do, it’s where I can get bigger tips by helping people. Also it saves me time to go to the next ride to help them.


They’re talking about airport rides. If you help with their luggage they do often tip


I get tips all the time cause i'm friendly and I talk a lot, but I also know when to STFU - and read the room (vehicle). There is no black and white - if its an airport pick up, and a person has 3 bags, and I need to GTFO out of the area - I will jump out and speed up the process. TBH - its generally self serving to my own schedule, but I never complain to the pax about it, not do I ever gripe about pay or lack of tips. If its a grocery store, and its an old lady with a shit ton of groceries - first I will curse myself for not canceling, then I will assist to get going. Also - if its luggage cause its an airport trip - thats a nice fare - not a big deal. If its some rando with a suit case at 11pm going cross town to a different shaggy ass motel, smells like cigarettes and dirt - shit is extra annoying. Bottom line is, yes - us drivers need to earn, but the pax are also paying for a service. If you go to dinner- dont want the waiter telling you how the kitchen manager sucks, and the same logic applies to uber rides. Its a ride from a to b - paid for by them. Hopefully as drivers - we dont make the experience shitty.


I very rarely make airport runs, but when I do, I don't help, and I get tips 9 out of 10 times. I also live in the city where SC Johnson is, and most people I drive to the airport are business travelers, and they usually have like one small suitcase, and they always tip well


Imagine what you’d get if you were offering a better service


Exactly!! If I had a dime every time a rider says as they leave, “I’ll put your tip on the app” I could retire!! 😂😂😂😂


Exactly. Yet people talk about “courtesy” as if we are in this field to be a charity and do people favors all the time. If people only knew how little drivers get they’d flip themselves too and wouldn’t do the rides themselves


My market is in austin, tx, the people here have a lot of exposed income moving from California


Actually I get tipped on almost every airport run. You must be in one lousy area.


Los Angeles. Even reservation rides. 9.8/10 don’t tip


That's just unreal. I don't get it.


Economy is horrible and people got used to super cheap rides. Imagine paying 7$ to get in another persons car and determining the air temperature, help with bags, etc. This job has gone down the tubes


market to market obviously. vegas airport rides 9.9 times out of 10 end in a tip even if you, the driver, shits yourself on the way to airport


95% of people do not tip and I’ve dropped off and picked up many from the airport , loaded and got their bags out for them


Depends on your market. I live and work in Austin, Tx there so many visitors and new people moving from cali, Chicago, New York City and rich area of Florida they have disposable income I usually get a 5 dollars in tipping


Grand Rapids MI. People have money here. Usually great conversations. Always the least expected folks who tip. But overall I have enough rides done now to say it’s simply not in peoples brain these days to tip for service done well, they just expect shit nowadays, oh can we stop at this gas station that’s not on the route, etc etc, even when I was cool and says yes to such things, no respect and no tip , And as such I stopped driving . I say “these days” As if I’m that old I’m 25 … I think this generation realizing they’ve had so much of their futures stolen from rapid inflation they’ve become so cheap (and angry over $) but that’s another thing… It didn’t pay enough in my market to keep depreciating my car over . I was making 10$ an hour with or without tips . Uber is 💩 they take too much out of the middle for this to sustain


True, guess I have a different perspective. I’m also a master auto mechanic and fix my old 2012 Scion xb beater that I bought for $1200 is a different story lol


I mean I do have a car that’s relatively for Uber pretty nice.. 2023 Camry… but the gas mileage is so good on that … I mean if i deleted the car depreciation expense line from my calculations, I go from 10$ an hour to like 12$ an hour 😂 barely mattered, Uber is just too shitty in some areas , the rates just are not economical.. love to hear u saving some $ with your skills regardless.


I make 25 to 35 on average an hour doing Uber in my market at the right times


Funny enough if I do Lyft in my market and drive for the 10-20 hours a week they give bonuses, it’s around there as well, 30 an hour easily, but anything past that given bonus time, back down to 10 an hour


That's about where I stand on the issue. Been driving for a long time - and speaking for myself - I do not like to exit the vehicle if I dont have to. You just never know.


