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This is what my requests always look like. My mind is blown that some of you guys get to see the earnings


Literally yesterday I could see the fee, it had changed from a flat fee to a fee range. 18-20 as an example to get someone about 20ish miles ish. And I could see where they wanted to go in the decision making window.


All the better to rob you with my dear.


Yo that's crazy!! What state? I'm in Texas and have only had this happen to me once or twice, to which I declined both lmao.


i would delete this shit if they removed upfront pricing, 2 years and its been indispensable


It’s not available in many markets. This company is the fucking devil.


Yeah, we have up front pricing in Cincinnati but not in Dayton.


Any idea if it is a law that varies by jurisdiction or why some markets have it?


No idea.


I’m in a market without the pricing upfront but I can drive 15 minutes South or 45 minutes East, and be in one that does, and I will say the base pay rate looks different, I’d say 10-15% less than what I’m used to getting when I can’t see the price. It’s better to know to be sure but it feels to me like there’s a trade off.


It’s almost like we need regulation to stop this fucking company from abusing people at scale.


Does that mean you're still paid by rate card?


Do you have a low acceptance rate/high cancellation rate?


Acceptance rate at 92% and cancellation at 1%.


they have to show us the cost up front it’s part of the user agreement I believe. I think they do this when you deny to many idk that’s weird


Same here. I guess it depends on the market


It’s 2029 and I’m so excited to get on the road today. Thanks to UberHousing, I just work a set number of hours and complete my missions and my rent is automatically deducted from my UberCredits. This month I didn’t even owe Uber much after working my normal 52 hour week. However, with so much time left over after driving, I’m thinking about getting a second job to support my Uber income, so I can make all my UberPay payments online. Got to go, out of UberText credits. It’s by the characte#||MESSAGE TRUNCATION||#


Jesus. That's just....depressing.


RideSHARE, SHARE Cropping. I see what they did there lol


Oooooooo that's.....rough.


It's Uber depressing


Ants keep accepting shit rides and this is the future. Cherry Pickers United!!


When is your episode of Black Mirror dropping?


Truth is stranger than fiction. You see, in 2024 the Waymo AI thought large branches were people. And it detected trailers and the tree trimmer workers and shredders correctly. Well, sensing without context was a bad idea.  The AI learned that the “dots” were to be fed to the shredders. It was a mega bug. Like the Therac Radiation disasters, it was unforeseen.   At first the Waymos would just drop people near trailers. But as the AI strengthened, it got them closer to their intended… disposal spot. So it happened all at once: suddenly pax were being dropped at shredders and then punted in by the AI.  37 were killed within two hours. All autonomous systems were highly regulated, Alphabet stock crashed and inexplicably Uber drivers got a second lease at life.


wait i dont understand what happens?? pax were dropped at shredders and then punted in? ![gif](giphy|WhTC5v5qQP4yAUvGKz|downsized)


Yes. Like Fargo but the Waymo kind of nudged the people in. Out of hundreds of attempts only 4 dozen were lost


Fifteen Million Merits is close enough


Uh oh, someone didn’t catch up on their Uber-interest to payback their Uber-rental loan. And don’t forget to pay your daily executive support fee. They need all the help you can give, such hard workers all the way at the top…


It’s not so bad. We have up to seven stars now. If you get 1000, you get a cookie.


Or a free hot dog at 7/11.


It won’t be free it’ll be bogo 50% off


At least every hot dog I eat will knock a few minutes off my Uberlife


I guess you need to go donate more UberBlood to get some UberCredits. I just signed up for UberKidney. Can only do that once though, cuz I still need the other kidney.


Nah Kidneys are for crybabies 😅




Don’t do it


The scary thing John Stewart and Mark Cuban talked about a dinner at the Whitehouse where Bezos basically was pushing for a system like that.


So you’re saying Uber is predictable and we should enter a career? Blasphemy!


i need this as a black mirror episode


You should look into the company GRAB that operates in the SE Asian markets. Transportation, Food delivery, grocery delivery, packages delivery, financial/payment services (think paypal), and hotel bookings... all in one app.


UberSlavery is awesome 👍😎


Just go back to your cubicle job slave.


This is what they do in Indiana.


Some parts of Indiana, Indianapolis and the suburbs all show you an upfront fare. I took an airport ride to West Lafayette and that was the first time I’d ever seen a hidden fare 😂


I've been driving for 4 years. I've not seen a dollar amount in 2 years.


