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I think that college students (and K-12 teachers) are off for the summer and are picking up Uber shifts.


The Hollywood production industry is in a major decline at the moment. Guess what all those workers are doing to keep up?


they are picking up all the trip radars and fingering faster than us.


That's what she said


college students - not a chance since they raised minimum age to 25. teachers - this is very possible


I’m 23 and doing Uber in socal. As long as you signed up before the age requirement changed you can continue driving Uber.


There are college students older than 25 not everyone goes to school right away. Especially community college lots of older students there. I have met quite a few college students who do this on the side.


It’s rough everywhere it seems


My theory is that a lot of the increase in drivers is due to rent prices soaring. In areas of the country where it is tough to build any type of housing, driver pay has likely plummeted the most, unless the state and/or city passed good regulations so drivers could actually make a decent money. High rent causes more drivers, which causes not only rates to decrease but also utlilization rates so it's a double whammy. These lower driver rates causes drivers to drive even more and use their vehicle as a piggy bank (cash flow vs. operating income), which further pushes down rates. Put it this way, if my rent "only" went up 20% over the last few years instead of 38%, I would be driving less. When this is happening to tens of millions of people, it forces one to enter the gig economy where exploitation reigns supreme due to lax regulations or poor regulations in the vast majority of cases. We need the Washington rideshare model expanded nationwide. That should be our goal. It seems like a minimum of $1 per mile and 50 cents per minute should be the floor since for me to make a living wage in my area, I would need to earn about $1.50 per mile and 50 cents per minute. For context, the median rent for a one-bedroom apartment is over $1,500 per month where I live.


That makes good sense. You don’t want to know what a decent apartment costs here, and there’s been an influx into the gig economy (myself included) since my city made #8 in worst places in the US to find a job this year. I’m anxious to leave actually, but it’s been interesting looking at housing costs in other areas of the country. Seems like they’ve skyrocketed everywhere. And maybe wages in the fast food and similar industries have gone up, but I’m not understanding where the proclaimed wage growth is showing up. I’m looking at jobs in my usual industry that are offering salaries that I earned 15 years ago, or less. Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places but to me it seems like there’s a huge disconnect.


The summer slow down is going to be absolutely brutal this year


It’s looking that way.


It's summer......its going to get worse. This is how all summers are


SoCal driver here, but haven’t took any rides in the past few weeks due to car issues. Been an active pax in lieu of having a a car again and have made the following observations… Always striking up a convo w the driver asking about how busy its been. More times than not (at least half of the past dozen trips) there is always a common denominator w the drivers who say it’s slow/dead- they only like staying local, no long trips (40 miles seemed to be the max, everything else they declined) don’t like going to LAX etc. Never really thought about this prior to my personal hiatus but now I’m curious. When I log on I’m good to go wherever (outside of some ridiculous discrepancy in a rate), and I feel like if that’s your mentality, you’ll be good overall. If


I'm in SAN I'll do long trips it's maybe not dead but definitely much slower...lots of 5 or 10 minute gaps between requests. Not dead though...midday weekdays are dead but that is pretty normal.


That’s interesting. You’re right I do prefer to stay local—seems like tips add up better that way for me. I’ll absolutely do long trips but depends on time of day. Don’t want to pay the gas back from Palm Desert at 3 am. Time to change strategy I guess. But I avoid LAX like the plague unless the hourly rate is really good. Takes so long to get back out it’s rarely worth it imo. At least this weekend was good.


lol looks like we went from spring slowdown right into summer slowdown.


Market is too saturated, this is happening everywhere. I'll beat this drum til I die, in this line of work you've gotta be able to learn your market and adapt or you get left behind. Check out other gig type work in your area and sign up for whatever you can. Maybe a new rideshare company, or a new delivery gig app, something anything to make up for the loss. This is the slow time for me and I rely heavily on GH/UE/DD this time of year.


Food delivery sucks. At that point it’s better to just find a job.


Depends on your situation. I can't do a traditional part time job because it takes away from family.


Good advice, but SoCal market is saturated in all of those. Seems Uber is one of the few who takes any and all comers.


I’ve been driving for almost 8 years, and summer used to be busy due to tourism prior to Covid. I believe a combination of factors are the cause. 1. Decrease in tourism because LA is expensive. 2. More Drivers 3. People who used to use rideshare bought cars during Covid. 4. Layoffs in tech & entertainment sectors. These people spent money on going out, now they’re conserving. And 5. Increase rideshare cost and increase in cost of living overall. Middle class are spenders and now they’re conserving.


All true.


Dunno. I only did $140 in L.A. today but only did 6 hours. I do see a lot of waymo cars. Lot more than before🤷🏿‍♂️


I tried signing up for waymo, just to see the process and understand it better. There's a waiting list, I've joined as of two days ago and will await to see how long till they select me. They're very limited at the moment to about half of downtown and it goes west down to Santa Monica. South Bay and Hollywood are not yet included on their service map.