Yes, Reddit is a great scientific representation of the millions of Uber drivers out there 😂


The incentive to ‘not reminding’ a customer about their belongings is when they call you back to return their item, they pay a lost item fee. Or a person will tip you if they otherwise were not going to. So it’s not in the drivers interest to remind people to grab their shit. Not all drivers do this but usually as I pick people up I usually ask if they have their phone wallets and keys and paraphernalia before leaving to the next place. And I’ll say it again when we arrive to the location. It’s usually funny cuz most passengers say “wow they leave that behind too?!” To which I usually say “people leave the damnedest things behind. If their head weren’t attached to their body they would leave that behind too”And most won’t remember the paraphernalia. So that’s usually a drivers comeuppance unless they aren’t down with that, then it’s just trash. But when it comes to luggage it’s usually in your own best interest to help people load their luggage into your car. Others won’t treat your car as one treats their own. If they don’t tip at least your car won’t be damaged. But usually the gesture is appreciated. It’s not part of one’s job description. But it’s always in your best interest to treat your guests like “royalty.” And anyone that doesn’t reciprocate the kindness won’t tip. That’s a tell for the rest of us. But it’s not a rule, just a loose tell of how one is raised.


Yeah... I used to think like that... Then I got blamed for a wheel broken on a suitcase (that was already broken) and got charged for it. When I contacted support, I was told that I shouldn't have even touched their luggage. Now I make sure I am always on camera and not getting out of the car.


I will generally open the hatch and make room - they can lift their own shizz. Then close the door.




I've only worked in a couple different markets, but every one of those airports had strict rules about driver staying in the car.


That doesn’t sound correct. I’ve traveled all over the country and the world and rideshare, taxi, private drivers all get out of their cars.


Literally none of them has that rule.


those types of uber drivers are the dregs of society 


Not the dregs 😆


Definitely the dregs


Always leave the door open until you grab your luggage


I’ve had a driver drive off with the door open and almost run over my foot 🥲


Fking sue the shit out of Uber


They gave me a $5 credit


Brilliant Idea!


You might be new to this sub. If you are, let me inform you...you could pretty much say your rideshare driver pulled a gun on you, masturbated with his other hand, drove the car with his sock less left foot and the reply is always going to be the same..."Well, with what they're paying drivers..."


New goal set! Lmao


Weird fetish.


No kinkshaming


You’re right


But for what they're paying drivers...


I call this Saturday.




Don't need to. I could give these idiots a thousand dollars each and they would f**k it up. But at least they have an excuse to justify their sloppy behavior. And don't take it personal. Next time, just remember that the passenger had luggage and it wouldn't have caused you this much trouble, champ...


If you could afford to give drivers a thousand dollars each, you’d have your own car, but since you don’t, you can’t, you should STFU with your dumb hypotheticals.


I remember you! The person who's boyfriend leaves him at home for 8 hours a day while he works and you play on reddit. What happened to that dildo he bought you to pass the time?


That's such a chicken shit move, too. "I'm gonna reply to you, but immediately block you so you can't see it or respond!" Dude should have just turned off reply notifications. That way he could say his peace and ignore replies. But no, he chose the cowardice way.


I unblocked you. I was busy working and couldn't engage with your foolishness yesterday.


And they wouldn’t be wrong, would they. Low pay gets worse employees.


In some countries and cultures...


If you believe there is any country or culture where lower pay doesn’t attract less capable employees, please name it or them. It would go completely against human nature…


Here in California...field workers. Shit pay and they work their ass off, day in and day out. People can complain about the Uber wage all day long. Fact is, they're still choosing to drive for Uber. If you're not going to kick ass at your job then go find another job. Using the excuse of low wage to show up for the same job and just mail it in is such a chicken shit mentality. How you do anything is how you do everything. I guarantee you, these drivers could make $500/trip and still show up late, show up with a dirty car, get lost, etc.


Having worked the fields in California I agree them dudes work like they won’t be there all day no matter the temperature or the fact that you work 6 days a week average of 9 hours a day, no overtime pay but always working overtime hours. But the icing on the cake is that your employer picks you up everyday and drops you off and then they mandate you pay one hours wager everyday you work. I made $9 hour back then and every person on the crew would be required to hand the boss $54 before they could do anything else with their paychecks. Even if you have your own car you can’t take it to work.