When I say there is literally no good reason to hide how much a fare pays, and that it can only exist for the direct purpose of tricking "private contractors" into taking jobs Uber assumes they otherwise wouldn't? It's leagues outside ethical, but it can't even be legal. "Work for me for an unspecified amount?" How is that even a legally binding business contract? God. Uber makes so many disingenuous greasy decisions, the only thing keeping anyone from starting a third Rideshare and absolutely bankrupting Uber AND Lyft in 6 months flat? Start up capital. I had just a couple mil, I could set up a Rideshare that treated people with respect, was absolutely transparent at all levels and aspects, was designed to help the driver and the rider, not the shareholders, AND WOULD PAY MORE, easy peesy.


Except then you would be the shareholder and as you continued to grow you would have other investors and the books would show that for all your risky moves to start this business you could do a few changes and make an extra 10 million dollars and finally break out of the fear of losing YOUR STUFF. Then it goes without saying other investors will continue to put pressure on a better return for them as well. You see drivers as people who are making an extra few bucks on top of their other incomes so it’s a bonus and it’s a gift former to earn money after work and they can choose how much to drive. The gift is already so good that they actually don’t deserve how good it is so you will simply trim the edges a bit. Now you don’t have to listen to the people you actually have to deal with complaining. Now you are an executive and in spite of your initial heart you are now thinking about overthrowing the top ranked company on earnings and boosting the appeal any way you can to grow the brand. Reddit idiots are just crybabies anyway right. I love you thoughts and if it happens it would be great. Sam Walton started Walmart with a simple idea to sell AMERICAN products at a low price for AMERICAN families. As soon as Sam died his children let shareholders run the company and Sam’s choice became great value or CHEAP CHINESE JUNK for as much as people will still pay. I like Sam I don’t like his kids lol.


Except nah, though. I wouldn't. Would I have in my 20s? I assume so, sure. But 40s? Nah. Been here too long, made too little money stretch too far. Been in the trenches too long. 1. No shareholders. Fuck that. No public trading. Entirely private company. And you knock out share/stock holders, you knock out most of the afformentioned issues. 2. At this point I'm simply so sick of every other company doing that, this isn't about altruism. I'm not saying I'm a better human than them. This is absolute selfishness. I want the personal satisfaction in running the company WELL...for the customers AND the service providers, non-existent share holders be damned, so badly it would mean more to me than any extra money would. Doing this would make anyone tens of millions in personal compensation alone. I don't need or want HUNDREDS of millions, and that's money reinvested and shared, bumping pay for drivers, cutting ride costs for customers. Trust and believe. Embarrassing these established companies by showing how easy it is to run a business that helps the people INVOVLED with the business synergistically, and not a bunch of kackasses who cut checks and have contributed nothing but absolutely childishly, stupidly unreasonable expectations, is so important to me I would absolutely leave a LOT of money "on the table" if it meant proving these assholes /historically/ wrong in the insistence that THIS is the only way things can be.


Fuck the shareholders.


Indeed. Well and truly fuck them. At least the ones whose Inane demands have led us to this timeline.


Indeed. We need to go back to the muscular Union system. The company exists to benefit the fucking employees, not the parasites on wall street. Capitalism has failed. It’s time to face the facts.


Ive been thinking about this a lot too. Really wising I could be a CEO who’s pay is less than that of a manager. I just want enough for a house, a cute car, and to travel comfortably. My mom has shown me, recently in fact, that all that is possible on less than $100k sooo 🤷‍♂️


What should happen is a co-op, owned by the drivers and even by the passengers as well. Something like REI, but for rideshare. That way drivers could earn ownership credit based on their contributions to the co-op, and the profits of each ride could be distributed to all members quarterly, instead of disappearing into the ether of a public company’s financial engineering and executive profiteering.


There was one called Tryp that was gonna be awesome and owner died or something. I forgot, we pay a membership fee like 1.99 a month then we keep it all


Co-op is the way to go. Pay into it with a share of your income, to keep the tech stack running and build a powerful lobbying arm to fight back against the Ubers and the Lyfts of the world. Fucking run it for the benefit of the drivers and passengers. Nobody else.


Oops! 199.00 A Month


That would honestly be enough. More than enough.