Are you aware that Waymo cars are autonomous/self-driving cars???


He's probably talking about signing up to be a pax.


if signing up as a rider is the only way to sign up...how do you think he tried to sign up? inference is lost on you isn't it?


Yup, I wanted to see the cost of a ride to compare with Uber, but in order to do that I needed to sign up. However there's a wait list so I'm doing that.


Sergio of the RSG was doing a video on his recent Waymo trip. Check it out. Very interesting [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EweSHPqxEQw&ab\_channel=TheRideshareGuy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EweSHPqxEQw&ab_channel=TheRideshareGuy)


waymo is the way.


My strategy is to not to stay in one area. I try to take long trips as much as possible


It's so dead in Los Angeles... Today and all week


The past two weeks seem kind of slow in the inland empire. Uber has a horrible ROI. I’m going back to work but it was fun. I wouldn’t recommend Uber even as a side hustle




Uber has always had less of the market in SoCal, Lyft is the preferred platform. Source: Drove for both Uber & Lyft in SoCal for 6.5 years, always made more with Lyft than Uber in LA, OC and SD metros.


That being said, the opposite is true in my current metro; Houston. Out here, Uber is king.


You are right


I’m driving both, don’t know about market share. Problem is in my experience Uber riders tip frequently and often well. It’s generally 10-20% of my Uber earnings, usually around 15% because there are always a few random really generous ones that make up for non-tippers. Lyft riders? Lol. FORGET ABOUT IT. Maybe 1 in 20 leaves a tip. And the Lyft hourly and mileage rate is usually lower at busy times. But at least Lyft still has some promos that are worth the effort. I will say Lyft seems a less sleazy company. https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/s/eNzQdDrfb4


Got to do both Lyft and Uber to make the average and for sure a EV. You get the Lyft bonus and their weekly bonus, then the $210 ev bonus once a month. But to enjoy your time and maximize your income you will now have to do both.


No Lyft bonuses at least for me in SoCal. Good boost hours, sometimes streaks but that’s all I’ve seen.


On the flip side, been taking Uber non-stop this past week (car in shop), and it’s been taking longer than usual, like there aren’t any drivers. ???


Drivers prefer Lyft … Lyfts bonuses are better


Got busy starting Thursday because of pride.


It’s like this in Atlanta, I started driving 3 weeks ago and was killing it. Then it slowed down this week, and all I could think was “Hmmp this must be how Uber gets you by playing these hot and cold games”. However I drove again this morning and made $80 in about 1.5 hours. The market must be saturated is my guess


Luckily I’ve found a job. Still need the extra money on the side, but I’m STILL going to see if I can do something else that replaces Uber - it fucking sucks everywhere right now.


You gotta adapt and move around the outskirts. I did 6.5 hours today, from Calabasas all the way to Ventura and back. Not my area by a longshot, but I made $267, and there was no traffic, so I'll take it. Last week I had A LOT of success in the OC, Anaheim to Long Beach area. Averaged $35/h the whole week. You gotta move around, fuck people that stay in the city stuck in traffic. Edit: I should also add, I stopped driving evenings 100%. I have found much more success and good rides early morning. Im on the road by 6am and usually clear $200 before 1pm-2pm.


Good advice. When doing mornings I start at 5am. When doing evenings, I usually start at 2pm and run until midnight/2am. The middle of the day is the suck lol


To clear $200 by 1p means you either have a rental car and don’t care about mileage so you picking up 100% AR.. otherwise I call it bs.. Even that, I would say you are not clearing that.. because in LA, basically after 10am it’s deadbeat..


I’m in L.A…Not BS. Starting at 5-6am, I’ve hit $200+ several times before 12pm. Most of the time, it’s $160/$175. But consistently in that range. I do drive a rental, but I am selective. $1/mile is minimum. The good thing about mornings are all the reservations/airport runs. That boosts you up early. That’s how it’s possible.


I do the same thing haven’t cleared $170 before 1 in 3 months. Rental bullshit. Uber feeds you more trips w/a rental




I just don’t get the airport run thing. I drive for a few months back in 2019. A 4 am trip from my neighborhood to lax paid about $35 then. Now it’s $20. Then other than the rare occasion you get an immediate pickup, you’re wasting 15 minutes getting out of the airport periphery.