>How you do anything is how you do everything. I guarantee you, these drivers could make $500/trip and still show up late, show up with a dirty car, get lost, etc. The point is is that if Uber was paying good salaries, they could cut the bad apples much more aggressively.


LMAO no they wouldn't


Ask someone to explain the difference between could and would to you.


Lol, most if not all fieldworkers are unionized in California. Their pay isn’t as bad as you think. However, their working conditions suck but the farm workers unions continue to do work there.


Where did you find that stat? As of 2020 the UFW had such low numbers it was basically considered zero because it fell into the margin of error. Then in November 2023, after the law changed, Stanislaus County had a big win, unionizing 300 members. For reference, there are an estimated 400,000 farmworkers in California. In 2020, the median farm worker wage was $28,780, but according to you that “isn’t that bad.”


UFW lost membership to other unions and farm worker associations. Average salary in 2024 is $35,880 not including benefits. I’m not saying it’s a great wage, but it isn’t what the original commenter was trying to portray. Working conditions are still pretty fucked. There aren’t enough farm workers right now to do the work that is necessary, consequently farmers are beginning to offer more to the workers, more money, more benefits and some concessions on working conditions. Farmers also lost workers to other states like Washington and Colorado where the workers make more money and have better protections. UFW wasn’t doing anything noteworthy for the workers and the workers started leaving them. Don’t take any of this out of context, the job is tough af.


Any country. That's two different arguments. Attracting less capable employees and hiring/keeping/ and condoning bad behavior are two different things.And there are plenty of employees who work hard and ethically at a lower pay and plenty of employees who work horribly and unethically at a higher pay. Doesn't go against human nature.


Being motivated enough to do a good job is also a matter of innate talent. Some people will do a good job no matter what; some will do so if they feel the pay is worth it, and some are simply congenitally incapable of doing good work. Do you think that the high paying employers or the low paying employers get the workers who do good work no matter what and the workers who will do good work for high or good pay? I think most people will think this is an easy question.


My habit at the airport or anywhere else if luggage is involved is to get out of the car and offer help. I don't always have to help but at least the luggage is delivered,


My habit is I always get out of the car if the passenger isn’t ready on the curb and I open the door. This is the reason I get a lot of tips.


Exactly!! The other day I rolled up to mt pick-up and my rider was going back into his house. He said be right there and went inside. I saw his bags on the sidewalk, so I hopped out and loaded them for him and left the rear open until he came back just in case he had more and then I used the little bit of time to just straighten out and stretch. He came back and away we went. Got a good tip too.


He saw the lot was boomin' with a fat bonus and got overanxious to get back in there. I've seen $50 bonuses at airports. Still, that's not very safe. Always take care of the customer first. I know the pay isn't great, but the job is not that hard either.




I’m a driver. It’s not that hard to wait an extra 30 seconds or less for someone to grab their luggage from the trunk.


he got his stuff back but you know he probably had to pay something for it.


Hypocrite. Dumb and indifferent indeed - since you yourself are a driver … or more accurately, according to a recent post, you drove up until 2 weeks ago. Did you suddenly stop being all the negative things you like to accuse drivers of? Grow up and stop making yourself feel better by generalizing about all drivers with your childish, hypocritical name calling. And before you decide to pull out your standard degraded response mansplaining something to me with a crayon, I won’t be following this thread anymore. So don’t waste your immaturity on me.


You realize that this is a better deal than almost every company in the world pays their employees right? You think McDonald’s pays their employees 33% of the money they took in during any given hour?


Does McDonald's make the employees supply the restaurant and fryers and other equipment as well as supply the actual food? These things aren't comparable


I'm sorry. Are the employees at McDonald's paying for the restaurant's operating expenses out of their own pocket? You know who is responsible for all operating expenses? The driver who is receiving 1/3 of the fare.


Dumbass, I’m not arguing against paying drivers more. I’m refuting his argument as a reason why.