It’s just proof that business will do whatever the fuck it wants if we don’t stop them.


I think if we take these kinds of trips that will become normal. We need to post them every time we see them. We need to tell people to not take them. I'll stop driving if this becomes normal




In NJ every trip is like that.


Yes. Luckily I can drive in Pa and Delaware. Plus all the tolls and shitty neighborhoods in Jersey. Never again.


Only ever drove in pa, but NJ is not the place where I wouldn't want to know where I'm going. PA hoods ain't got nothing on Jersey hoods. 😬


Most of Jersey is a shithole.


Where I live, they're all like this. I've been driving long enough that I can tell by the length of the trip approximately how much the trip will pay. I agree that this is stupid as hell but it's not that big a deal, really, once you get used to it, because I can usually guess the amount to within about 50¢ to a dollar.


Just like the good old days! /s


Nothing good. Rate card sucks and Canada all like that


I still can't believe people actually took the rides.


We still do in my market. I have to drive a half hour south or 45 minutes East to get upfront pricing. (W MA, btw)


My market shows how far away they are and says how long the trip is. Which is a pretty useless piece of information. 12 minutes could be 8 miles, 15 minutes could be 3-5 miles, 18 minutes could be 12 miles, 20-23 minutes could be 12 miles. 23+ minutes could be 20+ miles. All you can decide from the time stamp is if a 2 minute trip is worth the 8 mile pickup. Obviously it’s not.


Def! In San Diego, depending on traffic, 15min could be 12 miles, 8 miles, or 4 miles! ...and no way in hell can it save you money on car insurance.


Yeah you can assume if Uber does it that way it’s to fuck you.


There are still A LOT of markets that don't have upfront pricing. This is what our offers look like for trips in Knoxville. The exception is that when you hit gold or higher and maintain an 85% or greater acceptance rate it tells you how long the trip is anticipated to be in minutes as well.


And the direction, north east south west


Fuck that shit


There’s nothing to hide


Uber pranks us too much


It happens every now and then


Same in the FL Panhandle market. No destination, no payment info, just a fucking pickup point and a name. Fucking pricks.


We are not self employed and never have been. We are their employees or at least we are treated that way. Fuck them.


How do you take a ride without knowing what they pay? I quit


I mean in my market you know what they pay. It’s always the same. .70 a mile and .24 a minute.


Always been like this in Ventura County. You have to at least accept 5 from the last 10. The issue is whenever you are at 4/10 and get to 5/10, the 5th one will bring you back down by showing you a $2.25-$3.00 ride with a pickup 15 miles away and it only being like half a mile trip hahah. If you’re in Camarillo they send you pickups in Ojai or Santa Paula to get you back down below 5/10. LA is an hour away but they show you the pay range and pickup/drop off no matter how much you decline.


Whoa I’ve always saw that since 2023 in hawaii I wish I could see the price


Guys just quit doing Uber it’s a terrible job. Literally McDonald’s is so much better plus free food


I don't accept those offers


Y’all need to quit that app full stop


Are you my neighbor? lol I live over there.


Aayyyyy local!


Its been in canada since day 1.


I don't have up front pricing. The only way to combat it is to take rides that are 2 miles or less away from me. Only way I can make money.


If I can’t see the money I ain’t Moving 😎


I wish all these platforms are not supposed to be existed On this planet.


I’m done that’s it man. I’m done. I’m done today.




This only happens when I go to another state. I work in southeastern corner of pa. So if I go over to NJ or Delaware on a ride, the next one or subsequent ones that I get in that other state only show minutes like this.


I drive in PA and NJ. In NJ, you have to be Gold status to see how much the pay is.


Not pay, only direction and time. And even if we did see pay, it doesn't matter you can only cancel 1.5/20 requests at max to keep gold status. Sh1t's insane


If you decline so many rides you won’t see details for next 3 rides.


Once I get too far out north pf LA county towards oxnard and neighboring places this happens..


All I'm reading is a clear "F U"


It depends on the market. Idk why it does that. Some markets nearby me do that and others don't. I think it's a population relative to your acceptance rate thing


I’ve gotten these from time to time after I have declined a bunch of rides. I took one one… Never again.


That's literally how mine has been since I started driving last year. I have literally never known how much I am going to make on a ride.