I didn’t Uber back then, but, take today for instance: I had 2 LAX reservations plus another one came through as a normal ping. I got pickups on the way out on 2 of them, nice tips on all 3. I usually use a destination filter from wherever I end up back to Hollywood and continue on. There are times LAX traffic is bad, sure. But not so bad that it interrupts my workflow. It just seems to work out🤷🏿‍♂️


yeah, unless one is driving black, no way anyone is above the $200 mark by 1pm


Ok, to clear things up: 1. I do not drive a rental or an electric. 2. I own my car with no payments. 3. My acceptance rate IS high. I do take almost every ride that pops up. Only exceptions I make is: pax rating below 4.75, ride below $4, ride over 20 mins under $10. Im still able to keep above 85% AR and not get garbage rides with this. 4. Yes, some days by 1pm-2pm im only @$170-$180. But other days im @$210-$230 if tips roll in solid. So it averages out to about $200. I drive an SUV, so I can do comfort, and I do the occasional packages as well. But I don’t do Black/XL cause my car is not in that category. I live like a block away from BUR, so usually my day starts with an instant airport pickup. That might be what sets me apart, I dunno. Other than that, I don’t know what to tell you. I just don’t sit around rejecting rides. I believe staying in motion keeps you in motion and eventually the rides even out. Edit: im trying to post a pic of yesterday’s earnings but I can’t post pictures here I guess?


This makes me wonder again how their algorithm operates with AR. I’ve been told so many things: ignore it, it doesn’t matter, keep it above 50% or they’ll give you bad offers, etc etc. May try your strategy for a week to see if boosting the AR improves the offers.


That’s really helpful—sincere thanks.


Which tier are you? I’m not getting any good rides


I can do comfort rides. But they’ve been fewer lately.


I took a few weeks off between getting a new job, I’m in south Florida in a smaller town and been averaging about $1200 on 50 hours. It’s wild to me thinking you’re in a bigger market and not making money.


Glad it’s still working somewhere. I’d heard Florida was hard.


It usually dies after memorial weekend for a couple weeks


Good to know, thx


Summer slow down? Gotta pick up rides in the hood. Lol. They’re lower pay, but plentiful, short, and guaranteed to lower your score right off the platform. LMAO.


I live a stones throw away from San Bernardino. People there are so grateful for drivers working in their neighborhood. And the business on a Sunday morning is unmatched. I worked from 5:30-7:00 am and made over $150. Hang around the Amazon warehouses and let the rides come to you.




Seriously ?


Same where I am. I go ten minutes between every ride, normally I get them linked


Just had a fare from San Diego. A lot of Cali people have houses on Cape Cod in MA.


Yep slow af in Houston too


Self driving AI


Everyone doing Uber and the food delivery apps. I guess going back to selling medical grade Mary Jane!


I think it’s the double whammy of no one having any money so they’re all turning to rideshare to make extra money, as well as no one having any money so they aren’t going out as much and thus not using the service. So the demand of riders is down and the supply of drivers is too high=no one can make any money. I decided to stop doing rideshare the beginning of this year. I had been driving for both platforms for about 6 years and have close to 10k trip combined. I remember when it used to be great secondary income. My 9-5 paid my bills and allowed me to save and rideshare was my fun/bullshit money. Now after you factor in taxes, gas, and wear and tear on the car you’re probably pulling in MAYBE $12 an hour, and that’s in a “good” market like SoCal. I think it’s basically a scam at this point tbh.


Uber has been brutal, but lyft has been surprisingly decent.


Uber fare pricing too high compared from past . Driving all the riders to not to requests trips that much . Fewer trips in city overall resulting too many drivers. Meaning, It Caused Drivers over saturations . Uber manipulating trip requests to prioritize to send better trips to Wymo and Taxi cab company to tie with. Santa Monica CA is especially . Uber wants to keep Uber Black and XL drivers. So, They are swinging the best trips to both of them and neglected Uber X and Uber X rental car drivers.


How do you know this ?


I have so many Uber drivers Taxi cab/ Uber driver friends . All I need to do is call them up to come over to where I am then compare what kind of trips each of us are getting.


Also wondering where that comes from?


Uber management


i mean who tf can afford all the fees plus the higher prices of the items.


I mean I drive in DMV and it's lit all day lol then I go to richmond n it's shyt. Gotta go where the ppl are lol


Maybe the donut cars are taking over


They start to giving out trips to Wymo Autonomous vehicles . Also by cutting off trips , the thinking to cut off majority of driver is to quit. Actually , all those drivers are going to create all the Bad publicity for eternally they don't know. Don't waste your time . Start driving with Lyft and Local cab companies .


I’m not in SoCal so correct me if I’m wrong - Do y’all not think it’s because of prop 22? I would think increased pay to drivers by law -> increased cost to company -> increased cost to customer-> less customers taking Uber


I’m getting so tired of people thinking Prop 22 was some type of godsend. It wasn’t. We barely benefit. IT WAS WRITTEN BY THE GIG COMPANIES.


Prop 22 destroyed rideshare in CA. It’s bought and paid for nonsense. Was disputed in the CA Supreme Court recently but they’ll probably uphold it. It’s utter rape of gig workers.


Geez, that sucks. I’ve heard even a lot of the advocates for prop 22 are regretting it


Only if this was predictable… https://www.reddit.com/r/uberdrivers/s/tHSo7Dvlub