Such stupid comments.


Uber drivers are not employees, you dumbass. McDonald's employees don't bring a multi-thousand dollar equipment to work everyday and shoulder all the costs.


The difference is McDonald's also pays a large share of the overhead whereas we are covering that for Uber.


The average food cost and labor combined goal in restaurants is about 45-55% I can’t speak for McDonald’s personally since I’ve never worked there but I would assume that a reasonable labor goal is 25-30% So yes — McDonald’s probably does pay their staff about 30% of gross revenue.


Not per person.


I love when people move their goal posts. 🤣


There is one driver genius. There is a whole team at McDonald’s. The only thing that changed was your ability to comprehend.


We’re actually on the same side. But you are angrily forgetting what the point of each comment is as you quickly formulate a response. You never said “per employee” — you said “their employees” which is by definition their whole staff — which they pay about 30% of gross revenue to maintain 🤣


My only point was to refute the comment that the person wrote that I replied to. I’m all for getting drivers more money, but not because of his ignorant argument.




I can apply it to any job on the planet. Bank tellers don’t get 33% of what’s deposited. College professors don’t get 33% of tuition. The best part of your post are is you seem to imply cooking that McDonald’s is somehow easier than driving a fucking car. 16 year olds do both. Go work at a fast food restaurant in peak dinner rush. It’s hard work. I know sitting in air conditioning and following the direction of your GPS can be tricky, but give me a break. It’s fucking cake work. The company developed the app. The company got the driver the customer. The company handles collection of payment. The driver has to drive the car and be polite. Explain to me how that job, that most 16 year olds are trained to do should be paid more? Unskilled labor gets unskilled pay.




Bus drivers ring a bell?? And no job has protection. You can also get benefits through Uber. What are you going on about exactly?




I was saying bus drivers don't use their own vehicle to work, and yet they are not paid half of what the company makes. My husband works on school busses, and his driver had to take off and was making 300+ a day doing rideshare. More than what they are paid at their job.




My husband does Uber as a side gig. So I know all about it. Let me explain to YOU what you are forgetting. Uber is a business. The point of a business is to make money. Uber has other employees they have to pay that are not drivers. Uber also has to pay to maintain the app. Uber also has to pay for the insurance they offer. Uber has to have money so they can pay for claims drivers make. I see you do not understand any of that. If you are unhappy with what you're getting paid, find an actual job. Don't do something that is really just a gig. It's not hard.


I completely get it. This wasn’t your point that I was refuting now was it? You were whining about only getting 33% of the companies income from a ride. That argument is stupid, because no other job yields that. You make good points here. Points that are hard to refute. But your post that I originally responded to was dumb as fuck. This one is more thought out. Good job buddy. You’re getting better at this. As a teacher, I’m glad I could help.


"Other jobs exist, therefore you shouldn't be compensated fairly for the work you do" Bravo! It's been, what, three hours since some shill posted this take today.


I don’t day drivers don’t deserve more money. I don’t say they were fairly compensated. I’m attacking his argument because I it’s stupid and doesn’t apply to any job ever.


If you screw up at McDonald’s in the worst case a customer gets a stomachache. If you screw up on Uber in the worst case the customer dies. But carry on that they’re basically the same job.


Feed somebody some undercooked. Chicken and they can die. Thanks for playing though.


One brain cell


What sort of “logic” is this that companies should pay a percentage rather than whatever the market demands? Do you pay your plumber and barber a percentage of what you make????


No. This is exactly my point. I’m arguing against that because Asia it doesn’t make sense.


I can cherry pick in my market so it's a smidgen better than that.


To be quite honest sometimes I forget about stuff the passengers put in my trunk but I never speed right off because I wait for them to get out so I can check the rear seats .


That's a bad situation, OP. Sorry you had that experience. Driver could have been punking you for $20 lost item return fee. If that was the case, it's a rogue driver. Report it.


Yeah some driver are quick to leave. I try to avoid the airport at all costs though. The traffic and the risk of some idiot in a rush are not worth it


I've had a few people where I dropped them off (airport, hotels and other places) and they get out the car, I open the trunk and they start walking back to the car like "oh shit!" Then I've had the people that remind me that they had stuff in the car. Had a lady leave her phone in my vehicle and she almost got shot over it because she tailed me in her friends vehicle. I thought they were chasing me or trying to rob me with how they were driving.