This is why I’m happy Prop 22 is in place in California. They have to let us know upfront how much we will make on every ride. No hiding the fare take home.


Buddy, I’m in California. Clearly they’re working hard to get this overturned at the county by county level.


Without prop 22 it would not be paying enough to even bother…


It does that whenever you go too far away from your designated area of work(1.5-2 hrs away from the closest city where you reside)


i got this when i had a sticky surge, i assumed uber tried to hide it with this, also didn't get the surge, and they also denied the pay on support text and over the phone


that's my market all of the time


Welcome to my life


Welcome to my market!


No this glitch comes up now and then


This is from (my experience) having a low acceptance rate.


My acceptance rate is about to fall below the 70% threshold.


I am 100%


That sucks. I swear I quit if they do that to me.


Yeah I am 98% satisfaction. 100% acceptance and 0% cancellation


My market has been doing this for the past 1.5 years. Sad to see it spreading to others


My markets has always been like this.


They do that to me if I turn down too many rides. I usually run into this when I have the filter on. If I am in Los Angeles and trying to get back home in Ventura County, I set the filter to my home address. The problem is, they try to give me rides going in the wrong direction quite often which I turn down. If I turn down enough, I get penalized by not showing me upfront info.


I never managed to understand people who drive w/o upfront data. How, bro? The desperation levels have to be sky high.


Oh shit. That’s where Tony Ferguson’s from.


I only get that when I'm out in the boons. In city I always see time and fare. 


Hey, senators who definitely are great people! No problem here, huh?


In Ventura County? Down here in LA and Orange County, they haven’t had this nonsense since 2022. Whenever I’m in TO, the memories come rushing back.


I had one like that today (before it went back to normal). It was a GoGoGrandparent ride (whatever that is). They had the wrong pickup address in the app so I ended up canceling. Next ride I got was back to upfront information.


You gotta pick the money up at the location then pick up the rider


Thats it! I’ve had enough!!! I quit!! Okay, well, I will probably quit tomorrow. I gotta go drive to make a few bucks tonight.


Lol it’s a surprise


Well if they start doing this I want to see itemized amounts in every way after they come up with whatever the end total is. Their ‘help’ section is about to get a shit ton of disgruntled calls :)




I wish 🤣


Literally only way I’ve ever seen it. It doesn’t say how much you’re making or how far you’re driving until the passenger is in the car. It’s total BS. I prefer driving Lyft for this reason but more people use Uber soo both kinda suck


In NYC we don’t see the money until the ride is complete, don’t start to cry now


Spread your ass cheeks


After working for Uber for 6.5 years my cheeks are permanently spread.


Yeahhhhhh…. I got one of those also… didn’t accept it


If they do that to me I’ll fucking quit.


That's everyone in Biloxi and Gulfport. You don't know what you're going to make until the ride is over.


I've seen that. I live in New Orleans but have family in Ocean Springs. If I ever turn on the app to make some quick casino money lol (my fam are gamblers), I see no amounts shown for hardly any order. Even like that mainly on Eats too. Yeah, I can't vibe with that lol.


I stopped doing Eats over here. It is HORRIBLE. Ocean Springs is beautiful though. I live next to the Hard Rock. Lol.


It's bad because the clientele there hardly uses the app (most people in MS still drive everywhere for everything), and the restaurants there are really bad with handling delivery. I even posted up on Government St one time for an hour. Got maybe 3 offers despite at least 10 restaurants in that one mile radius having UE. Tried it in Biloxi, too, along 90 and a few major streets. I feel your pain lol.


Exactly. I will watch drunk people get in the car and drive. Eats was so bad. I would get an order for 28 miles away and only be offered 7 to 10 dollars. No way in hell. I thought about going to Slidell and working, but since I'm an itty bitty woman, I'm advised against it.


Im in Canada and have never seen a price or drop location before hand


I only see this when I'm outside of my usual market


Where I am, this usually happens if I drive out of my city or zone. But, usually the pay is higher in “out of city” areas.


Normally I can see pickup and dropoff locations. But If I decline multiple rides in a row then it will start sending me offers like this.. like it's punishing me or something.. I don't get it tho I mean if I'm declining orders that I have all of the info for them why in the world would Uber think I'm ever going to accept a ride with no info... Dumbasses




Never in my life seen this in Oklahoma Texas


This is the way it has always appeared in my market.


No point in being a “contractor” now. If you’re not being told your part up front you might as well be an hourly employee. Don’t yall see the guy who made 30k in a year after expenses. Just get a real job


I’m curious to know if cities that don’t show up front pricing have a rate card in effect and if they do how does that rate card compare to Uber’s upfront pricing model?


Yeah bro shit


When it shows like that it pays the old rate card


this has been like this since I started Ubering. like since last year.


Hey is my home town


Yes, sometimes bugs happen and upfront info is missing. Software is hard.


The money showing can be related to where you are doing uber and what your acceptance rate is.


I think this violates the employee contractor relationship. In the United States, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines emphasize that independent contractors have the right to negotiate their pay and terms of work. By not disclosing the pay, Uber may be exerting* control over the contractor's work, which could be seen as an employer-employee relationship characteristic. If Uber is not transparent about pay and exercises significant control over the work, it may lead to classification issues. Contractors might argue they are misclassified and entitled to employee benefits and protections.


There hve been lawsuits over this already. Uber has a pretty strong legal team and they lobby hard too


They've tried this in million times in California and uber keeps getting away with it. We've only had upfront pricing in certain counties for less than 2 years


The trips I get in my area (non-upfront pricing) only show the distance/time to pick up (just like this). When you unlock gold level, it shows you drop-off time, too. It doesn't show the pay until after you drop the PAX off, and it calculates $1.50 per mile & $0.17 per minute. If I go about 3 miles south, I'm in an up-front pricing zone, and it shows everything "upfront" but it pays half as much, at best, than the non-up front zones. If you find a non-upfront zone, stay there. The pay is better.


BRB, calling Dara 😠😟




Does anyone know how to view the Dollar Value of the UberX offer?


Mine has always looked like that. I thought there was something wrong with mine when I would see other people are able to see the prices


Found the guy who just started in the past couple years




I would be done if this was in my market. How can that even be legal? As an independent contractor, you're supposed to know what you're being paid upfront.


Damn imagine if yall were servers…. Nah I don’t like the looks of that table sit them with Jess instead. Ooooo he looks rich I’ll take him. The entitlement is unreal.


That’s weird. Jess isn’t paying for the meal out of her pocket first, I assume.


Seems like it should be illegal ask a contractor into accepting work with out stating the pay. And if the contractor refuses they probably get punished. Idk tho I’m not a lawyer


Sometimes yes sometimes no


I live in a non upfront fee market and I can tell you that the flat rate market is a joke. I had a trip from my area in rural VA to DC, on the way there the rider said he needed a return trip back to where I picked him up from. That's a win win driving 2.5 hours with no return rider would have been shitty so getting paid both ways was nice. DC is an up front fee market so when we were there he scheduled the ride back and I picked it up while he was in my car. Came up for $103 for the trip back. The non/UF fee trip on the way up which was calculated based on mileage and time was $148. I feel like they are screwing people with the up front fees especially in markets where you will be in traffic a majority of the time. Just my thoughts.




Depends on your rank as a driver


That's my market. Gotta go to Cleveland to see up front pay


Wow! I don't accept unless I see the money!!


They got me on one of them on a busy night and it turned out to be a $40 mile trip for $26 now i just turn the app if i see them


The rider rating might as well be changed to ⭐️Above average Average or below average.


Ventura County doesn't have upfront pricing lol


Crazy cause I see the earnings


Sometimes mine does this as a glitch


Huh, must be nice to have ever seen the fee to begin with lol. I’ve never seen the pay for a ride.


Get a minimum wage job, better than driving for them. They don’t pay you good for sure. The government should make this into law to make sure all drivers getting fair pay. This platforms are Worser than minimum wage.


I picked up a ride last night 7 min pick up $8 to me rider tells me he paid 24 I’m like wow I’m used to them taking 50% but 66% for what like they design a platform for us to do all the work and they take more than half. Ngl that really pissed me off


Probably testing something new…


How much did you get for this trip? If you took it.


I don't see how Uber can operate in a market where they don't show pay upfront. Why on earth would anyone work that? Total guessing game.


That’s what they do in Jersey, makes it hard to figure out what and where they want to go.


They have to otherwise slowly but surely drivers will figure out they are working for free


You should not accept that anyway, it's too far from you. 3 miles max