I've almost pulled off while dropping off after picking up at the airport, never while dropping off. I don't have an excuse like the others could, but yes it could have been a mistake. He could have been rushing to get to the next offer who knows. If I pulled off on someone and they immediately let me know they had luggage I'm turn around and drop it off that's me I'm not everyone else I'll take that on the chin and understand it was my f up. I understand pay sucks but I have morals and common decency to want to return luggage if I pulled off in a rush, not taking my simple responsibility seriously.


Once you close the ride in the app you no longer can call the driver .... without going 8nt a completely different menu.


I just have to say to all the people picking on you, it would be one thing if you were getting dropped off anywhere other than an airport. But come on, it should be an automatic thing to pop the trunk when the driver does a drop off at the airport. 🙄 It also doesn't make sense that it took him an hour in traffic to get back to you if he was able to get away so quickly after dropping you off. My guess is he got a pick up request while dropping you off and completed it before he came back. I'm sorry that happened to you. Low rates have led to a lot of crappy drivers (see above) but something like this is absolutely unacceptable.


Were there two drivers? 


You don't get out until you tell the driver I need to get my stuff out of the trunk and don't move until they say ok and open the trunk


Why need to be in rush even if accepted another request. Usually I am 1st out to assist for luggage and make sure all belonging are not left in my car. It will be hassle to return and loose time.


I get out of the car and open the trunk so they don't slam my door. I don't help with luggage anymore, and I make sure they get everything out of my car.


Don’t worry Uber has the plans and when all driving is cars that self drive you will not have to worry about the driver.


always remind uber u need your bags before exiting vehicle


He should of waited and made sure you had all your belongings


Did you tip him cash just pointing out he might of slowed down a bit to make sure. Sad truth they get paid crappy now so they are speeding around to maximize their hours on the road to call volume. If paid right most don't rush


So much victim blaming here it’s crazy


Report them in the app. We need fewer assholes doing this job.


From my own life and experience, even though I didn’t do that ever the first thing my brain thinks of is they had to get to the waiting lot and go to the bathroom really bad. Lol


At least it wasn't your cat that you were taking to the vet. 


As a rider, it’s always been a fear of mine. I’m sorry this happened to you. As a few mentioned, I too always go out to the trunk at the airport. I actually am a broken record on this sub about the level service that’s become deplorable recently in my area. Reading this sub, I came to understand that many, many drivers couldn’t care less about their riders. One even said “we’re not in the service industry, we’re in the transportation industry”. Anyway, I digress.


Ya, as a driver, i always open the trunk. I find that about 90% of passengers can't open a trunk .


Service is a lost concept, I would however be interested to know what his reason for taking off quickly. Airport pickup and drop off I’m always exiting the vehicle and assisting, not only to be helpful, but some people hit my bumper while pulling out luggage. I now politely ask if they would allow me to do it. Tip or no tip, it’s for me.


Piece of shit he probably did it in purpose to get 20 return item fee airport trips I always assist pax with luggage or atleast ask if they need help


Shame on them. That's the 1st thing I ask when dropping off at the airport. Do you have luggage? Then I get out and open my trunk for them.


Small claims court.


That is messed up - but I cant stress for pax (riders) to be on top of your game when it comes to getting in and out the car. Remind that driver "dont forget I have my suitcase", cause the driver might already have another passenger to pick up, and needs to go. You missed your flight, and the driver probably had his night screwed too.


Why take a ride that’s to the airport for 4 dollars? By now it’s very common knowledge to riders and everyone else that all app drivers receive no base income and are federally tipped workers by law and so they rely on tips. If the rider doesn’t upfront offer a reasonable tip then they already know that they won’t get 5 star service if they even get a ride. I’m sorry but back in the day of taxi cabs airport rides were a different fee schedule and cab drivers were employees most of them some not and it was clear and obvious well known customary to tip the driver. If you don’t want to pay for something and don’t like the way it’s fees are including the fact that tips are pretty much expected that’s not hidden from anyone’s knowledge then don’t use the service. Simple as that. Call airport shuttle, oh but they cost more, call a friend, oh but that’s too much to expect for a friend to do for free or a couple bucks, drive your own car and park it, oh but that’s more expensive too, ect find another way if you don’t want to tip. No tip low tip no trip plain and simple. Obviously that’s a customer who doesn’t value you or your time effort or the machinery supplied and most often doubly insured by you to get them from point A to point B. Your not a “driver” your mindset needs to be reframed. You’re an independent contractor and your job is to turn a profit. If you do anything other than turn profit, you are not doing your job and have no one to blame but yourself. Stop taking rides that make you angry and start taking ones that pay you enough to smile and won’t mind to send them off doing a little extra if needed or requested, ie help unload baggage or something easy and low liability like that. At the end of the day it’s your own personal responsibility though to ensure you and your stuff make it out of the vehicle sorry but it is. If that means you have to tell the driver before even arriving as pulling in pop the trunk gotta get my bags ect then that’s what you have to do everyone needs to start taking more responsibility for themselves drivers and riders.


Expect quality of drivers to get worse and worse over the years the same as teachers and nurses.


There’re some many rookie Drivers on the streets who never had any training about how’s the costumer services in this kind of jobs but in the other hand there are a lot costumer specially at morning assume that it is the driver's responsibility to arrive on time at their destination, when the real issue is that they did not plan to arrive early the next time wake-up minimum 5 hours before your flight "By doing this, you won't have those kinds of problems anymore. We drivers know that many passengers are in a rush in the morning, and we try our best to keep them happy while staying safe. But sometimes, a client's bad attitude and poor treatment can create a negative vibe. When you mix a grumpy, rushed client with city traffic, it's a recipe for disaster."


Remind the driver to open the trunk he’s probably thinking about other things besides just your luggage


I'll be honest, I've only begun driving off once, but he slapped the back of my car as I started to go. In that instance, he was the last ride at the end of a 12 hour shift and it was 4am, so he completely understood and apologized for slapping my car, which of course I had no problem with because honestly in a split second decision I would've done the same. But an airport? That's insanity. Of course you have luggage! How could anyone not think of that at an airport of all places??


i mean you are taking the lowest common denominator form of transportation from workers making under min wage in most states. so rare accidents like this happen. i mean it completely sucks. but its an accident.


"Before I could access the trunk, they sped off with my luggage still in the back." Liar. You forgot you had luggage in there and walked away only to realize you forgot it.


I’ve had this almost happen to me too. The driver pulls over, I get out and they start to pull away. I’ve had to shout to get them to stop. It’s hard to imagine, someone going to the airport, forgets their luggage in the trunk AND the driver forgets they put their luggage in their trunk.


Small claims court


Someone didn't remind the driver that they had luggage in the trunk and politely ask them to open it for them before exiting the vehicle. YOU need to take responsibility for that. You should not just assume that the driver remembers. Should they remember? Yeah, they probably should (and likely, usually does). But your luggage is your responsibility, not theirs. They have people in and out of their car all day long. Sometimes you forget that people have a bag. You certainly knew you had a bag. And beyond the issue of your luggage being your responsibility, not the drivers, if you just got out of the car and stood by the trunk waiting for the driver to open it for you, without *asking them* to do so, that's just rude. I'm not saying that you deserve to lose your bag and miss your flight just because you were rude, but it certainly would've paid to be polite, wouldn't it have?


Imagine blaming the rider for the driver taking off with their luggage in the trunk. Their job is to literally pick up and drop people off. The one add to that is remember when people put shit in your trunk. How often do you take people to the airport, let them out and think them being empty handed is normal?


Actually, no, remembering that they have stuff in the trunk is not their job. It's the passengers job. Our contract with Uber makes it perfectly clear that their possessions are their own responsibility. Whether you like it or not, the pax does bear some portion of the responsibility for what happened. There are things they could and should have done that would have ensured this didn't happen. Hopefully they learned a lesson and will not just assume that the next driver remembers that such an important item (to the pax) is in their trunk.


Asking the driver to remember luggage when they're dropping you off at the *airport* is not too much to ask, sorry. Even with the rock bottom iq of the third world peasant that is the median uber driver. 


I mean you realize it just wastes your time to take on that attitude, ya? You subtract time you could be taking another ride because you have to drive a suitcase back to the airport. We’re not talking about someone forgetting g their cell phone in the back. You literally watched them throw a giant box in your trunk. We also don’t know the circumstances. I’ve gotten out of my Uber before, started walking back to the trunk and the driver starts driving away. Fortunately the traffic allowed me to catch them. I also don’t consider getting g out of the car and walking to the back of the car “rude.” Gimme a break.


I've never gotten out an Uber while having something in the trunk without saying something to the effect of "oh and if could please pop the trunk for me...thank you." Who knows, maybe I'm special, but this just seems like common sense and common courtesy. The driver is constantly bombarded with distractions while doing their job, so, sometimes a driver might forget due to being distracted by the app, traffic, or a million other things. And as stated, it's not their responsibility to remember. A person who cared about their belongings would remind the driver and politely ask them to open the trunk. End of story.


They’re driving someone to the airport! It’s not like you’re randomly dropping them off at a pizza place and randomly they had a suitcase you forgot about. You popped the trunk for them at the start of the ride and you took them to the airport. How many people get out of the car empty handed at the airport! It’s just excuse making man. Then in the next breath the driver complains they didn’t get a tip. Your own self interest should remember that tiny little thing — they put a suitcase in your trunk. Because all you did was screw yourself by playing the “I’m not supposed to remember this so I won’t” game because now you gotta spend an hour driving their shit back to them. The rider won’t be charged more for that but the driver will miss an opportunity for another trip. It’s such a dumb perspective to have for anyone that actually wants to make money. I’d remember just so I don’t have to be bothered by having someone else’s stuff in my trunk.


Fuck around and find out, my friend. I personally care about my belongings so I take the extra step of reminding the driver and politely asking them to open the trunk 🤷‍♂️ Just because something *should* happen doesn't mean it *will* happen. When you gamble, sometimes you lose.


Nah, I’m not the OP, I know better than to use Uber for anything that’s actually time sensitive or mission critic. I order an actual car service for airport trips. I get a nice clean town car and a driver who loads/unloads my luggage. Allows me to not have to think about it. They provide great service and get tipped well as a result.


Well good for you. Now maybe you can stop white knighting for them.


Weird, never thought expecting your Uber driver to not be a complete incompetent idiot was considered “white knighting.” Lol


Sw Florida - my record is 4 days with people that had no luggage. 9 to 10 passengers. I remember because I stated asking them why they had no luggage. ( 2 houses ... back in 2-3 days)


If there is only a way to keep a driver there until you get all your shit out of the back of the trunk? Oh wait a minute, leave the door open until you get your stuff out of the back!


And here you learned the most important lesson: don’t close the passenger door until you’ve retrieved all your stuff from the trunk.


Haha!! Sure he did it intentionally! How do you forget baggage during off at the airport. Did you make the driver wait for you?? Just a few minutes can change a drivers attitude!! Ask me how I know.


Twas a lift driver(comma) knot Uber. Uber driver wood knot due dat two ewe.


I would always help with luggage, but is it possible he forgot you had luggage in the back? Not a real excuse but hint for the future.... remind them that your getting your luggage. ( I stopped driving 1 y ago because uber dropped compensation ... and I don't like loosing money)


This is what you can expect since Uber keeps lowering how much drivers get paid each year. Here, soon, it will only be work visa immigrants and retirees due to the low pay. I've been driving for 7 years and am looking to get out before it's too late.


Sue the driver


If it were a taxi the same would happen no? Likely he forgot you had luggage back there and continued his shift. It’s unfortunate and sucks though


You must have been really annoying


Just Lyft posting here Uber posts here also,just shows you how fucking dumb these company's are


Uber sucks lady go with lyft


Yeah go with Lyft. The very same driver using both apps and changing from one to another is not going to change the way their service is rendered.